Author's Comments-

Okay, before we get going with this I just want to make something clear, while this story IS about the last Earth Fairy, it's NOT about Roxy. In this story, she never existed. And, the story focusses on the main character, which is not Bloom and her gang, though they do play a major part in the story in finding who the last Earth Fairy is. Once the Earth Fairy is in Alfea, this story focusses on HER, not Bloom and her friends.

Reason why I've set this story in California, is because on Youtube (Where I watch most of my Winx Club) In the ads, it shows as Gardenia being somewhere on the coast of California. At least that's What I've seen/deduced. Also, I'm not going in to the whole details of Miss Faragonda asking the Winx to go to Earth and find the Earth Fairy. That's a given that it would happen.

And I'm only going to focus on my Earth Fairy mainly, so there won't be the whole fight between Aurora, Diana, etc. This story is about the Earth Fairy, not Bloom and her friend's struggles. But the Fairy Hunters, Ogron, Anagan, Gantlos, and Dumon will be here.

There's most likely to be some similarities between this and the cannon, there were bits that I really liked, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!

Ok, now that I've got those facts out in the open, I've had lots of fun developing these characters and I hope keeping in mind the first few paragraphs here in the Author's Comments while reading, that you'll have fun reading. Please, if you don't like my story and think that Bloom should be the main character, or think that Roxy shouldn't be replaced, keep it to yourself. I don't need to be told how to write my story. If you come to this with an open mind, I do hope that you'll have fun reading it! I know a few of my friends have been wanting me to write this story for a while, so here it is...!

Winx Club-

The Earth Fairy Chronicles

Chapter One: Gardenia's Other Fairy Part One

Terra Didiere lived in Gardenia, California, a city at the coast line of the state with beaches and waves to talk about all year round. Her hair was shoulder length and wavy, onyx black with magenta highlights in her bangs and streaks in the rest of her hair. These were natural for her, she didn't have to dye her hair. Which she loved. It was a particularly cool summer day, she'd been up since seven, eager to hit the malls and go to the park with her beloved Golden Retriever dog, a yellow blond, long furred female named Sadie.

Today, Terra wore a t-shirt that was purple in the front, had a v-neck, and was rather long past her waist. Her shirt was dark purple in the center, the sleeves were light purple, while the neck, sleeves and bottom of the shirt were trimmed in inch-thick long magenta stripes. Her pants were knee length, black soft slacks with slits on the outside about three inches long. Her shoes were platforms and purple and black to match her outfit.

Her friends were for the most part out for the summer with their families. One was going to Yosemete National Park, the other was traveling the country going to as many theme parks as she possibly could. But for Terra, she was happy just staying in Gardenia with her father, who owned a fairly popular pet store. Walking down the familiar streets with her dog, she reached the park where she pulled out a vibrantly colored tennis ball, which got Sadie jumping and barking as she unhooked her dog from her leash.

"Go long, girl!" She shouted, and the dog ran for it, several feet away from her before she threw the ball. She'd heard of strange incidences in the city over the last few days, but that didn't stop her from giving her dog plenty of much needed exercise.

It was while she was throwing the ball for her dog- who didn't always want to let go of said ball- that a flash of light caught her attention. Looking up she saw six differently colored lights. Upon looking closer, it was a group of girls with wings, the very girls that had been rumored to be flying around Gardenia the last several days. She didn't really think she'd get to see the girls. But they did look like Fairies, after all.

When Sadie barked at her, she looked down and threw the ball once more. She looked back up, but the six fairies were gone. She felt her dog pressing against her leg to get her attention, then suddenly recoiled as Sadie put her mouth right on her hand, and she came in contact with dog slobber.

"Sadie!" She exclaimed. "How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?"

The dog barked again, through the tennis ball, and she gave an annoyed sigh.

"Give it." She said in a tone of surrender. After all, she did come here to play with her dog, not stare at a bunch of fairies.

On her way home, she saw what looked like a new pet store, and stopped to look through the window.

"We still haven't found the fairy." Complained Musa.

"We've only been here a few days, and besides, Gardenia's a big place. Maybe our store will attract her." Suggested Tecna.

"We've been working like dogs since we got here. I liked Alfea better." Groaned Stella, feeling particularly grumpy since she'd not been able to get her normal beauty rest. "Poor Brandon won't even recognize me with these bags under my eyes!"

