A/N: This chapter is a flashback in Jesse's point of view when he first meets Danni.

My Jetta and my best friend's, Leon's, Skyline stopped in front of the garage we've been looking for, DT Garage. We both got out, adjusting our bags on our shoulders. We'd met Dom a few days ago at the races, we told him we were good with cars and looking for a place to work and live. He offered his place, saying he was living with two friends, his sister, and his girlfriend. Leon nodded as we started walking towards the garage door. Looking inside we saw Dom and a girl leaning over to look at the engine of a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro SS.

The girl was gorgeous; she looked to be about 19 compared to my 16. She had tanned skin with dark hair coming to her waist that she had French braided to keep her hair out of her face. It looked like she had purple underneath the black. She wore a black sports bra with a pair of denim short shorts; she also wore leather ankle boots. You could see that tattoos that adorned her sides, right shoulder, back, and legs. She looked at Dom and even from here I could see that she had dual colored eyes, her left was green and her right was blue. I looked over at Leon; he was checking her out too. He looked at me before smirking.

"Leon? Jesse? Come on in." We snapped out of it when we heard Dom's voice call us inside. The girl looked up but then went right back to the engine she was working on. Her hands and forearms were covered in grease…at least she wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty.

Dom gave both me and Leon a hug before turning to the girl, whispering something in her ear. She looked up at him before shaking her head. He said it again lowly before she sighed and nodded.

"I'm Danielle Martinez, and you are?" She took the rag from Dom, whipping off the excess grease and oil before turning to us fully, extending her hand to us. I could now see a tribal heart tattoo between her collarbones, it was amazing.

"I'm Leon Cardwell, nice to meet you pretty lady." She smiled at what Leon said. She shook his hand before looking at me.

"I'm Jesse Carson; it's nice to meet you Danielle." She smiled as she took my hand. She twisted my hand so my palm was down and hers was up, she was looking at my painted nails. They were plain black; I was suddenly very self-conscious of my hands and tried to pull them away from her but she held them firm.

"No, you're alright Jesse. I like it; it shows you're not afraid of what people think." She smiled at me; I swear I felt my heart skip a beat. Dom smiled before turning to her.

"Go check out their cars and draw up some decal design ideas. If they're gonna be a part of our crew they gotta roll like us." I smiled as Dom said that, I then looked at Danielle, she had this sparkle in her eyes. I guess that's what she does here at the garage, decal work.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" She started pulling me outside. She reminded me of myself when my ADD kidded in, Leon was walking behind us laughing. When she came outside she stopped and took a good look at our cars. She turned to us, glancing back at the cars.

"A Jetta and a Skyline?" We nodded, slightly surprised she could tell the difference in the cars, most women couldn't do that. She smiled as she walked over to my Jetta.

"That 69 Camaro in there is mine. I'm all about the American Muscle but I can appreciate a good body when I see it." She was looking at the Jetta when she said that but then turned to look at me before walking towards the Skyline.

"This is going to be interesting." I looked up at Leon when he said that. I couldn't help but nod, this girl was different from anything we were expecting. I was suddenly really glad we had chosen to live and work with Dom. She clapped as she got done looking at the Skyline.

"I am going to make kick ass decals for you guys…right after we paint this damn Skyline." Leon tilted his head before looking at me.

"What the hell is wrong with my Skyline?" She smiled before running her fingers along the hood.

"It's amazing no doubt about that. I just think we should do something about the primer color. I think yellow will go good with the decal I have in mind." We looked at each other before nodding. Leon looked at her.

"I like that. So what do we do now?" She smiled before walking towards the garage, we followed her. We watched her as she reached into her car and pulled out a sketchpad.

"Ya'll just sit back and relax. I'll draw up the decals and then paint the Skyline." She smiled as us and then once again, my heart skipped a beat.

We walked inside the house, following Danielle. She sat on the couch and got right to work on the decals. We were introduced to Vince, Mia, and Letty before we all sat down in the living room to watch T.V. Something told me that we were going to be well off here.