A VERY special thank-you is due to the few people who kept asking for more. You unknowing were encouraging me to do something I love and for that, I am grateful. This chapter is dedicated to each and every one of you. I also apologize for not updating sooner but to make up for that, this chapter is a little but longer.
Please let me know what you think! ENJOY!

Bella was pregnant. That's what the lives of everyone in my household had revolved around for the past two weeks. It was not only that she was pregnant but that she was dying as a result. What was more, she was choosing this. This was happening on her own free will, despite knowing the probable outcome of death.

To say Edward did not support her in this decision would be a great understatement. From the moment he found out, he had decided on a completely different course of action. A course which Bella refused. Edward was devastated beyond measure by her resolve. This pregnancy was killing him as well… in its way.

There seemed to be an imaginary line in the house where members of my family stood on one side or the other, either in support of Bella's choice or Edward's. On one side there was Bella, Rosalie, Emmett, and Esme. On the other there was Edward, Alice, Jasper, and Carlisle.

The atmosphere that the newly married couple left us with several weeks ago was much different than the one they brought on this house now. I never would have thought there was anything that could turn my family against each other. I felt ripped in two. We were a house divided.

I had been somewhat left alone and -what felt like- forgotten since the honeymooner's arrival. Being self-reliant wasn't something I couldn't handle but it was something I wasn't used to since I had begun living here. Normally I would have enjoyed the freedom from being one of the top subjects on everyone's mind all the time, but two things prevented me from reveling in it.

One, my cousin was on her deathbed. That was kinda sucking any and all happiness out of my life no matter what else was going on. Second, was one of the reasons that my family wasn't too concerned about my whereabouts was because I wasn't allowed to leave the house AT ALL. I couldn't so much as stand outside on the deck and take a breath of fresh air or feel the sun on my face. The worst part was I wasn't allowed to speak to anyone outside my family…. not even Seth.

Bella's pregnancy was being kept top secret, not even Jacob knew. The moment my dad had received a phone call from Edward about something growing inside of Bella, this whole house and property became like Area 51. No one left and no one came by. My family didn't hunt and no one visited.

When Seth and Jacob and dropped me off after spending the day with them at the beach, my family made it very clear to them that they were to keep their distance until otherwise notified. Jake told them he WAS going to come back as soon as Bella did and stormed off the porch but my poor imprinter was so confused and heartbroken. He kept looking back and forth from me to Carlisle with tear-filled eyes while slowly stepping back and choking out the questions, "But why?" and "What did I do wrong?". It made me cry to see him like that.

Two weeks after that day, I was sitting on the floor next to the couch that Bella was curled up on, trying to get her mind off how sick she felt. We were talking about old times when both our families, the Blacks, and the Clearwaters used to hang out together during the summer. It was a great distraction but the rest of the Cullens standing around the room staring at us with expressions that ranged from despair to anger to fear was sorta ruining my efforts.

We were in the middle of quietly laughing at particularly funny memory when the heads of everyone in the rooms, besides me and Bella, turned in the direction of the driveway. They obviously were hearing something we did not.

"Do not let him in this house!" Rosalie's sudden outburst made Bella and I both jump.

"We can't hold him off forever." Edward said in a weary tone.

"You mean Jake? Is he coming?" Bella asked her husband. "I'd like to see him."

"Yeah, why can't we tell him and Seth what's going on?" I pleaded. "We don't need to keep secrets from them when they're practically family…. especially Seth."

"We don't know how the wolves will respond to this." Jasper said through his clenched jaw. "We can't take that chance."

"Jacob might be useful with…" Edward began with slight hope in his voice. I knew he wanted Jake to try and convince Bella his plan would be best.

"I won't let him near her!" Rose said defiantly.

"You mean you won't let him near the fetus?" Alice seethed. She knew her sister's motives.

"You mean the baby?" Rosalie hissed. "It doesn't matter. He'll kill them both."

"He would never kill Bella." Edward stated.

"There's more at stake here." Rosalie spat. "You think he's just going to congratulate her and leave!?"

"We don't know what his reaction will be." Esme said cautiously.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna let him hurt anyone… no matter who it is." Emmett assured his family.

There was a few seconds of intense pause before Carlisle spoke. "Edward, it's your call."

My brother nodded once and my blonde-haired sister shot daggers in his direction. No telling what she was saying to him with her mind.

