Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, or any part of it.

Chapter 5: Namek Part 2

Gohan flew in the air with Krillin and Dende. Gohan looked around to find a place that they could hide. Dende looked at Krillin and Gohan nervously as they flew. The three of them flew down to a cave and went inside.

"We should hide here for now," said Gohan. "Hide your power levels."

"Hey kiddo, what's your name?" asked Krillin.

"D-Dende," said Dende. "Excuse me, but why did you come to this planet?"

"We had a guardian that was a namek like you, and he's gone now. We don't have any dragon balls to revive our friends," explained Krillin.

"Oh," said Dende.

Dragon Ball AU: The Elemental Saiyans

In the sky

Vegeta went to a village and saw a few Nameks looking at him. Vegeta blasted them all and went into each building. In the tall building he found a orange object and chuckled. He took the dragon ball and blasted off. In the sky, he looked for a lake to hide it in. For a few moments, he flew and then saw a lake. He chucked the dragon ball into the lake.

Vegeta flew off and saw a fat blob in the sky. He smiled and then blasted towards him and then punched him.

"Vegeta!" said Dodoria.

"So, Dodoria," said Vegeta. "I guess it's time you die. Too bad I didn't finish you off earlier. Oh well, you'll still die."

Dodoria though, "IfIdon'tthinkofanything, he'llkillme! WhatdoIdoooo…LordFrieza!"

"Lord Frieza!" said Dodoria.

"What?" said Vegeta without turning. "Ha, I can sense power levels. There's no one behind me."

"Dammit!" said Dodoria.

Dodoria raised his hand and blasted a barrage of orange ki blasts at Vegeta. He stopped after a minute and then smirked.

"No one can survive that!" said Dodoria.

"Oooh really?" said Vegeta.

"But how!" said Dodoria.

"Simple, I'm just stronger than you," said Vegeta with a smirk. Vegeta punched Dodoria in the jaw and then blasted a hole through his heart.

"See you in HFLL!" said Vegeta. Vegeta blasted off in the sky and continued his search for the dragon balls.

Dragon Ball AU: The Elemental Saiyans

Frieza's spaceship

"Uh… Lord Frieza… I don't think Dodoria is strong enough to handle Vegeta," said Zarbon.

"Oh no, Dodoria is one of my best soldiers, of course he can kill Vegeta. Vegeta wouldn't even do anything with his most powerful attack," said Frieza.

Dragon Ball AU: The Elemental Saiyans

Dodoria's grave

Dodoria lay on the ground with blood around him and a hole in his chest.

Dragon Ball AU: The Elemental Saiyans

Frieza's spaceship

"Well then let's find him," said Zarbon.

Zarbon pressed the red button on his scouter and searched for Dodoria. "He's gone."

"What? Impossible! How could Vegeta be so strong?" said Frieza.

Frieza walked to his cabinet and took out his manual on how to handle saiyans. He flipped through the pages and look at a box. "NEVER LET SAIYANS GET INJURED NEAR DEATH. SAIYANS GET STRONGER EVERY TIME WHEN HEALED."

"Well then, must've missed that," said Frieza.

Dragon Ball AU: The Elemental Saiyans

Gohan's place

"Hey Krillin, what should we do?" asked Gohan.

"I don't know," replied Krillin.

"How about we go to the grand elder, father of nameks, super kami Guru?" suggested Dende.

"Grand elder father of nameks super kami Guru? Who's that?" asked Gohan and Krillin.

"He's the father of all of us," said Dende.

"Uh more Piccolos, and he's the father of all of you?" said Krillin.

"Yea, he's the only one who survived the climate change," said Dende.

"Oh," said Krillin.

The three of them blasted off into the sky with Dende leading them. They flew for many hours and then saw a white building. They flew down and saw a tall and green person come out.

"Dende, who are these people?" asked the green person.

"They're from Earth," said Dende.

"Very well then, you may enter," said the green guy.

The four of them entered and saw a large and fat Namek.

"Huge!" said Krillin.

"Aaahhhh. Deeenndddeee," said Guru.

"These are the Earthlings that came here to use the dragon balls to revive their friends," said Dende.

Guru put his hand onto Krillin's head and then took it off and said, "Aaaahhh, yes. Your intentions are pure, unlike the others. You may use them."

Guru took the dragon ball from his chair and gave it to Krillin. He put his hand on Krillin's head and a white aura surrounded Krillin.

"Woah woah what the heck! This is incredible! I feel like I am the strongest person in the universe!" said Krillin.