One of their pets was running over to the window. A girl they'd seen earlier was bending over and smiling at the poodle as it danced around for her.

"Sorry, but we're not open yet." Stella walked over. "You can come back tomorrow when we're finished setting up, ok?" And she closed the curtains.

"Stella!" Bloom said in alarm at her apparent rudeness to the girl, and watched as the poodle went under the curtains to entertain the stranger.

Terra gave an un-lady like 'humph' that normally annoyed her dad, at the rude blond girl. But the poodle snuck underneath the curtain that she'd closed in her face, and danced around for her some more.

"You're so adorable!" Smiled Terra, putting her hand on the glass. "I wish you a long life with a good owner... anyone but that rude prima donna."

Sadie started pulling on the leash to go home or to the pet store that her dad owned.

"All right, all right, let's go." Terra stood up, unaware of the blast of magic energy that she just sent through the shop.

Bloom had just been in the middle of reprimanding Stella for her rudeness to customers, when she and everyone in the pet-store to be was knocked off her feet by what felt like a blast of magical energy.

"What on earth was that?" Asked Flora, looking rather winded herself.

"It felt like a blast of magical energy." Said Tecna as she stood up.

"You think it could've been the wizards of the Black Circle?" Asked Aisha.

"If that's the case we should go Enchantix and find them first. They could've found a clue to the last Earth Fairy that we don't know yet!" Said Bloom, still a little shaken.

Terra was trying to decide if she should go to the pet store or home when she looked up again and saw the same six fairies from earlier, after people around her started pointing up in awe and shock. The appearance of the fairies didn't cause quite the stir they did when they first turned up, the people of Gardenia were starting to get used to them.

"The trail is stronger here!" Said Aisha from her spot up in the sky above the city.

"I can feel it too!" Nodded Musa.

"Let's follow it and see where it leads us." Suggested Bloom.

"There are so many people down there... It's hard to tell which one of them it's coming from." Sighed Stella in mild frustration.

"I doubt it's from any of them if it was caused by the Wizards of the Black Circle." Tecna pointed out.

"But what if it's not from the Wizards? What if it's from the fairy we're looking for?" Suggested Musa on a random thought.

There was a pause as it all dawned on them.

"Either way, lets hurry, the trail is getting weaker!" Said Bloom suddenly.

"Look!" Tecna pointed down at another pet store several blocks away from their own Love and Pet.

"That girl with that adorable dog from earlier." Blinked Flora.

"And the magic trail is going in to that pet store even... Should we follow?" Asked Aisha.

"I think so. If that's the one we're looking for, then we need to hurry. It's such a small shop though..." Bloom looked at the building. "I think only a couple of us should go in there. We don't want to get it cramped up, in case the Wizards turn up."

"Some of us should stay outside in case the Wizards DO turn up. We can alert you if they decide to." Tecna looked at the group.

"Bloom, why don't you and I go in? We can pretend we're looking around for ideas for our own pet shop and getting it off the ground." Said Aisha. "I think if Stella went in with you, it might cause some tension with their last encounter and all."

"Good idea." The girls landed behind the bushes near the pet store, and transformed back in to their civilian forms before Bloom and Aisha went inside.

"Hey daddy, I'm back from walking Sadie!" Terra called when she came in to the pet shop.

"Oh, good, Terra you're just in time. Can you help me feed the lizards?" Asked the black haired man who had just come from the back room behind the desk.

"Sure thing." Terra nodded, unhooking Sadie from her leash to let her roam freely in the shop. Instead of bounding around everywhere, Sadie went to her favorite spot in front of the cashier's table and laid down next to a box of some of her toys. Terra meantime was pulling out a jar of crickets and other insects for the gecko lizards in one of the heated tanks. "Here you go little babies, eat up." She said right as the door to the shop dinged when Bloom and Aisha entered.

"Ah! Customers!" Her father said.

"Bloom, look..." Aisha whispered, pointing at Terra who was currently feeding the lizards. "The magic trail led us right to her."

"So it wasn't from the Wizards." Muttered Bloom.

"Can I help you ladies?" Asked the man, approaching Bloom and Aisha. "I'm Carl Didiere, owner of this pet store."

"Ah, just the person we wanted to see." Smiled Bloom as Terra moved on to the next tank of lizards bathing in the heated lamp light they provided. "See, we're starting our own pet shop and we were coming in to see if there was anything we could learn from a more experienced owner?"

