So here is the awaited epilogue but first thank yous and review replies. And be sure to keep checking my profile for update dates for my other stories and previews. And I am 5 reviews away from 100 so remember the 100th reviewer gets a special preview of I'll Stand By you.

Thank you guys so much for all the support you have given me throughout this process because it means a lot, so here is everyone who has alerted this story or favorite it, and if I forgot you, it means I accidentally deleted the email and if so I am truly truly sorry: Jodiesophiamerrygold, grumpie2003, TakeMeToWonderland, Hebewe, Lali23, Naley12, X-Mrs-Scott-X, ObsessivePrincess, naleyalwaysn4ever, SecretSummer15, Godschildtweety, Twisted Musalih, ktothegood, Britnay C. Skye, Colette21, vballr27, TessyMeeniac, Chriselle, Rice20, twilightmom25, JRocca23, LindaNaley, and olhcc0718.

And to all the reviewers, it mean so much to me that you took time out of your busy days to reviews, so thank you soo sooo much. You all make me want to write, and you are all so faithful to the story: jodiesophiamerrygold, libby, takemetowonderland, ginger, hebewe, naley12, sara, kutebloo, sara1287, X-mrs-scott-X, ObsessivePrincess, godschildtweety, afjaldjf, kaya17tj, vballr17, and tessymeeniac

First off I want to specially thank Naley12 because she was the one who first gave me the idea to write HYIMA!

To Jodie, Ashley, and Jen you are all so amazing that it blows my mind away, Breyinnley all the way! You all make me look forward to the nights to be able to talk to you all again even though most of the time Jodie is a asleep and Jen and I go to sleep before sleep deprived insomniac Ashley does. But I feel closer to you guys then I do most of my friends and I hope one day we all get to meet. I feel that I cold talk to you guys about anything, and we already do our conversatiosn go from onions (Really Ash?) to boys to writing to what we talk about the most OTH. You have all helped me out so much during this story from reviews (Ashley, you got yourself in trouble now because I am always going to be expecting long reviews from you :P) to answering questions about medical stuff, and just your opinions. You are all spectacular and I love you guys, kinda like Shantel does ;)

Godschildtweety- I guess he kinda is, and thank you so much for your reviews and support over the course of this story :)

Jen-awww I feel so bad for that little baby :( He will be in my prayers. Yes, yes it is a big family but thats how they wanted it! Aww and thanks!

Kaya17tg-well then get writing! So if your interest email me and its just a simple idea where I mean you would have full creative rights with it. And someone must have read that comment because they reviewed about him being a villian too, haha!

Hebewe-Yes he is! And I am glad you liked it! They always said they wanted a big family and they will be able to handle it for sure.

Ashley-SUPER COOL, and I wrote something about a certain woman you love in this chapter, if they were my cds or ipod he would not have lived, its going to be very interesting a naley with five kids, haha! Well I am working on four other stories that I think you will like, and by working on I mean that I havent wrote anything for them in like a month, but since this is done I will. I know I saw and I thought of you! :) Wait am I a chicken or you? ANYWAYS, go read!


Three Years Later

I walked along the river walk pushing a stroller that contained two three year olds, Lydia and Nataley.

Brooke was walking alongside of me pulling Jamie, and her two year old Lucy in a wagon while Davis walked just ahead of us all. A few months ago her and Lucas decided they wanted another baby, and no one except Brooke, Lucas, Nathan, and I knew yet but she was about six weeks along. She continued to run Clothes Over Bros from her house with help from her mother, and Lucas continued to write whenever inspiration struck.

Peyton was next to her pushing her eight month old baby boy, Sawyer, in a stroller, as Jenny walked ahead with Davis. Peyton and Jake still ran Tric and Red Bedroom Records, but these days Peyton spent more days at home then at the office. Last year Nicki signed over full parental rights to Peyton, and Peyton adopted Jenny legally while Nicki moved to Seattle to pursue an acting career. Two years ago Jake and Peyton had a small ceremony at a park with only their best friends and family members around to witness them profess their love for each other. At this point making all the married couples remember their own special day. And two months ago she found out she was pregnant.

