Hello! I'm Mara Santos! This is my very first story on this account so please go gentle on the review. Thank you! I will be describing the characters from the anime in this story since I'm into the anime lately. (For those who thought this was because I haven't finished the books, please read the explanation on my profile.)

DISCLAIMER: Deltora Quest does not belong to me.

FULL STORY SUMMARY: Lief and Jasmine are falling for each other but they can't seem to tell each other how they feel. Suddenly, there is news going slowly unfolding in Del about a special event about to occur, involving King Lief. This occasion is getting in the way for both Lief and Jasmine. Especially Jasmine. Jasmine is battling with her own emotions and struggling to tell Lief how she feels before "the occasion". Will they be able to confess to each other in time? Or will it be too late? What is this occasion?

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Both Lief and Jasmine are struggling with their feelings towards each other. As they attempt confession of their feelings, it seems hesitation makes every second too late. However, why?

Can it Be?


The cool breeze touched her skin. The small wind made her dark-green hair flow. Should I tell him? Jasmine thought to herself.

Don't bother, said a voice in her head.

But why? Jasmine asked the voice.

Because it's useless. Sooner or later that boy will find someone else.

What's that supposed to mean? Jasmine suddenly began an argument with the voice in her head. "Alright, that's it! I'm going to tell him how I feel about him, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" Jasmine shouted, but not too loud. She began stomping out of her room to find Lief. After calming down, Jasmine crossed her arms. "Stupid voice..." she mumbled to herself. "Who are you to tell me what to do?"

"Good afternoon, Jasmine," said a voice behind her. Jasmine turned around.

"Oh, good afternoon Sharn," Jasmine replied.

"Is there something wrong?" Jasmine gave Sharn a confused look. "It's just that, you were talking to yourself and your tone of voice seemed, well...irritated."

"Oh. Nothing is wrong. Oh! By the way, where is Lief?"

"He's mostly likely in the library but I'm not really that certain. Why?"

"Nothing. Just wish to talk to him, is all." After ending the conversation, Jasmine jogged all the way to the library.

Meanwhile, Lief was spending some free time reading books. Well, he had at least planned to read books, but there was something in his mind that couldn't simply ignore.

I wonder what Jasmine's reaction would be...if I told her that I love her...? Lief thought. Realising what he had been thinking, his eyes widen and he shook his head to clear himself from spacing out. What am I saying? I only love Jasmine as a friend, don't I?

Lief gave himself soft pats to his cheek. He began to think about it. About how much he thinks of Jasmine, how much he worries about his feelings for her...and how much he hopes for her to stay as long as forever can be...

"Ugh! I can't take it anymore! I have to tell her!" shouted Lief as he thought he realised he really did love Jasmine. He stood up quickly and walked, nearly stomping, towards the library door to look for Jasmine.

Back with Jasmine, she had been hesitating to enter the library. Her trembling hand hovered over the handle of the door.

I don't know if I should really…tell him…she thought.

She made her resolution, and planned to burst the door open without another thought. To walk up to Lief hastily and blurt out that she loved him. It was decided, and Jasmine didn't want to change it. So, she opened the door quickly and hard when something on the other side of the door stopped it from opening.

Jasmine then heard a thud as though something hit the floor. Jasmine opened the door gently this time and poked her head through. She looked around – first left, then right, then straight ahead. Where the thud sound came from, she didn't know…until she looked down.

"Oh no, Lief!" she gasped as she kneeled beside Lief, whose expression was nothing but pain. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were right behind the door! I'm sorry!"

"It's okay…" Lief's voice was barely a whisper and it seemed to crack as he continued. "Aah…my nose…" Indeed, Lief's nose had been the most vulnerable with the door. His nose was completely red and drops of blood began running down from it. Luckily, it was only a few drops. Unluckily, it was still painful for Lief.

"Somebody, get a clean cloth!" shouted Jasmine.

"What's wrong, Jasmine?" said Marilen, poking her head out from behind an aisle of bookshelves.

"I need a clean cloth. Lief's nose is bleeding!"

"Okay, one moment!"

It felt like ages until Marilen came back with a cloth. Jasmine got Lief to sit up as Marilen came by, passing over the cloth.