"Oh! You must be the owners of that Love and Pet I've been hearing about. Well, you've come to the right place." Carl smiled kindly at the young ladies. "Now you, young lady, I recognize from somewhere..." He added.

"Yes, I'm Bloom and I grew up in Gardenia. This is my friend Aisha, we met at the school I go to."

"Ah, now I remember. So you want advice on running your own pet store? No problem, always glad to be of help. We might even get a partnership going if you want." Carl started showing Bloom around as Aisha moved towards Terra.

"Those lizards are so cute." She said.

"Aren't they? It's going to be so hard to give them up when someone comes to find them." Sighed Terra, scratching one of the lizards eating crickets on the head.

It was as Terra was touching the lizards that Aisha felt the wave of magic once again, but at least it didn't knock her and Bloom off their feet this time.

"Good, Aisha and that girl are getting off to a friendly start." Said Flora from outside the shop. "Those animals are so adorable in there."

"The cats and dogs, sure, but those lizards? UGH." Stella flipped her hair imperiously in a show of her disgust.

"Stella, we won't get very far with that girl if you keep reacting like that." Tecna warned. "We need to be friends with her if we are going to prove she's the last Earth fairy."

"I hope not, because that means I'll have to put up with those disgusting toads and lizards." Huffed Stella.

"I can't believe you Stella," Said Musa. "You'd really forsake the fate of an entire world because you can't get past your liking of those animals?"

"If it means not having to ruin my outfits, then I'd avoid them if I were you." Stella was leaning against the fence that went around the pet shop.

"So what's your name? I'm Aisha." Aisha introduced herself to the girl.

"Terra. Terra Didiere. I help my dad run this store." Smiled Terra at the dark skinned girl as she moved to the cats to check their water and food. "Calm down guys," She added as the kittens ran up to her with another wave of magic energy following them.

"What about your mother? Isn't she around to help out?" Blinked Aisha in surprise.

"Nope. Mom died when I was really young. So it's just dad and me. But we do pretty good." Smiled Terra.

"I'm sorry." Aisha truly was sorry. Though her parents may have been strict to the extreme sometimes, she still loved her mother and father. "Whoops..." She caught a kitten who was trying to play escape artist as Terra moved to fill the water bowls again.

"Tom, you little escapee, you just love to follow me around." Smiled Terra as she talked cute to the orange and yellow striped kitten who mewed at her when she came back. "Thanks for your help. So you like animals too?"

"Oh yes. I'm in charge of training and their fitness at our store in fact." Smiled Aisha.

"I hope to come by and see it sometime, but we can get so busy here during the middle and end of the week." Terra plucked the kitten from Aisha's hands and put it back in the overly large kennel after putting the fresh water bowls in. She glanced over at her father, who was still deep in discussion with the red haired girl Bloom about the business of owning a pet store and caring for animals while making sure they are ready to be adopted.

After a while, Bloom and Aisha emerged from the shop.

"Well?" Asked Musa.

"It was the girl. She said her name's Terra, but I didn't say anything about the magical energy wave earlier." Replied Aisha. "And she's got a very strong affinity with animals. Also... I did learn something else... She said her mother died when she was still very small, but somehow I'm not thinking that's the case if her father is mortal and she knows next to nothing about her mother."

"What we need to do is keep an eye on her." Said Bloom. "Make sure the Wizards of the Black Circle don't get to her before she even has a chance to transform and find out for herself who she is."

"You really think that's possible?" Said Stella, pointing down the road as the dimensional warp appeared, and the four wizards emerged from it once again as they had done back in Alfea.

"So this is where the little fairy from Earth is?" Asked Ogron.

"How disappointing..." Gantlos frowned. "It's just another annoying pet store."

"Maybe we can coax our little fairy friend out?" Sneered Anagan. He slammed his foot on the ground, and a crack in the asphalt appeared as the earth began to shake and tremble.

"What's going on out here?" Terra, who'd been closest to the door opened it. She saw Bloom and her friends bracing for the quake Anagan caused. Wait... Why was the crack in the earth starting at that man's feet? That was impossible.

"Terra?" Her father stood behind her.

"Well, what do you know, boys, looks like our little fairy friend decided to show herself." Dumon growled.

