
(Hey, it's me again. I'm actually kinda ashamed of this, so I expect flames, but if you do flame, expect me to yell at you! You have been warned, but I decided to post this simply because it's the only thing I've ever written that is slightly humorous, so here you go.)

Simon sat at his computer, glasses perched on his nose, looking very intelligent indeed. He had just heard, punctured by many giggles, from Brittany to look up , Cartoons, and click on Alvin and the Chipmunks. He did so, not finding it very odd that they were included in this site, because, honestly, they were everywhere.
The page loaded, and he scrolled through the links. Eladore, Alvinor, Simonette, Al...wait, what? He clicked on the title:Dreaming, and read the story. It was very interesting, but Simon was a tomato red, grinning mess at the end. He backspaced, because, well, who doesn't love the rather sick feeling of an intense Fangirl/boy moment?
He felt very dirty, looking up a lemon. He didn't even know the mechanics of such things, and he was wide eyed at the end. "I didn't even know we could DO that..."
"Hey Simon!" Alvin's perky voice startled him, and he closed his Apple laptop with a snap. "I'm not in love with Jeanette!" "Yes you are." Alvin didn't find this odd in the least, or random. "I know." Simon sounded resigned. He tucked his laptop underneath his arm and walked out of their room.
Alvin heard something. He pricked his ears. A clicking. "Seriously?" He muttered. He walked over to the corner and threw the blanket off my hiding place. I waved sheepishly, still tapping away on my laptop.
"Were you writing about us?"
"Really? Cause honestly, you're the fifth one today."