Author: FWVidChick (Jen)
Pairings: Clois
Rating: PG to PG -13
Disclaimer: I own nothing (obviously) and I just enjoy writing it. Its called fandom.
Theme: Humour and romance.
Summary:Clark and Lois trading emails through the seasons. Showing off their growing friendship and then love, may end up including text messages too.
Time Frame: Through out the 10 seasons.
This fic is because of this picture of email titles between Clark and Lois and other ppl in the show, and the resulting discussion because of it. I plan to cover periods of time up to s10. Will update as it comes to me.
There is no AT email sign because ff won't allow it so u just see the beginning of their email address sadly. oh well. This fic is also posted on Kryptonsite as Clois Messages of Love and friendship (all one word with the AT sign)
Self forgive my mistakes.
Prologue: Between Cousins
FROM: Lois Lane
TO: chloetorch
Okay, so I know that this cute boy you like is there but still Chlo, Smallville for gawd sakes! Its got to be the worst idea ever. I hope the general doesn't get it in his head to send me there for punishment when he finds out what I did. He doesn't even know I am here at the library to use the computers. I am surprised he isn't watching me closer, though after that last 'break out' maybe he gave up. Doubt it.
Chloe, I love you and don't want you to be miserable so if you tell me to find a way to rescue you. I will. But if you are happy than I'll let it be. But don't except me to come visit for long..hicksville is not my style.
Love you always,
FROM: Chloe Sullivan
TO: isthisloveCoverdale
SUBJECT: Re: Re: Why!
I promise you I am fine. I've been here in Smallville for almost a year and a half now. I know you guys were off the radar for a bit, but believe me, if I was in a bad state I'd let you know. Besides I have more then just a cute guy going for me.. the Torch and amoung other things.
Also Cuz, I don't just like Clark.. I think I am in love with him. I mean I know everyone would say I am too young but I know what I feel. Clark is amazing, he is so pretty and yet not in a feminine way you know. He is just pretty..with beautiful eyes that seem as blue as the sky one minute and green like the sea the next. And his lips are soft.. got to kiss him once. But like the dork I am I told him it was to get it out of the way. Now I endure him watching this other girl. The girl he doesn't think I know that he practically stalks.. apparently he has since he was like a toddler or something.
Enough about me. So.. what did you do?
FROM: Lois Lane
TO: chloetorch
SUBJECT: Under martial law!
The title of this email is exactly how it is right now between me and the General. Lucy is beyond lucky she is at boarding school. I can't even be bothered to keep doing this with the general you know. After the prom incident we are at def con one of silence and screams.
As for the last thing I did. I got into a fight. And when he grounded me I escaped (like I usually do) anyway, he didn't appreciate the fact that my reply to a certain pigheaded asinine boy was to punch his lights out. Apparently his dad is important.
I'm thinking as soon as I am legally allowed to leave of hitting the road. I love the General but if I don't go we are so gonna end up killing one another.
This Clark sounds cute. Though I think you should set your sights on someone a little less small town and a little more going places. You are a city girl Chloe... I won't tell you that you can't be in love, but be careful from what you said before he seems to have tunnel vision.
Love you,
FROM: Chloe Sullivan
TO: isthisloveCoverdale
SUBJECT:no subject
I've got myself I think way over my head this time. Clark has always been there to help me.. don't know how he does it but I don't think he or any one else can this time. I didn't mean for it to get like this, but Lionel Luthor has it in for me. If something happens to me..dont let it go. Find Clark and find out, don't let Lionel win.
Please, Lois I am counting on you.
Beginnings..(first half of s4)
FROM: isthisloveCoverdale
TO: Elmerfudd
SUBJECT: email
Wow, I am surprised the email address was correct, didn't realize farmboy hicks could work a computer so well. Impressed.
Anyway, Here's my email address like you asked, don't lose it now. No comments on the name either Elmer, I know about your little obsession with a certain cartoon hunter..don't forget.
FROM: Elmerfudd
TO: isthisloveCoverdale
SUBJECT:Re: email
Thanks Lois,
I am so please you're 'impressed'.
I don't have an obsession, by the way. I was little when I got the nightlight and other looney toon paraphernalia. As for the email address your cousin helped me decide. It was the one I liked out of the choices that came up.
Coverdale who, what, or where is that?
- Clark
FROM: isthisloveCoverdale
TO: Elmerfudd
Hahaha, Oh Clarkie..
David Coverdale is only the lead singer of the most awesome band ever! Haven't you heard of Whitesnake? See now I know what we are going to be doing this weekend. Time to give you a crash course in real music rather that country stuff you listen to now.
FROM: Clark Kent
TO: isthisloveCoverdale
We are not listening to anything this weekend. Isn't it enough you hijacked my bedroom? now you want to put me through that. No, thank you!
Don't call me Clarkie.
FROM: Lois Lane
TO: Elmerfudd
SUBJECT: Sorry..
Sorry!.. Sorry, I rock and you definitely drool. Come on farmer John, just admit you like the music and I'll quit playing it. Well I won't play it so loudly. I know you like it, I heard you singing the lyrics to 'here I go again' this morning at breakfast.
FROM: Clark Kent
TO: isthisloveCoverdale
SUBJECT: no subject
Lois, I was only singing it because its been stuck in my head for three days.. THREE days. You..there aren't even words for you. Also the barn loft is MY Space. I go there to think, not hear ballads.
And what are we doing? Talking in email when we argued about this over breakfast. I'll see you after school I suppose..
FROM: Lois Lane
TO: Elmerfudd
SUBJECT: Re: no subject
You don't think in the loft you brood or mope, how ever one wishes to view it. And yes, you did see me after school and I caught you again mumbling words to a white snake song. If you just admit you like them I will stop playing them for a bit.. I promise.
I like this form of communication with you. What I find interesting is the fact you keep responding to me! I think its another one of those things you enjoy and won't cop to.. tsk tsk Clarkie..
FROM: Clark Kent
TO: isthisloveCoverdale
SUBJECT: no more.
You only like it because you know it irritates me. Again I was singing the words because you keep playing the music over and over.
This is the last time we are exchanging emails while you live in MY bedroom. I only wanted your email incase it was ever needed for an emergency or something.
FROM: Lois Lane
TO: Elmerfudd
SUBJECT:Re: no more.
Oh and YOU have no sense of humour.
ஐ / ஐ
(continued soon)