"I have unlocked your potential. It was not much though," said Guru.

"Aww, so that means my potential was that small?" said Krillin.

Guru placed his hand on Gohan's hand and then said, "Ah, his potential is far far far far far too big for me to unlock. I can only unlock a bit of it."

"I'm jealous," said Krillin.

A white aura surrounded Gohan and then Guru removed his hand from him. Gohan looked at his hands while his potential was unlocked a bit.

"Woah! I feel like I'm on fire!" said Gohan.

"Well, it just happens that you were a while ago," said Krillin.

Guru placed his hand on Dende and a white aura surrounded Dende. After a few moments, he removed it and said, "Dende, you're powers have been unlocked. Use it wisely."

"Yes Lord Guru," said Dende.

"You should get going. I sense 5 evil forces coming. With your new powers, you should be able to face them. However, one is far stronger than all of them. Be carreeefuuullll!" said Guru.

Gohan, Krillin, and Dende blasted off into the sky towards Bulma.

"Hey Gohan, what is it like when you're on fire?" asked Krillin.

"Well, I feel like I could run around the world 1000 times I guess," said Gohan.

"Wow, er, that's a lot," said Krillin.

They sensed where Bulma was and flew to her. Gohan found a house in a cave and knocked on the door. "It's Gohan!" siad Gohan.

The door opened and Bulma came out and shouted, "While you left me, I was here ALL alone BY MYSELF!"

"Please Bulma, we have a dragon ball!" said Krillin holding his hands up.

"Wow, Namekian dragon balls are really big!" said Bulma.

"Are your dragon balls smaller?" asked Dende.

"Our dragon balls are the size of a small ball," said Bulma.

"Anyway, we don't have much time," said Gohan. "Guru said there are 5 people all as strong as us or even stronger are coming here."

"WHAT! And I thought Vegeta was enough! Please Goku, hurry!" said Bulma.

"Uh Gohan, I'm going to go to Guru's to get the password incase you get the dragon balls," said Dende.

"Sure, that'll be great!" said Gohan.

Dragon Ball AU: The Elemental Saiyans


Vegeta sensed a two huge powers that vanished and blasted towards where it vanished. He wondered who it belonged too.

"No, it can't be those two earthlings. It's impossible. Wait! It can't be!" thought Vegeta. Vegeta looked up in the sky as he flew. "No! No! NO! Curse it! The Ginyu Force! Gah! I'll have to hurry!"

Vegeta stopped and then went to Frieza's space ship.

A while later, he arrived at a big spaceship and snuck inside. He went to walked to Frieza's room when he heard Frieza in the space room.

"…just about how long do you think you'll be here Ginyu?" said Frieza.

"Do not worry, Lord Frieza. We will be here very soon," said Ginyu.

"Ha! My chance!" thought Vegeta.

Vegeta ran towards Frieza's room and went in side. He looked outside and saw Zarbon coming from a hall and walking the other way of the entrance to Frieza's room. He raised his hand towards the other way and sent a Ki blast that exploded and created a lot of smoke. He blasted the window in Frieza's room and took all five of Frieza's dragon balls and blasted off.

"Lord Frieza! The dragon ball's are missing!" said Zarbon.

"Zarbon, go find Vegeta now. If you do not I will be eating crocodile for dinner. You got that?" said Frieza.

"Y-Yes Lord Frieza," said Zarbon.

Zarbon blasted off and thought, "IbetterfindVegeta, LordFriezaisgoingtoeatmeifIdon't!"

Vegeta hid the dragon balls and then flew into the sky. "TimetofindthoseEarthlings."

He blasted off towards the cave Krillin and Gohan are at. Zarbon flew around in the sky in frustration and yelled, "GOD DAMN IT! IF I DON'T FIND VEGETA, FRIEZA IS GOING TO EAT ME! Gah! I'll probably be flying like a jackass and yelling-"

"WHERE ARE YOU EARTHLINGS!" screamed Vegeta as he flew right past Zarbon at max power.

"Was going to say COME AND EAT ME FRIEZA, but that works too!" said Zarbon.

Zarbon blasted towards Vegeta at max speed. Vegeta found the cave that they were at and landed. Gohan and Krillin walked out with the dragon ball in their hands when Zarbon landed.

"Perfect, now hand that shiny orange ball over," said Vegeta.

"Oh no no no Vegeta. Of course they are going to hand it to me," said Zarbon. "Right!"

Bulma came out and saw Zarbon. "Oh my god! He must be our hero!"

