I'm writing this because I've been having writers block for my other stories so yeah enjoy this because I just thought of this idea and it just HAD to be written down. It just had to.
Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura would have already confessed their love xoxoxox I own nothing!
A nervous, fidgeting Sakura sit upon a sturdy brown chair in her medium-sized, kitchen that was simple but yet complex. The kunoichi's eyes roamed over every square tile that lay upon the kitchen's floor which said girl had been constantly tapping her feet against. As her paranoia continued, so did her parent's semi-interrogation.
"S-Sakura..." A masculine voice hesitated, bringing the pink-haired girl's eyes up to meet his black, dull ones.
"Yes, father?"
"Ah, yes." Her father cleared his voice with a cough through his throat. "Well, your mother and I have been worried about you."
Sakura swallowed the lump that had slowly formed in the back of her throat. She was under a lot of pressure from her parents' intense stares; and Sakura did not handle pressure well, which explains all the nerve wrecking behavior she presented. She was so worried about everything that was going to happen later on that she nearly missed the next sentence that had escaped her father.
"As I was saying... um." There was a pause. Sakura stared back at him curiously, she could tell he seemed almost as nervous as she, which threw her off because her father was never like this unless something was really worrying him...
Before her father could continue his speech her mother cut in. "Sakura, what your father is trying to say is that, well, we've noticed you and your teacher... spending a lot of time together recently."
Sakura tried to keep her composure when she replied, "Uh, yeah... I guess we have. And?"
' Nice, that worked out well. Maybe I'm getting better. ' she thought carelessly.
A deep sigh emitted from Sakura's father. "Sakura, you're only seventeen. I'm not making assumptions here but-"
"Sounds to me like you are." Sakura interrupted quickly without a second to think about what she blurted out.
"Honey, I'm just worried, ok? I trust and respect Kakashi. And I just hope he doesn't break that trust by crossing any lines,"
Kind of too late for that... Sakura thought.
"If you know what I mean..." He finished by Sakura's too hands to halt his words.
"Dad, it's fine. I- I mean, you can trust Kakashi he'd never do anything like that." She lied, but in her defense lying about Kakashi seemed to be getting easier lately so she no longer felt such remorse in which she should have felt.
"And I haven't just been spending time with him, Naruto and Sai are always with us. Unless they're off being the idiots they are hahaha." She laughed awkwardly which gave her a few suspicious glances from her guardians. Maybe she shouldn't have said such a thing... oh well.
As the stares continue Sakura started fidgeting a lot more than previously but it was all brought down when her father reassured her with an approving smile. Sakura couldn't tell if it was fake or not but she decided to let the questioning go as he began to speak. "o-okay. Alright sweetie, I'm sorry I was just worried if anything happens that you want to talk about we're always hear, don't forget." He was still smiling and Sakura finally felt the guilt she should've felt ever since this thing with her and Kakashi had started.
"Erm, y-yeah. I know, daddy. I'll be sure to talk to you guys if anything is bothering me." Well at least she wasn't lying... Sakura then gave a sad smile towards her mother and father.
"Okay, well it's kind of late. You should get some rest I think your father and I have kept you up long enough."
"Uh good idea. I'll just be going then..." Sakura soon got up from the chair she roughly sat in for the past hour and headed up from to her bedroom. A sigh of relief escaped her, grateful that her parents weren't as suspicious as Sakura led them on to be. After a few more minutes of thinking back about the talk her parents had with her, Sakura plopped down onto her bed. Almost falling asleep until a light tap on the glass-sliding door startled her a bit.
Please don't let that be... She thought before turning her head towards the door seeing none other than, the silver-haired man. Mask and everything. Yup, it was him. Sakura sighed in frustration. Normally she loved her time with Kakashi since she often felt she didn't get much of it, but tonight was just a bad night and she really didn't want to think about any conflicts in result. All Sakura wanted to do for tonight was peacefully drift asleep with no worries whatsoever.
