Authors note: Omfg its chapter seven. So Hi there, it's like late right now and I'm tired, I checked over it before posting it but I'm soo tired so it might not be that good, sorry!
Anyway… let's throw in another disclaimer :D
Disclaimer: I do not own Kurt, Wes, David or Blaine or the warblers or Dalton, just my OC's.
Who I love! :D Also the Pipits. I own them!
The Warblerette
Chapter seven
Day one of waking up to Wes and David. – The horror begins.
Kurt felt a spasm of pain through his whole body and he squinted as the carpeted ground connected with his shirtless skin and he groaned.
"Ow," He mumbled through a sleepy haze. "What the-?"
He brought himself up to sitting position and his vision began to clear, but - like a javelin had penetrated his side and had been removed, leaving to be healed – he had a dull fading ache in his side. His hand ran over the wounded area and he winced.
He blinked adjusting to the darkness… Then it struck him. It was still dark and he was lying on the floor.
"What in the name of sweet gaga is going on here?" He demanded remembering where – and who he was with. He glanced upwards to – horrifyingly – see his bed tipped on its side, the sheet staying in place but the quilt hanging on for dear life and the pillows, well they must have been thrown across the other side of the room because they weren't present.
David's head appeared from the top (or side) of the bed. "Oh hey Kurt what are you doing down there?" He knitted his brows and snorted. It was an attractive sight.
"What am I-?" Kurt echoed in horror. You didn't need to be a child genius to work out what had happened. "What the hell do you think I'm doing down here, you turned my bed over!"
David furrowed his brow in thought and then something clicked. "Oh right, you mean this?"
He gestured to the bed and Kurt blinked.
"No, the other one!"
David just stared at him blankly for a sec and comically his head fell to the side.
"Yes this one!" Kurt flailed exasperatedly.
"Oh well –" He was shortly cut off by the other wonder twin, his head also appearing.
"Hey Kurt what are you doing down there?"
It was like they planned it or something. Kurt paled and decided now would probably be a good time to GET OFF OF THE FLOOR.
"Why did you tip my bed over?" He demanded scanning the room to find everything else in pristine condition.
"Well, we were waiting for you to wake up,"
"And we were kinda getting bored"
"So we decided to play heads or tails,"
"And then David did a 360 plus seven nine quarter inch flip," Kurt didn't even want to know.
"And it went kinda wrong,"
"Kinda?" Kurt raised a brow and David frowned seething-ly.
Wes rolled his eyes. "And then it kinda rolled under your bed and we couldn't reach it,"
"So we lifted it up!" They finalised and seemed to be pleased with themselves.
They both shared a devilish look before turning back to Kurt and smiling in unison.
Kurt just watched on in with a blank expression drawn on his face, his arms folded and his side still aching, he deadpanned; "So you were waiting for me to wake up," They nodded.
"and you decided to entertain yourself," Nod.
"But then the coin rolled under my bed." Half nod.
"and you turned my bed over to get it," Blink.
"So in actual fact by trying to not wake me, you woke me by force and dropping me on the ground." He finalised and Wes and David shared a concerned look before nodding cautiously.
They made it half way down the steps before their uniforms were drenched with water mixed with a stinging substance.
"My eyes!" David cried.
"My hair!" Wes cried.
"Ooh! My skin!" David gasped rubbing the back of his hand against his cheek and grinning.
"Okay boys – and girl," Mr Morgan quickly added when Cody threw a scathing look, she smiled. "I know you are all familiar with some of the Cromley Gate girls, well most of you –" He glanced over to Adam before continuing his speech. "– anyway, so I suppose most of you probably know the Cromley Gate's Pipits are going to be sharing our valentine's performance."
Cody tilted her head and turned to Wes. "What's a Pipit?" She mouthed and he leant closer to her.
"A bird."
"What's Cromley Gate?"
"Sister School," The explanation was abrupt but helpful.
"Is every show choir here named after a bird?"
"Pretty much,"
"Barnes, French, Ssh!" Mr Morgan warned and they both chorused.
"Sorry sir,"
"And Mr French put your feet down!" Wes lifted his legs off the coffee table.