Bulma ran over to where Zarbon is and said, "You're so handsome!" She walked over to Krillin and took the dragon ball and said, "Here, if you can kill Vegeta, I'll give you this!"

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Zarbon.

Vegeta blasted him into smithereens and smirked, "Well, how bout me? Baldy, give me the dragon ball. The Ginyu Force is coming! They are atleast 10 times stronger than me! If you don't, we'll all die! Wish me immortality, and I can defeat them!"

"Oh Vegeta, so if they are 10 times stronger than you, does that make your 10 times weaker than them?" asked Krillin.

"SILENCE! HAND IT OVER NOW!" yelled Vegeta.

Gohan said telepathically, "Hey Krillin, think we can use this chance to get his dragon balls?"

"Yea! That's a great idea! I have to thank Chichi for that!" replied Krillin.

"Fine, but after this is over, the alliance is dead!" said Krillin.

Vegeta smirked and thought,"Youmeanafterthisisover, you'llbedead?"

The three of them blasted off and left Bulma in the dust. "HEY YOU TWO! COME BACK!"

The three of them went to the lake Vegeta hid it in and retrieved it. They flew to his spot with the rest of them and then Krillin said, "So, how do we summon the dragon?"

"I'll tell you how," said a voice. "Hand it to Lord Frieza and you will live."

"It's the Ginyu Force!" said Vegeta.

"So their the Ginyu Force? They don't look that strong to me," said Gohan.

Guldo appeared front of Krillin and said, "Hey you! Why don't you hand those shiny balls over? If you don't, I'll see you in-"

Vegeta cut Guldo's head off with and energy blade and said, "Well that's one down."

"Curse you Vegeta! Now what will our Ginyu Force Super awesome ultra cool pose look like?" said Ginyu.

Recoome jumped and aimed a kick at Gohan. Gohan jumped in the air and kicked Recoome in the back. Krillin put his hand up and formed a Destructo Disc and shot it to Ginyu. Ginyu laughed and let the disc hit him directly. The disc shattered into pieces when it hit him.

"Impossible!" said Krillin.

"Ha! I'm a lot stronger than Guldo. AND NOW I WILL AVENGE HIM!" he screamed. Ginyu appeared behind Vegeta and blasted a hole in him. Vegeta screamed in pain while Gohan kicked Recoome in the face and then created an energy blade. He swung it at Recoome but Recoome dodged it and punched Gohan in the gut. Gohan smirked and said, "Nice try." He drew back his hand and flames appeared. He punched Recoome and went through his chest.


Krillin punched Ginyu, but it did nothing. Jeice and Burter flew in and attacked Gohan. Gohan's flames vanished and fell to the ground.

"Well then, I leave it to you two, I must find some replacements!" said Ginyu.

"Yes sir!" saluted Burter and Jeice.

Ginyu took the dragon balls with him and left. Krillin attempted to go after them but Jeice punched Krillin.

"No… it's.. hopeless," said Krillin.

Gohan and Krillin sensed a large Ki and looked up. "It's my dad!" said Gohan.

"Heh," said Krillin.

"Listen, I don't know what this Goku is, but you two are done," said Burter.

Goku's ship landed and he got out. "Okay. Lessee… I have 2 senzus. This should be enough. Wow, Gohan and Krillin's power are weak, I better get going!"

A red aura surrounded Goku and he blasted off and reached Gohan in seconds.

"Woah woah woah! Who are you!" said Jeice.

"Impossible!" thought Krillin. "I swaer he was like 100 miles away and he came here in seconds!"

"Heya Krillin," said Goku.

Krillin smiled and took the senzu Goku gave to him. Goku gave Gohan a senzu and they both ate it.

"Never this glad to see you Goku," said Krillin.

"What the heck! I swear they were near death! Is that some kind of magic bean!" said Jeice.

"Dad, those two are incredibly strong together. If it was just one, I think I could've taken one out. There's even a stronger one!" said Gohan.

"Gohan, I'm proud of you," said Goku. "This time, leave it to me."

"Goku, you sound like you could beat these two no sweat!" said Krillin.

"No, it's impossible *cough blood*… He can't be a Super Saiyan! Curse it! I am the prince of all saiyans, and I am weaker than a third class saiyan and his son? His son is only a half saiyan! God damn it!" thought Vegeta.

"Oh hey Vegeta, sorry, but I ran out of senzus," said Goku. "Maybe we'll find something at this weird guy Frieza's ship or something."

