Yamamotos POV.


I ran as fast as i could, all the way into NAMI forest. Whiping my eyes like a mad man. It was just a kiss on the cheek. Just a touch, and a few words. But it hurt worse then a knife to the heart. I can not live with this anymore. Its killing me. Knowing they where together, that they went to my place on a date. Ate food my father made, it was horrible, like I was dying. My heart was dying.


By the time I got home it was after 1am. My father was angerier then I had ever seen him in my life. I was grounded for a week, and lost all my allowence for three weeks as repayment for the free food they had aparently consumed. He said it was enough for fifty people at least.

After the three week hell of lock down on cash and time was finally over I decided to do something stupid. not my normal, not so smart kind of stupid, but the kind that sticks to you for life. I called Gokudera and asked him to come out to meet me.

When he got to my place, alone, thank god. I had to blink a few times to make sure I was seeing correctly. He was dressed up, for him anyway. he wore a light blue suit shirt, buttoned half way up, and a black tank top under it. his jeans where new looking, seeming pressed and in stead of his belts, chains, Vongola Gear, and skulls he wore nothing but a simple black belt, his Vongola ring, and new tennis shoes. I stuttered as i looked at his face, slightly flushed, emerald eyes light, hopeful even, and hair pulled back into the cutest pony tail Yamamoto had ever seen in his life. "So, what did you want to talk about?" He asked me when I didn't speak. I took a deep breath and smiled, walking up to him until we were almost touching.

"Would you... come with me to a tattoo parlor?" I asked, blurting out something idiotic and shocking both him and me. He raised his eye brows his eyes losing a bit of their glow.

"Um... sure. But what the hell are you gonna do when we get there?"

He asked, walked slowly away. I stammered, and then made up my mind, mostly. "Get a tattoo, want to get one with me?" I asked, not sure what to do if they didn't let us in because we where only 16. Let alone what I would get and where, but if it ment time with him, well. How bad could it be?. Gokudera stoped in front of a shop rather then awnsering me. He looked back at me and nodded at the door, and to my shock and horror he lead me into a tattoo parlor like he owned the place.

"Hey, my friend and I want to get tattoos. Is anyone available?" He asked, shocking me and making my day at the same time. I knew just what I wanted to get. I walked over and spoke up when a young man covered in ink not too much older then us came over. "What do you want and where? Today is our opening so you can get a discount of 60$ on any tattoo." I was about to speak when Gokudera did it for me. " I need it on my chest, and If you give me some paper I can draw it myself. Please." he said, and the man reached behind him to grab a piece of paper from the desk. handing it and a pen to Gokudera who started scribbling away on the closest chair.. My turn. I turned to him and Spoke as softly as i could.

" I would like it on my chest too, a stick of dynomite and a date please."


Gokudera's POV.

It hurt like a bitch. The needle went in and out of his chest like bullets, buzzing away at his skin. He could not belive he was doing this. And getting of all things a damn Baseball bat with the day he met his stupid crush in the booth next to him at that... It was embaressing. He could he Yamamoto over in the next booth when it was over. Aparently he got his on his chest too. Stupid bastard! I thought he was asking me out and it was only so I could get fucking killed by the damn bastard tattooist! "Oi! Baseball idiot, lets go!" i all but snarled as he stormed out, tossing my money at the man as i went.


Yamamoto's POV

It took all his might to catch Gokudera, who was down the block and ready to cross the intersection by the time he was out the door. I panted as I cought him by the arm, lightening going threw me at the contact. I looked up at Gokudera and my eyes widened. He was crying, tears rolling down his face. He met my eyes and sighed, leaning into me on the sidewalk, rubbing his face into my fesh tattoo. that hurt, big time, but not as much as seeing the always strong man I loved in tears.

"Gokudera... Whats wrong. Do you hate your tattoo? Are you hungery, or sick or- " i was about to list off more questions when lips as soft as velvet touched mine. I gasped, and he pulled away, turning on his heels and spoke, not looking at me.

"For your information, I am fine. I just got soemthing in my eye, and about what I just did, i mistook you for Sapphire, so so don't worry im n- " I cut him off this time, pulling him close and smashing my lips into his, biting down on his lower lip and loving the gasp I got out of him for it. I pressed my tounge into his mouth, tasting him. He tasted of cinnomon, of smoke and of a taste that was so purely hayato that I lost myself in him, sucking on his tounge as he moved it against mine. pulling him into me, kissing him long and hard and deep. Until we had to pull away from each other for air, and when we did i met his eyes, filled with lust and want and love so strong I lost all fear of rejection and took his mouth as mine again. Kissing him and pulling him until we where against the wall.

"Yama.. moto... M my place. please, hurry." Gokudera pleaded, pressing his member into my own, and I gasped at the tension, the pleasure. I smiled, kissing him slowly, and when I pulled away again I whispered. "Show me the way, Hayato."