I guess that choice is scratched off the list
She was now facing the figure on the other side of her glass door, while still laying on her bed. He had his eye closed, and creased up. She could just imagine the huge grin upon his face. After tapping the door once again, and a bit harder this time, Sakura met his gaze and mouthed ' what? ' and as if it were his response he tapped the door, causing a louder noise which brought Sakura's paranoia back again so she got up to let the man in.
Sakura unlocked her backdoor with haste, glancing over her shoulders making sure no one would barge in.
"Finally." His smooth, cool voice filled her ears. She fought the urge to hug and smile up at him, for he really, really, really shouldn't be in her room right now. Actually she shouldn't ever be in her room, seeing as how much of a risk it would be, but it never stopped his advances.
She felt his bare hands swerve around her slim figure as they rest on her waist. "Miss me?" He brought his face down; nuzzling the crook of her neck.
"K-Kakashi..." Her tone gave off that she was now warning him.
"Oh, right." Kakashi released his grip from her sides to pull her by the hand into the bedroom. With the door slid shut softly, Sakura locked it before Kakashi's hands moved her closer towards him. "There we go, much better. I've always liked this room better than the outside anyway... it's more, Sakura." His eye was crinkled with his smile again.
Sakura noticed Kakashi leaning towards her until she quickly stopped him by pushing her hands against his vest. "N-No. Kakashi, we can't."
"What're you talking about? Your parents are asleep, right? They always are..."
"Well yeah, they probably are but you really shouldn't be here especially not tonight." He sat quietly on her bed, not saying a word and Sakura rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You need to leave, now."
"Mm, no." He replied stubbornly and laid on the bed comforters.
"Yes, Kakashi you have to-" Sakura stopped in the middle of her sentence when a voice from the outside of her door was heard.
"Yes, mom?" Sakura answered hesitantly.
"Is everything alright?"
"Uh, yeah... I was just thinking about, stuff."
"Ok.." Her mother answered slowly, still unconvinced. Sakura heard the door knob turn a little as her mother added on, "Are you sure you don't want me to come in for a talk? If you wanna talk about what happened earlier I can assure you your father-"
"No!" The word quickly flew from Sakura's mouth before continuing and Kakashi just merely raised his eyebrow at the conversation before him. "I- I mean, really everything is ok. I don't want to talk about that- or anything for that matter, right now I just need to get rest. I understand everything dad was saying. I appreciate it, thank you for the concern but really there's no need mom."
"Alright, I'm sorry for the disturbance. Goodnight, sweetie."
"Night." Sakura mumbled back not caring whether or not her mother was able to catch it. Sakura sighed in relief once more before glaring dagger at her boyfriend whom was currently enjoying himself and chuckling lightly at her antics. "Shh!" Sakura cupped her hands over Kakashi's mouth which he had revealed while pulling his mask down as Sakura began to converse with her mother. "If you're going to be here will you at least keep your voice down?" She lowered her tone making sure her parents wouldn't hear. Even thought her room was on the opposite floor from here parents', when it came to Kakashi Sakura avoided as much risks as she possibly could.
When her hands slowly moved away from his mouth he smiled genuinely. "Does that mean I'm free to stay?"
With a small huff Sakura moved from the bed to the sliding door and replied, "I didn't say that..."
"Ahh, but it was implied, dear. Come back to bed."
"You're not staying here, Kakashi."
"I beg to differ."
"Why are you even doing this?" She asks in annoyance.
"I wanna sleep here, Sakura-chan. And c'mon, it's not like you don't want me to." His grin turned into a smug one which only fueled the pink-haired girl more.
"You're right." She softly agreed. "I do want you here. But, just not tonight." There was a pregnant pause as Sakura realized that Kakashi wasn't connecting to her words. "Err, tonight my parents were talking to me."
"Did they, now?" Kakashi brought his hand up to his chin, stroking it gently, gesturing a fake interest in what she was saying.
"About you, my dad was suspicious about us and I spent that whole hour in that dumb chair worrying about the consequences but he didn't get too suspicious which is good. But still, I don't want to worry about anything tonight ok?"