My father began walking downstairs to let Jacob in so I jumped up and followed after him. I was desperate to get away from the tension. I don't know how Jasper was able to handle it these past few weeks. The emotions were all running high in this house. There was a lot of arguing. They mostly waited until Bella and I went to bed but sometimes I would catch it anyways when I would lie there awake at night.

Dad and I had just gotten to the first floor of the house when I finally heard what the others had heard from miles away. Jake's dirt bike. I watched him through the long windows as he pulled up, turned off his bike, and stood it in the driveway. He met us at the front door and, without waiting for an invitation, came straight inside just as Carlisle opened it.

"Is it true?" Jacob immediately demanded. I didn't say anything, just gave him a quick one-armed hug then went to the doorway and instantly began scanning the driveway and edge of the forest.

"Hello, Jacob. How are you?" Carlisle greeted with patience despite Jake's rudeness.

"He didn't come with me." I heard Jacob mutter and it took me a second to realize who he was talking to. I turned around, the disappointment clear on my face. We both know who he meant.

"How is he?" I asked quietly.

"How do you think?" Jake replied in a sarcastic tone, which upset me even more.

"Jacob, it's not really the best time." My father seemed to be rethinking the decision to let him inside. "Could we do this later?"

"Listen. Just give it to me straight." Jacob started, getting in Carlisle's face.

"Jake, is that you?" We heard Bella croak from upstairs. Jacob pulled his eyes together in confusion.

"She's here!?" He asked Carlisle, pissed that no one had told him.

"They came home two weeks ago." My father replied.

I watched the two of them go up the stairs but did not follow them. I knew how this was going to turn out and I wanted no part of it. I sat at the bottom of the staircase and thought about what would become of us all. Not only if Bella died but if she didn't and if the 'baby' inside her was harmless like she claimed. I suppose the rest of the shapeshifters were about to find out about it all in a little while whether Jake wanted them to or not. At least Seth would finally know that him being forbidden to see me had nothing to do with him.

After a while I heard Jacob coming down the stairs after having a long talk with Bella…. per Edward's request. She didn't change her mind and he was distraught over what he thought was going to happen. His very worst nightmare.

"Jake, wait!" I called, as he brushed past me. He stopped halfway to the door but didn't turn around.

"What?" He replied through clenched teeth.

I honesty didn't know what but I didn't know when I was ever going to see him again… or if I was. I couldn't just watch him go and not know what was happening beyond these walls. The wolfpack was like a second family to me and I loved them almost as much as I loved the Cullens. Was this newfound information going to change any of that? Did it even matter to them?

"Where are you going?" I asked. "What are you going to do?"

He didn't answer, just stared out the glass and slowly shook his head. I guessed he probably didn't know the answer to either one of those questions.

"What will they do?" I wondered out loud. Once again, he knew who I was talking about. "They won't try to… to… hurt anyone, will they? I know this is all new and unknown territory for them…. but it is for us too. Jake, the Cullens haven't broken any treaty. They and Bella will be safe, right?"

"The pack won't like it but you heard Sam on the beach. He said they're not our concern anymore. And we don't kill humans, it goes against everything we stand for."

"Then you'll be coming back soon? You know Bella would like that."

"Come back to do what? Stand around and watch her die? No, thanks. I've come to see about Bella and so Seth can know you're alright and I have. I'm done here."

"But Mom said that after this is all over, regardless of the outcome, we're moving far away from Forks. We may never see you again."

That made him turn around. "I guess I always knew that day would come."

"I may never see Seth again." I whispered. "And he'll never see his imprintee again…."

"That's going to make him really happy." Jake said sourly, looking at the floor, probably imagining Seth's reaction. Then his eyes flashed to my face and said bitterly, "It'd be more humane of you to just get one of your bloodsucking family members to kill him."

"Jake!?" I barely choked. Those words stung.

He didn't answer but instead stormed through the door to his bike. I stomped outside, mad that he had said something so hurtful to me. None of this was my idea or my fault. I never wanted to hurt Seth. He has been more loving to me that any creature on this earth. I was so ready to yell something at Jake, to defend myself, but the words weren't there.

"In a few days, we'll both wish we were dead!" He spewed, angrily throwing his jacket to the ground and kicking his bike across the road. I watched him phase and run off into the woods.

