A/N: Many thanks and blessings go out to ladygris for Beta-ing this chapter though she's been distracted by RL chaos. She helped with the naming of Amanda's brothers too.

Dwparsnip also gave his opinions and his assistance with the golfing bits. Like Evan, I have no idea why anyone would play such a game. Hit the ball. Follow it. Hit it again. If you don't want the bloody thing, why go after it?




Chapter 4

Flipping the driver upside down to examine the head, John used a towel to clean it as he waited for Evan to respond.

"It's not a rumor, sir."

Tucking the driver under his arm, he took another ball from his bag. "How long has this been going on?"

"The beach party was our first date." Careful not to talk during John's swing, Evan paused. Whack! "Is there a problem, sir? Are you and she…"

"No, nothing like that. My family has known hers for a long time. We went to the some of the same schools. Even attended Stanford together until she went on to John's Hopkins." Whack! "She came to my dad's funeral."

Evan's expression didn't betray any of his thoughts, though now the date and timing of Amanda's last trip to Earth clicked as well as the identity of the mysterious "best friend" who'd helped her through the deaths of her friends when she was a teenager. He watched John hit two more balls into the water before continuing. "May I ask, sir, is this going to be the if-you-hurt-her speech?"

"Yes. (Whack!) Crap! Sliced it." John set up another shot. "I've known her and her family a long time. You could say I have a sort of (Whack!) brotherly affection for her. That, and I promised her brothers I'd look out for her…"

"Ah…I see." Evan had more to say, but John continued as if he hadn't said a word.

"…so it's my job to make sure you understand that, if you break her heart, I'll be forced to have Ronon (Whack!) break your legs"

Hands clasped behind his back, one hand clenched in an effort to keep his anger in check, Evan shifted his feet as John lined up his next shot. "Permission to speak freely, Colonel?"

"Always." Whack!

"Amanda and I are both adults. Anything we have together, well, that's between the two of us, and I respectfully suggest that you mind your own business." Having allowed as much of his resentment that the other man would interfere in his and Amanda's romance free, Evan turned for the exit leaving a stunned John staring after him. At the door, he faced his CO again. "Not that I feel the need to explain myself, but for the record, breaking her heart is not my intention. It is my hope, my wish…my dream…to make her heart whole again, whatever it takes. That is my intention…sir."

With that parting shot, Evan turned his back and left the Colonel lining up his next shot. What he didn't see or hear was John's satisfied grin and soft mutter of "Good." Whack!


The balcony door opened again and Dr. James Watson pasted on a smile as he set his golf bag in the corner. "Afternoon, Colonel." One look at John's face and he wisely didn't mention the conversation he'd just overheard.

"Doc. Ready to get your ass kicked?"

"Only if you are, sir." James pulled the cover off his driver, tucking it in a side pocket. His niece had crocheted the set for him and he didn't want to chance losing it. Setting a ball on its tee, he gripped the club, adjusted his stance and swung.


"Are you sure?" A scientist from Botany asked the man sitting across from him in the Mess Hall.

James took a bite of his biscuit, nodding while he chewed. "Yeah. He threatened to break Major Lorne's legs over a woman. Maybe they have a thing for the same one." Shrugging, he reached for his cup of tea. "Sure would be nice to know which of all the available ladies those two would fight over."

His buddy wiggled his eyebrows rudely. "Whoever she is, I bet she's hot."

Snorting, James took his friend to task. "Beauty is relative. Someone I find attractive may not appeal to you. Most women have minds and that's what I go for. And if you only go for the hot ones you, you'll miss a lot."

"Huh! I'm not interested in talking to these women, James. I just wanna have some fun, and as long as they're willing, what's the harm?"


Amanda didn't stay to hear any more. She pushed away from the table, shoved her tray in the pass-through and barrelled down the hall as fast as she could without breaking into a run. When it came to walking, she was fast. In med school, you learned to get where you were going as quickly and as safely as possible and walking was safer than running. On the way, she pushed the sleeves of her uniform shirt up to her elbows as if preparing for battle, which was a likely event given that she had been the subject of the overheard conversation between John and Evan.

She reached the barracks level and headed for John's room when the PA came to life. "AR-1, AR-5 and AR-8 come to Operations immediately. AR-1, -5 and -8."

Skidding to a stop, she returned to the transporter and went to the Infirmary. No sense in hunting John down now that he was about to go offworld. But when he gets back…

A Few Days Later

The wind had kicked up in just the short amount of time John had been on the driving range forcing him to adjust the strength of his swings to go the distance.

Just as he'd begun his swing, the door opened. "Fore!" Whack!

"Which incidentally, is the number of surgeons it will take to put you back together when I'm through with you!"

He lowered his club and nearly took a step back at the rage in Amanda's eyes. "What…"

Amanda crossed her arms, leaning all her weight on one foot while tapping the other. She knew John wouldn't be able to think about his grip or his swing if he had to watch out for her. "What did you say to Evan?" She carefully enunciated each word.

"We just…talked."

