bNOTE: In the story... everyone is humanized! Ok, I'm trying something out here. I came up with the idea of writing an epic story with a couple that has never been used before and doesn't really make sense. I'm trying my hardest to make this a good story, REVIEWS ARE MORE THAN WELCOME!
Disclaimer: I do not own Penguins of Madagascar./b
A boy around the age of eighteen, a big city and no family. That was his life. The poor guy walked through the streets on the dark side of the city. His pitch black hair clinging to his pale face. He didn't feel the rain. He hadn't felt the rain in a long time. Immune to the cold and used to the clinging soaked clothes. He could not catch a cold, or maybe he had one all along, he didn't know nor did he care. Focusing on the pavement instead on the cruel outside world, his mind wandering off to his homeland; his family. He could not remember how he ended up in New York, but he'd do anything to get back to his own home and his uncle who had been taking care of him ever since he could remember. Did a tear slide down his cheek or was it the rain trying to make illusions in his brain? He couldn't think straight, hadn't been able to for a long time. How long had it been? Three weeks; three weeks he had been living on the streets of this rotten town. No one cared. He felt ashamed to be called a human. The people in this dreadful city were heartless and would rather let him die than reach their hand to help him up. Because, God forbid them they got dirty!
What was his name again? What had his uncle called him? Something military because that was just like his uncle. He admired the military, but became a spy instead. Uncle Nigel, could've made it to commanding officer if he'd like. He had to start as a private though.
The small boy stopped. That was his name: Private. He was small for his age and thin. Poor Private had been mistaken for a girl several times. The black hair that now clung to his face was usually wild and had an adorable look to it, covering his ears and eyebrows.
The boy looked up to the dark grey sky in time to see a flash of lightening. His turquoise eyes shimmered in the light. He'd better take cover before he got hit. Private shuffled into an alley where lights came from the few houses edging on it. Maybe getting hit wouldn't be so bad. It would put him out of his misery. The boy rubbed his temple. Since when had he become suicidal? He always had been gleeful and happy with his life.
"I hate this city with every bone in my body." He muttered bitterly. He forced himself to shuffle further into the creepy alley and stopped at a door that seperated him from a lot of voices. He looked up for a sign, but none was there. A house with a big family perhaps? A bar seemed more plausible. Private pushed at the door, slowly opening it. His observations were correct for he was greeted with the smell of alcohol and people speaking with cheery voices. The boy slid inside and sneaked towards a dark corner where he sat down, hoping to stay unnoticed. But when was luck ever at his side?
He carefully observed the humans in the bar. Glasses filled with beer or stronger liquid were on every table, the floor was sticky from the spilled drinks. Some men were flirting with women, utterly drunk. Some of the customers were passed out. The bar supported a few guys, drinking their drinks alone. At the farthest corner sat a young man with a strange grey shine through his dirty blonde hair which was about an inch above his ears and neatly combed with no curl in sight. He didn't really have bangs but a few strands framed his forehead. Every so often the man would run a hand through his hair, and the strands would fall back into place perfectly. Private stared at the man from his corner. The man was pale and had a large scar over his right eye, which seemed to be sealed shut. He had expression on his face that Private could only describe as disgusted... or maybe defeated. He could not make out the guy's eye color but paid it no further thought. He fixed his stare on the floor. His dark grey hoodie dripped water on the floor, forming a small puddle. He had left it open which meant that his black shirt was soaked too. His dark jean clung to his legs uncomfortably and his once white sneakers had turned grey and dirty. He ruffled his hair so it looked a bit like it's normal style and sighed deep, lowering his eyelids. Would the owner get mad if he slept here? That was probably not a good idea.
Private tensed up when he heard footsteps near him. With his eyes still on the wooden floor, the first thing he saw was a pair of black shoes in front of him. He gulped, assuming the owner of said shoes would throw him out. Ever so slowly, he glanced up. Past the dark blue jeans, the light blue (almost white) button up shirt, into the eyes of the man he had previously been staring at. The man smirked down at him with his hands on his hips. Private looked up at him with wide eyes and his jaw slightly dropped. The man in front of him was very handsome with his steel grey eyes that were cold as ice yet strangely inviting.
"That's not a place to fall asleep is it." The man mocked. Private's stare hardened and he nodded. The man held out his hand which the younger took hesitantly. He helped him to his feet. Private eyes met the man's chin. Gosh, that man was tall.
"Who are you?" Private asked hoarsely. He hadn't used his voice in a while. The man continued to smirk.
"William, but call me Billy." The man, Billy, said. "What about you?"
"I'm..." For some reason, Private didn't trust him yet. "I'm Sam." He lied. Billy patted him on the shoulder.
"Sam it is then. How about I buy you a drink so you can warm up?" He said with his ever present smirk. Things could hardly get worse for Private so he nodded and followed Billy to an empty table somewhere in a dark corner. Private sat down, inspecting the wooden table as Billy went to order two beer. When the order was placed in front of the younger, he raised an eyebrow and swirled the liquid around.
"What's this?" He asked quietly. Billy snorted and took a sip of his glass.
"It's beer, Sam. You never had alcohol before? Then perhaps it's not a good choice to-" Billy started but stopped when he saw that Private/Sam took a large gulp from the drink and grimaced for a second. Billy laughed. "Excellent. Let's continue this conversation then."
Private hardly heard what he said last. The alcohol left an unfamiliar, but not unwelcome, burning in his throat. He licked his lips and took another sip.