"Whoa!" Seth exclaimed, sliding down the hill. He saw Jake looking behind him expectantly. "Don't worry. They're not following us."

"What do you think you are doing here?" Jacob demanded.

"I left Sam's pack." Seth replied like the answer was obvious. "You know I can't fight against Lanie's family."

"Go home, Seth. I didn't plan on doing this and I don't know what gonna happen 'cause I did. This is no place for you."

"This is the perfect place for me. They're planning on attacking an innocent family. My imprintee's innocent family. There's no way I can be a part of that. I won't stand behind them."

"Oh yes, you will. I'm not kidding. Get your furry butt back to La Push and do what Sam says."

"Is that an order, Jake? Are you going to make me bow down too?"

"I'm not ordering anyone to do anything! Look I'm just going off on my own here, OK?"

"Great! And I've got your back."

"No, you don't! If Sam comes after Bella, are you really ready to fight your own brothers? Your sister?"

"If it's the right thing to do."

"Who knows what that is anymore?"

"Listen, Jake. After you left, Sam assigned us all different ones to kill. I was given Lanie's father…. of all people. Carlisle Cullen is just as good as any humans we protect. Maybe better. He'll hate fighting, even to save his own life. That's why a smaller wolf like me will be able to kill him easily. He wouldn't even want us, his enemies, to die. That's just wrong! Do you really think I could fight and kill the good Dr. Cullen!?"

"Yeah, that would be murder." Jacob slowly agreed, remembering when Carlisle had treated his injuries the year before. "But ya know, if they all get killed, despite my best efforts, you'll be able to take Lanie back to live with you." Jake pointed out, still trying to make his friend go back. "You'll never have to be separated from her again."

"Yeah, I thought about that… but I know she would never forgive me if I was on the side that fought them. Besides, I don't think of any of the Cullens as my enemy. I actually really like 'em!"

"I don't know why, especially after they've tortured you by not letting you see her for so long. It's been miserable sharing a mind with you lately. You've been all so depressed and down in the dumps about it… up until now."

"That's just because I didn't know why but now I do and it all makes sense. Gosh, I can't wait to finally see her again! I feel like I'm gonna die from happiness when I do."

"Whatever." Jacob rolled his eyes. "I'm going to go give the Cullens a head's up. Do what you want."

Jacob and Seth trotted towards the large brown house together. One was filled with worry and annoyance, the other with optimism and enthusiasm.

"How cool is this? A two-man pack! Two against the world!"

"You're getting on my nerves, Seth."

"No problem! You want me to be all gloom and doom or just shut up?"

"Just shut up."

"OK, I'll shut up. Can do!"

"Really? It doesn't seem like it."

"Yes, sir!"

"Stop that!"

"So close… and yet so far." Seth sighed as he and Jacob stood in the Cullen's back yard staring directly at the huge house.

"So close to what?" Jake asked.

"You mean to who?" Seth replied wistfully.

Jacob turned his attention to the house and waited until Edward heard their thoughts and appeared outside.

"Get ready. They're coming for Bella." Jacob gave Edward and mental run down of everything that had taken place since he left.

"They're not going to touch her." Edward replied with certainty.


"What's going on?" Jasper asked. He and Emmett had gone outside to see why Jacob had come back so quickly after his abrupt departure only short while earlier.

"They want to kill Bella?" Edward snarled flatly.

His brothers, not having heard the other half of the conversation, took his inflectionless question for a statement. They were right next to him in a flash, teeth exposed as they moved towards the wolves.

"Hey, now…." Seth said, backing away.

"Erm, Jazz… not them. The others. The pack is coming."

"What's their problem?" Emmett demanded.

"Same as mine." Edward hissed. "But they have their own way of dealing with it."

"What have you two come here for?" Jasper questioned the Quileute boys. The way he asked questions always demanded an answer.

"When we found out the pack was planning on attacking your family, we came here to warn you and to protect you." Seth replied with sincerity. Jasper raised an eyebrow.

"We're here to protect Bella." Jacob clarified. "We've left Sam's pack and we're ready to fight with you against them… if it comes to that."

"We're ready." Emmett stated with a nod. You could hear anticipation in his tone.

"Is it just the two of you?" Jasper inquired.

"Yes, sir, it's just us." Seth replied. "We're our own pack now, here at your service!"