"Well nothing's going to happen, so you won't have to worry."
"That's easier said than done, Kakashi."
He simply shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe so. But we've done this plenty of times before and we haven't got caught. I plan to keep it that way, Sakura."
After completing his sentence, Sakura crawled up on the bed and into Kakashi's lap. "You need to leave."
It was no use though, Kakashi was already shaking his head in disagreement. "Nice try, but I already told you, I'm sleeping with you tonight." His voice was low and more... smug? Sakura couldn't tell but she got a good idea when she felt his large hands slide up her back under her shirt.
"Kakashi stop!" She backed away and hit his chest a little too hard than she actually meant to, causing his head to pound against the headboard which unfortunately resulted in a vibration through the wall. As Kakashi sat back chuckling the pain off, Sakura began to panic as she heard a deeper voice from the next room over.
"The hell...?" The masculine voice called out and Sakura felt more panic rise in her as she heard the footsteps get louder.
Oh my god. He must've been in the next room when I hit Kakashi. Shit, no... this is exactly what I feared would happen. Great...
"Kakashi, move!" Sakura whispered and before Kakashi knew it Sakura's small hands had managed to push him off the bed, causing him to land on the floor with a bit of a thud. "Do. Not. Say. A. Word." She whispered through her clenched teeth.
She sat still on her bed, one leg crossed beneath her while her other foot rested gently on Kakashi's chest giving him the perfect opportunity to rub his hands gracefully on her smooth, legs. After turning her head towards the door, it was immediately swung open.
"Hi, daddy." Sakura smiled innocently as if she wasn't trying to hide her former-sensei turned boyfriend on the other side of her bed.
Again with suspicious action, the man raised an eyebrow at his daughter's antics. "Everything alright in here?" He crossed his his arms against his chest.
"Of course! Honestly, you and mom don't have to keep checkinggg" Kakashi's stroking had caused her her words to tremble and evolve into a high pitch before she kicked his chest with her foot resulting in a 'oof' causing a tentative look from her father.
"What was that?" His voice was more stern.
"U- Uh. Me! Yeah, my stomach has been feeling a little upside down, and I just need to lay down I think..." She was now holding her abdomen together with her arm, faking a stomach-ache.
"I see." Her father clicked his tongue to his cheek. "Um, Sakura... I was in the storage room searching for some things and I kept on hearing noises on the other side of the wall, did you need help with something in here?"
"No, every thing is fine. I accidently hit my head against my headboard, you know, just being clumsy again I guess. I'm sorry for worrying you but I think I'm really just going to rest. You and mom don't have to check up on me, seriously. I'm fine." She did her best to smile in reassurance and he did the same back before wishing her a good night and proceeded down the stairs.
"Ugh! You see what you do?" Her voice was still quiet but the anger was highly noticeable.
"Me?" He chuckled in amusement. "You're the one that hit me! If you didn't he would have never came in here."
"If you weren't even here, I wouldn't have to worry about him coming in here in the first place!" She countered.
"Okay, okay. Well he's gone now so if you could, please get up off of me." She complied and lifted the cover of her bed up so she could slip in beneath. As she lay on her bed she watched Kakashi unbutton his olive-green vest and tossing it to the side and gently yank his tank top and black undershirt shirt over his head but not before closing the curtains of her windows and glass door. "Kakashi, I know what you're doing..."
"Is that so?" He chuckled softly before entering her bed to join her. "You know, this would be a lot easier if you were to scoot over. I'm not having much room over here, darling." He kissed her forehead as her body shifted over to let him lay down and encircle herself in his arms. It was really hard to say no to him, especially when he was already so close.
"My dad will kill you if he catches you in here."
"That's why he's not going to, so I'm safe." He smiled and lifted the covers over themselves and began to nuzzle her as he did earlier on the balcony.
"Do you really plan on sleeping here the whole night with me?" She questioned seriously.