"As I was saying…" He continued and Wes put his feet back. "The Pipits have decided to come down here and show us some of their stuff,"
"They're performing here?" David spoke up and Mr Morgan held a finger to his lip.
"They'll be performing in the auditorium tomorrow at three so I expect all of you to be there to show your support, anyway I'm sure most of you have friends in the Pipits that would love to show you guys up," He teased causing a murmur across the boys.
"You mock us sir!" Thad yelled out and David groaned.
"Oh my god Thad shut up!"
"Yeah Thad no one cares!"
"God Thad."
"Yeah!" A beat passed. "Thad."
"French, David!" Mr Morgan scorned and the wonder twins shrunk back in their seats.
"Sorry sir."
Cody shook her head and rubbed at her temples.
Darcy was led staring at the ceiling fan on Kurt's bed, which of whom she still needed to thank for letting her stay here. She blinked, her head dangling off the side of the bed.
"AAAAAAAH!" She yelled and rolled off the edge, flipping over and landing on her knees.
"Bored!" She stated to no one in particular. She thought this place was meant to be more exciting than Paris… guess she hadn't thought at the time that everyone would be in lessons or for some, Warbler practice most of the day. She picked up a hairbrush and banged it on the dressing table like a child. "Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored –"
"I'm taking your bored then?"
That was when she caught sight of herself in the mirror, it was full length and stood by Cody's bed.
She immediately shut up and blinked taking in the reflected image.
She smiled and smoothed the hair on her head, she bit her lip when it felt matted and fake.
"Hello Darcy,"
She gasped as the image spoke to her.
A three-quarter beat passed until Darcy had the courage to ask. "Elise?"
"Who else would it be?"
"Go away," Darcy warned immediately after but her reflection just laughed.
"Darcy, we used to be such good friends, whatever happened to you?"
Darcy frowned in thought but shook her head in frustration.
"I got better that's what happened; I don't need you anymore!"
The mirror girl sighed and facepalmed. "Oh Darcy, you never were the cleverest sock were you?"
"Go away!" Darcy repeated and her fists clenched at her sides making her knuckles whiten.
"You need me Darcy."
"It was you; you were the one who made me do all those horrible things to Blaine! Why would I ever need you?"
"Because without me, you are nothing."
Darcy froze, her bottom lip quivering.
"Get out of my body!" She demanded deciding to ignore the last statement.
Once again her reflection smirked and shook her head.
"Blaine deserved everything he got. You have to agree."
"If you didn't think the same, why would you try to puncture his arm with a fork?"
This obviously touching a sensitive spot Darcy whimpered at the memory.
That incident had sent Blaine to hospital and Darcy to a shrink. One of many that followed.
"That was you! You made me do it!"
"Don't be silly, I'm just your illness getting out of hand… there's no way it could have been a figment of some silly little girls messed up imagination. No one could ever believe that!"
"Stop it!" Darcy begged and fell to her knees, her head drops to the floor. "Please – Just, just leave me alone!"
"I'm afraid I can't do that… I'm not done here just quite yet,"
"No!" Darcy argued and snapped her head back up.
"Elise?" But when she looked back in the mirror the reflected image copies her exact movements, and obeys her own body. She sighs in relief but nonetheless is shaken up by the experience.
"Damn it," She muttered under her breath drawing a sharp breath before grabbing a spare sheet from the closet and pulling it over the mirror.
She took a step back before running out of the room in torment of pure fright.
Blaine whistled as he strolled down the halls. Wes and David watched from behind in wonder.
"It looks"
"Almost like he's"
"Moving in slowmo..."
They both hummed and tilted their heads questionably as they always did.
"Hey Blaine, can I talk to you!" Harry called chasing after him and Blaine turned around to flash him a bright smile.
"Sure," Blaine answered as Harry caught up. "What about?"
He lowered his voice and leaned forward looking extremely guilty. "Um, can we talk about it privately?" His eyes were down and his fingers trembled slightly.
Concern washed over Blaine immediately, he asked. "Harry, do you wanna go for coffee sometime?"