"I know that." Her hands dropped to her sides as she stalked him around the balcony, finally trapping him near the edge, his eyes darting from her face to the water. Fall was coming and the water was getting colder. She punctuated her words with pokes to the chest. "What. Did. You. Say?"

"Nothing. Just let him know what would happen if…" His eyes widened when she actually growled at him.

"You gave him the big brother talk? How could you?"

"Sorry. I promised Wade, Josiah, Dominic and Corbin that I'd…"

At the mention of her brothers, Amanda finally lost her temper. Backing up, she moved over to John's golf bag and kicked it over on its side, her shoe leaving a skid mark. It landed with a thump, some of the clubs sliding out. But she wasn't done. She came back to him, snatched the club from his hands, lifted her left knee and used it to break it in half.

His mouth hung open in shock, his eyes widening in a combination of shock and fear. She shouted, "FORE!" And before he could stop her, she threw the pieces of his favorite driver into the water. They didn't go far but they didn't have to for her to make a point.

"That was a TaylorMade. Top of the line. I can't believe you did that."

"Believe it!" Amanda shot the last comment at him and turned, the automatic doors barely opening in time to keep her from running into them.


Inside, Amanda put her hand on the wall for support as she rubbed and flexed her left thigh above the knee. It hurt where she'd hit herself with the club, but it was all worth it to see his face when the pieces plopped into the water.

Her anger mostly spent, she limped to the Infirmary and into the lab, making a stop on the way to grab an ice pack. Easing herself onto the tall chair in front of her workstation, she used an elastic bandage to anchor the blue gel pack to her leg and went back to her research.


"Why are you limping?" Evan stood as Amanda approached the table he'd appropriated for their dinner. He took her tray and set it on the table, gave her a quick kiss then held her chair.

"Ran into a brick wall." By the name of John Sheppard. "Um, you talk to John today?"

Squeezing a lemon into his tea, he avoided her gaze. "He's my CO. I talk to him every day."

"What did you talk about?"

Evan shrugged. "The usual stuff. Which knife to use for hand-to-hand with the Wraith, the best way to store C-4 without blowing up the base, how many rounds it takes to sever a man's torso with a P90."

"That's it? You didn't talk about anything else?"

She was fishing and he knew it. Somehow she'd found out about their conversation, but he refused to allow her to think badly of a friend who only had her best interests at heart. "No. Why?"

"No reason. Would you like to go to the movie tonight?"

He nodded as he finished chewing a bite of his Chicken and Dumplings. "What is it?" Not certain he liked the look in her eyes, he chose to ignore both it and her tone. He used the spoon to split a dumpling in half and scoop it up, his head coming up sharply at her next words.

"Liar, Liar."


By the end of the movie Amanda's leg felt much better. She'd stopped limping and it didn't even have a bruise, for which she was thankful. She somewhat regretted what she'd done, but just a little. She and John had been friends so long she hardly remembered a time when they hadn't known each other. And while he did have the right as the commander of the military to keep an eye on her in this place of considerable danger, he didn't have the right to interfere in her love life…no matter what he promised her brothers.

As he did every night, their schedules permitting, Evan walked her to her door where he kissed her good night. And just like many of those nights, she asked, "Would you like to come in?"

Most times he'd declined politely leaving her to wonder if they'd ever get to that level in their relationship. Some nights he agreed and they would sit on the sofa, have a cup of tea and talk, maybe watch a movie without all the drama of a large crowd, after which he'd again kiss her then go back to his own room.

Other times, they'd sit on the sofa making out until Amanda thought she would burst just from the touch of his hands on her even with the protection of her clothing. He seemed especially fond of her tattoo. Or was it the area where it was located? Either way, he liked touching that spot just at the waistband of her slacks. Or just above if she wore hip-huggers.

However, he always put a stop to it before they lost control, leaving her body humming with sexual tension and unable to sleep. Once or twice she'd kicked the laundry basket spilling the contents then kicking them as well.

"Yes, I would."

And with those three words, hope once again shimmered through her. Maybe tonight would be the night.


Amanda's softly uttered "Would you like to come in?" held a note of hopefulness and expectation unlike any of the other times she'd made the invitation and he knew that tonight was the right time for them to take that next step. He wanted this night to be special. That's why he'd slipped away during the movie and came to her room.

When the door opened, she gasped at the transformation. Lighted candles were on every surface and soft music played in the background. Her bed, usually covered with stuffed animals and her grandmother's quilt, now only displayed one, a bear holding a picture frame. The photo was of them together at the beach party. His arm was around her shoulders, her hand on his chest and they were gazing into each other's eyes and smiling. On the bedside table sat a small crystal vase with a bouquet of vibrantly colored wildflowers. Purple, pink, blue, red, orange, yellow and white all vying for her attention.

"Evan! Did you do this? It's amazing."

"There's one more."

"More? What more could a girl want?"

From behind the vase he took a flat box, discarded the lid and removed the contents.


Amanda turned her back to him as he slipped the chain around her neck. Made of sterling silver, it had two sparkling diamonds set between a pair of intertwined hearts symbolizing that, from this day forward their hearts would beat as one.

