Author's Note: Sorry I never got around to doing this on the first chapter but there are a few things I want to point out/address. One, at the end of chapter 2 it should be a purple door not green (that's what I get for not looking back at the game!). Two, when Cara said "mushroom" in chapter 1, I should have clarified that it was a "common mushroom" not a Fugue (unless of course if that character does like common mushrooms, if so please tell me!) I also apologize for all my mistakes that appear in the chapters.

Sidenote: This is my first attempt at a fanfic and reviews and tips would be awesome! Back to the story!

In the middle of the night, the orange Harvest Sprite Finn dashed home. He had gone to go see the Harvest Goddess that day because she told him he and Hikari had to go meet with the Harvest King. Finn was so excited! To have another mission with Hikari would make him so happy! He loved to be useful and helpful, especially with Hikari! With all his energy, he flew even faster than usual. He sped past the Carpenter Shop, the Bridge, and the farm's tiny pond until he was back home. He smiled to himself and flew towards the house, resisting the urge to yell for Hikari at the top of his little lungs. For a split second his mind wandered over the large bundle on the porch steps. But he was far too excited to stop and explore, and continued on his way inside the house.

Outside, Cara wrapped the blanket tightly around her. She came out to watch the stars. It was easier to see them on the steps than in her bedroom window. But the girl found herself distracted when a speeding Finn buzzed by. What was he doing out in the middle of the night?

Hikari woke to a tiny figure pulling on her shirtsleeve. When she opened her eyes she found herself staring at a half-crazed Finn, who was so excited by this point that he was jumping up and down and flailing his arms all over. "Finn? What is it?"

The little sprite yelled quietly, "Get up Hikari!"

The woman shook her head and stumbled out of bed. She wasn't worried about waking up Julius; he was sleeping on the couch. "Okay, calm down Finn. Now what's going on?" Finn sucked in a giant mouthful of air and exploded, "'!"

Hikari nodded understandingly. After all her years with Finn she was used to his gibberish. "What's the mission?" As Finn began to explain the whole story even faster, Hikari glanced at her sleeping husband. Before Finn had even finished she was shaking her head.

"I can't do it Finn. I just can't do it."

Feeling totally defeated, Hikari collapsed in a kitchen chair and buried her head in her hands. "I just can't do," she said again, more to herself than to Finn. "I can't keep hurting my family; I can't keep trying to hide a whole part of me from my family anymore!"

The sprite patted her shoulder sympathetically. "I know it's tough for you Hikari but it's not like you can just go up and tell Julius about magic!" the sprite exclaimed, "Remember when you tried to show him the Harvest Goddess?"

Hikari sighed. That was right after they got married. Hikari had hoped that since they were husband and wife it would be enough to allow him to enter the secret part of her life. But when Julius came up to the Goddess Tree, the man promptly fainted.

"Humans can't comprehend the magical world," Hikari said, mimicking the Goddess's words. "They fear what they don't understand." Finn nodded, he remembered that day too. Hikari was so sad. "Well, it probably was a good thing that she erased his memory of it, huh Hikari?" The woman nodded and tears were beginning to spill.

"I just don't know what to do. Hiding the fact that I saved the land is one thing but now I have to hide a part of my daughter for my family as well. I don't think I can do it!" Finn wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I can slowly feel it tear this family apart!"

On the porch steps Hikari's eldest daughter wrapped her head in her hands. It's all my fault, she thought. Cara wanted to cry but she knew her mother was shedding tears enough for the both of them. Her mother always made sniffling noises when she cried.

"Eavesdropping is very, very rude!" a tiny voice scolded her. Cara jumped and spun around to see Finn floating behind her.

"I was not." she said with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Was to."

"Was not!"

"Was to!"

"Fine," the purple haired child mumbled, "I'm sorry." Finn smiled at his victory and sat down on her small shoulder. For several moments the odd pair sat in a peaceful silence. But then it occurred to Finn that it was late and he looked at Cara questionably. "What are you doing up anyway?"

The young girl sighed and never took her eyes off the sky. "What if I told you I wanted to runaway?"

Finn's eyes bugged out at her answer and flew off her shoulder. With arms flailing her cried, "What? You can't runaway! What about your family?"

"It will be better once I leave. Mom and Dad will stop fighting and they will all be happy again. You saw how Mom was crying, Finn! Do you want that to keep happening?"

Finn didn't know what to say to her. He knew that he didn't want her to go. He liked that she could see him because of her powers. They were becoming friends. But when he looked into her sad eyes he was filled with confliction. A Harvest Sprite wasn't meant to make hard decisions like these! He needed Hikari.

With tears in his eyes, Finn cried, "Hikari! Hikar-."

Realizing what he was going to do, Cara snatched up the little sprite in her hands. "No, Finn! You can't tell Mom!" But the sprite didn't stop fighting and the girl looked for something to use. Ah ha!

Throwing the blanket off, Cara sprinted to the closest field. Being as gentle as she could, she ripped off the lid of the shipping bin and tossed the sprite inside. Before a confused Finn could even dust off his bottom, the lid was snapped closed.

"I'm so sorry, Finn," Cara whispered, "But this is something I need to do. I don't want this family burdened by a freak like me."

With those parting words the young girl ran off. She wished she hadn't discarded the blanket. It was getting colder. And as she ran past the pond on the west side of the farm she saw snowflakes fall. The storm her mother had warned her about was here. Cara frowned as dark clouds overtook her stars. Giving the sky one last glance, the child pulled her flimsy nightshirt tighter and brought her favorite beanie over her ears. A small voice whispered to her, begging her to turn back now and forget her rash ideas. But Cara shook them out and continued running up the path toward the Garmon Mine district. I am a Witch, she thought. I might be a young one, but still!

As the girl continued her trek she thought of a perfect place to hind. Someplace where no one would ever find her. Not in a million years! The young girl smiled as her fears left her and she became filled with an anxious kind of joy. Around her snowflakes billowed and she laughed out loud, loving the puffs of smoke that appeared. If one didn't know better one might think of her as nothing more than a dazzling purple bird flying through the snow.