*3rd person*

The new girl glanced around the empty hall of her new school.

She was pretty, with pale skin, cat-like green eyes, curly red-gold hair, and a tall willowy figure. Her outfit, if anyone was to see it, consisted of an unbuttoned white blouse, black tank top, dark wash skinny jeans, and a matching chain necklace and belt.

Looking down at her map, she confirmed one undeniable fact: she was lost. To make matters worse, it was an hour before students usually came.

How do they call this a school? It's more like a castle!

Sighing, she looked at her surroundings and guessed she was in the basement of the huge academy.

Suddenly feeling a dark chill from behind her she decided to turn around, tripping in the process.

Expecting to feel the ground beneath her, she squeezed her eyes shut. This only made her more surprised when someone caught her by the waist.

"Ufufufu! What could a young girl like you be doing outside my black magic clubroom? Are you lost?"

She felt her blood run cold.

Sorry it's so short! Don't worry; the other chapters will be longer! Please, R&R!