He nodded and Blaine wrapped a safe arm around his shoulder, leading him away.
Wes and David plotted in that moment; to find out whatever it was they were talking about.
Their heads tilted and they blinked.
Day two – It continues. The horror and hilarity continue.
Kurt blinked himself awake and sat up hastily. He quickly checked his surroundings and was relieved to find himself in the same place he fell asleep. The opposite of which seemed to be a running theme this week.
He sighed in relief.
He then bat an eyelid once more to realise most of the furniture was missing, leaving dusty patches where nothing had been moved in a couple of millenniums. Obviously Wes and David weren't the cleanest boys in the world. Then again, they were teenagers and this was practically their home, he expected nothing more, nothing less – He also realised missing from this filthy equation was Wes and David (He was less concerned about that though).
"Wes? David?" He asked and was startled at the response.
"Hi Kurt!" David's voice came cheerfully from an unknown whereabouts.
"Hi Kurt!" Wes' matched coming from the same area.
Kurt quickly pulled himself out of the sheet sandwich and glanced around. "Where are you?" He asked cautiously, patting his body down for explosives or missing skin.
"Up here!"
The pristine haired boy slowly tilted his head to the ceiling and gaped at the sight.
It was just… hanging there?
Everything was on the ceiling, including – of course – the two conspirers.
David waved and a playing card came dwindling out of his grip and landed on the floor below, or above in some cases. "Damn it!" he cursed.
"How are you staying up there?" Kurt asked in terror, dreading what would next come out of one of the two's mouth.
"We're like spider monkeys!" David grinned and karate chopped the air. How that connected, Kurt had no clue but let it pass.
"We're magic!"
"Like Zebra-Corns!"
"Seriously, how the hell are you guys staying up there?" Kurt actually double checked to see if he wasn't the one upside down.
"Bluetack!" Wes cried with pleasure and Kurt blinked.
"Bluetack. Right. You and David are hanging off the ceiling with Bluetack." He shook his head and dropped his forehead into his hand. "Wait till I tell Finn…"
"Finn?" David and Wes perked up at the mention of Kurt's Frankenstein brother.
"Is Finn coming to see us?"
"We want to see Finn!"
"Is he still with that scary Rachel girl?" David asked and Wes nodded in agreement.
"No. No. And last time I checked yes."
"Now get down here!"
"Snap!" announced Wes grasping the air and pulling it down towards him.
"No!" David cried and fell 'backwards' onto the bed.
There was a bang, followed by a set of 'ows'.
Moisture was what woke Darcy that morning. She awoke to a sweat breaking out thick on her forehead. Panic struck when the sight that met her eyes was a dimly lit silhouette perched on the edge of her bed holding something. She directly lunged over for the side light and flicked the switch.
Light painted the room and she drew short, sharp breathes.
"Darcy, relax!" It was just Cody. She exhaled a breath she didn't even realise she had been holding.
Her body relaxed from the tension that had constricted her muscles and she sat up panting, her pupils darting around the room for anything out of sorts. When everything seemed normal enough she aloud her aching body to drop back into the soft of the mattress and the feather pillow.
"Are you okay Darcy?"
He eyes flickered over to an extremely anxious Cody.
"Why is it so dark?" She asked ignoring Cody's concerns.
"Cause it's like six am, you woke me up with all your tossing and turning," She teased but her smile faltered. "What's wrong?"
"Oh," Was her response. "Uh, nothing, bad dream I guess, sorry,"
"No problem, anyway, you didn't actually wake me up. Kurt did, he text me at like half five telling there were boy's dangling from his ceiling, apparently Wes and David had managed to somehow stick every single piece of furniture to the ceiling – including themselves," She smirked and Darcy smiled softly.
Cody then groaned. "I shouldn't be up this early on a day off," She protested and rolled back onto her palms. Not before handing Darcy the wet cloth she had grabbed in her hurry.
"what do you mean?" Darcy enquired folding the cloth and dabbing at her neck and face.
"Yep, all warblers get the next two days off for rehearsal!" She winked and burst into laughter.