When she faced him again, his hands came to rest on her upper arms as he drew her to him and kissed her. She could feel how wildly his heart was beating because hers was too. He released her and she took him by the hand urging him toward the bed. She lay down and he followed her, his arms around her, their legs entwined just like the hearts on the necklace.

Their kiss ended, and she softly whispered, "Please stay."

His equally soft "Yes" came just before he kissed her again.

Much later, when their energy was spent, Amanda cuddled into his side enjoying the feel of her bare skin touching the bare skin of the man she cared for above all others. She opened her mouth to tell him so but before she could utter even one word, he kissed the top of her head, pulled her even closer and said, "I love you, Amanda."

Snuggling deeper into the warmth of his arms and his words, she smiled in contentment. "I love you too, Evan."

Months Later

This day had been coming for weeks and Evan did his best not to appear nervous. He stopped outside a specific door, paused for a deep breath then touched the sensor that would admit him. He watched John set a ball on the tee and prepare his swing.

Whack! "You wanted to see me, Major?"

To both men, it felt like a repeat of their previous encounter in this place where John had played the big brother.

"Yes, sir." Whack! Evan started to use his normal mode of address, but he hadn't come here in his capacity of Atlantis' second-in-command. Today he'd come in the role of a man in love. "John…"

His CO stopped in mid-swing, lowering the club, his hands resting on the grip. Evan had never called him by his first name and the shock showed in his eyes. He finally relaxed enough to let his arms hang at his side, taking a step closer lessening the physical distance between them.

"It's no secret that I love Amanda. She is a beautiful, intelligent and very loving woman. We have been together for a while now, and I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else but her. Since you're a part of her family, I'm asking for your blessing to marry her." There. That wasn't nearly as hard as he thought it would be though his heart was beating so fast he thought he might pass out waiting for the answer.


Not at all surprised at this turn of events, John gave the appearance of thinking it over purposely waiting until Evan began to fidget. Well, as much as the man ever did, which was almost never. "You got it." His right hand extended as he moved closer to the man who'd captured the heart of his best friend. "Welcome to the family…Evan."

"Thank you, sir."

"Off duty, let's keep it at John. But when its crunch time…"

"Yes, sir."

They stood there awkwardly for a few moments until John spurred him to action. "Well, don't just stand there, Major. Go get the girl."


John polished the head of his putter and was just sliding it into the bag when the door opened. He didn't know who he would see, surprised and a little uneasy when it turned out to be Amanda. He stood protectively in front of his golf bag but he needn't have worried because all she did was wrap both arms around him in a bone crushing hug, one of the few people from whom he didn't shy away at the physical contact.

"Thank you." Her voice was soft and when she lifted her head from his chest, her eyes glistened with tears.

"Uh, no problem. It was an easy sell."

She sniffed and he handed her one of the clean towels he kept in the bag for polishing the clubs. "I love you, you know."

One side of his mouth lifted in a smile. "I know." She stared at him waiting, one eyebrow lifted, and he gave in quicker than usual. "I, uh, love you, too."

Stepping out of his arms, she went to the door. "I ordered this for your birthday, but I think this is a better time." From behind her back she brought out a brand new driver wrapped with ribbon and a bow stuck on the end. "It's a TaylorMade. That's your brand of choice, right?"

As she handed him the club to replace the one she'd broken, a grin came over his face. "Mandy, you're one hell of a woman."

"Yeah, I know." She gave him a cheeky grin. "What's more, Evan knows it too." She held up her left hand, a white gold ring with one large diamond nestled between two smaller ones on her third finger.

Several Months Later

Huntington Beach, California

The chapel was filled to capacity with friends and family of the happy couple, all talking and laughing as they awaited the start of the ceremony. The recorded music ended and the pianist played the opened chords of the Wedding March.

John, in his dress blues, looked down at his best friend, her hand holding tight to his arm. She wore a veil over her face, but he could still see the happiness shining in her hazel eyes. With a nod, she told him she was ready.

When she'd asked him to escort her down the aisle, he'd been honored-both of her parents had passed away several years ago. He'd been doubly honored when Evan asked him to be his best man. They reached the altar, he lifted her veil and kissed her on the cheek then went to stand next to her husband-to-be.

On the other side, Jennifer McKay, Teyla and Marie stood as Amanda's attendants, all looking as happy as their friend.

The preacher made his opening remarks then solemnly inquired, "Who gives this woman to be married here today?"

The poor man nearly jumped out of his shoes when her brothers, all over six feet and in dress uniforms for their respective branches of the service, stood up as one and stated loudly, "She gives herself freely with the love and blessing of her family and friends."

"And who gives this man to be married to this woman?"

Evan's sister and her sons, a little more restrained, said, "He gives himself freely with the love and blessing of his family and friends."

"Please be seated." The preacher waited while the assembled complied. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Amanda and Evan in the bonds of holy matrimony…"

The End

"Love is like wildflowers; it's often found in the most unlikely places."

Author Unknown