"What?" Both father and daughter stared as the animals in the shop started barking, crying out or hissing at the presence of the Wizards.

"Come on girls! Let's go Enchantix!" Bloom shouted above the quake.

"Right!" The others responded.

And before Terra and Carl's eyes, the six girls were transforming in flashes of blue, pink, orange, violet, and red light. Terra's mouth was open when the girls emerged moments later as Enchantix Fairies.

"Holy crap..." Carl voiced what was on his daughter's mind.

"Mr. Didiere, get Terra out of here and hide her. Some of our friends are on their way to help keep you safe from these guys." Bloom said.

"Wait... Why don't I go with them?" Aisha suggested as a last minute thought. "That way they won't be completely unprotected."

"Good idea." Nodded Tecna.

Terra felt glad that at least one of the girls was going with them, and that it was Aisha.

"Come on." Aisha said, flying over to the two, and she led the way to safety for Terra.

"Dumon, pursue them!" Orgron shouted. "We'll deal with these little girls and catch up."

"Little girl huh?" Musa grumbled, taking to the air and directing her hands at the remaining three as Dumon transformed in to a giant black wolf.

Tecna saw the wolf chasing after Terra, Carl and Aisha and raised her right hand in their direction. As the sonic blast hit Ogron, Anagan and Gantlos, she summoned her 'world wide web' to bar the wolf from chasing after the three. For a moment, the web seemed to work, during that small time the three vanished around the street corner. But Dumon broke through the web with his massive claws.

"Hurry, this way!" Terra said when Aisha and Carl were about to head in to an open street. She heard the howl of something menacing in the distance headed towards them, and it sent a chill down her spine.

Aisha noted the frightened look on the girl's face, and the worried look on her father's face.

"We need to find somewhere safe, where we won't get any more people involved in this mess." Aisha was looking around. She didn't dare fly up higher, or risk being spotted and blow their cover.

"The underground sewers are right here." Terra pointed at the man hole.

"Absolutely not!" Carl said at once. "I won't have my little girl and her friend crawling around in the stinky, slime infested sewers!"

"Dad, it's that or being eaten alive by a ravenous wolf monster." Terra heard the call again, and this time both he and Aisha heard it.

"No time for arguing!" Aisha summoned her Morphix, which lifted the lid to the manhole, which was just large enough for a large man to climb in to.

"Ugh... We'll need to bathe for a month after this." Grumbled Carl as Terra climbed in first, stepping on to the metal step ladder.

"C'mon, Dad!" Terra was terrified as she heard the wolf getting nearer. She grabbed her father's pant leg and jerked, rather hard.

Luckily it wasn't that far to fall, but the man let out a groan as he landed on the cement floor at the bottom of the ladder.

It was dark for a moment, but soon lit up after the scraping noise of the man hole sliding back in to place with Aisha's Morphix powers helping out. The glow came from Aisha's wings and outfit when it turned pitch black for a moment.

"Ouch..." Carl was stretching when Terra jumped. "Did you have to do that Terra?"

"Hey, it was that or let you get attacked!" Snarled Terra, feeling zinged that he at least didn't realize that fact, and that she was terrified about what was going on so suddenly.

"Come on, we've gotta keep moving to avoid him."Aisha was feeling edgy, and nervous, and since she literally lit up the sewers beneath Gardenia, she led the way with Terra and Carl behind her.

Tecna had given chase of Dumon with Flora close behind them.

Flora raised her hands, summoning her Luxurious Green Ivy to bar Dumon from going around the street corner where Terra, Carl and Aisha had vanished. For a moment, Dumon wasn't quite sure what to do, but with a mighty push in the wolf form, he was able to burst right through.

He saw that there was no one in this street, but he could still smell the human girl, but it was getting faint. Apparently she was moving. Transforming back in to his human appearance, Dumon looked around, and saw the only spot that the girl could have vanished so quickly, and an evil manic grin split his face at the same moment the two fairies caught up with him.

"You know, you Fairies are more of an annoyance than a challenge." He said with a cocky stretching of his shoulders that bugged Tecna more than anything.

Bloom sent a blast of pure dragon energy at Ogron, who had his back turned to her as he shrugged off Musa's Sonic Boom attack. He glanced back at Bloom when the dragon fire barely grazed his back.