"I had actually planned on using half the time to catch up on the sleep I've missed out on this week but what do you know, I'm up now, no point going back to bed really is there?"
"I'm sorry, really, Cody,"
"Seriously, D, don't worry, but I'm getting in the shower and when I get back from Cromley we're going out for lunch, okay?"
Darcy nodded and Cody pulled her tired body up, her musty eyes searching the room for a towel.
She scratched the back of her head and Darcy led herself back down, mind filling with thoughts.
Or memories.
Things she's done to Blaine.
Things that would never leave her alone.
Someone that would never leave her alone.
(7 am)
"Harry, why are we up so early?" Blaine yawned into his coffee, taking a mouthful in hopes of reviving his lost brain cells. No such luck.
Harry fidgeted in his seat, his fingers twitching and his head down. "I didn't want any of the Harold's to follow us,"
"Follow us? Why would they –" he cut his sentence off. "Fair point, but sorry for me asking, why the secrecy?"
Harry bit his lip.
"Blaine, once I tell you this next thing, I can't take it back so I'm kinda un-sure if I should really say anything just in case it turns out to be not true and I've screwed up, even though I'm fairly sure it is and I've checked over and over and every time it's came out the same result, I think that…"
"Harry, what's this about?" Blaine asked cutting Harry from his rambling and lifting his eyes to Blaine's. He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it again.
He began slow, "Blaine, how did you first know, that you…" He shifted awkwardly. "-liked guys?"
Blaine's eyes widened at the first thought that came to his head.
So this was why Harry had been so off lately.
"Harry are you saying you're –"
"Ssssh! He insisted and raised his finger to his lips. "Keep your voice down Blaine!"
"Sorry," Blaine smiled softly feeling for the boy. He knew exactly what it felt like not to know who you actually are and it was crappy.
"Harry, want to tell me what happened?"
Harry watched Blaine's expression with a hard front before it melted into one of suffering. He sighed and said. "Wes and David broke into my room the other day – they stole my notebook. It had literally everything in it, including, you know, my, thoughts… about," He rolled his hand and Blaine picked up from where he was coming from. He nodded.
"Well, apparently they didn't see anything but it was so close and I started to re-think things," he paused. "The other day, Eli, he told me that apparently everyone thought Me and Cody were gonna end up together…"
"What did you say?"
"I said I considered her a friend and that he should believe me when I say I'm really not into her that way."
"And Eli –" Blaine trailed.
"–Didn't believe me, no."
The gel based warbler nodded deep in thought for a moment, considering the right words that should be said and the wrong one's that shouldn't be.
"Are you sure about this Harry?"
He nodded.
"You said something about checking…"
Harry coloured the most patent red ever. "I – uh – bought a couple of lad mags, you know the one filled with naked girls and then one of guys and…"
"Actually, okay, I don't need details, I got it," Blaine held a hand up to silence him and Harry cringed.
There was a silence. "How long has this been going on then?"
Harry looked up and shrugged. "A while, I guess. I've had the thoughts ever since I could remember."
"And you've only chosen now to come out?"
"Hey, who said anything about coming out? I just had to tell one person, I don't want everyone knowing!"
Blaine frowned before shrugging and that charming grin returned to his face. He sipped his coffee.
"Whatever you think is best Harry, just to warn you though you will have to come out sometime,"
Harry's eyes fell to the ground and he shrugged. "Yeah well it won't be anytime soon that's for sure,"
"What? Why not, don't you wanna meet a guy or something?"
Harry just shrugged and said, "I don't want people thinking differently of me!"
"You really think me, Kurt, Wes, David, Eli and Noah, and even Austin are going to treat you different if you're gay or not, everyone loves you Harry, we all do, you don't have to worry – you should know that!"
Harry just swallowed thickly and his gaze drifted out of the window.
"And what about me?" Blaine asked, "And Kurt, we're both into guys and I think Wes and David only love us more for it!"
"It's easier for you guys!"
"And how on earth do you think it was easier for either of us?" Blaine deflected defensively.
Harry shrugged.
"Harry, Kurt has had the worst ride ever. He was threatened for god sake!"