"Here," said Jasmine as she placed the cloth in Lief's hand and moved his hand to his nose so that it made contact with the cloth. Lief quietly groaned in pain, making Jasmine feel uncomfortably guiltier. "Thanks Marilen," she said, turning towards her.

"No problem," Marilen said back with a smile. As Jasmine turned back to Lief, crouching next to him, Marilen sensed it would be better for her to leave. Her smile grew as she walked away to find Ranesh.

"I'm so sorry." Again and again, Jasmine continued to apologise. She couldn't help it. She felt that she had to. She and Lief were sitting at one of the tables in the library. Jasmine had helped Lief with standing up and walking to one.

"Jasmine, really. It's okay. There's no need for any more apologies," said Lief, dabbing the blood from his nose gently.

Jasmine's frown only deepened. "But I really shouldn't even have opened the door so suddenly and forcefully." She crossed her arms. The blame she felt towards herself intensified. "It was my fault..."

As Jasmine's voice trailed off, Lief looked at her. Her anger in her eyes seemed to make the green colour of it blaze. The way she frowned was attractive and her angry expression suited her really well. Lief thought she looked cute. He blushed a little.

Oh boy, thought Lief.

"I really am sorry," Jasmine said. Her voice was low as she was suddenly interested in her lap.

"How many times must I repeat myself, Jasmine?" said Lief, smiling. He was more amused than annoyed. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine now."

Jasmine's eyes retreated from her lap and set her sight on Lief's smiling face. She felt her cheeks heat up.

"Um...I have to go...do something!" she said, not meaning to shout. She stood up abruptly that the legs of the chair grazed against the floor hard. Jasmine headed for the exit in a speeded walk. Her sudden remark had left Lief stunned.

Was it something I did? Was it something I said? Lief thought back, trying hard to memorise every single thing that had happened in the library. He was walking around the palace in a daze, unaware of his surroundings. Why did Jasmine just snap like that? As the questions continued to circle in his head like a group of vultures flying around its prey, he turned the corner and accidentally collided with someone.

"Oh, Lief, there you are," said Sharn.

"Mother?" Lief said.

"Has Jasmine found you already? She was looking for you this morning."

"Yeah, she has."

"Now that I have found you myself, I would like to speak with you in private."

"Okay, sure."

Lief followed his mother towards the kitchen. Since Sharn wanted privacy, it was lucky that the kitchen was deserted...except for one girl. She looked frail and sweetly delicate. Her midnight black hair seemed to flow little bit, as though there was a draft, even though Lief didn't feel even the slightest of wind. The girl turned around. She had sparkling hazel eyes with golden specks and her smile was as innocent as her expression. She wore a silky red cloak that reflected beautifully in the light.

"Hello, your majesty," she said, bowing her head slightly. Her voice was so soft and gentle, it was as though she was singing when really, she was only speaking.

"Hello…" said Lief. For some reason, even though the strange girl looked and seemed innocent, Lief felt uncertainty and awkwardness. "Um…who are you?"

"Lief," Sharn began, "This is Maerwynn of Tora. She is a young girl of high birth and has come here for something important. Very important."

"What…is it?" asked Lief. Lief just couldn't place it, but there was a dreaded feeling that was crawling up from his stomach and into his heart.

"Maerwynn is to be your fiancé."

Hearing the words pour from his mother's lips made Lief's heart stop beating. He felt as though he couldn't breath. As though he was trapped in an airtight room, leaving him struggling for breath as he did on Dread Mountain – when he, Barda, Jasmine and Prin were confined by the Dread Gnomes. Lief was speechless as he stared at his future wife – the "future queen of Deltora".

Well? WELL? How was that for my first fanfic? Please review a bit gently though, since it is my first.

PLEASE READ: I know how in the book, the characters are speaking without slangs. I do prefer my own writing style, but I'll try doing that for the next chapter. Before telling me about whether I should do slangs or not, please judge on both slang writing and formal writing. When you're judging, I would like you to choose which one I am better at, so that I may continue that style of writing in the next chapters. Thanks! :) Also, if you spot any typos I could have missed while editing it, please let me know about it and tell me where it is. Thanks again! :D