Hey Readers! Here's another Dramione, I love writing these and I think you will all like it! Please review and tell me what you think!

Chapter One

Hermione was mad as hell and she couldn't take it anymore. She usually didn't swear but she couldn't believe that she could have been so stupid. Ron was playing with her the whole time; she was just a stupid pass time until Lavender decided she wanted Ron back. Bull shit that he just didn't know what he wanted. It was just an excuse to get back with Lavender with a clear conscience. Well Hermione wasn't going to take it, she had been crying to long and holding back to long. She needed to get back to the real Hermione. The person she was before Ron freakin Weasley came into her life.

But what bothered her the most, she actually cared genuinely about him; he could have been the one…

She shook her head she couldn't think like that. She needed to move on, she needed a new perspective, try to get herself to back to the real Hermione.

School was on the horizon; only two weeks of summer were left then they could all go back to school and she could burry herself into books and school work… but not this time. She was coming back to school with a vengeance.

Hermione picked herself off of the couch away from the TV show she had been watching… well if you could define 'watching' as not even knowing the name of the show. She made her way to the phone book with a mission. She grabbed her cell phone and sat down at the coffee table and started flipping through the yellow pages.

She found the section she was looking for as she scanned through the names. Which one should she go to? She needed someone she could trust, someone she knew would do a good job no matter what. Then it hit her, the person she needed wasn't in the phone book.

"Mom!" She called up the stairs.

"What is it hunny?" Her mother called back. Her voice was coming from the kitchen.

"I need you to do me a favor," Hermione said making her way to the kitchen.

Her mother was standing in a sea green apron on making cookies for her neighbor hood ladies that got together every month.

"What's the favor?" Her mother said narrowing her eyes curious.

"I need an old friend's phone number. Pachelle Versalles number," Hermione stated.

Her mother looked up suddenly with a confused look on her face.


Hermione walked in confidently into the beauty parlor. Hermione had to catch her breath for a moment as she found that it was, well to put it plainly, stunning. It was a beautiful relaxing place to say the least, the plants and flowers went perfect with the black marble that ran along the sides of the mirrored walls.

"Can I help you miss?" An older gorgeous blonde said looking at her up and down as if wondering if she was lost.

"Um yes I'm looking for a-" Hermione started to say but she was cut off by a handsome voice.

"Hermione!" Pachelle called, "Come on come on your late we need to get started."

"Good luck with that," She heard the blonde say under her breath as she walked away with her clip board in hand.

Hermione ignored her snide comment as Pachelle greeted her with a smile and hug.

"It has been a while Hermione," He said taking a good look at her still smiling,

"I'm so glad you could see me in such short notice, I know how busy you get," Hermione said thankfully.

"Oh please Hermione it's no trouble. But enough of the chit chat what did you have in mind?"

"Well here's what I was thinking," Hermione said walking with him to his studio, "Ok for one I need to find a way to make these curls tamable…"


"Where is she? Does she always have to be late?" Ron grumbled as they boarded the Hogwarts express.

"Ron she's never late, this is the first time ever," Ginny said in Hermione's defense, "We're the ones who are usually late… And besides can you blame her?" She said her eyes narrowing accusingly.

"Come on let's get a compartment before there gone, Hermione will be here soon," Harry said interrupting the bickering.

Ron didn't say anything as they boarded the train his face red with furry.

Hermione rolled her eyes as she watched them from a distance. Ron was such an idiot, what did she ever see in him? Then she answered herself, someone you thought existed.

She waited until they boarded the train to follow them. She wasn't sure how they would react to seeing her again so she wanted it to be in a private place away from nosey Hogwarts students.

Here it goes.

She took a deep breath and boarded the train in search of her friends.

She checked the compartments one by one through the windows. She groaned to herself when she discovered that they must have chose a compartment down a ways toward the back, unfortunately close to the Slytherin's.

She ignored the stares and curious faces as she finally found them and quickly entered the compartment.

Lavender wasn't there… yet.

"Hermione!" Ginny said excited getting up and giving her a big hug, "It's so good to see you," She said letting go and taking a good look at her. Her eyes widened.

"Hermione you look fantastic!" She said in awe, "Did you do something different with your hair?"

"Since when do you wear make up?" Ron asked his eyes furrowing.

