Warnings: Au, Were!fic
Spoilers: Season 2
Disclaimer:Don't own, no money, don't sue.

Summery: Dalton Academy, the Westerville all boys' school and the one place Kurt never thought he'd end up. They forgot to mention it was only available to werewolves and werecats. When Kurt is forced head first into the world of the supernatural, the only thing he wants is to keep out of trouble. The only problem with that? Blaine Anderson, who seems to be the exact opposite of keeping out of trouble, and the one person he can't stay away from.

A/N: For the sake of the story, I moved around some of the events that happened in cannon. For example, "Furt" happened but it just happened earlier in the season. I have 3 (not including this one) reasonably long chapters already complete, one of which I'm planning on splitting in half. I'll be updating once a week (Tuesday's) to give myself time to finish writing each chapter. Much thanks to the lovely retrochic_21for betaing the first two chapters. Also, I'm looking for a co-author to write the smut scenes (because I completely suck at it) that will eventually be coming in the story. You'll totally get credit for all the parts you write. If anyone's interested or just want more info, e-mail me at: dude_its_sam_not_sammy yahoo . com (minus the spaces) or leave just a review.

Also, if anyone's interested I inclued the link to the story banner: h t t p : / / i 8 7 . p h o t o b u c k e t . c o m / a l b u m s / k 1 5 0 / d u d e _ i t s _ s a m _ n o t _ s a m m y / T h e T h i n g A b o u t H e r o e s a r t w o r k . j p g

Chapter One:
Here's To The Night

"The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn't look like there's a light at the end of the tunnel, he's going to keep digging, he's going to keep trying to do right, and make up for what's gone before, just because that's who he is." – Joss Whedon

I never thought in a million years that I would end up where I am right now. Me, Kurt Hummel, running for my life through the wilderness of the lesser parts of Ohio, all because my dad and step-brother, Finn Hudson-Hummel, thought it would be a great idea to go camping. Camping of all things, and of course they managed to convince me to come along. "It'll be male bonding time" my dad said "Come on man, now that we're brothers, I never get to see you" said Finn. Well I don't see any of them getting bit by a panther (a Florida panther, what the actual fuck?) and then running from said abomination. No, they're back at camp, sleeping. Safe. And I'm cold, hurt, lost, and for the love of everything good, please tell me those weren't howls…

As Kurt races through the trees, the park trail long since strayed off of, and his arm dripping blood from the crazy panther that bit him moments before, he tried to think how he was going to get back to camp.

Kurt slowed down and stopped behind a large tree. The pain from his arm hit him hard as the adrenalin wore off and caused him to slide down against the tree to the damp, leaf covered ground.

"Honestly, next time I hear 'It'll be fun, nothing could possibly go wrong' from dad or Finn ever again, I'm walking, no, running the other way." Kurt thought. "Now where the hell am I and how do I get back?"

Suddenly, as Kurt tried to remember the direction he ran in his escape, a loud, long howl that seemed to come from all around him rang out. Kurt started and looked around frantically from his position on the ground. "Oh God, please tell me that isn't what I think it is." As if answering him the howl sounded again, this time closer. Much, much closer.

"I've got to get out of here." he said as he attempted to get up. However any hope of that went right out the window when he heard a low growl in front of him. Shock, fear, and gravity took hold as he fell forward. Without thinking, he used his injured arm to break his fall. As he landed, Kurt leaned back on his knees, holding his arm close to his chest as he whimpered in pain.

He heard movement and looked up, remembering the earlier growl. The source of the sound was a very large, dark brown wolf, which was less than three feet in front of him.

"Don't eat me." Kurt said, panicked "I mean I probably don't even taste good! Seriously, why take the chance?" The wolf just stared at him with a look that seemed to consist of part amusement, part uncertainty. And Kurt's really not going to think about how he knows that right now.

Kurt flinched as the wolf stepped closer. "Don't…" he started to say before the wolf gently nosed at his injured arm and gave him a look, as if it was asking permission for something. Curiosity outweighed the fear and Kurt figured that if the wolf wanted him dead, it would have killed him already. He held out his arm and to his surprise, the wolf started to lick it.

Kurt blinked. "You know, on the list of things that grosses me out, dog slobber ranks pretty high. And honestly, if what you're doing wasn't somehow numbing the pain, I would sooo not have let this happen. Consider it a onetime thing."

The wolf paused momentarily in its self-proclaimed job of grooming Kurt to give him an amused look that seemed to be humoring him.

Kurt sighed "Great. I'm talking to a wolf."

The wolf finished its job and looked at his arm, satisfied with its work. As Kurt looked at his arm, he had to admit that it did feel better and it definitely looked a lot cleaner. He gave the wolf a calculated look, and then sighed. "I'm going to sound totally nuts for even thinking of doing this let alone actually asking."

The wolf tilted its head and seemed to sit up straighter, as if letting Kurt know it was listening.

"You wouldn't …," Kurt said slowly "happen to know the direction I came from, would you? I kind of got… turned around (Kurt refused to admit he got lost out loud, no matter how justified it was) running from the thing that bit me."

The wolf got up and turned on the spot, sniffing in each direction. When it found the scent it was looking for, it walked back to Kurt and took his uninjured arm in its mouth and gently tugged, indicating to him that he should get up.

"I guess that's a yes, then."

But before he started to move, another low growl sounded and nine or ten other wolves emerged out of the dark, where the full moon's light couldn't reach.

Kurt's wolf (and when did he start thinking of the wolf as his?) turned and stood protectively in front of him, sounding off a low warning growl. Compared to the other wolves, his was smaller but definitely more compact and well toned. It knew where it fell on the danger scale and made damn sure the others knew it as well.

'This must be its pack.'thought Kurt.

The other wolf whined and lowered its head. Kurt's wolf looked at each of the others, as if to see if anyone was challenging its authority. The other wolves gave off a mixed sense of feelings ranging from "look at the fuck I could not give", which pretty much translated into 'you're the boss, do what you want', to harmless but genuine curiosity.

Satisfied that none of its pack was going to make a fuss or attack Kurt (which, by the way, he was very grateful for), it nudged him, looked off behind him, and then looked back at him, giving Kurt an expectant look.

Kurt's eyes widened in comprehension. "I guess it's time to play follow the leader, huh?" The wolf gave a part huff, part barking sound in response.

"Right then." Kurt said and began to stand. Once he was fully up-right, everything started spinning. He leaned against the tree, trying to prevent himself from face-planting into the dirt.

Kurt's wolf whined and stepped closer to him.

"Yeah, walking will happen as soon as the world stops spinning and…" Kurt trailed off as his vision started to black out and he fell toward the ground. As he went down, Kurt's final thoughts were 'What the hell is wrong with me?'

Here's to the Night by Eve 6 - DOWNLOAD: h t t p : / / w w w . m e d i a f i r e . c o m / ? a u y 4 4 n r q u z o g m 6 c