Thank you so much everybody for reading and reviewing! After reading and replying the reviews, ( BTW I stalk the story stats :3 ) I went on an all time high and probably screwed up my exams because of the incessant smiling and thoughts~ ( I bet my friends think I'm mad now ) Haha... And because of my overwhelming joy that I found hard to contain, I wrote this chapter within a day! I only uploaded it now because... Studying was stressing me out, Ahahaha~

This chapter didn't quite turn out as what I had expected... Hibari became a sadistic jerk now... * Emos in a corner * I hope you don't mind a little blood...

Enjoy and Review!

Oh no oh no oh no!... Hibari's mad! Really mad! Tsuna screamed inwardly, squeezing his eyes shut and feeling the deadly aura of the person he was being carried by. Distracted in his thoughts, he felt like he was suddenly thrown onto the cold, hard surface of the... Bathroom? He opened his eyes hesitantly and saw Hibari filling up the larger than normal tub. Ah, that tub. Hibari had ordered it specially, a few months ago. He never did explain, of course, being the aloof guy he was. Tsuna looked round the large bathroom curiously. Even though he had been in Hibari's room plenty of times, for many different reasons, he had never actually step foot nor entered the bathroom. Lost in his thoughts once more, he felt a hand grabbing his arm and pulling him up roughly.

" O-ouch! Kyoya! What are- " before he could finish his sentence, Tsuna was thrown into the spacious bathtub with a splash.

Hibari promptly took off his clothes and stepped into the bath as well. He continued glaring at the other man in front of him. Hmph, you should be old enough to protect yourself from those things. His narrow eyes travelled down Tsuna's body, noticing the red marks on his pale creamy skin, the partially swollen lips, and most of all, the remaining white liquid of another man. " I'll make sure you will never forget this day, herbivore. I'll make sure nothing of that pineapple remains on or in you. " Hibari smirked.

Oh no, what is he thinking? Tsuna thought, quailing backwards, trembling in fear as he thought Hibari Kyoya's wrath. Suddenly, Hibari lunged at him, slamming the weakened man against the back of the bath and the wall.

" K-Kyo-! " Hibari's lips crashed into his own, sucking out whatever remaining life remained, the tongue forcing entry in a possessive manner. Too weak to resist, Tsuna let the muscle enter and roam free, going so deep till Hibari's tongue reached his throat. Tsuna squeezed his eyes, almost choking as his hand tried to push Hibari away but not only did Hibari continue ravaging his mouth, he grabbed both of Tsuna's wrists and raised it above their heads. Within a few seconds, a click was heard. Tsuna's eyes sprung wide open and tilted his head upwards as much as he could. To his horror, he saw that his hands were handcuffed to a pole. No way... Wh-What? Tsuna paled as Hibari broke the kiss, smirking as the trapped man was gasping for air.

" This is your punishment, accept it. " he growled into Tsuna's ear, making him blush furiously as the skylark licked the shell of his ear, travelling down to his nape where he bit down sharply.

" Ah! " Tsuna cried out as he jerked backwards. A trail of blood trickled from the wound and Hibari licked it up, sucking on the wound to draw more blood and going for Tsuna's lips once more. His mouth was filled with the taste of blood as the bloodied tongue swirled round his mouth, coaxing his own to react.

Hibari's hand caressed Tsuna's body till he came to his nipple, pulling and pinching it, making Tsuna moaned and grind his hips against Hibari who in turn, let out a small grunt. He started to suck on the other nipple, circling it with his tongue before flicking it. Just when Tsuna was getting used to the ministrations, Hibari bit down harshly again, causing to Tsuna to yelp and his knees to buckle.

" This is what you get when you don't listen to me. You get bitten to death. " he hissed, his warm breath moistening and tickling the already sensitive body of Tsuna whose face was covered in a light pink blush. Hibari eyed the marks on Tsuna's body with disdain and proceeded to nip them one by one till they bled while his hand went down towards Tsuna's member.