Taylor was on the other side of me carrying baby Bennet in her arms. Mason and her had gotten married about three months after Bennet was born. Well at least that's what my family though. Everyone was 'helping' Taylor make decisions for the wedding until it all became to much for them causing them to elope with Nathan and I as their witness about a month before the actual day. But no one knew this considering we kept it a secret and they still got 'married' in front of everyone. For now they were happy with just one child. He is their world and she was an amazing mother. Everything she does is for Bennet and for now, she was content.

Then Sarah was next to her contently pushing their three month old daughter Colby in a stroller. Clay and her got married last year and she filled that void in his heart. He was like a new man since he met her and everyone was happy for them on that special day.

We were headed to the rivercourt to meet up with all of our husbands, Sam, and Dylan.

Sam was enrolled in Tree Hill Community College and would start this fall to get her degree in Social Work, Jack and her were still dating and he also was going to THCC majoring in Law Enforcement."Have you and Jake thought of any names?" I asked leaning to be able to see her.

"Well we were actually talking about that. Well we were thinking of using my first name for her first, Elizabeth, and then her middle name would be after my mother. So Elizabeth Anna Jagelski, I figured my parents picked Elizabeth for a reason, and its a beautiful name. And if its a boy, his name will be Jacob Junior."

"I love it " Brooke said smiling at her.

"I always wanted to name my daughter Caroline, but then I start to think that she will get made fun of because with live in North Carolina." Taylor said.

"Does this mean your pregnant Tay?" I asked.

"No...I'm not pregnant but Mason and I were actually talking the other day about thinking about another. We want a little girl, I mean Bennet was an absolute blessing and I think Harper would be too."

"Wait you named your unexistant baby?" Sarah asked as we all started laughing.

"Come on like you all don't think about what you would name your other kids." She justified.

"Maci" Brooke said.

"Michael" Sarah said.

"See you all do it too!" Taylor justified.

Peyton then asked me "What are you guys naming the baby?"

My hand dropped to my swollen belly "I don't know yet, I mean we have some ideas but nothing set in stone yet. We only found out it was a girl last week."

"Oh Donuts!" Brooke said as we saw a small shop off to the left. Then I saw a gazebo to the right.

"Why don't you Peyton, and Sarah go in and get some, Tay and I will wait with the kids up at that gazebo."

"Alright we will get some for the guys while we are at it too."

Taylor sat down on the bench to keep an eye on the kids in strollers, we did a little rearranging, I took the girls out of the stroller and put Bennet and Lucy in it since they were asleep. As I watched the triplets, Davis, and Jenny all run around and playing together.

"So I don't know if anyone told you about Quinn...but she had a baby Hales." Taylor said looking into the water while I kept my eye on the little kids.

"Of course I heard, they bought a half a page in the news paper to announce it, its the reason she wasn't at Christmas. She was pregnant then and didn't want us to know. Catherine Lydia. I mean did she really have to use Lydia mom would have been ashamed after all she did."

"I know Hay, I feel the same way, but she always did want to name her child after mom"

"Well I beat her too it, and I mean look at her Tay. Look at Lydia. Doesn't she look just like mom." I asked looking at her.

"Hales, are you crazy, she is you. She looks like you, she has your personality, and she follows you around the hosue trying to be you. I mean I can see mom in her too but its mainly you."

"I guess" I said.

"Wait you still read the newspaper? What are you sixty?" Taylor joked as I playfully hit her.

We all sat their for another fifteen minutes eating the warm donuts, it was funny to see the kids considering they made a mess with them. I went back to pushing my stroller with Bennet and Lucy in it, Sarah pushed Colby, Peyton pushed Sawyer, Brooke pulled Lydia and Nataley in the stroller, and Taylor help Jamie, while Davis and Jenny walked next to her holding her hand.

"So Hales, you know that thing we were talking about at the Clothes For Bros opening?" Brooke asked turning to me.

"You mean the thing thing?" She nodded.

"Its happening" She then went to tell everyone else "Ever since I got pregnant with Lucy, I started working on a maternity line, and its coming out in three months."

"Brooke thats awesome!" Peyton said.

"Yeah, And I just started working on another line, well two if you divide it by boys and girls, but it will be clothes for kids like four to ten."

"That's gonna be amazing!" Taylor said.

"What do you think Hales, Peyton and I are debating between who she should book at Tric, Cheryl Cole, or the Dashboard Confessional?" Brooke asked emphasizing on Cheryl Cole, of course that would be her choice.