Jacob winced. It was bad enough that they were having to protect the Cullens as inevitable side effect of protecting Bella but Seth didn't have to act all happy about it.

"Now just do what you're told and we shouldn't have too many problems." Jake ordered, trying to compensate for his friend's subservient attitude.

"Thank you for warning us." Esme said sincerely, having just drifted outside with Carlisle. "We appreciate what you've done."

"I would do anything for your daughter, ma'am, and for her family." Seth said with a warmth and softness in his voice. "Even if that means turning my back on my own."

"I understand what a rift this must have caused between you and your pack." Carlisle said somberly, talking to both Seth and Jacob. "If there's anything we can do for you, please let us know."

Seth opened his mouth to say something but Jacob did not like the idea of getting any cozier with the vampires than they already were and cut him off.

"Thanks but no thanks." Jacob said flatly. "I think you've all done enough."

"We're gonna go make a perimeter run now." Seth told them. "We gotta keep an eye on the borders."

"We won't let them cross… At least not without a fight." Jacob added, knowing that just he and Seth were no match for the rest of the pack in the unlikely event they decided to attack the two of them.

"Let us know if you need back up." Emmett said.

"We will!" Seth said to the first half of the offer.

"We won't." Jake said to the second.

"Jacob, Seth… You can't fight against your own brothers." Carlisle said with seriousness.

"I'm not saying it'll be easy but if they were really coming to kill her, I would be able to stop them… and all of us together would be unstoppable." Jacob assured him.

Carlisle shook his head, anxious. "I didn't mean that you wouldn't be physically capable. I meant that it would be wrong. I can't have that on my conscience."

"It wouldn't be on yours, Doc. It would be on mine." Jacob saw Carlisle glance at the other shapeshifter. "And you should know by now that Seth's attachment to Lanie far outweighs his loyalties to anyone else."

"Regardless, we will make sure that our actions don't make that a necessity." Carlisle frowned thoughtfully. "Maybe if we divide up…"

"No, you all need to stay inside." Jacob advised. "They'll be circling the area waiting for one of you to go out alone or in pairs."

"We've got a few extra abilities to even it up. If I go with Edward, he'll be able to give us a few miles' radius of safety." Emmett suggested, but the look on Edward's face said there was nothing that was going to pull him away from Bella.

"That wouldn't even matter." Jacob said. "It'd still be two against eight."

"We can out in groups of three or even…"

"You won't make it past them." Seth interrupted. "But you don't have to worry about that. We'll keep you all safe."

"Will both of you be safe?" Esme asked apprehensively.

Being completely in sync, as if they were mirroring each other, the two boys opened their mouth to speak, closed it, pulled their eyebrows together in contemplation and turned to look at the other, both turning that question over in the minds.

"I'll go." The younger one volunteered after a minute. "They won't hurt me, I'm just a kid to them."

"You're just a kid to everyone, Seth." Jacob rolled his eyes.

Seth just shook his head at that and began to trot off but then stopped short and slowly turned around and walked back. Everyone looked at him expectantly.

"Um, Mr. Cullen… and Mrs. Cullen," Seth began hesitantly. "I was wondering… if you really did want to do something for us… Well, for me I guess since Jake wouldn't care. I mean, he would care, just not like I do… but it can be for him too."

"Yes, Seth, what is it?" Dr. Cullen gently urged him on, knowing full well what he was going to ask.

"I was just gonna say… since it's safe now that we're here… Since you offered… but ya know, you don't have to if you don't want to…"

"I'm sure they're relieved to have your permission." Jake said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I didn't mean it that way." Seth assured his imprintee's parents, who were giving the boy plenty of time to express his thoughts. Seth took a deep breath and was about to restart.

"Do you wish to see Lanie?" Esme prompted, putting an end to Seth's anxiety. "We can send her out here if you'd like."

A wide grin spread across his face and the light in his eyes danced at the thought. He nodded his head, slowly at first but then came to a full bob. "Yeah… Yeah, I would like."

"She'll be waiting here when you get back." Esme promised him, holding back a smile.

"WooHoo!" Seth jumped up and spun around like a kid who was given the best birthday present in the entire world, then darted off in the direction of the river to complete the quickest perimeter check he'd ever do.

"Nice to have toddlers guarding the fort." Grumbled my biggest brother as he watched Seth disappear into the distance.

