Author's note: Although I'm no stranger to fan fiction, this is the first story I've ever written that was Castle-related. Normally my stories are much longer in length, but this was bouncing around my head this morning when I got to work and so I cranked it out in about twenty minutes. It's a little different from most Castle/Beckett relationship betting pool stories. I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: The characters in this story are the intellectual property of Andrew Marlowe and ABC.

They stood looking at the pair who were talking animatedly at the murder board set up on the other side of the homicide bullpen.

"How long do you think it will be before they figure it out?"

"I don't know. They seem pretty clueless sometimes."

"I know what you mean. It's not like the signs aren't there. All the looks, the touches, the whispers, and the secret smiles. A blind person could see it."

"Just not those two."

"They must like living in oblivion."

"I just wish they would hurry up."


"'Cause then I'll win the bet."

"I think it's safe to say that I'll win the bet, seeing as how I said it wouldn't be until next month before they got their act together."

"We could help them along."

"What do you . . ."

Beckett's words were cut off as Castle scooped her up in his arms and kissed her thoroughly.

"Whoa!" Esposito's voice called from across the bullpen. He stopped the conversation he was having with Ryan and watched in awe as their colleagues put on a very effective display of kissing in the middle of the homicide squad room.

Ryan glanced over at his partner. "Did you have any idea that they were . . . ?"

"Nah, bro," Esposito replied. "I didn't think they would get together before New Year's."

Castle ended the kiss and grinned at his dazed partner. "I win!"

Beckett's glassy-eyed gaze cleared up instantly and she smacked the writer on the arm. "You cheated!"

"What's going on?" Ryan asked the couple.

"We had a bet," Castle answered.

"A bet?" Esposito echoed.

"Yeah," Beckett replied. "We were wondering when you two would figure out that we had gotten together. After a couple of months waiting on you two brilliant detectives to finally see what was right under your noses, we decided to make things interesting."

"Wait a minute," Ryan interrupted. "You said 'a couple of months'. Just how long have you two been together?"

"About six months now," Castle answered.

"Six months!" Esposited cried. "And we didn't know?"

"NYPD's finest right here folks!" Castle jibed.

"So, what was the bet?" Ryan asked.

Beckett turned and gave him a devilish grin. "Trust me, you really don't want to know." She turned back to Castle. "Come on, lover boy. You're taking me to lunch." She grabbed him by the hand and let him toward the elevator. "And who knows? I just might be persuaded to make good on that bet while we're gone."

The entire homicide division stood dumbfounded as they watched the couple get on the elevator.

Ryan turned to his partner. "What do you think she . . ."

"Dude," Esposito interrupted and held up his hand. "Don't even go there."