Spain x Romano

Wishing to be the Friction In Your Jeans

Antonio was angry.

More than angry, he could actually feel the steam coming from his ears. A certain source had told him something he had rather not heard. This certain source being one of his best friends meant that he didn't even doubt where the information had come from nor how reliable it was.

Lovino had cheated on him.

Yes, they were in a relationship or sorts, Lovino had accepted his marriage proposal on the terms that he had three square meals a day, Antonio was holding him to that.

Not that they had kissed.

But they shared the same bed, that was good enough wasn't it?

Sitting down in the dark of the living room, Antonio's finger was tapping on the arm of the chair, staring at the door which lead to the outside world.

Lovino would be back soon.

What annoyed Antonio the most was not the fact he had cheated, but whom he had cheated with. Of all the people in the world why would he go for the loud mouthed, idiot man who had ruined his country.

Arthur of all people!

It made Antonio's eye twitch every time he thought of it. So Antonio was going to get payback, something inside of him had snapped, and now it was his turn to shout and scream at Lovino as the other cowered.

A Spaniard is not to be messed with in the takings of love.

For those of you that know my chapters, obviously they are going to be a lot longer than the Prologue, this is just a taste to see how many people are interested. I have uploaded this onto Deviantart as well, and it seems to be doing okay so far.

Antonio seems to think that Lovino has cheated on him, and with Arthur of all people - the Nation who ruined his empire! How will Antonio react to the news.