Disclaimer: If I owned Pokémon, evolution would occur only among populations, not individuals. But I don't!

#001 Bulbasaur

A boy went to the hospital with a severe stomachache. The doctor discovered a Bulbasaur's leech seed growing constricting vines around his abdominal organs.

#002 Ivysaur

It grows with others of its kind in large meadows. The aroma exuded beckons passerby to lie down and slip into endless sleep.

#003 Venusaur

Kanto government officials have sponsored a beautification program in certain urban areas. Those who smell the Venusaur they have planted often report dizziness and amnesia for several days afterward.

#004 Charmander

A bipedal lizard that has evolved pyrogenic capabilities. Abused Charmander sometimes dip their tails in water voluntarily.

#005 Charmeleon

An intelligent Pokémon that forms packs high in tropical mountains. If one spots a lone hiker, it produces a range of high-pitched clicks to alert the others.

#006 Charizard

They were more common in earlier ages. To prevent them from preying on valley livestock, villages sent maidens to walk into the mountains alone.

#007 Squirtle

It is a dietary staple for many coastal fisherfolk in Kanto. It was selected as a regional starter because many young Trainers face food shortages at the beginning of their journeys.

#008 Wartortle

Its name arose from its use as a source of food and ammunition during a feudal war. Very old Wartortle remember this time of explosions and fear.

#009 Blastoise

Wild Blastoise do not have cannons on their backs. Those raised in captivity have undergone extensive, painful surgery to make them more suitable for warfare.

#010 Caterpie

Although Caterpie are toxic, certain equatorial tribes rely on them for protein. Biopsies of tribal elders reveal blackened, distended livers.

#011 Metapod

Its body is designed to endure pain while it metamorphoses. However, if it endures too severe a shock, it may lose the ability to feel anything again, even after evolution.

#012 Butterfree

Unlike most butterflies, it feeds primarily on animal tissue. Since it lacks a proboscis, it uses psychic power to crush prey into a gelatinous lump and lift it into its mouth.

#013 Weedle

It was accidentally introduced to many forests and is now a very common species. The mortality rate of unsupervised children who explore these areas is nearly 100% as a result.

#014 Kakuna

Some very old Kakuna develop the ability to bite. Victims of these bites experience a yellowing and hardening of their skin until they become dry husks.

#015 Beedrill

It possesses both extreme strength and deadly venom. Signs posted in neighborhoods near Beedrill nests warn couples against having children if they plan to live there.

#016 Pidgey

If it finds a large supply of food, it quickly becomes frenzied. Children who feed a Pidgey flock in the park soon realize that they will not be satisfied with merely breadcrumbs.

#017 Pidgeotto

Its keen eyesight allows it to search for prey over a huge territory. It will attack animals over twice its weight.

#018 Pidgeot

Its beautiful plumage captivates many humans. It takes advantage of this fascination by scattering feathers near its nest as lures.

#019 Rattata

Its population cycles with that of Persian in the montane forests of northern Kanto. When the Rattata population rises, human plague outbreaks inevitably occur as well.

#020 Raticate

It can gnaw into any house's wall. Those who hear scratching in the night and check the basement are often overwhelmed by the huge, angry rodent that faces them.

#021 Spearow

A seaside town was once attacked by an immense flock of Spearow. There were no survivors, and the reason for the flock's ire was never determined.

#022 Fearow

It will fly all day without rest until finding prey. It can sometimes be seen circling small towns in the evening, waiting for a solitary villager to step into the twilight.

#023 Ekans

Its flexible lower jaw allows it to eat large prey. It can easily swallow a baby whole.

#024 Arbok

Its patterns have the odd ability to mesmerize. Once its victim is transfixed, the Arbok spits venom with near-perfect accuracy into the prey's eyes, causing blindness and preventing escape.

#025 Pikachu

It is a very popular pet worldwide. However, impoverished families cannot afford the surgical procedure to remove its electrical sacs, resulting in numerous electrocutions of children.