Kakashi nodded as he said, "Mhm I mean, my clothes are already scattered around your room and I really don't feel like searching for them. So sleeping is a good idea right now." He paused before a thought crossed him. "You know... unless, you'd rather do something... else?" He raised his silver brow and grinned seductively. Sakura smacked his chest.
"Oww." His right hand rubbed the sore spot she had repeatedly hit the past hour. "Do you enjoy hitting my chest?"
"She ignored his rhetoric question and remarked with a dead-serious tone. "We can't do anything."
"On the contrary, Sakura-chan. We're humans and we are completely capable of simple inter-"
"Ugh, you know what I meant, baka!"
He chuckled and laid multiple kisses along the side of her soft, warm neck. "Maybe I would... understand better... if you... showed me... what you... meant." He replied in between his chaste kisses. A soft moan of pleasure escaped from her throat and she felt Kakashi's fingers fiddle with her shirt but she gently shoved him away from going any further.
"Kakashi, no. I am not having sex with you. Especially not with my parents in the house."
Silenced fell between them as he thought over her words. "So in other words..." His tone was playful as he spoke. "If your parents weren't here you would-"
She gasped in shock and turned away from him. "You know what, just leave Kakashi."
Kakashi frowned at her comment, she sounded more irritated than before and bit upset? That wasn't good and if her being upset with him was the case, then he wasn't going anywhere until the problem was fixed. "Hey, what's wrong?" He replaced the playful tone he had earlier with a gentler one.
"Go home."
"Sakura, why are you so upset with me?"
"All you care about is sex."
"Excuse me?" Kakashi couldn't believe she actually said that, was it about his comment earlier? Cause he was only joking...
"You just want sex. Sex, sex, sex. That's all you ever care about!"
Still in shock, her silver-haired boyfriend said nothing.
"Obviously I'm not giving that to you so you can go as you please cause as I said I'm not-"
"Do you actually think that?" His black onyx eye and sharingan eye met her emerald orbs. When she said nothing he continued, "Sakura, do you really think I only want to get in your pants?"
"No... well not always. But at times like this- it's hard to tell why you're even with me." She broke her gaze and turned her face away before his hand grabbed her chin and lifted it up to stare back at him.
"Haruno Sakura..." He began slowly his soft eyes locked with hers. "You mean everything to me. And when I say this; I don't mean to simply, "sweet talk" you. I mean every word. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I'm not stupid enough to take advantage of you. I'm sorry about what I said, I was only kidding. I like knowing that I can make you laugh, when you laugh you smile and it even makes me feel a lot happier knowing that I was the one who made you smile." There was a pause and Sakura said nothing, but still met his eye gaze. He brought his hand up to her cheek and stroked it lovely, before whispering "I love you so much..." Sakura's green eyes widened with his confession. He had never told her he loved her before, she already knew he did with each action he presented in the last five months of them being together but hearing those simple words from him was enough to make her heart sore. He leaned down to kiss her lips tenderly and she kissed back, bringing clinging onto his neck, bring him in closer to deepen their kiss.
As the couple continued their loving kiss, two parents were getting more suspicious of their daughter's recent behavior by the mere second.
"I just can't help but feel like something's going on..." Sakura's father said as her mother sat up on their bed listening to what he had to say.
"Do you want to check up on her?"
"No, I don't want her thinking we can't trust her."
"Dear, I think she already has that impression."
"Well I can't help that I worry about her, and I do trust her she just was acting weird when I talked her."
"She did the same with me too, but she's a teenager so give her a break. She probably felt awkward about the conversation we had with her, talking about being in an inappropriate relationship with a team leader that's 14 years your senior isn't something any girl wants to talk about, and with her parents nonetheless."
He rubbed his neck tiredly before climbing into his bed. "Heh, yeah I don't know what I was thinking. Kakashi isn't that type of man he knows I trust him with our daughter's life... he'd never."
With that being said, the Haruno residence grew silent as each person drifted asleep.
