My whole life I had been invisible. Well maybe not my whole life but it kind of felt that way. I was the girl school who no one ever noticed. Maybe I should back up a little. My name is Bella Swan. I've lived with my mom in probably every state but Alaska and Hawaii. Right now we were in the small town of Forks, Washington. It was an interesting change of pace after some of the big cities that I lived in in the past. You may be wondering why I moved so much. Is my mom in the military going from base to base? I kind of wish that were the case but it's not. My mom is what you call a MILF. If you haven't seen American Pie it stands for Mom I'd Like to…you can fill in the rest. She's always been good at getting men but once she has them she's been known to have a hard time holding onto them. We had just moved into our new house when this guy walked into our open door with a plate of brownies. He was definitely on the cute side that's for sure. He walked up to me.

"Hi I'm Mike." He said disinterestedly as he handed me the brownies. "My mom made these brownies and told me to give them to you."

"Hi I'm Bella. We just moved here well duh." I babbled before my mom walked in. Mike stared at her attentively

"Hi I'm Renee." She greeted. At that point he snatched the brownies from my hand and gave them to Renee.

"Hi I made these brownies for you." He said. "Careful you're hot in mean they're hot."

So yeah guys don't like me because my mom is so hot. I suppose it would be kind of hard to carry on a successful relationship when you move as much as I do. My mom was kind of naïve. It was like she expected the guys that she dates to be in love with her but she usually goes out with the hot, loveless type. I think some of them might have actually been married. I've lost track of all of them guys that she dates. From now on I just call them Skip because that's what they do to her. I really wish that she would quit dating Skips because I don't want to keep moving like this.

But enough about me. This story isn't even about me.

I was standing in the school bleachers watching a girls' basketball game as I watched a girl with short brown hair, who doesn't even look tall enough to play basketball mind you, jump and dunk the ball. I think she may be the only girl that I've ever seen do that and she was like five feet tall. Anyway it's about her Alice Cullen: captain of the basketball team, homecoming queen, prom queen in her junior year, as well as filthy rich. She is the queen of Forks High but not in your typical queen bee fashion. On top of that she's a lesbian but this isn't the South so no one cares. There's a rumor that she could make even the straightest girl gay. There's also a rumor that she can turn guys into girls but that's probably not true.

I remember the first time I ever spoke to her. I was working as a waitress in this restaurant. Alice was sitting at a table by herself when I walked over to her. I'm not gay but it's kind of hard not to be attracted to her.

"Hi." She greeted.

"Yes I mean hi." I blurted. Real smooth Bella. "I mean what would you like?"

"I'm not really ready to order yet." She answered. "I'm waiting for someone."

She was soon joined by a girl with long brown hair. Of course she already has a girlfriend. That's Jessica Stanley. It's hard to describe her. Overachiever would be taking it lightly. She's class president, president of the AV club, newspaper, projected valedictorian, and something else.

"I've decided to write a children's book." She told Alice.

Oh and she decided to write a children's book. I heard her go over the French part of menu, fluently of course. I knew I had to take their order. I walked back over slowly…and they started to make out.

Later in the night, I found with another girl. She had two girlfriends apparently. This one is Rosalie Hale. She's head cheerleader. Don't need to say anything more about that. They were discussing cheerleading when I walked over. Alice took the menu out of Rosalie's hands.

"I need two salads with dressing on the side, salmon for her, lobster for me." Alice ordered. This was followed by a flurry of flirtatious compliments. "And no need to rush."

Later in my shift, there she was again. Okay who has three girlfriends? This girl had dark black hair I think she was Native American but didn't live on the reservation. Her name is Leah Clearwater. She is the school's resident hippy. And usually being a hippy means you're a slut.

"How do these girls not know about this?" I asked my coworker Angela.

"She's a master manipulator." Angela explained. "She goes out with girls from different cliques so they don't talk to each other or even see each other. She also tells them that she can't date during basketball season so they have to keep it a secret."

"How do you know all of this?" I asked.

"Lucky guess." Angela remarked before she ran away, clearly upset. As I looked over, I noticed a hickey on Leah's neck. That's a little weird.

The next day at school, I found a table with an seat. And as soon as I sat down, every other seat was empty. That didn't really as much as you would think.

I had a good view of what was going on in the halls from my seat. Alice was patrolling with her sidekick Emmett, who was also the school mascot. She bought something from the cheerleader fundraiser that Rosalie was running, signed a petition for Leah, and bought a cupcake from Jessica's bake sale. She never entered the lunchroom. I guess you don't need to when you have three dinners.

Now just because she is a lesbian doesn't mean that she wouldn't with guys too. She noticed one of the gym teachers, Coach Black and winked at him. This caused him to fall down the stairs.

Little did she know this would set off a chain reaction that would change everything.

So I wanted to do a femslash adaptation of this movie. I decided on Alice and Bella for my pairing of choice. Something you need to know is Leah is played by Malese Jow in this story. There's also a big difference from the movie that you'll find out later. Please don't forget to review