Hey! I'm in the mood to write about Thalia! I don't know why, I just do.

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There was a reason why Thalia didn't use her last name. She made sure no one spoke of it, so no one knew what it was.

Thalia Grace.

It sounded despicable and horrid.

It sounded… wrong.

It reminded her of her past life, about her always drunk mother.

It reminded her of her baby brother, Jason Grace.

That's right, the one and only Thalia had a sibling. A Roman sibling. She knew there was a reason Zeus had seemed more fatherly, more stern.

She never would've guessed that it was the entrance to a whole new camp.


She flinched whenever someone said the word.

It was like a disease, and she was not proud of it. Thalia, a savior of Olympus, Lieutenant of Lady Artemis, had a horrible past life. Filled with shattered wine bottles, angry shrieks, unstable mothers.

If it weren't for Thalia, Jason and herself wouldn't have been fed at all. Not only was her mother emotionally unstable, she was out in clubs and bars when she wasn't pulling stupid stunts.

Flip to any page in a magazine, and there would be her mother, right in the middle.

She had once died her naturally dark hair platinum blond with lime green streaks.

She had also bought a very exclusive restaurant just to sell it again for a very cheap price.

She made stupid decisions in life, and it only got worse when Zeus left the second time. He was probably tired of listening to all her selfish demands.

She had such a bad reputation, but she only made it worse by drinking 24/7 and sleeping with strangers.

Thalia didn't want her last name to be a reminder of the past. It was hard enough when people asked for her whole name.

Thalia didn't want her last name.

Her mother had given the name Grace such a bad rep, just like she had done to herself.


Why do I have to be so mean? It's easy for me to write sad one-shots, but not something funny. I have two Humor stories, but that isn't enough.

Oh well.