Harry blinked. "He was what –?"
Blaine blanched, instantly regretting his words. "What?"
"Kurt got threatened? – That's what you just said, Kurt got a threat! – by who?" He demanded leaning forward and banging his fist on the table. A few earlier risers getting coffee looked around "bastards gonna regret that dickish move!"
Blaine apologised quickly to the other customers, who either nodded or just turned their noses up at him in dismissal.
"Look Harry, keep it to yourself okay? Kurt doesn't want anyone at Dalton to know, okay?"
Harry sat back and stared at a lick of coffee that had splashed onto the table.
He nodded, "Fine, I won't, but if that jackass even thinks about anything else I will get every Harold and Godwin on him and –!"
"Sorry," he sighed. "Just really pisses me off." A beat passed, "Blaine, please don't tell anyone about me okay?"
"I wouldn't Harry, I'm not one for outing people,"
He coughed, "Jeremiah…"
"Okay can we not bring that up?" Blaine scowled "Please and thank you,"
"Sorry, I won't but…" Harry edged. "When I get you alone, really Blaine?"
"It seemed like a good Idea at the time!"
"Whatever you say…"
Blaine growled.
"So," He began desperate to change the subject, "Anyone you're interested in at Dalton?"
Harry smiled pondering for an instant. He shrugged and admitted "Sebastian's pretty cute I guess,"
Blaine laughed and Harry furrowed his brows. "What?"
"It's just; I don't know weird, you talking about guys like that,"
Harry rolled his eyes. "See, I'm not good at being gay – I need you to teach me the way's Blaine!"
Blaine considered this and raised his brow in a questioning manner. "You realise you just asked me to teach you the way's of the gay's right?"
Harry nodded and Blaine grinned.
"What about Michael, Michael Thatcher in Godwin? He's hot,"
Harry raised his brows and frowned. "He's okay – I guess – but come on, what about Sam Lock in Tudor, the senior guy with blond hair, Yay-high," he smiled. "He's pretty nice."
Blaine snorted. "You like blonds' then I'm taking,"
"If I have to be honest, Blonds are kinda more my thing," Harry smiled and then his eyes lit up.
"Hey Blaine?"
"Yeah," He mumbled mouth half full of coffee and polystyrene.
"I like having someone to talk to about this – thank you."
Blaine smiled, swallowing. "Anytime Harry, just come and find me,"
Harry beamed. "I will," and then he added. "I still have to convince you that Michael is definitely not hot and that Sam is amazingly toned, nicest abs ever."
"And you would know this how?"
"We have gym class together," He replied flirtatiously.
Blaine's eyes flashed and he raised his palms in defeat. "Okay, you win, I'm jealous,"
Harry laughed and Blaine grinned.
Kurt hurried down the hall, balancing books against his chest, trying to fish his phone out of his pocket.
He crashed.
"Ow!" Came a yelp as he tumbled over his feet.
"Holy –!" Kurt managed to twist himself to land on his side.
"He bumped his head and groaned as he crashed to the hard carpeted floor. His books went flying.
"Oh god. Kurt are you okay?" The other boy pried guiltily, quickly to pull himself up and hold a hand out for him.
The pristine boy on the floor rubbed the haze out of his eyes and blinked a couple times.
It was Caden Smith, A Godwin senior.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, just help me up," Kurt said taking the blonde's hand and hauling himself up.
"Sorry, I was in a hurry," Caden apologised and rubbed a hand on the back of his neck.
He had blonde curls that sometimes fell in front of his eyes, which were a copper shade of brown. His delicate and feminine build could be easily mistaken for someone much younger and he was short for his age, just half a centimetre taller than Kurt. "Are you sure you're alright, want me to take you to the nurse?"
"I'm fine Caden!" Kurt promised and managed a reassuring smile. "Promise!"
Kurt and Caden had first met near the time Kurt first arrived at Dalton, they went well together as Caden happened to be a nervous wreck half of the time and Kurt was surprisingly head strong. They found it hard to clash.
They clicked at the words 'fabulous hat'.