Soon, the marks from Mukuro became wounds from Hibari. Tsuna bit his lower lip as he endured the pain with a few soft moans. Small trails of blood dripped down the body and when the blood had slid till his stomach area, the skylark used the tip of his tongue to follow the trail, licking the blood as he went up towards the wound. Tsuna quivered from the warm contact of the tongue on his cold skin. His hand stroked Tsuna's member slowly, a finger rubbing the head.

Tsuna's hip began to move up and down, coaxing Hibari for more. His deft fingers rubbed the tip, his nail probing the slit. Tsuna gasped at the sudden rush of adredeline pumping through his system, his back arching slightly. As Hibari continued rubbing it, Tsuna moved his hips rhythmically as well, shuddering whenever his nail scratched his slit.

" K-Kyoya!... I-I'm c- " before Tsuna could finish, he felt a pressure around his member. His teary eyes opened and got another shock. An orange ribbon was tied firmly round his member. Great, his hands were cuffed and now he wasn't allowed to release! What is that Kyoya up to next? He could feel his member twitching slightly and his gaze moved to Hibari's steely, cold eyes which stared into his half lidded, brown orbs. Wordlessly, he shifted Tsuna in such a way that his legs were over the skylark's shoulders and positioned his member directly in front of Tsuna's entrance. Tsuna's face blushed slight at the position where he was completely exposed and vulnerable. He shivered a little as his lower body was lifted from the water to the cold draft which tingled his member which was still tied and his entrance throbbing. Hibari must have noticed it as his tongue massaged the sacs then to the entrance, probing it.

All of a sudden, Hibari forced his member in, the friction causing Tsuna to scream, his hands struggling intensely. The pain struck through every nerve, his legs bucking. He caught a glimpse of Hibari smirking and thrusting once more. Tsuna screamed again, his sweet voice echoing the soundproof room as tears fell from his eyes. Droplets of crimson dripped from his hole to the water. Hibari thrusted continuously at a faster speed and more blood dripped down, dying the water a light hue of red.

" Are you going to continue to disobey me? Are you going to cluster with that pineapple herbivore? " he demanded, panting as he continued with the thrusting which kept hitting so accurately at the prostrate.

" Nnngh... Nngh...Ahh! " Tsuna moaned, unable to think or say anything properly. He really needed to release but that darned ribbon was in the way. His back arched beautifully as his prostrate was being pounded hard by his strong cloud guardian. He was at his climax and he felt rather light-headed from all the tension.

" Are you? " he reiterated.

" Nn...Ahhh! No!... No! I... I'm sorry!... Ahhh!... " Tsuna desperately formed in between moans and heavy panting. The thrustings soon came to a stop and Hibari pulled out the ribbon. The moment he did, the white liquid rushed out, dripping down the member and to the hole, mixing blood and cum before swirling with the pinkish coloured water.

Their breathing slowed down and Tsuna passed out soon after. Two in a day was definitely too much for his body to handle.

Hibari glanced up at the cute and unconscious Tsuna and for once, his eyes softened. There were still blood trails on his chest and he licked it up, licking his lips afterwards. He gently put Tsuna down and uncuffed his hands which dropped limply by his side in the water with a splash.

" You belong to me, herbivore. You are mine. "


Tsuna woke up groggily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. " Ah... W... Where am I?... ". Suddenly his eyes shot open. " Hibari!- Ahh! " Oh how his lower body hurt from yesterday's... Punishment. Looks like I won't be able to walk for a while...

He was wearing a bathrobe and when he looked inside, he realised that Hibari had cleaned him up and dressed his little bite marks. He tried to turn but a strong familiar arm round his waist prevented him from doing so. Tsuna smiled and crawled back into bed, nuzzling his face into his lover's chest with a sentence echoing in his mind...

You belong to me, herbivore. You are mine.

:D How was it? Another idea sprung up in my mind which is a 6918 or 1869 or both. It's a continuation of this and it's about how Hibari gets his revenge against Mukuro~ If you want a 3rd chap, do let me know and who should be the top/ bottom, hehe~ Thank you!

Did I tell you that love you guys? :D

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