Yo, ninjarox here

this is my first fanfic so i hope its ok! oh right a summary...hehehe

naruto finds a girl in the woods and blah blah blah

M/B:JUST READ IT TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS ITS GOOD I PROMISE if you dont like the start trust me it gets REALLY good

ninjarox: MY STARTER! RAWR! *hits mb over head* that was my sis btw, using her oc's initials...rawr! PUDDING SHALL RULE THE WORLD! MWAHAHAHAHA!

M/B: *hits over head* foolish little sister...

ninjarox: *pec (pami emo corner) crying*

When Pami meet Uzumaki-prolouge

A young girl sat with her parents, waiting for the arrival of an important guest. That 6 year old was Tesa Pami, princess of the legendary Pami clan. She had short brown hair that she had in a bun with a fringe, deep blue eyes that showed knowledge beyond her years and cackled with energy. She had reddish-pinkish lips and a neutral expression. She had small, fragile looking hands and looked more like a porcelain doll then a kunoichi.

She sat on a small throne beside her mother, Katara Pami, wearing her favourite blade kimono with red hem and a red dragon on it. Her mother wore a plain blue kimono, and her father, Zuko Pami, wore a plain red one. (A/N if you want to know what the actual people look like, Google image katara and zuko) The big, golden doors opened slowly, to reveal a tall man wearing a black cloak with red clouds on it. His face was covered by an orange swirly mask that looked like a big orange lollipop, and all you could see was a tuff of black, spiky hair and one eye, that was using the sharingan.

The king spoke calmly yet coldly. "Madara Uchiha, to what do we owe this pleasure?" The man just chuckled. "I wish to negotiate an alliance, between the Akatsuki and Pamikagure." Tesa, not knowing what the Akatsuki was, asked to be dismissed, and walked up to her room to finish reading 'Lord Of The Rings'...again. After a few hours she was called to dinner, by one of the maids.

Tesa lived in a castle like mansion, with 4 floors. The first was where the throne room and dojo were, which had a few doors, connecting it to the huge backyard. The second floor was the music room, library and study area. The third floor was the kitchens and dining room. And the fourth floor was the king and queens room, Tesas room and many guest rooms. There were also bathrooms on each floor.

"So did you accept the offer that the lollipop man made?" Tesa asked innocently. This made her mother smile slightly. "No, no we didn't. He is from a group of terrorists, we would never make an alliance with him." her mother explained. "And plus, he smelt funny." added king Zuko, making everyone laugh. Once they had finished their meals they thanked the cooks and went off to do their separate things. Katara went to bed, being fatigued from her early start. Zuko studied up on the Akatsuki, hoping he had made the right choice and Tesa simply checked her emails.

From: Itachi Uchiha
To: Tesa Pami
Subject: Hnn

'Hey nii-chan, how are things in Pamikagure? Everything's fine here and quite interesting. It seems Sasuke has made a little friend, called Naruto. He seems to be a lot like you, just stupider and weaker. Father is still giving Sasuke the cold shoulder, and all he says when Sasuke achieves something: 'work hard, and someday you may be like your brother.' It just really makes me mad! Sasuke says hi by the way. Hyuuga are being stern as ever, I heard that Neji and Hinata aren't getting along well. Email me back soon.

Love from

Tesa had an array of emotions as she read the email; happiness, anger and sorrow. She replied;

To: Itachi Uchiha
From: Tesa Pami

'Greetings Ita-weasle! Everything's normal here, but some guy called 'Madara' came today...offering an alliance with something called 'Akatsuki'. But mum and dad said no to him, apparently he's a terrorist? But anyways, Sasu-monkey made a friend? I'M SO PROUD OF HIM! A lot like me huh? Cool! Lots of people are weaker then me, even you! Uncle has always been like that, HI SASU! I wasn't very surprised to hear that uncle Hiashi is still stern but Hinata and Neji? That's horrible!

Professor mc awesome-kunoichi-person-wolf!'

Tesa sent the email and read through and replied to some from her best friends; Marina Bara of the Bara clan, Caitlyn Kage of the Kage clan and Hanabusa Aido of the Aido clan. Afterwards she went to bed, and daydreamed before it became a real dream.

2 weeks later

Madara leapt over the tall village gates of Pamikagure, intent of killing them all because of their rejection. He was in the middle of killing the 786th person (out of 800), when someone saw him and rang an alarm, before being silenced...forever.

Tesa woke up to the noise of an alarm. Wondering what it was, she walked into her parents room, to see them horror struck, looking out the window. "Mother? Father? What's going on?" she walked over and looked put the window, to see the strange man...killing her whole clan. She started to cry, seeing him stab one of her only friends in the village, Ookami. Her parents snapped out of their trances to comfort their daughter. "We need to get her somewhere safe Katara, somewhere he can't find her." her father said urgently. "W-w-w-why is he d-d-d-doing t-this?" Tesa asked through her sobs.

Her mother started crying silently. "Because we denied the alliance. We thought he was bluffing when he said we would be sorry. We were wrong. Zuko, meet me at THAT room." king Zuko then picked Tesa up bridle style and ran back to her room as her mother ran off in a different direction. "We need to seal away your stuff, so you can take it with you."

"Where am I going?"

"Somewhere...try going somewhere safe." he then pulled out a few scrolls and sealed everything in her room, his room the library and nearly the entire mansion into them. He then carried her down a secret passage way that lead to a room under the dojo, where they met up with queen Katara. "We don't have much time! Give it to her quickly!" Zuko told Katara. Suddenly, the three of them heard a boom from upstairs, followed by screams. "Here!" Katara gave her daughter a scroll that had a jutsu written on it.

Teleportation jutsu
To teleport user to anyplace on earth instantly.

"Quickly! Revise it, learn it, use it." Tesa revised it and learnt it, but didn't use it. "Aren't you coming with me?" Her parents started crying silently. "No, we will try and fend him off, you run, we will try find you...if we survive."

"we love you so much." her mother said as she and the king kissed the princesses forehead. "I-I-I-I love y-y-y-you too!" Tesa responded as she hugged her parents. When she pulled back, she heard a noise that sounded like something she hoped she would never hear, metal stabbing flesh. She looked at her parents and watched the light drain from their eyes, as they fell down beside her, dead.

She looked up to see HIM. Madara Uchiha. "Well, well, well. The last Pami. How exciting. Now to rid the world of you, once and forever." He tried to stab the little brunette but she side stepped, and used the teleportation jutsu to transport herself 7 miles away from Pamikagure. Where she broke down sobbing. For her lost family and friends. And that now, she was all alone.



ninjarox: -.-U