Caden nervously twitched his hands. Then he spotted the flyaway books and gathered them up, as did Kurt.
"Where are you hurrying off to, anyway?" Kurt asked slipping worksheets back accordingly into the correct books.
A smile flashed across the senior's face. "I'm meant to be meeting Cameron,"
Kurt paused and he couldn't help smile a little, "Really?"
He was talking about Cameron Kennedy, Caden's boyfriend first, Ex-Harold prefect second.
Those two were the reason Godwin and Harold got on so well. They had made peace back when they got together, back before Cameron graduated.
Caden nodded and bit his lip, bringing his-self back up to standing position and handing the book's back to the Harold.
"What about you? You seemed to be rushing as well,"
Kurt beamed at the chance to talk about himself.
"I'm preparing,"
"Oh yeah, what for?"
"Valentine's show, I'm hoping to show Mr Morgan why I deserve a solo along side of Cody,"
He told and nodded. "I mean, no offence to Cody, I love her, I really do, but I deserved that solo a much more than she did,"
Caden chuckled. "What song are you thinking?"
Kurt just smiled.
"Okay people," Mr Morgan had called and Warblers flocked from all round. "Gather around,"
Kurt sent a text to Rachel before dropping his phone back into his pocket and listening intently.
Bout to head to girls school to watch performance, Daltons sister school, more ND competition maybe? – K
"Listen up," Mr Morgan said and waved a hand for Adam to come closer. He was resistant and Mr Morgan just raised a brow before deciding to leave him be. "Cromley and Dalton have been connected since these two schools were first opened. You will listen and applaud them however good or bad it is. It's called respect boys and you are going to show it – Understand?"
There was mumbles of 'yes's' and Mr Morgan frowned.
"Sorry, what?"
"Yes sir!" They all chorused.
"Good answer, Okay go get on the coach!"
"Yes Adam?"
"Is this mandatory?"
"Yes Adam,"
Adam huffed and grumble under his breath as he climbed the steps, he slipped in next to Eli.
"Dear lord save the poor boy," Mr Morgan breathed and the doors made a chiffchaff as they shut.
David inclined to where Kurt and Blaine were sitting. Wes on David's left, in the window seat.
Harry and Cody were behind Kurt and Blaine with Noah to their left, who was sat behind David on his own.
Then Adam and Eli were in front of the wonder twins, Eli leaning over the seat to listen in.
"Alright guy's just remember, Lucy's gonna be there and Wes is very sensitive about the whole Lucy situation, so don't mention anything about it or he might spontaneously combust like a firework or something." He made explosions with his hands.
"There is nothing going on between me and Lucy and there never has been so stop talking about it like there has, we're just friends! Nothing else."
Blaine smirked as did Harry, Noah and Eli. Kurt and Cody just blinked.
"Who's Lucy?"
A hand was cupped over David's mouth as he went to answer. "Don't you dare." Wes threatened.
Blaine rolled his eyes. "Lucy's in the Pipit's and her parents are family friends of Wes' family."
"Yeah. That's it. Friends!" Wes protested. "Nothing more David,"
"He says."
"Sorry, but you're just so cute when you get worked up!"
Wes narrowed his eyes and sent David evils when the African-American poked his abs. He folded his arms and went back to watching the scenery race by outside.
"Like Bambi!" David proclaimed and a grumble came from in front of them. Adam's head appeared over the seat.
"David, stop calling me that!" He demanded. David just laughed.
"But, you remind me of Bambi!"
"How the hell do I have any recollection with a Disney cartoon?"
"Dunno," Shrugged David and abruptly shut the topic down cause he was bored.
Adam fell back into his seat, grumbling to himself.
Kurt's phone made the jangly noise it always made when he got a text.
Rachel replied.
What's their name? I have Google open on my phone ready – R
Kurt smiled to himself and typed a reply.
Cromley gate's Pipits – K
Isn't that a bird? – R
Everything's named after birds here. It's kinda suffocating… – K
Would be – R
Another message slipped through a few seconds after that one.