"They've done us a great service tonight, Emmett." Carlisle said. "At great personal sacrifice."

"Yeah, I know. I'm just jealous. I wish I was out there."

I tiptoed to the edge of the porch where a small strip of sunlight turned the brown wooden boards a bright yellow and, blinking, stepped into the glow. The clear sounds of the splashing, flowing river seemed to babble a greeting and a light breeze swept over my face like a hand caressing a cheek. It was as if nature was as happy to see me as I were to see it. I took in a deep breath of fresh air and then exhaled, blowing out all my stress along with it. Today was going to be a good day.

When I heard, from eavesdropping inside, that the wolf pack was planning on slaughtering my entire family, I was grateful ad relieved to know that Jacob and Seth were joining our side. Not that I wanted there to be sides at all but if there had to be, and as far as I was concerned there really didn't have to be, I was glad they were on ours. It wasn't just because I wanted their company and protection, it was that, if they had stayed, I would have had to choose which side I belonged to. I don't know which one I would've picked and I'm glad I'll never have to find out.

Anyways, from what I was told, the great outdoors wasn't the only thing waiting for me to make an appearance. My mother said Seth was pleading with her and Dad to allow him to see me and "considering what that boy has given up for this family's protection, he certainly deserves that one request at the very least". I wasn't going to argue with that! If spending time with someone who makes me feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest and start soaring to the sky was my contribution to the cause, then I will happily take one for the team.

Seth had only left a few minutes ago but I'd imagine he would be back in no time at all. That would give me just enough time to make a small bouquet of flowers to take back up to my room. You never know when I'm going to have to be a shut-in again. The wide variety of plant life was going to make it easy for me to create a beautiful arrangement.

I had just finished wrapping a ribbon around my fresh bouquet when a sound, far more melodious than any music, resonated in my ears. My imprinter's voice. I never realized how much I missed Seth until I would see him again. I don't know when I started becoming so attached to him. Maybe when he took such care of me after the Volturi left me immobile. Was it that day when we walked the beach at La Push? While we were dancing at Bella's wedding? Perhaps it was one of those still, quiet times I would sit and think about him... about us. Maybe it had started at this very moment.

Seth and Jacob were just returning from making sure the perimeter had not been breached. They had phased back to their human form already and were talking amongst themselves. I couldn't help but wonder what they were saying. Neither one of them had noticed me yet, which was very surprising considering their impeccable hearing. I couldn't pass up this opportunity so I hid behind a tree and held my breath.

"Alright, now I finally get to see her!" Seth did a mid-air summersault and landed perfectly back down on his feet. "WooHoo!"

"Does that mean I won't have to listen to your non-stop bellyaching anymore?" Jake asked, his tone both relieved and irritated. "You have no idea how moody you've been. It's annoying as heck."

Seth laughed. "Jake, you get even more annoyed when I'm thinking about her and being all happy about it all the time!"

Jacob didn't reply. It was true. Nothing is more aggravating than being depressed while your companion is ecstatic.

"Do you think she's been thinking about me this whole time?" Seth wondered out loud.

"How should I know? I'm not that mind-reading leach." Jacob retorted.

"I know it's only been a few weeks but it seems like forever. It's been my own personal hell." Seth sighed. "Being with her is like… Well, it's better than what I imagine heaven to be."

Seth took a deep breath than exhaled through his mouth. He shoved his hands in his pockets and stared off into the tops of the trees. He seemed to have a happy expression on his face and I wondered what he was thinking about. Never mind, I already knew… it was me. He was probably imagining me coming out of the house to see him.

Which got me thinking… I was going to have to make my presence known at some point. Should I cough or something? No, then they would know that I had been trying to listen in. Maybe tiptoe off and then come walking up? No, they would hear me walk away. Honestly, it surprised me that they didn't hear my heart beating, especially Seth. I really wasn't that far away.

"When do you think she'll come down?" Seth asked, still smiling.

"How would I know!? I'm not the blood-sucking psychic." Jacob said, getting more aggravated.

Seth seemed completely unphased by Jacob's temperament.

"Do you think I'll be able to spend more time with her now that we're on the Cullens' side?"

Jacob even didn't answer him this time. I figured the incessant questions combined with the choice of wording pushed him over the edge.

Seth began rubbing his hands together in anticipation and looked at Jake. "Man, I can't wait until she comes outside to see me!"

