AN: okay I know that I am still working on 2 other stories,and you are probably sick of me already lol, but this popped into my head and I had to start it, it's a little dark, and there is violence and other not so fun things involved… well in this chapter at least. Read review and tell me what you think

Disclaimer: I own nothing but this story.

Bonnie paced the living room floor of the small apartment.

She glanced at the clock on the mantle noticing it was 2:00 in the morning.

Where is he? She thought.

He had never been home this late before.

She sighed as she took up pacing again.

It seemed as though he had been coming home later and later, always with the same excuse.

Saying he got caught up at work.

It wasn't always this way.

He used to hurry back excited to get home. To get home to her.

She smiled a little thinking back on the day she met him.

~*~Flash back~*~

Bonnie moved away from Fells Church to start university. She found a cute little apartment in L.A and was just unloading the last of the boxes.

She struggled as she carried the heavy box filled with her belongings through the entrance of the apartment complex.

The weight became too much to bear for her little body and she felt it slipping from her grip.

"Careful." Said a deep voice, while taking the box from her hands.

She looked up at the stranger in front of her.

"Thanks. I'm Bonnie." She introduced herself, holding her small hand out for him to shake.

He chuckled.

"Nice to meet you Bonnie. I'm Eric, I would shake your hand but well…" He glanced down at the box that occupied his arms.

"Right. Pardon my forgetfulness." She said blushing with embarrassment.

"I actually found it quite endearing." he smiled.

"Well where to?"

"Appartment 1B"she answered

"Really? I'm in 2B"He stated.

They walked to Bonnie's apartment, and set the box down in the front room.

"Anymore boxes?" He asked.

"Nope that was the last one. And thanks again."

"It was no trouble. I hope I am not being too forward, but would you like to go to dinner sometime?"

"I would love to." She smiled.

They had dinner the night after and have been dating since.

About a month into their relationship he surprised her by asking her to move in with him, to which she agreed.

~*~ End of flashback~*~

Bonnie was just about to give up and go to bed, when the front door swung open revealing a very drunk Eric as he stumbled into the house.

"Honey, I'm home!" he slurred busting into fits of laughter as he pulled her into a hug.

She pushed him off of her causing him to fall to the ground in his drunken state.

"Don't touch me Eric. It's 2 in the morning, and I have been waiting here worried for you and you show up like this." She waved her hand to gesture at the pathetic man on the ground.

"You can sleep on the couch tonight, because you are not sleeping with me."

She stormed off to their bedroom and was about to slam the door when Eric stopped it pushing it back open roughly.

Her eyes widened in surprise at the angry expression on his face.

He grabbed her in a bruising grip slamming her hard into a wall.

"I will touch you whenever I want, you are mine to do with as I please!" He yelled shaking her harshly.

Bonnie almost gagged from the strong scent of alcohol on his breath.

She slapped him hard across the face.

"Don't you ever do that again." He growled through gritted teeth.

He threw her roughly down on the bed.

"You brought this on yourself!" he said grabbing a fistful of her hair.

He pounded his fists into her fragile body in a fit of rage.

She was sobbing now and when he stopped in a shaky whisper she said "Get out."

"What did you say?"

"I said get out!" She yelled this time, standing up.

He threw her once again onto the bed pinning her down with his body.

He ripped her clothes from her bruised and battered body, and violated her in the worse way possible. Rape.

Bonnie woke up with the sunlight pouring into her bedroom window.

She tried to get up but she was too sore to move.

She looked around frantically when she remembered what had happened the previous night, frightened that he would come back for more.

He wasn't there, no doubt he already left for work.

She gritted her teeth through the pain as she forced herself to get up, searching for her phone.

She paused as she passed the full length mirror, wincing as she took in the purple bruises that were scattered across her naked body.

When she found her phone, she dialed the number she knew so well.


"Hi Elena, it's Bonnie."

"Hey Bonnie, how have you been? When are you going to come visit us in Italy? How's Eric?"

At the mention of his name she could no longer contain herself.

She broke down sobbing into the phone.

"Bonnie what's wrong?"

"I just miss you is all." She lied.

"Elena, I was wondering if I could come visit you now actually. I have money for the ticket and I need to… I need a vacation."

"Oh Bonnie of course you can come, call me when your plane arrives. Oh I can't wait!" Elena squealed into the phone.

"Okay I will. And I can't wait to see you too. I will get packed right now."

"Okay. Bye Bon"


Bonnie packed her clothes as fast as she could in her condition.

She hopped into the shower scrubbing her skin raw, but she never seemed to get the dirty feeling off of her no matter how hard she scrubbed.

She got dressed and hopped in her car heading for the airport.

She knew she couldn't stay with Eric after what he did to her, and she knew he wouldn't hesitate to do it again if she stayed.

~*~Florence Italy at the Salvatore mansion~*~

Elena hung up the phone after talking with Bonnie.

She was excited to see her friend that she hadn't seen in a year now.

"You're in a good mood." Stephan said wrapping his arms around her.

"Bonnie's leaving to come visit us here." Elena explained.

"That's great news." Stephan said becoming excited himself.

Elena's smile fell from her face as she remembered the phone call and how bonnie started crying.

"What's wrong love?" Stephan asked concerned.

"I just have a feeling that she's keeping something from me."

"It will be okay love. I am sure she will tell you everything when she gets here." Stephan reassured.

"When who gets here?" A silky voice sounded behind them.

AN: Okay well I know it's sad =( poor Bonnie. Well let me know what you think so far… this idea just popped into my head and I just had to write it =)