Author's Note: Guess who's back; me with a new comedy/romance Bleach Fan Fic. Isshin is in character and guess who isn't? RUKIA Kuchiki. She plays a spoiled bratty child.

Full Summary: Ichigo is part of the government organization called Gotei 13. The Shinigami there are at constant battle with Sosuke Aizen's Hollows. When a certain Kuchiki, owner of a weapons company is being targeted, his daughter is the number one hostage candidate. Can the best Shinigami protect this spoiled brat who knows nothing beyond the safe walls of her mansion?

Chapter one: Who Would Have Guessed?

Rukia walked down the school hallway slowly. She was in no rush to get back to class from lunch. But the only thing she actually ate was the yummy taste of her boyfriend Renji. Yup, make out sessions with that damn pineapple were nice. He had been her best friend since they were 5 and now they're 18 and dating. Today was their one month anniversary, so you could imagine that Rukia was glowing. Cause damn, she was glowing and almost floating down the hallway.

Ichigo walked down the hallway with a tight grip on his book bag. He had his trademark scowl planted on his face. He felt something hit his chest and looked down. A small girl with raven locks and violet orbs sat on her ass with a scowl on her face.

"You okay?" Ichigo asked. Rukia huffed and crossed her arms. Ichigo held out a hand for her.

Rukia looked at the hand like it was a snake ready to bite. Who did he think he is? Walking into her then not even saying sorry? She snapped his hand away and stood up by herself.

"Geez watch where you walk, did you not notice me you giant?" Rukia snapped as she fixed her skirt and hair.

"Well, I was watched but I didn't notice you midget" Rukia scoffed and kicked him in the shin.

"How dare you call me a midget, I'm just petite!"

"Oh so you can call me a giant but when I return the favor it's wrong!" Ichigo rubbed his chin not bothering to look at her.

Rukia retracted her foot a bit. He was right, she was the one who started with it. But he was yet to apologize!

"Geez, whatever, sorry" Rukia was about to say her own apology but Ichigo passed her and continued his way.

"Ru-Ru-chan!" Momo came running down to Rukia, stopping in time so she wouldn't get knocked down.

"Hey Momo, don't we have math now?"

"I saw that! OMG how's hit chest? Is it hard? Oh my god I bet he works out! Do you know that he is the most handsome guy in school! And you talked to him and you guys-

"BREATH MOMO!" Rukia cut in. said girl stopped and breathed in and out. "No speak so humans can understand"

"Okay that guy you bumped into it Ichigo Kurosaki. He was voted handsomest guy in school but he is so down to earth! When girls throw themselves at him like they do to Renji, he brushes them off! It's a rumor that he isn't even interested in anyone and he's just loyal to his family and friends"

"Or maybe he's just socially retarted." Momo glared. "Okay so he's a nice guy. He even said sorry to me. I kinda called him a giant then he called me a midget. He also offered a hand and asked if I was okay"

"Did you take it?"


"Did you say if you're okay?"


"Did you say it's okay when he said sorry?"

"No" Momo shuck her head and crossed her arms over her chest. "I have an excuse he walked off before I could"

"What an excuse" Rukia was about to defend herself when Momo dragged her by the arm to math class. All Rukia thought about was the next time she sees that Ichigo go guy, she'll thank him.

Ichigo passed the girl, who was a midget, and made his way to the principal's office. Why he was called, he was about to find out.

Ichigo pushed the wooden door that read office open and looked around. The office was pretty empty except for a few teachers and staff members.

"Ichigo, he's expecting you" Ishida said from behind the counter. Ichigo nodded and walked through the little place. Knocking on the large black door a come in was heard.

"You wanted to see me Ukitake?" Ichigo said walking into the office. It was medium sized. In the middle in the back sat a large desk with two chairs in fnt and one in the back that was currently occupied by said man.

"Ichigo long time so see, how are you?" he motioned to a seat which Ichigo took.

"Come on, cut to the chase" Ukitake simply smiled.

"You don't beat around the bush huh?" Ichigo smirked. "Well I was just letting you know that things are looking good on our side. So far no Hollows have attacked out men."

"Well than I think that it was a good thing you had me enroll to become a shinigami."

"And you became my damn best one at that!" Ukitake and Ichigo shared a laugh before Ichigo cleared his throat.

"So what's my next mission?"

"Well we have received a threat from Aizen on a certain person"

"Byakuya Kuchiki again?"

"Yes, you see Byakuya has the money and owns the weapons company they are after. I believe they want to take over the organization. Shinigami were here before those blasted Hollows and we intend to stay on top. No one can take over Gotei (a/n: sp?) 13. His daughter and wife will be under your care. They are prime targets for a hostage situation"

"So I'm Mr. Bodyguard now?" Ukitake slid a file to Ichigo from the desk. "It helps that you are the principal here. So who's the spoiled brat this time?"

"Spoiled, got that right my boy"

"No you sound like goat…"Ichigo didn't finish when he opened and saw a picture of the daughter of Kuchiki Inc. That blasted midget. I bumped into her by accident in the hall. Ask if she's okay and offer a hand. She smacks it to the side insults me and when I return to insult she kicks me. I say I'm sorry and she just stands there. Bloody midget"

"Well that bloody midget is Rukia Kuchiki and your new best friend. I already informed the family and you will be moving in with them. Oh but don't worry Rukia won't know that you are her bodyguard, if she did then she would never let her near you. I mean she is-


"Yes?" he asked amused.

"Moving in…..with her?" Ukitake smirked and nodded. "It sucks that I don't have a god to pray to right about now"

"Well it's your own fault for not believing. And I suggest you get home before her, and Ichigo"


"Do try and maintain a close watch on her" Ichigo couldn't help but detect a faint hidden mean his words but ignored it. Ichigo took the file and put it into his book bag. With that he left the office down to Math class.