A/N: This came out of an afterthought about the scene in "Transformers: Exodus" by Alexander Irvine with Megatron and Orion Pax/Optimus Prime and the High Council. I figured that, if Transformers was riddled with slash, this would happen. It's fluffy with some shards of fiberglass sprinkled in it. Go ahead, give it a hug!

After the pit that was the council meeting, the new Optimus Prime followed his once-partner out to the badlands.

Tired of being stalked by his ex-brother, Megatron transformed out of his alt-mode to land roughly on the ground and draw himself up to his full height. "What do you want from me, Pax?" he refused to acknowledge Orion Pax's new designation.

Standing as tall as he could (still a frustrating head shorter than Megatron,) Optimus looked his former friend in his optics. "Please, Megatron, I did not want this, but I must accept it. We don't have to end this way."

The chopper's intakes cycled haughtily. "You opposed me before the entirety of Cybertron—'we' are already over."

"It doesn't have to be this way; let us merge our forces, we are for the same cause! We both want freedom, we merely have different ways of obtaining it.

"If we stopped the needless destruction, the heedless deaths, with my new place as Prime, we could easily reach our goal."

Megatron had to speak over the whirr of his fusion cannon warming up. "We are not for the same goals, brother." He spat the title like poison, "You are for your own gain and the gain of the Council. You want to bring glory to your name.

"When you sit comfortably on your throne of greed, remember who started you. Remember who made you what you are today." He aimed his cannon at the surface between them, blowing the ground apart. "We stand separated from now on."

Setting a pede on the ground across the new chasm between them, Optimus wrapped his servos around Megatron's neck cables. Lifting himself onto the tips of his pedes, he pressed their lipplates together.

"Brother, if you forget me… Please… Do not forget this."