"So, Sam is short for Samantha I assume?" Billy asked with a grin. Private's head snapped up and he sent a death glare in the other man's direction. Billy held his hands up in defense. "I'm kidding, lad. How old are you? You look very young. Private took another sip.
"I'm eighteen." He answered. "You don't look that old yourself." Maybe it was the alcohol, but he felt oddly comfortable around this man. Billy gulped half his glass down.
"I'm twenty-three, so yeah I'm not that old." He said jokingly. Private chuckled for the first time since he got into this mess and gulped the rest of his beer down before slamming the glass on the table.
"Is this the strongest they have?" He asked with a smirk of his own, unable to keep himself from glancing at the handsome guy in front of him every so often. Billy raised an eyebrow.
"Eh no... I'll be right back." He said before finishing the rest of his own beer and walking over to the bar. Private watched after him and noticed that Billy's way of walking radiated power. The shorter guy caught himself staring and shook his head to stop it. It might have been because of the fact that he hadn't had a decent meal in a few days that he felt the alcohol clouding his mind already. It wasn't enough. He wanted, no, he needed more! He wanted to forget everything. Just forget about the mess that was his life right now and enjoy this evening... with Billy. Said man just came back with two smaller glasses in his hand. The liquid had a strange brown color and smelled strongly of something he could only describe as nutty. Private raised an eyebrow.
"It's scotch. You probably won't like the taste but it's very strong." Billy explained while swirling the liquid through the glass. Private took his glass and took a sip. He felt the burning sensation again but this time, it was ten times stronger. The effect on his mind was immediate and he sighed in relief as the world began to look funnier with the minute. He grinned at the man in front of him who, so he'd notice, would stare at him from time to time. Private felt way more confident than usual and Billy couldn't deny either that the alcohol was having a clear effect on himself.
"What?" Private asked raising an eyebrow, the grin never leaving his face. Billy snorted and shook his head.
"You know, for a boy lost in the city, you're kind a cute." He finally said with a wink. Private felt a blush creeping to his face. Or maybe it was the warmth the alcohol brought.
"How'd you know I'm lost?" Private questioned.
"I read it in your eyes. They tell me everything." Billy answered while staring in said eyes. Private's blush turned deeper. Billy snickered and leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head. "You know, I could take you with me. I have a couch in my apartment. You'd have a place to sleep tonight." He mentioned. Private raised an eyebrow.
"How very generous." He said, his British accent now shining through much more than before. Over the time he had taught himself to hide it, though it still required hard work. Billy leaned forward with a smirk.
"Ah, you're British, how nice. Yes, you could stay with me for the night! However, you will have to earn it." He said mockingly. Private leaned forward as well, imitating the smirk. They were both too drunk to even have a clue what they were doing.
"Oh" He said seductively. "And how will I do that?" Billy's smirk turned into a grin as he took the younger's chin and brought him closer to his face.
"A man has his needs and mine have not been pleased for a long time." His breath ghosted over Private's lips, making the guy shiver.
"I see, and I assume you want me to help you with that?" Private asked, his eyes closing automatically. Billy brought them a little closer together. Private felt the hot breath against his skin and could no longer resist. The fog in his brain masked his actions as the younger of the two closed the small distance in a hot, alcoholic kiss. Before either understood what was happening, the drinks had been paid for and the two had somehow made it to Billy's apartment. They were making out in the bedroom when they broke away for some proper air.
"I don't think I've felt so happy in a long time." Private breathed with half lidded eyes. His face was coloured red with a blush. Billy stared down at the younger with a wicked grin.
"It's about to get better." He whispered. Private looked up at him with a wide smile, his eyes shimmering in the moonlight that shone through the window. Billy wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's waist and kissed him senseless. They both lowered onto the bed for a forbidden night.
Late in the morning, Billy woke up with a painful grunt. He rubbed his head slowly and shielded his eyes against the burning sun. He felt sweaty and dirty and became aware that he was only wearing boxers. Faintly remembering what happened last night, he looked around for another human being, but his night partner was long gone.
Private limped across the street, cursing himself for having such a slip-up. He wasn't that kind of guy! He would never do that. His thing was being cute and maybe even cuddly, but most of all he was innocent. Not this strange alcoholic kid who would dive into a bed with the first man to offer him a drink. He slapped himself in the face as he had been doing all morning and strutted through an allyway, ignoring his pounding headache, his painful legs and the dizziness. Oblivious to the screaming and fighting in front of him, he limped with a clouded mind and tear filled eyes through the allyway until two feet appeared in front of him. He glanced up and was met with a two deep, warm, gentle blue eyes and a polite smile. Black hair in a hairstyle that reminded him of someone last night. The man was not much taller than Private. He wore black shoes and jeans, and a white button up shirt. Private had the strange sensation that he was safe now.
"You gotta watch where you're going, kid." The man said with a soothing yet commanding voice. He turned his back to the smaller, as if he was shielding him. Private noticed two other guys fighting a man, until said character finally gave up and jumped out of sight. The man in front of Private turned back around and placed his fists on his hips, smiling down at the boy.
"Skipper, Hans' crew left too. We lost them." One of the other two said in a deep voice that somehow radiated intelligence. The other one grunted something that Private couldn't understand.
"Not to worry, Kowalski, we'll get them next time." The leader, Skipper, said over his shoulder to the man, Kowalski. His eyes came to rest on the young man in front of him. "And who may you be, walking into our fight like that." He asked half mockingly.
"I am... I'm... Priv-" Private started but the dizziness, at last, became too much and his eyes rolled backwards as everything faded to black.