South Park: Stanley and Wendy star in 'Twisted love.'

Chapter 5: The god damn ending...

The day after the fight took place, Wendy went into the school to tell Stan the good news...

Wendy: Hey, Stan, guess what?

Stan: What the fuck happened to you? Where did those bruises come from?

Wendy: That's what I'm trying to tell you! You know how the Red Razors are after you? Their not. Because, you see, I ran into them last night, and I spoke to Bertha. And, things got a bit ugly between us two! But in the end, I kicked her ass! And the deal was for her and the group to leave you alone! You see, you are now in the clear!

Stan: Wow! Thanks and everything for that.. but, you really didn't have to...

Wendy: Heh, what do you mean?

Stan: I told my dad about them coming after me, and we went to file for a restraining order this morning. None of the Razors can touch me legally or else they will be arrested!

Wendy: WHAT! But I did all this, for you! I brutalized my second best friend after Bebe to protect you!

Stan: Yeah, I could see, when she walked by me this morning. Fuck was she cut up and in pain, what did you do to her!

Wendy: But Stan...

Stan: Listen, you did a great thing anyway. I'm glad I have a girlfriend who cares! But, you didn't have to, I already had it sorted. Thanks anyway.. Now I'm off to play with Kyle and the guys.. see ya round Wendy!

Wendy: Yeah, great! See you...

Wendy then walked over to Bebe at her locker...

Bebe: Jesus christ Wendy, what happened to you!

As Wendy holds her bloodied cheek in pain she says...

Wendy: Eh, nothing really. But someone got a fucking lesson taught to them...

Wendy then walked off smiling though still in pain, but overall happy that she was able to protect her boyfriend.. in a way!