Gokuderas POV

I opened the door with trembling hands, Yamamotos hands running up and down my legs, pressing and cupping my member as he licked my neck, his breath touching my ears. When the door opend i pulled him in, turning around and kissing him as deep as possible, tasting him. He was sweet, like Vannilla or raw sugar, and there was something else, something that reminded me of summer, of the rain and the out doors and the clear skies that Namimori always has this time of the year. I pulled him closer as he pulled off my shirt, clawing at my pants like a mad man, and i did the same to him, pulling on his belt and then his jeans, my body begging me for more of him. We collapsed on the floor, our lips breaking apart as he ripped off my jeans at least, yanking my shirt and tank top off of me and instantly kissing down my body, a low growl in his throat.

" T the bed. Please. Takeshi... Ah!" I called out as he bit down on a nipple, he looked up as soon as I made that sound, his eyes painfully lustful. "how far?" I pointed it out, and he pulled me up onto my feet, picking me up so fast that my head spun and before I new it he was laying me onto my bed. he kissed down my body, playing with the elastic on my boxers until he got to my groin, he pulled them down sharply, with a snap, and my member was only inches away from his mouth. he looked at me, his eyes filling with a emotion that could only be called love and even admoration before pressing his tounge into the tip of my member. I pushed up into his mouth, and he let me. Opening his mouth and sliding his tounge up and down my shaft until pre come was spilling from my tip.

He took me into his mouth with greed. and within a minute i was on the verge of tears. He swirled his tounge around my tip, sucking on my shaft and playing with my balls. He sucked and sucked, rubbing me and bobbing his head up and down until i was all the way in his mouth. I gasped, wheezed, moaned so loud I was sure Sapphire could hear me in her room next door, and thrusted my hips up into his warmth. Calling out in bliss as he bit down on the tip of my member, causing me to come into his waiting mouth.


Yamamotos POV.

Hayato called out my name as he came, his body quivering under me and his hands digging into my hair. he tasted amazing. like the best fruit, and I sucked and sucked until he was whimpering under me. Begging for my body. I pulled my head up and lifted his legs letting him get settled with the pose for a moment before i pressed two fingers into his hole. It was tighter then I thought I would be, and it sucked me into him while he called me name again, sounding pained this time. "Shuu, its okay. Im going slow." i murmered, and he nodded, looking at me with such love and trust that I almost broke out into tears. After a while I moved my fingers deeper, and began moving them inside of him, until finally, I hit it. He gasped, calling out my name and quivering under my hand. i pulled my finger out and jammed it back into him, hitting it from every angle i could until i could not take the moans and thrusts and whimpers of my name anymore. until i had to take him. I pulled my fingers out and positioned myself infront of him, looking at his flushed face. I spoke the words I knew he would hate me for tommarow,

"I love you. Hayato."

I pushed into him, hard, letting my member push into his tight heat and letting his cries of pleasure fill my mind as I shelthed myself inside him, letting him get used to it for only a moment before i pounded into him again, harder and harder and faster, until we where both calling out each others names. I grabbed his hand and kissed his fingers and he called my name while I pounded into his prostate. I knew he was at his limit, and so was i, so with one more hard thrust I came, and my come triggered his. The tightness inside him was painful, causing me to come again, and again.

In the end, the sun came up before i was done with him.


The next morning they laid in bed, Yamamoto holding Gokudera by his hips, and Gokudera holding him around his neck. Yamamoto kissed him as he woke up, his eyes fluttering open, green orbs looking into his brown ones. "i love you, Takeshi. " He whispered, touching my face and kissing me. When we pulled away I smiled and was about to reply when Sapphire came bursting into the room.

"God! I thougth you two would never stop!" She yelled, surprizing me, hayato sat up, naked, and i was horrorfied as she looked at him, just as I was about to say something she pointed at his chest and started laughing. "What the hell is that! Ahahaha! Hayato you- Baseball ink. Ahahahaha!"

he stood up as soon as she said the words and pulled on his boxers. pushing her to the door. "Shut up you crazy woman! Can;t you see we where in the midle of something here! Go back and read your fucking yaoi." "But hayato! I- Oh my god thats soo great! You can be in my collection now! Let me get my camra, Ill be right b-" Slam.

He turned to me, and smiled, pointed to his chest, i saw it then, the baseball with the date we met, the same date that was on my own.

"Sorry about that. Shes a loony. Oh, and she isn't my girlfriend. When I came out to her about my feelings for you, she said it would get your attention if , well, if you saw me with someone else... anyway. I wont let her add us to her crazy gay manga collection, so don't worry about that-" I didnt let him finish. My arms where around him, and that was how they would stay, just like our new tattoos, forever.