Okay found them. They've won sectionals three times and Regional's once. They've never won Nationals but competing next year, thanks for the heads up Kurt – R x
No problem – K x (and it totally wasn't just a way to find out dirt on them for himself.)
"Finding dirt on Cromley, are we?" Blaine's voice came from over his shoulder and Kurt jumped.
"Blaine!" He blanched and hid his phone away. Blaine chuckled.
"tut tut Kurt, what happened to showing respect for the sister school?"
Kurt sighed. "Yeah, well, wouldn't you like to know some of their history as well? Don't tell me I'm the only one curious,"
Blaine considered this and tilted his head from side to side, "Still, we're not competing at the moment so relax, okay?" He offered Kurt a reassuring smile and slipped the phone out of Kurt's fingers, who just watched as Blaine closed the text's down and tapped open the camera.
He held it backwards at arm length fitting him and Kurt in the shot and snapped a still image.
Then Blaine set it as Kurt's home screen and handed it back. "You're welcome."
What he didn't realise was that Wes, Cody, Harry, Noah and Eli had all jumped in the shot. Not forgetting David, who had grabbed an uncooperative Adam and dragged him in too.
Everyone went back to their seats and Kurt felt a twist in his chest and a solid lump in his throat. This was his family now, the blazer clad teens on his phone, and they cared about him a lot.
He had never felt so loved.
So why did he have a nagging feeling that he missed New Directions so much?
"Okay girls!" Grace Williams – head of the Pipits and Pembrook Prefect – announced. "Are you all ready, The Dalton boys are gonna be here soon, are we all prepared?" She asked and there were a few mutters of excitement.
A brunette with short choppy hair groaned.
"Rose you know where to come in yeah?" Grace decided to clarify with the brunette.
"Yes, Grace! For the last time, I know where to come it!" Rose whined for the four hundredth time.
"Okay, I'm just checking!" Grace said defensively.
"God Rose, she was just checking. Don't have to get all prissy about it!"
"Thank you Lucy, but I didn't need your input!" The prefect scolded and the black haired girl shrugged and then turned away, rainbow coloured highlights swishing in Daisy's face.
"Get over it," Lucy rolled her eyes.
"You're such a little –!"
"Okay girls, that's enough! Enough! We're a team, a family. We need to learn to get along, or there's no point in any of us being here!" Grace told the group pointedly and Lucy just huffed.
"We need to work together to show those Dalton boys were as much competition as anyone else in the show choir business." Grace smirked and a few girls gathered a liking to the idea. "So who's with me?" She put her hand in the middle of the circle and the girls looked at her like she was stupid. Faith covered Grace's hand and smiled, nodding in agreement.
Rose raised an eyebrow before sighing and putting her hand in. "Let's do it."
She looked to Lucy, "We should at least get on in the Pipits,"
Lucy considered this and unfolded her arms; she exhaled and placed her hand over Rose's.
"Fine but as soon as the bell rings we're enemies again,"
"Fine with me,"
"Fine then."
Madison smiled and her hand went in.
Daisy and Marilyn joined, followed by Saskia, Natalie, Dawn and the rest of the girls.
Grace beamed. Thank god these girls cooperated sometimes.
The boys filed into Cromley's auditorium and it was much smaller than their own.
Dalton's sat nearly three thousand people where as this one seemed to only to have room for half of that.
Red drapes were hung from the ceiling and above the stage in the middle, there was a wall hanging with a C on it. Much like Dalton's D.
Once everyone was seated the lights were dimed.
Soft music began to fill the room and the curtain was lifted.
A blonde girl ran to the middle of the stage. Natalie Smith, Caden's sister.
She looked awkward and uneasy until she actually opened her mouth
Authors note: AND CUT! Sorry! I stopped right before a song… So I guess it'll be the starter to the next episode… And also if you didn't pick up on it; Darcy has split personality disorder… I guess I kinda based that scene on a scene from Shuffle! Sia and Kikyou…
Okay, on another note: REVIEW PLEASE! That would make my day :) One would make my week!
Tell me if I over OC cause I'm really conscious of that… :/ So yeah… Love you guys!
- Arrabella Smith :)