Sorry for the LONG wait. School and life has been a bit hectic. Tell me what you think, and I have a poll on my profile about which story I should do or Email me an Idea. My Email is on the poll. REVIEW AND VOTE!

After much convincing, the wedding was planned. Hermione, Ginny, Molly, and Tonks were in a dress shop in Diagon Alley.

"No, that's to... to " Ginny couldn't find words to say about the awful dress Hermione was wearing.

"To big." Tonks finished.

Hermione just wanted something small, everyone agreed. A wedding was supposed to be a time of happiness, but in this case, it wasn't. Hermione was scared. She lived at Hogwarts for the greater part on ten years; she knew about Sirius, James, and Remus being players in their school years. She couldn't imagine how many girl had given up their virginity to Sirius. And she would be one of them. She cried herself to sleep at night, just thinking how he would make fun of her. 16 almost 17, still a virgin. Most girls in her year have already lost theirs. Bet I'm the last of my year, she thought.

"Let's try something more simple. Ahhhh... Here we go!" Molly held up a wedding gown. It was strapless, flared out a bit, and had a small train. It also had a silver around the stomach. After putting it on, she stood in front of the full length mirror.

"That," Molly started


"Perfect!" Ginny squealed. Hermione couldn't help but smile. She did look beautiful. She got tears in her eyes.

Ginny came up and hugged her. "Don't cry 'Mione, you look beautiful."

After about 2 hours, everything was bought, and ready for this up coming weekend. Hermione was in the library, ready the newly updated, Hogwarts A History. She looked up when Sirius walked in.

"Hello, have fun shopping?" He asked

"Yeah, very tiring, but it was fun." She said.

She and Sirius had started spending some more time together. Their night had consisted of sitting together in the library reading and making small talk about random things. Sometimes he would ask her questions about her. And she would aske him questions about him.

Maybe this would be so bad after all.


PS- Hermione's dress and Tiara are om=n my profile along with a POLL! VOTE

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