"What! How dare you insult Lord Frieza!" said Jeice. Jeice and Burter leaped up and charged towards Goku. Goku raised his fists and a red hot flame appeared. He punched both of them, finishing them.

"Goku! Do you have the same thing as Gohan has?" asked Krillin.

"Well, I guess. I asked King Kai about it and he said I might have something close to it since he was my son," said Goku.

"Amazing, he finished both of them in one punch!" said Gohan.


They took Vegeta and flew towards Frieza's ship. Frieza left towards the elder Guru to retrieve the password while Dende flew RIGHT past him.

"Probably just a giant space booger," said Frieza as he flew in his ship.

Ginyu dug a hole and put the dragon balls inside. He covered it and went inside for a nap. Gohan, Goku, Krillin, and Vegeta landed there. Goku took Vegeta inside and looked for something to heal him. He saw a room with a red cross sign and handed Vegeta to Krillin.

"You can take him inside Krillin, I'm starving!" said Goku.

"You mean you're scared of needles?" said Krillin with his suspicious look.

Goku ran off scared after Krillin said that. Krillin chuckled and went inside. He saw healing pods and said, "Hey Gohan, what are these?"

"I don't know, maybe we put people inside and press a button?" said Gohan. "I guess Vegeta is our test subject."

"Hehehehe!" said Krillin. He grabbed a needle and stabbed Vegeta with it. Vegeta screamed as Krillin slowly took it out and then placed him inside. He looked at the control panel and looked at a red button. "I guess this does it?"

He pressed it and a blue liquid filled the tank. "Mmmhmahhhmhmhmhmm!"

Vegeta banged on the window and Krillin turned it off. "What's wrong?"

"I NEED *cough* AIR INSIDE IT YOU *cough cough cough cough cough cough* IDIOT!" screamed Vegeta.

Gohan looked around and saw an air tank. He put it on Vegeta's mouth and closed it. He looked at the control panel and pressed the red button. Gohan and Krillin left the room for Goku.

"Curse them! Why am I not the strongest saiyan! I am the prince of all saiyans! They are just third class idiots! Grrr WHY! TELL ME WHY! TEEEEELLLLL MEEEE! GOD DAMN IT! TELL ME! WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!" thought Vegeta.

Dragon Ball AU: The Elemental Saiyans

Vegeta's dream world

"Where am I!" said Vegeta.

In the darkness, Gohan and Goku appeared and smirked at Vegeta. Vegeta jumped and aimed a punch, but they moved up. He ran for them but they wouldn't stop.

"CURSE IT! I AM NOT WEAK!" screamed Vegeta.

"Weak? Of course you are," said Goku. "If you are not weak, why can't you even hit me?"

"Come on Vegeta, you have to do better than that!" said Gohan. "I guess you're the prince of losers!"

"SILENCE! I… AM… NOOT…. WEEEAAAAKK!" he screamed.

Dragon Ball AU: The Elemental Saiyans

Back at the real world

Electricity came off of Vegeta and sparkled the water.

Gohan and Krillin rushed back and saw what was happening. Goku came a minute later with a handful of food.

"Hey guys, what's wrong?" asked Goku.

"It's Vegeta," said Gohan.

"Well, according to King Kai, he said when saiyans first appeared, there were two branches. The elemental saiyans and the regular ones. The elemental saiyans were faster than regular saiyans and could control an element of nature or something. Regular ones… uhhh… I think they are just regular saiyans. Elemental saiyans were very few in numbers. Elemental saiyans and regular ones breeded and the off springs had no control of the elements unless triggered by something like anger or something," said Goku.

"So Gohan and you are one?" asked Krillen.

"Well I guess," said Goku. "If Vegeta is one, I wonder what's going on in his mind right now since lightning is coming off of him."

Dragon Ball AU: The Elemental Saiyans

Guru's place

Frieza landed and Nail walked out. "Who are you?" asked Nail.

"Oh hello, I am Lord Frieza. I happened to find this wonderful and marvelous planet when I was looking around on Foogle Space. I heard this legend about these dragon balls and if you collected 7 of them, you could get a wish. I would like to know how to summon this dragon or whatever," said Frieza.

"Very well, but you must defeat me first!" said Nail. "Follow me."

The two of them blasted off into the sky.

Power levels


Max Weights - 60,000

Max Fire Weights - 80,000


Max - 200,000


Max - 30,000


Max - 24,000


Max - 19,000


Max - 57,500


Max - 100,000


Max - 100,000


Max - 190,000