Just at that moment I had decided to show myself, so I peeked around the tree. I was behind Seth but Jake, who was facing my direction, saw me immediately. We exchanged glances for a long moment before I shyly waved at him. He nodded back.

"You won't be waiting very long." Jake replied still staring at me.

Just then I stepped on a twig at the exact same time Seth twirled around to look at wherever Jake was motioning towards. My expectation was for him to immediately come running up to me but he didn't. Instead he just stood there with eyes fixated on me and I, not know what else to do, gave him a soft smile. We stood there like that for at least one whole minute before I decided to go up to him.

I was about halfway to him before he slowly began walking towards me. When he was about three feet away, he stopped and leaned over, putting his hands on his knees for support like he was sick or in pain. After a few seconds, he sucked in a deep breath, and rubbed his eyes like he was trying to get something out of them. It was only when he stopped and looked back at me that I realized they were bloodshot red from crying. I was taken back. It was very touching.

"It's alright, Seth, I'm here now." I said in the softest and sweetest way I could.

That only seemed to make it worse for him but this time he didn't bother with trying to catch his tears. He closed his eyes, put both his hands on my face and slowly yet firmly traced them cross my lips and cheeks, over my neck and shoulders, and down arms to my elbows before pulling me towards him and into his chest.

Oh, there was no place else I would have rather been! I suddenly felt so much joy that he was back, that we were on the same side, that I was with him, that we could be together again, I started sniffling and tearing up right along with him. There was no denying it. I had officially returned feelings for my Imprinter, Seth Clearwater. Being with him was the most natural feeling I had experienced… like I was finally home after a long trip. Don't ever stop, Seth! Hold me forever.

It always surprised me how tightly he could hug right before hurting me. He seemed to know just when to stop before it would be too hard. After what seemed like both a very short and long time, he combed his fingers through my hair, inhaled my scent, and pressed his warm lips on my forehead. I wasn't a kiss, really… but was the closest I had gotten to one. I heard him whisper something in Quiluete close to my ear before releasing his grip and letting me go.

He simultaneously frowned and smiled at my watery eyes, knowing why I had them, and wiped away my tears… and I returned the favor for him. While doing so, I saw a flash of light in his green eyes that seemed almost magical. It was so fast, if I blinked, I would have missed it. I gasped ever so slightly, blinked a couple of times and really looked at him. He smiled at me in a way I had never seen before. I believe it was at this exact moment he knew that the way he had felt towards me all this time, since that night at the bonfire up until now, were finally mutual.

"What did that mean?" I asked after a few moments.

He, still smiling, tilted his head to the side in confusion. I laughed a little inside because it reminded me of a dog.

"What you said a second ago… I don't speak your language."

"Ohh… that. It's an old Quiluete saying. Couples would whisper it to each before they were gonna be separated for a long time, from hunting trips and such. It means 'I'll hold you in my heart until I can hold you in my arms'."

"That's beautiful!"

He smirked and raised his eyebrows. "Ya think so?"

I nodded. "So, do all of you speak Quiluete?"

"No, just the ones of us who are interested OR have parents that are tribe elders."

"Oh, was your Dad teaching you?"

"Yeah but Sam took over when he died."

"I guess you don't have time for that anymore."

"Not really…but it took a lot of convincing to get Sam to let me stop all my schooling. At first, he just wanted me to stay home and study but, man, I couldn't do that… just sit around at home with a book all day. I had just turned into a freaking werewolf! I needed to run!"

"Besides, what's the point in wasting all of your time trying to graduate from high school in a hurry when you're never even going to be old enough to do anything important like go to college?"

I regretted that the instant I said it. I looked at his face to see what kind of damage I'd caused but there was not even the slightest bit of offense taken.

"That's what I told him… and that's what finally got me out of it!"

"Good for you!" I said. "Anyways, you speak it well."

He laughed. "I'm glad you think so… but that's probably because you've never heard it spoken before."

"Maybe." I said with a shrug.

"I guess I won't be taking anymore lessons more Sam any time soon." Seth mumbled, more to himself than me. He had the slightest hint of regret in his tone. He shook his head to try to make the feeling go away. I decided to try to help him.

"So, I guess you and Jake are all on you own now, huh?"

"Yep! We're our own two-man pack." He said proudly, putting an emphasis on the word 'man'. "Just a couple of guys free to do what we want and go where we want."