"Oh my gosh those clothes are so cute! You have to tell me where you got them," Gin said with a smile cutting out Ron, "But later come sit and tell us how your summer went,"

Hermione smiled and nodded as Harry finally made his way to her giving her a hug.

"Hermione it's good to see you, how are you?" Harry asked with a smile.

"Better now that I'm with my best friends," She said with a small smile.

She took a seat next to Ginny by the window.

"Oh my are those the Conrad knee high boots?" Ginny asked, "Those are so cute!" looking down at her tan boots.

Hermione smiled, "Yeah I actually got them from a friend,"

Ron rolled his eyes, "So Hermione how was your summer?"

Hermione looked at Ron in the eyes for the first time. A pain went through her heart but she ignored it as she reminded herself that he wasn't who she thought he was anymore. He was only a friend now… a back stabbing friend.

"It was really good," Hermione said with a fake smile, "I had a good time in Canada with my parents."

"I still can't believe you wouldn't come to see us at the burrow," Ginny said, "I was looking forward to actually having another girl in the house,"
"But Lavender came right?" Hermione asked.

Ginny's face fell a little feeling bad, "Yeah she came for a while,"

Hermione's heart felt pain again but she didn't let it show.

As if on cue Lavender came bouncing in flipping her blonde hair.

"Ron it feels like forever since I saw you," She said giving him a hug as he smiled at her.

"I'm glad you found us," Ron said as Lavender took a seat next to Ron.

You've got to be kidding me, Hermione thought.

She looked to Ginny and Harry who looked uncomfortable with Lavender's arrival; Hermione didn't want to put up with this.

She was just about to leave when she was stopped by Lavender's voice.

"Hermione! It's good to finally see you again," Lavender said with a fake smile, "Wow you look different, did you do something to your hair?"

Yeah I wish I could say it's good to see you to.

"It's good to see you to," Hermione said with a strained smile, ignoring the hair comment, "Hey I think I'm gonna go see if I can find Neville or Luna, I haven't said hello to them yet," Hermione said to Harry and Gin.

"Ok do you want me to join you?" Harry asked.

"Oh no I'll be back soon," Hermione lied as she gave him a small smile and before anyone could say anything else she quickly slide out the door and shut it loudly behind her.

She leaned against the wall for a moment, letting out a long breath that she had been holding in. She gathered up her strength and turned to walk down the opposite way from Ron and Lavender.

But just as she turned she found that she was face to face with one of her enemies.

It was Draco Malfoy.

"Well well look who it is," Malfoy said looking her up and down, "It's Granger and she's all grown up,"

Hermione glared at Malfoy fiercely, "I'm not in the mood Malfoy so if you know what's good for you, you'll piss off,"

She shoved him in the shoulder as she passed him walking away tears threatening to slip free but she shoved them back not letting Ron have the satisfaction.

"Wow was that Granger?" Blaise Zabini asked watching Hermione walk away a little too closely, "She's gorgeous,"

Malfoy said nothing as he watched her walk away, something had really made her mad and he doubted that it was his doing.

Suddenly the sliding door opened as Weasel and the goody good Lavender Brown came out giggling holding hands. It finally all made sense to Malfoy, Granger and Weasel had broken up.

Weasely's face went instantly cold when he saw Malfoy outside their compartment.

"What do you want Malfoy," Weasely said snidely.

Malfoy decided to mess with him as he gave him a signature smirk.

"I was actually just talking with Granger, man she's gotten good looking for a mudblood," Malfoy said still with a smirk plastered on his face.

Ron's face went instantly red; he knew he had hit a nerve.

"Shove off Malfoy before I hex you," Harry said before Ron could say something stupid coming out of the compartment.

Malfoy put his hands up innocently, "I'm just stating the obvious Potter, did you dump her for Brown Weasel?" He asked already knowing the answer.

Ron had had it as he pulled out his wand ready to lash out at Malfoy but Harry and Ginny held him back.

Malfoy and Zabini laughed.

"Come on I've been around enough filth today," Malfoy said as he turned to walk away.

He could feel Weasel fuming behind him as Harry told him to calm down that it was just Malfoy.

But Malfoy couldn't stop smirking as he walked away; he had just found a way to torment Weasely for the rest of the school year.