"Why not both, just on seperate weekends, oh and book The Fray while your at it!" I said. "They all draw in different crowds." I then started to hum along to my favorite song by the Fray, Look After You, as we continued down the walk only to finally reach our destination. At first we all just stood from afar commenting on how lucky we each were for the the amazing and hot men that we were lucky enough to call our husband before finally walking on the court.

Nathan was just about to shoot the ball as Clay shouted, "Time out"

"Aww come on!" He said angry before turning around to see me. He walked up and hugged me "Hey Baby"

"Eww your all sweaty" I said pulling away from him as he only tried to get closer to me, smirking.

"I thought that's the way you liked him tutor mom" Brooke joked walking by.

"Uh" I scoffed slapping Brooke on the butt. She only started laughing along with Nathan. I heard Luke mutter and 'Eww'

"Party foul on the mental image!" Sam yelled turning away and covering her ears.

"What does that mean Mama, and what does Auntie Brooke mean?" Dylan questioned.

I glared at Brooke "Nothing buddy, I will tell you when your older okay?"

"Okay" He sighed contently then went back to running around the court.

"So who won?" Peyton asked finally approaching Jake. All of the guys said "Me." Causing all of the girls to laugh.

"Well what were teams?" Sarah asked.

"Scotts versus Nots" Lucas said pounding fists with Nathan and then looked at Sam and Dylan.

"The nots were losing last time I check." Nathan said trying to annoy Clay, Jake, and Mason.

"Well well, what is this and why wasn't I invited?" Quinn said stepping onto the court with who I presumed as David behind her holding a baby.

I dropped the basketball and muttered "Because no one likes you."

"What are you doing here Quinn?" Taylor asked defensibly placing Bennet on her hip.

"Is it wrong of me to want to see my sisters and their families."

"I told you I wanted to see you at Christmas and Thanksgiving, well you missed your shot because you were afraid to tell us you were pregnant."

"I wasn't afraid I just..."

"Don't give us any B.S. Quinn, we are all sick of it." Taylor said.

"Hey umm...Luke, Brooke, Jake, Peyt, and Sam I think the kids would love to play at the jungle gym down the street could take them down their?" I asked not taking my eyes off of Quinn.

"Sure Hales" Peyton said.

"Hey Lydia, Nataley, you wanna be my walking buddies?" Brooke asked squatting down in front of them as her, Sam, and Peyton started off down the street with Jenny, Sawyer, and the triplets. Lucas took Bennet from Taylor, lightly patting Clay on the back. Jake grabbed Davis and Dylan's hands before I stopped them.

"Dylan be good for all your aunts and uncles okay, and share with everyone."

"Okay, bye Mama, Daddy." He said quickly giving us each a hug before running off with Jake, Lucas, Bennet, Lucy, and Davis. Leaving, Quinn and her family, Taylor, Mason, Clay, Sarah, Colby, Nathan, and I.

Then a loud cry erupted. I first looked to Catherine, seeing as it wasn't her I turned around to see Clay clutching Colby.

"Hey Baby its okay, Daddy's, yea Colby its okay, shhh" He rocked her back and forth, then smelt around after she didn't stop crying. Sarah was then at his side. "She's not wet, and she doesn't smell like she needs a diaper change. She is probably just hungry."

"Here, hand her over, I will go feed her in the car." Sarah said as Clay kissed Colby's head before handing her to Sarah who headed to the car.

"So why are you here?" I asked.

"Is it wrong of me to miss you Hales?"

"Yeah it is when you cheated on my friend with some guy who will never be as amazing as Clay is."

"Would you just drop that Haley it was three years ago."

"But it still happened, and I will never forgive you. What you did was wrong and you know that. I am still waiting for you to live up to the fact that you did it."

"Maybe what I did was wrong Haley, but I am happy, why can't you get over it and let me be happy." She asked stepping closer to me.

"You really wanna know why Quinn, because you discust me, anytime I hear your name I feel like I'm going to be sick and when I look at you, it gets worse. You are a horrible person and I don't think I could ever forgive you."

Quinn tried to push me muttering "You Bit..." before Taylor cut her off and pushed her away from me. As Nathan grabbed Quinn and held her back.

"You better watch it Quinn, going after your pregnant sister, even worse now. Now you have to mess with me and you don't want to go their."