"Where all have you gone?"

He looked at me and grinned. "Just here."

I grinned back. "I'm awfully glad you did."

"We didn't have a choice." Jacob's serious tone sounded behind me. "We had to protect Bella from the pack."

I had almost forgotten he was there… a very common occurrence whenever I was with Seth.

"We did have a choice." Seth insisted. "But it wasn't a difficult one to make with yours and Bella's safety in jeopardy."

The three of us stood there in silence for a minute. The more I thought about the whole thing the more upset I got. Thinking of what Jacob and Seth have given up for Bella and myself. Given up their homes, their families, and even their pack. I never thought I'd see the day that the two of the would betray their own brothers. I know they didn't do it lightly. I know it was hard on them, even if the choice was easy. This is truly one of the most selfless things someone has ever done for me.

"I'm sorry both of had to leave your family." I said, choking up. "The whole thing…it's so not fair to y'all… to anyone."

"Hey, hey… it'll be alright." Seth soothed, rubbing my upper back. "You don't need to worry about us. We've just had to grow up really quick, that's all."

Seth said that with more than just a hint of smugness. He was obviously proud of his newfound independence and wanted to make sure I knew all about it.

"We'll be just fine. Protecting humans… it's what we do." Jake put his hand on the back of my head and gave me a peck on my forehead. I noticed Seth paid special attention to Jacob kissing me but I could not tell what he thought about it.

"So, do y'all think any of the others will join your pack?" I asked.

"IDK… Maybe." Seth replied, pulling his eyebrows together in thoughtfulness. "They might once they realize it's the right thing…"

"Not unless they're a bunch of complete idiots." Jacob interrupted, putting an emphasis on the last word.

I don't think Jake meant it as a personal jab to Seth but I was still worried that he may have taken offense. I looked up in time to see Seth chuckle and was reminded of one of the reasons why I liked him so much.

"Besides, this isn't even a real pack." Jake continued. "It's just what's left of me leaving Sam's pack and Seth tagging along."

"Well, how many wolves does it take to make a pack?" I asked him.

"How should I know?" Jake replied, uninterested in the question.

"Three." Seth answered. "Three or more wolves make a pack. Sam told me."

"OK, fine." Jake agreed, in a patronizing sort of way. "If we get one more to join us, we'll have a pack."

"Which one of them do y'all think will come?" I wondered.

"None of them are coming, Lanie." Jacob said with a sigh. "None of them have a reason to."

"Who would you want to join?" I asked Seth, since Jake was getting annoyed with me.

"It doesn't matter to me." Seth shrugged. "The only person I wouldn't want to is…"

Suddenly Seth had this painfully horrified expression on his face like he just got shot in the back and exchanged glances with Jacob, who had the exact same expression.

"What's wrong?!" I almost shouted, worried sick.

"Good morning boys!" Leah sang out in an overly pleasant voice, then changed her tone. "Man, I can smell them from all the way out here!"

"Leah!" I greeted, running up to hug her as she weaved through the underbrush.

"Oh, man! You ruin everything!" Seth groaned.

"Ugh! What is it with you Clearwaters? Why can't you just leave me alone!?"

"I've been helpful, haven't I, Jake?" Seth asked, worried.

"Sure, sure…" Jake tried to cover himself. "You're not too much of a nuisance yourself, kid., it's just that…"

"Oh, stop whining Seth, You're such a baby." Leah reprimanded. Seth let out a huff, crossed his arms and glared at her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jake demanded.

"I'm not going to let my little brother get killed. I'm joining your crappy little renegade pack. The vampires guard dogs." She laughed sarcastically.

"It's not a damn pack!"

"Yes, it is, there's three of you now." I pointed out. "Y'all are The Black Pack!" No one, not even Seth, looked amused.

"Go away, Leah, I can take care of myself." Seth said, muttered.

"That you think so proves you need a babysitter." She scoffed.

Seth looked like he was embarrassed and ticked off that I was here to hear the way she spoke about him, especially after all his big talk about him being grown-up and on his own.

"Will the both of you shut up?" Jake snapped. "Did Sam send you?"

"Sam doesn't even know I left." She said, right before a long, loud, anguishing howl was heard from miles away.

"I think he just figured it out." Seth voiced what was ion all of our minds.

"Jake, I know what his plan is."