Note: Hello! This is my first fanfict, so I apologize for any mistake that I make... Enjoy reading! (Warning: contains a slight yaoi)

A Little Piece of My Soul

Chapter 1: Some Unexpected Things

Somewhere inside Shibusen, a tall man with brown hair walked past Maka and Soul. "Have we seen this guy before?" Maka whispered, "He looks famil- HEY! He's that chainsaw guy from Arachnophobia!" Surprised, the man turned around. His face looked a bit confused. "What the hell are you doing here?" Soul shouted, prepared to attack. The man approached them. "Geez, I know that we had some 'issues' in the past, but maybe you should note that I have SWITCHED SIDE!" he replied, giving an emphasis on the last two words.

Maka and Soul were very confused. "Switched side? Wa-wait a minute, does that mean that you're the good guy now?" Maka asked. The man nodded, "I'm bored of Arachnophobia," he added, "There's not much fun lately and Arachne treats me like a piece of crap. So now I'm on your so-called 'good side'." He turned around and continued walking, leaving them speechless. "By the way, the name is Giriko. Remember that."

Still confused, Maka and Soul stared at Giriko's back as he walked along the hallway. "Well," Soul sighed, "that was an awkward moment."

Justin Law had an exhausting day. After a few missions outside the city, he went back to Shibusen with dirty clothes and tired body to give his mission reports to Sid. Justin submitted his reports and walked out of Sid's classroom. Suddenly, he felt that someone was poking his shoulder. He turned around, looking straight into the mysterious person's eyes. When he finally recognized who the person is, a wide grin appeared across his face.

"Ah, Giriko-san. Came here to finish our last fight?" Justin smirked playfully. Giriko grinned back at the priest, "Ah, hello shitty priest."

Offended, Justin flashed an angry look at Giriko. "Has anyone ever told you to stop saying bad words?" he sighed. "I guess it's something that none of us can't change." He smiled.

Giriko opened his mouth to reply, but suddenly his jaws dropped and his face was filled with horror as if he just saw a ghost (well, maybe, if he's afraid of ghosts). He pointed at something behind Justin's back. Justin turned around and dropped his jaws as well. What they saw was very...disturbing.

What they saw was Dr. Stein, carrying something that looked like a mutilated body and a surgical knife with fresh blood dripping from it. Stein's face was filled with horrifying pleasure, a huge grin stretched on his pale face. His white coat was stained with blood. He stared at the pair. "Hello, you two," he asked cheerfully, "how's your day?"

Shocked by the sight, Giriko instantly yelled at him. "WHY the hell do you even BOTHER, you INSANE DOCTOR?" Giriko roared. "I mean... THE HELL? You suddenly came, carrying a dead man, and then greet me with that FUCKING SMILE ON YOUR FACE? At least explain the dead man first! How do I know that you ain't a serial killer?"

"Calm down," Stein calmly replied. "Why can't you be more like your friend there?" He pointed at Justin, who was leaning to the wall. Justin was busy listening to his earphones, staring dreamily at the ceiling as if he never saw Stein and the dead body. Irritated by the priest's attitude, Giriko forcefully took the earphones off of Justin's ears and gave him an annoyed look. "Haha, that's enough you guys. Now forget about this," Stein said, dropping the corpse. "Shinigami-sama has a message for you. He wants you – both of you – to meet him right away. Just follow these instructions." Dr. Stein handed over a piece of paper from his pocket and picked up the dead body. He left before Justin or Giriko could say or do anything.

Justin put his earphones back on and carefully read the instructions that Stein gave him. "Whatever Shinigami-sama tells us to do, it has to be very important. Well, shall we go now?" he smiled. Giriko blushed a little bit. What a wonderful smile, he thought. "Ah, um, yeah, sure, whatever... Uh, what does the paper say?" he said, pulling the piece of paper from Justin's hand awkwardly. There were only 2 instructions. The first instruction was an address where they're supposed to go to. The second instruction was very clear: "Go together... Don't split up!"

Justin and Giriko quickly walked out of the gates of Shibusen. From the outside of Shibusen, they could see the sunset and the beautifully colored sky. Justin jumped onto his dune buggy, smiling with pride. "We're gonna use this baby here," he announced happily. Giriko chuckled. "Whatever you say," he smiled.

Justin looked at Giriko with a curious look. "Giriko-san, I think... I think since you join Shibusen you've been acting different... You seem to be more laid-back and..." he stopped. Giriko took a seat behind Justin and pulled the earphone from Justin's left ear, "And what?" he whispered.

"Uhh... You look happier... And nicer."

"Well, isn't that a good thing?"

"It is," Justin said in a really small voice, "It's just..."

"Just what?" Giriko replied impatiently.

"It's just... Why do you even bother switching sides anyway? I don't mean to be impolite, but there has to be something here that makes you wanna stay in Shibusen, right? Oh God, why am I asking this?" Justin frowned guiltily. His cheeks turned red and hot.

Giriko laughed. To Justin's surprise, his laugh isn't evil or cynical. It was a happy laugh. "Well, there is something that makes me happier to be here," he smiled. "Now hurry up and start the engine, Father. Can't keep your Lord waiting."

End of chapter 1

Well, what do you think? Did you enjoy it? Please feel free to review~! I'll upload ch. 2 immediately!