Sakura stirred in her sleep and blinked her eyes open a few times as she felt the sunlight shine through her curtain and rest on her skin. Turning over to face the figure that held onto her the whole night, she smiled sweetly up at him while he watched her. He smiled back and kissed her nose softly.
"Good morning." He pleasantly whispered.
She snuggled closer to him and rested her head on his chest murmuring the same words back to him. He kissed the crown of her head before slowly moving away from her embrace. As soon as he moved away from her, Sakura found herself missing his warmth completely. She looked up at him with a sad, questioning look.
He sighed when their eyes met. "I have to go, your parents are probably awake or will probably wake soon. It won't be too soon until they check up on you; and honestly I'm surprised your father didn't come by again last night."
He turned his back to gather his clothes up off the floor facing the opposite way to her so he couldn't catch the sad look frown set upon her face. Within the next minute Kakashi had already managed to get his black undershirt (with the mask attached) on, along with his green jounin vest. He walked back to Sakura's bed where she sat tangled in the sheets her eyes roaming around the bedroom. Kakashi placed a peck on her cheek then saying, "I'll see you later alright? It's still a bit early... maybe we could meet with Naruto to get breakfast or something, okay?"
"Mmm, kay." She smiled up at him with a tender gaze, the same smile she always preserved for him and only him. She probably had no idea what that smile did to him but to say the least, at that moment, Kakashi had to fight off the sudden urge to jump back in bed and cuddle with girl.
"Okay..." Kakashi held himself together and made his way out the back door.
Ten minutes later Sakura had dressed in her casual attire and was sitting on her bed, thinking over the events of last night. Funny how she's been so worked up and paranoid about her father when everything turned out ok or so she thought, it was still a huge risk but whenever Kakashi held her like he did the previous night, it was hard to think of anything else but him. Him and only him. A knock on her door snapped her away from her reverie then finding her voice to let whomever was at the door in, it was her father.
"Hey, dad." She smiled innocently again.
"Oh, good. You're up. Umm..." He smiled back but it was quickly wiped away when he noticed that she was already dressed up. "Going somewhere?" He chuckled.
"Huh?" Then Sakura looked down and saw that her father noticed her attire. "Oh! I was planning on going out to get breakfast with Naruto, maybe then catch up with Ino, if that's okay with you and mom...?" She purposely left out Kakashi's name as if his name didn't cause enough problems already considering the talk she had with her parents last night. It probably didn't matter whether he was mentioned or not anyway.
"Of course it's ok. She won't mind, you go have fun. Say hi to Naruto with me, I always did like that boy."
"Thanks dad, I'll be sure to mention you." Sakura stood up from her bed to give her father a hug and kiss goodbye before walking out the door.
After a few moments of Sakura's leave, her father's eyes had scoped around the room noticing how much Sakura's room had changed since she was younger. While his eyes still searched through his daughter's room, he noticed a few book's that had been knocked off the bookshelf and went over to place them back where they belong. As he knelt down to pick up one of the novels, the book was soon dropped from the man's grasp as his eye caught view on a piece of clothing at the bookshelve's conner that certainly did not look like it belonged to Sakura. Moving past the books that now lay forgotten on the wooden floor, he slowly picked up the clothing which looked like... a tank top? It was still balled up so he couldn't tell. As curiosity got the better of him, Sakura's father unrolled said clothing and examined it carefully. It was a black, dull tank top much too big to be Sakura's, he also noted. Straight away, he could tell it was a masculine tank top, and not one for a simple teenage boy. Unless this teenage boy happened to be well muscular, then Sakura's father thought otherwise. Which also meant a boy was in her room.
No, it wasn't a simple teenage boy like Naruto or Sai. (The only male teenagers that Sakura's father knew she was really close to) This tank top belonged to a man. A man was in her room. A strange man had been in his daughter's room and he had no idea as to who this man may be... but as much as Sakura's father wanted to deny it, he had a really good clue.
a/n: I'm sorry if there were mistakes, I just wanted to type this down and upload it right away so here you go!