"Barely tickles me. How long till you little girls get the hint that your pathetic powers don't work on us?" He asked, raising his right hand at Bloom and sending the same blast of Dragon energy right back at her two fold, the force of which knocked her in to the hard cement sidewalk.

"Bloom!" Shouted Stella in alarm before she too was hit by her own Sunburst attack that was thrown right back at her.

Terra sighed, tired from all the walking they were doing.

"Let's take a break." Said Aisha, seeing the two were looking worn out.

"Much appreciated." Carl nodded his thanks to the fairy.

Terra was already resting against the wall farthest from the river of sewage.

"Huh... I always thought I might die in a pit... but a pit full of sewage?" She commented.

"You're not gonna be dying anytime soon, Terra." Aisha blinked at the girl's pessimism. "The Hunters may be after you, but my friends and I are here to ensure your survival."

"You mean you and those other girls with wings?" Asked Carl. "What on Earth do you call yourselves anyways?"

"We're Fairies, and the group I'm in is specifically called the Winx Club." Aisha explained as simply as she could.

"Fairies? Really?" Blinked both Terra and her father, then they looked at each other, wide-eyed in shock.

"Yes, and you are one too, Terra. That's why those Hunters are here." Aisha was hoping that she wasn't going to be too difficult about this.

"What? No way!" Aisha exclaimed in her obvious shock at the news.

"Yes way, little fairy to be." Came a wolf-like voice from behind. "And once we drain you of your powers, before you can transform, that will have been a problem solved before it started."

"Don't you mean a preemptive strike?" Came Tecna's voice from behind him as she and Flora caught up to them.

Dumon transformed back in to his human appearance.

"More fairies?" Blinked Carl in dismay.

Ogron was standing over the fallen Bloom as she was starting to stand up.

"Once I finish you off, then we can go assist Dumon." He raised his hand.

"Fat chance!" A voice caught Bloom off guard and she looked over as a blast from Timmy's laser gun cut across Ogron's wrists.

"Nice shot!" Sky said as Bloom sent a dragon fire blast right at Ogron's chest.

"Need a hand?" Asked Riven as he punched Anagan away from Musa who accepted it.

"Thank you but I can take care of myself, you know." She snapped, at which Riven shrugged.

"Where are Tecna, Flora and Aisha?" Asked Nabu.

"They're after that guy Dumon, and Aisha's protecting the earth fairy." Replied Stella. She spotted someone new to their group. "Hey, I've never seen you around before."

"He's new at Red Fountain. Joined our group at the start of semester." Brandon said with a smile at Stella.

"Cain, nice to meet you." Cain said politely. He was tall, with straight, short brown hair, and hazel eyes. His skin was pale peach, while he wore the Specialists' outfit, but he had a very bored, almost spaced out look to his face and posture. Completely different to the others who were alert and ready to fight. This caught Stella by surprise, as most of the Specialists she met were eager to do their job.

"Nabu, you, Timmy and Helia take Cain with you and track down the others, we'll hold off these guys here." Sky said, pulling out his sword.

"You sure it's ok to send a newbie with them?" Asked Riven as he blocked an attack from Anagan.

"The only way the guy's gonna get experience is by being on missions, Riven." Said Sky as the four took off down the road that Bloom pointed at.

Dumon transformed in to a black bat and flew right at Layla, who was blocking his path to the girl. Layla summoned her Morphix Sphere, which wrapped around the bat to keep him from getting to Terra.

"Mr. Didiere, take Terra and get out of here!" Layla said, but at that moment, Dumon transformed back in to his human form, thus breaking the Morphix sphere, before turning in to a giant black dog with massive fangs and claws.

Flora summoned a storm of flowers and turbulence to throw Dumon in to the river of sewage and muck. The resulting splash sent the muck flying everywhere, and the current was just strong enough to keep Dumon from swimming back to the walkway right away.

"Hurry, let's get moving while we've got a chance." Tecna said, and the others didn't waste time arguing.

As they rounded a corner, Flora paused a moment, turning around. She summoned a wall of thick, thorny ivy that should hold off Dumon at least for a little while. Tecna added her own fire wall for extra strength, before they moved on.

"Do you know any way out of this mess?" Asked Carl.

At which Tecna summoned her mini computer.

"There's an exit to the surface about a mile from here. If we keep up this pace, we should get there before he breaks through our defenses." Replied Tecna.