"Quinn you need to leave, you need to leave the rivercourt, and you need to leave this town. What is left for you here. The two family members you ahve here hate you, its not like you or David even have jobs so whats keeping you here!" I shouted as I heard Clay behind me trying to calm me down

"Haley, hey Hales, calm down its not good for the baby. Plus I don't blame Quinn anymore, sure I will never be able to be friends with ehr again, but I met Sarah through all this, and then we had Colby. Remember Colby your goddaughter. Think of her and how if Quinn and I had stayed together she wouldn't be here. Think of Colby."

"Fine, Fine" I said taking a step away. "Let her go Nate. If she isn't going to leave then I am, I am going to go get the kid and then we can leave."

As I turned to walk away Quinn started crying "Did you ever think that I missed you Haley, I missed my baby sister, the one that I would play dress up with, or give makeovers too, where is the girl who would always help me tease and make fun of Taylor?"

"That girl is gone Quinn, and she has been for a while. Don't you see that Quinn? And I'm not talking about me. Its you, its was always you. You are a different person now, and I don't like that person" And with that, I walked away.

We asked Clay and Sarah to join us back at our house for a little bit before going home. The triplets were running around on one last spirt of energy before nap time and Colby was asleep in her car seat. Sam sat down with us.

"So we decided on a name for the baby, and we wanted her to be named after two very important people, Sam and Clay, you are both amazing and even though we don't say it often, you mean alot to us." Nathan said as they looked at us in suspense.

"Sam," I said as she looked right at me. "Her first name will be Rachel after your middle name Rae, and Nathan and I have actually already gave her her first nickname of Rae."

"Really?" Sam said teary eyed as we only nodded and she hugged us both. "Thank you so much."

"And Clay, well this needs a little bit of a longer definition, I was looking at Clay in a baby name book, and one of the alternate forms of it is Claiborn, and when I read that the first thing that popped into my head was Clair. So even though its not an actual form of Clay, she is still named after you, you inspired her middle name." I said as he got up and hugged us as well.

"I am so honored guys, you don't know how much this means to me."

They stuck around a little longer before heading out, Sam went off to spend time with Jack, and we put the triplets down for a nap. "Looks like its just you and me huh?" He said walking towards me.

"You forgot about Rachel." I said running my hand over my stomach.

"I could never forget about Rachel." He took my hand and lead me to the couch. He sat down playing his feet up on the coffee table as I curled into his chest. "So another girl huh." He ran his hand along my back.

"So much for the theory that we are going to have all boys huh?" I asked as he chuckled. Back when I was pregnant the first time he was sure that we would ahve all boys.

"I admit that I was wrong."

"What was that, Nathan Scott was wrong, is it the apocalypse?" I asked as he laughed with me. "Mmmmmhh I love the name Clair."

"Well thats a good thing, I mean considering thats your daughters middle name."

"Our daughter" I corrected running my hand along his chest.

"Yes, our daughter, I love you you know that." He said kissing the top of my head.

"I love you more."

"Not possible." He murmured. "Did you ever think that this is where we would be at our age?

"You mean having six kids at the age of twenty-seven? Whats so strange about that?" I joked.

"You know after everything we have been through, the good and the bad, I wouldn't change a thing because it lead us here. To this moment in time, to this place. I would do anything to be here in this moment with you. Because this is the best place. I mean I love when we do get alone time, because its rare. But the only thing that could make this a better moment was if the kids were running around us."

"We have a pretty good life don't we? We have five amazing children and another on the way, we have a group of amazing friends, and we have each other."

It was quiet for a while before I started to sing quietly It's always have and never hold, you've begun to feel like home, what's mine is yours to leave or take, what's mine is yours to make your own."

"What's that?"

"Look After You, by the Fray, Peyton is going to try to book them at Tric."

"That would be cool." Nathan said as he looked around at the house "We should probably take advantage of this time to clean up."

"In a little while, can you just hold me a little longer?"

"I will hold you in my arms for as long as you like, you always have a spot in my arms."

"Your so sexy when you talk like that." I said leaning up to kiss him, whispering an I love you against his lips.

"Always and Forever" Nathan said catching my eye as I just looked into the gorgeous blue eyes of the man who I was going to spend the rest of my life with.