Oh, Daddy!

Chapter 2


The next morning

Kyoya woke before Tamaki, which was nothing unusual. Tamaki usually got to sleep in and he wasn't as busy as Kyoya. Kyoya sat up and stretched, but when he tried to get out of bed, the arm around his waist tightened. He looked down to see a very peaceful, very cute, and very naked Tamaki sleeping soundly. He smiled down at Tamaki's sleeping form and kissed his temple and once again tried, with no avail, to move. The shadow King sighed and lay down again, crossing his arms over his chest and waiting for the blonde to wake up.

"Tamaki, you know we have school today, right?" he asks, nudging the prince lightly.

"I know. I'm just trying to enjoy the little time we have alone." Tamaki says, nuzzling into Kyoya's chest, smiling. Kyoya sighed and ruffled Tamaki's hair. "I need to shower." He states.

"I'll join you, then." Tamaki murmurs, sitting up and stretching. Kyoya blushed but nodded, slipping out of the bed, heading immediately for the restroom.

"Are you going to leave Daddy here so soon~?" Tamaki asks, getting up and sauntering after Kyoya, walking into his bathroom. "Do you want to shower or have a bath?" he asks, motioning to the shower large enough to hold ten, and the Jacuzzi bathtub.

"Whatever gets us to school sooner," the shadow king decides, nodding. Tamaki rolled his eyes and walked to the shower, stepping inside, motioning for Kyoya to join him. "You know, you're too rigid." He announces to the other as he walked in.

"You have your opinion and I have mine." Kyoya utters, shrugging and closing the shower door behind him. He had already deposited his glasses outside the shower, so he stepped forward to let the water run over him. He relaxed, closing his eyes; very aware of the way Tamaki was staring at him. He opened his eyes to look at the "King" of the Host Club, raising a sleek black eyebrow.

"Something the matter?"

"Nothing, Mommy, just admiring." Tamaki declares, smiling and wrapping his arms around the raven. Kyoya tensed a bit, but after remembering who it was, he relaxed a little again.

"So what does this make us?" Kyoya asks solemnly, keeping himself indifferent. Tamaki paused to think.

"Well, I'm not sure. Do you think you could handle a real relationship? Or are you too busy working out our finances?"

"I'm not LOOKING for a relationship." Kyoya says softly, looking back at Tamaki.

"Well then I guess that makes us…what are they called…Friends with benefits. If either of us realize that the other is tense or stressed out, we'll rely on each other for some "help." Sound fair?" Tamaki asks, looking at the Vice President of the Host Club. Kyoya thought over all of his options. A relationship would be better for him later on, so he nodded.

"Yes. I can agree to that." He mutters, grabbing some of Tamaki's shampoo and lathering his hair. Tamaki did the same.

The "King" and "Queen" of the Host club proceeded to shower, get dressed, and get to school on time.


Upon arriving at Music room #3, the duo was under stern observation by the Hitachiin twins. They noted the slightly wrinkled clothing, the way the duo sauntered in as if seeming much more relaxed, and the newly formed, albeit light, hickeys on the VP's neck. The twins grinned to themselves and crept up behind Kyoya.

"So tell us, Kyoya, how was he?" Hikaru purrs out, grinning hugely.

"I'm not going to answer a question I know nothing about." The shadow king states, looking at the devil-twins.

"Uh-huh. The hickeys on your neck say otherwise." Kaoru states. Kyoya's eyes darkened and he glared at the twins, who both made a displeased face and slowly backed away from the "evil" VP. Honey-sempai, meanwhile, approached Tamaki.

"Tama-Chan!" he exclaims, stepping in front of the King. Tamaki "hmmed" and looked at the senior.

"Yes Honey-sempai?" he asks, kneeling down so he could get to Honey's level.

"Did Mommy and Daddy have a date last night?" he asks, hugging Usa-chan, awaiting Tamaki's answer. Tamaki faltered for a second, before a smooth grin came to his face.

"Mommy and Daddy just got some much needed work done." He says, nodding and smiling down at Honey-sempai, who smiled and nodded, seemingly satisfied with that answer. Tamaki let out a breath when Honey-Sempai ran back to Mori and covered his face with his hand, sighing and shaking his head. It was then that Haruhi approached.

"I think it's good that you and Kyoya slept together," the surprisingly intuitive brunette states. Tamaki made a face and turned to face her. "It'll take some of your focus off of me." She adds, nodding. Kyoya looked toward the pair as they conversed.

"Haruhi, you're still important to me, and you're still important to this club. Just because I slept with Kyoya doesn't change anything. I'm still going to protect you, and treat you as if you were my own."

Okay; Kyoya had to admit that hurt a little bit. He was also a very jealous person, so he did his best to repress it. He began pressing down on the paper in his notebook just a little harder, and most people wouldn't notice, but then again most people weren't sociopathic twins, now were they? The twins appeared on either side of Kyoya and read over his shoulders.

"I recommend you give me some space, Hitachiins." He states, looking at both of them and glaring. They both sweat dropped nervously.

"We're just trying to help you, Kyoya. You work too much." They state simultaneously, each holding up a finger to make a point.

"There's a reason for that, you know." He declares, not giving them the privilege of his attention.

The twins watched the shadow king and nodded. They knew the reason. They knew that Kyoya was trying to out-do both of his older brothers and become the CEO of his father's companies, but they were genuinely worried about his mental health. They sighed and shook their heads, deciding to approach Tamaki instead.


"Yes, twins?"

"We feel that Kyoya is overworking himself."

"I agree. We talked about this last night."

"What are you going to do about it, sir?"

"There's nothing I can do. It makes him content, so that's fine with me."

"But Tamaki, aren't you worried about him?"

"Of course I am. But he's my best friend, and I want him to succeed."

"That doesn't mean he has to kill himself by working too much."

"I don't see how his life is any concern of yours."

"We just don't want to see him have a meltdown, King."

Tamaki sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He knew the twins were right, but he also knew Kyoya wouldn't listen to him. Kyoya was so determined to become the CEO that he probably would end up working himself to death. He looked toward the VP, who was scribbling away. Maybe Tamaki should go talk to him. He slowly got up and made his way to the Raven, walking up behind him and resting his hands on Kyoya's shoulders. Kyoya tensed severely before glancing back to see who it was, relaxing only just so. Tamaki sighed and began massaging Kyoya's shoulders. Kyoya tensed again.

"What are you doing?"

"You're far too tense, Kyoya."

"Tamaki, I'm fine. Just let me work."

"See, it's that kind of mindset that's going to get you into trouble."

"No, it's that kind of mindset that's going to allow me to be successful."

Tamaki sighed and worked at Kyoya's shoulders harder. He was half aware that the twins had let some girls in to watch the scenario play out, and they were already swooning. He stopped massaging his shoulders and just rested his head on Kyoya's shoulders, arms wrapped around the VP's chest.

"You just need a break."

"I don't have time for that, Tamaki."

"Kyoya, come on. ONE day is not going to kill you."

Kyoya weighed his options. The rest of the host club outnumbered him. Three of them were the most persistent people he'd ever met, and two of them knew martial arts. He sighed and looked back at Tamaki.

"…What did you have in mind?"


A/N: Alright, FINALLY chapter two! What should I have the Host Club plan to get Kyoya to relax? A trip the beach? The Spa? Movie night? Date night? Let me know!

Reviews are appreciated~