Sky, Brandon and Riven managed to beat back Ogron, Anagan and Gantlos in order to let Bloom, Stella and Musa to get to their friends.

"Be careful sweetie!" Stella said to Brandon before Bloom grabbed her by the arm.

"We've gotta hurry!" Bloom warned, and the three went off after their friends.

Ogron, the girl is in the underground! Dumon sent the alert out to his leader as he pulled himself out of the river of sewage. With a quick spell, he was able to remove the stink and sewage itself from his body before turning back in to his wolf form and running after them.

"Did you hear that boys?" Ogron looked at the other two. "Let's hurry so we can complete our mission. It's been fun, gentlemen, but we must be going." Ogron, Anagan and Gantlos vanished in the space warp that they used to reach wherever they were going.

"This can't be good..." Said Riven.

"C'mon, let's catch up with the others." Brandon and Sky both took off in the direction that the rest of their friends had disappeared in, and Riven quickly followed as well.

The group had managed to get out of the underground through a manhole that was at the park. After Tecna and Flora made sure it was safe to venture out, Aisha told Carl and Terra to go first, that way they would have someone watching their back, and once they were back in the sunlight, Flora used a simple spell to remove the smell of the sewage that was lingering on them.

"There we go." She smiled sweetly, before the three fairies led Terra and her father to a safer spot near the middle of the park.

"I still don't get this... you claim you're fairies, and I'm one too? But that can't be. I'm just a girl who likes animals-"

"And who happens to be hunted by a group of men calling themselves the Fairy Hunters." Said Tecna.

"But Fairies don't exist...! They're just fictional beings in stories from ancient times." Terra looked between the three, and her father.

"And yet here we are, sweetie. Aren't you at least going to believe what you see, if not what you hear?" Asked Flora with a kind smile.

Terra looked over at Aisha.

"It's ok if it takes a little time. Sometimes these things don't happen right away... Belief in something you might never have been able to see or experience in before that is." Aisha said encouragingly.

"For now, it seems we've lost the Fairy Hunters. I think we'd better do something that won't bring so much attention to ourselves though, people are starting to stare." Tecna was looking around.

She was right, Terra saw that quite a few people were staring at the girls with their outfits and rather large wings.

"There they are!" Musa pointed down at the park where she spotted Aisha, Tecna and Flora with Terra and her father.

The three descended down to ground level, and transformed back in to their civilian forms as well the moment they landed.

"Is everyone ok here?" Asked Bloom.

"Yep. I think we managed to loose the Hunters for now in the underground." Nodded Aisha.

"Good." Bloom smiled kindly at Terra, who was blinking at the group.

"I think maybe right now we should lie low here." Musa was looking around. "It's not like we can go around anywhere we want with those creeps after you." She added to Terra, who stared.

"But... They shouldn't be after me... I've never done anything with magic! I'm not a magical being or whatever it is you want to call it." Terra looked from Musa to Aisha, to Bloom.

"Hello, is this denial on the line? I'd like to make a call to reality here." Stella couldn't resist, but that little comment earned a glare from Terra.

"Stella! You're not helping!" Bloom snapped in alarm.

"Hey, I'm just saying. The girl's got proof all around her that Fairies exist." Shrugged Stella, flipping her hair imperiously at them.

"Terra, I know it's gotta be hard, but please trust us." Bloom turned back to the girl. "We're only here for your benefit and safety. Without you, there would be no hope left for magic here on Earth. I was raised here in Gardenia too, I know what you must be going through. Never showing any sign of magical prowess until the situation arises-"

"But... But..." Terra stepped away from the girls and her father, who had remained silent during all of this.

"Terra, please... You don't need to-" Bloom began again, but Tecna put a hand on Bloom's shoulder.

"Bloom, she's in shock. Maybe we should try later." Suggested Tecna.

"I'm not a fairy! I'm not a fairy! You've got the wrong girl!" Terra shouted before turning and running off.

"Terra!" Aisha shouted just as the Specialists caught up with them. "I'll go after her, she's upset and with the Hunters after her she could seriously get hurt if she's on her own without any powers. Is that ok, Mr. Didiere?" She added, and the man nodded.

"Do what it takes to protect my girl." Carl said.

"Mr. Didiere?" Bloom looked curiously at the man, as Nabu said he was going to go with Aisha as well...