Hunger Games
Okay, I'm going to do one of those SYOT Hunger Games things so you can see your character's personality and emotions and reactions unfold into a spectacular novel-like remake of Hunger Games. Please submit your tribute with this form:
Basic Info-
Age (12-18):
Basic Looks(I need these. Remember, not everyone is drop dead gorgeous. Add a few zits here and there, maybe an oversized nose or something.) –
Eye Color:
Eye Shape(Don't just say 'Round' say like, perfectly circular, slanted, Chinese, stuff like that.):
Hair color:
Hair Style:
Freckles, Acne, Zits:
Nose and Lips (Describe them):
Skinny, in between or plump:
Clothes (Be creative. The clothes should match the personality of the person. Figure out how they would act before you choose the outfits. You don't have to; I can choose if you want. I have one condition, No shorts that don't cover their butt. At least down to the thigh. For girls, No really low shirts and boys no really low sleeves. Have fun! )-
Reaping (These should be casual clothes):
On the Train (These should be something the capital gives them. Not anything wacky, something casual):
Training Center (These should be workout clothes, remember my conditions!):
Parade (These should pertain to what district they're in. 5 does mutation so be creative with that.):
Interview (Something Fancy):
Reaping (You know the drill)-
Reaped or Volunteered:
Who'd they volunteer for and Why:
Reaction to reaping (Be Creative and be dramatic):
Love interest-
Do they have one?:
Feelings toward them:
Eye Color:
Eye Shape(Don't just say 'Round' say like, perfectly circular, slanted, Chinese, stuff like that.):
Hair color:
Hair Style:
Freckles, Acne, Zits:
Nose and Lips (Describe them):
Skinny, in between or plump:
Is the tribute's love another tribute?:
Family and Friends- (Say their Name, age, feelings for them)
Games- (REALLY be detailed)
Strengths (at least 6):
Weaknesses (Be reasonable and give me at least 5):
Preferred Death:
Feelings if they won:
Well, That's it! Sit back and let me do the work!
May the odds, be EVER in your favor!