Last chapter guys.. It's been a pleasure:')

Mercedes Jones: Oh. My. God.. I officially feel like I've been hit by a truck; twice. Does anyone know if a hangover can actually kill you?.


Matt Rutherford: .. I'm pretty sure I'm already dead.

Santana Lopez: I would like that comment, but I really don't have the energy right now.. -_-

Kurt Hummel: I totally agree with that statement.. Who's idea was it to bring alcohol anyway?:/

Santana Lopez: Brittany.

Brittany Pierce: Mercedes.

Mercedes Jones: Matt.

Matt Rutherford: Mike.

Mike Chang: Yeah.. Not my greatest idea.. Oh my god; I think I'm going to puke again!..

Mike Chang: I'm sick of this now.. 5th time this morning-.-

Artie Abrams: HA! Your 'sick' of it? .. Get it?

Mike Chang: Totally not the time for puke jokes, dude.

Artie Abrams: .. Your no fun.

Mike Chang: .. Shutup.

Quinn Fabray: Both of you shutup! Your giving me a headache and I can't even hear you!..

Mercedes Jones: Okay; changing the subject.. Does anyone know what happened when we left BreadStix?

Sam Evans: More like when we were kicked out..

(^Noah Puckerman, Santana Lopez, Brittany Pierce and 5 other people likes this.)

Matt Rutherford: What, you mean after Puck and Rachel were taking body shots off of eachother?.. ;)

Noah Puckerman: WHAT? Why can't I remember doing this?:/:/:/

Artie Abrams: You were pretty wasted last night.. Well, everyone was. Except me;)

Santana Lopez: Yeah Wheels, I don't think you touched a drink last night.. From what I remember?:S

Artie Abrams: Yep, didn't even have one drink. Someone had to be sober to make sure one of you guys didn't die from all you were drinking:L

Sam Evans: Thanks man, but I don't think you done a very good job. I mean, I think I'm actually dying right now..

(^Quinn Fabray, Kurt Hummel, Tina Cohen-Chang and 6 others likes this.)

Artie Abrams: At least I kept you from getting arrested with all the criminal offenses you guys were committing!

Mercedes Jones:.. What did we do last night?

Rachel Berry: Guys.. What are all Mrs. Greenburg's front lawn ornaments doing in my kitchen?:S

Rachel Berry: Well, that was awkward..


Santana Lopez: What was B?

Rachel Berry: Having to return Mrs. Greenburg's ornaments after they were 'mysteriously found in my pool'...

(^Noah Puckerman, Blaine Anderson, Mike Chang and 19 others likes this.)

Brittany Pierce: I thought you found them in your kitchen Ray?.. :S

Rachel Berry: I did, I just had to.. You know what? I'll tell you later:)

Brittany Pierce: Okay!:)

Noah Puckerman: Berry, Berry, Berry.. Stealing ornaments? tut tut tut;)

Brittany Pierce: She didn't steal them silly! She found them in her pool!:D

Rachel Berry: Yes Noah.. I found them in my pool; so shutup;)

Noah Puckerman: Whatever Berry;) What are you doing today?

Rachel Berry: Recovering. You?

Noah Puckerman: Same.. You wanna recover together?;)

Rachel Berry: You won't listen if I say no, will you?:L

Noah Puckerman: You know me too well Berry ;)

Rachel Berry: Well then, I guess I can't stop you can I?

Noah Puckerman: I'm now coming over:)

Rachel Berry: Okay:)

Azimo Williams: Yo Lopez, you wanna come recover with me?;)

Santana Lopez: No.

(^Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray and Brittany Pierce likes this.)

Azimo Williams: Feisty; I like it!;)

Santana Lopez: Screw you.

Azimo Williams: I'd rather you do it for me.. ;)

Santana Lopez: Seriously, go away or I'll break your balls.

(^Sam Evans, Noah Puckerman, Matt Rutherford and Mike Chang likes this.)

Matt Rutherford: And by that, we mean we'll help..

Azimo Williams: .. ._.

Rachel Berry: Had a great movie day with Noah Puckerman!:')


Santana Lopez: OMG.. JUST GO OUT ALREADY!-.-

(^Kurt Hummel, Quinn Fabray, Mike Chang and 523 people likes this.)

Rachel Berry: 523 people? :O

Noah Puckerman: 523 people.. New record!;)

Mike Chang: Dude, I think you should just ask her now..

Noah Puckerman: DUDE!.. :O

Rachel Berry: What? Ask me what?:S

Sam Evans: Come on man, now or never..

Rachel Berry: Will someone please just tell me what this is about?..

Noah Puckerman: I love you.

Rachel Berry: What?..

Noah Puckerman: CRAP! I didn't mean to press 'enter'!

Rachel Berry: Noah! what's going on?..

Noah Puckerman: I urmm.. I..

Rachel Berry: You.. Love me?;)

Noah Puckerman: Well, yeah but I didn't mean for it to come out like that.. It was supposed to be different and..

Rachel Berry: Well, it's a good thing I love you too then, isn't it?;)

Noah Puckerman: You don't have to say it back, I totally understand and.. Wait what?

Rachel Berry: I said, it's a good think I love you too. ;)

Noah Puckerman: Well, yeah I guess so..

Kurt Hummel: Don't just sit there; ask her out!

(^Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Sam Evans and 28 others likes this.)

Noah Puckerman: Okay Hummel! Don't get your panties in a twist! .. So Rach, do you wanna, you know.. Go out sometime?

Rachel Berry: I would love to Noah:')

Noah Puckerman: Really? Well, get ready because I'll be over again soon..

Rachel Berry: But Noah, I don't really feel like going out today.. :/

Noah Puckerman: Who said we're going out? We can create or own fun.. ;)

Rachel Berry: Oh okay.. ;)

Kurt Hummel: Oh eww, that is just disgusting! Not that I'm not happy for you both but; ewwww...

Santana Lopez: Nope, that's just Puckleberry:)

(^Noah Puckerman, Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray and 321 others likes this.)

-The End-