Woah! I never would have thought that I would get the response that I got for the story. I decided that I would put up an epilogue. I won't comment much and tell you what to expect but I will say that I'm going to tie up loose ends. :D


Hey! Before I forget, a big shout out to the following:

REVIEWED: angel897, couples lover, Ell-002, ItaSaku1, Lemonpop, minniemousemom, trebleclefgirl

ADDED TO FAVS: Aerith102, alichaSxS, cartoongal11, CeriseSkies, Crystal Butterfly 92, ItaSaku1, LivieLi, Lloigor, NoTengoUnNombre, Rima's Blood

ADDED TO STORY ALERT: Ell-002, s87griffin


Sakura found herself in a private hospital room. From what she could tell earlier when she opened her eyes for a bit, she was placed in a room fit for powerful, important people, with no regards to expenses. She subconsciously attributed it to the fact that she was a soon-to-be Uchiha bride. Thinking along those lines, she knew that she wasn't just an ordinary Uchiha bride. She was going to be the heir's wife, meaning that she was now in a position where her new family wasn't going to hold back on expenses, especially with regards to her health.

As consciousness slowly returned to her, so did the memories of the past hours. From being totally thrilled that her long-time lover had proposed to her to almost losing her life in her fiance's familial house, Sakura couldn't stop the chill that ran down her spine. She could remember being stabbed. She felt the blade penetrate her body. She could feel the panic set in as she thought that she wasn't going to live through it. It didn't immediately register that she was saved the moment Itachi shot the crazed man in the head. It took a moment to feel that man's blood and dead body over her.

When she realized that Itachi was at her side and took her in his arms, she wasn't registering what he was saying. She could see his worried face, his moving mouth but she understood nothing. The mad drive towards the hospital and the immediate treatment she got all flashed past her as her vision finally turned black.

Itachi had never left Sakura's side. He refused to go home after visiting hours passed. Tsunade understood and allowed him to stay with Sakura. His family had promised to be back in the morning. His father had told him that he would see to the investigation personally, especially how the man was able to break-in at their supposedly secured house.

His eyes never left her form as he gripped her hand tightly. The only time he had left her side was when he escorted all of Sakura's visitors to the door when visiting hours were over. As he sat there, he couldn't help but sigh in relief. He had almost failed. He had almost lost her. The feeling was overwhelming. He was angry at himself for allowing her to get hurt. If he hadn't killed the man already, he had no reserve whatsoever in torturing the man until he passed for daring to touch what was his.

His musing was brought to an end when he noticed that Sakura began to stir. He immediately straightened and leaned towards the bed. "Sakura,"

It took awhile for her eyes to adjust. Upon hearing a very endearing voice, Sakura turned to her side and smiled when she realized it was Itachi. She reached out a hand to stroke her cheek. "Koi," Her soft, coarse whisper rang loud and clear. Without missing a beat, she found herself engulfed in Itachi's strong arms. He held on to her like his life depended on it. The thought of losing her and now having her within his protective arms was simply too much. For the first time in his life, he allowed himself to be vulnerable. He would only do that to his other half, his Sakura. He wasn't the Uchiha heir or the prodigy around her. No, he was simply Itachi; the man who almost lost his love, the man who wouldn't be able to love another unless that person was a product of his and Sakura's love, the man who was nearly broken when he saw Deidara slowly killing Sakura.

Sakura understood. She allowed him to hold her as she slowly wrapped her arms around his slightly trembling form. She rested her head next to his, burying her face in his hair and letting his scent engulf her. She felt his tears. She felt what he was feeling because in all honesty, those were her feelings too. But this time, she wanted to be strong for her beloved. She would be his anchor so bid herself to hold back her tears. Something in her shifted at that moment and it felt as if her heart would simply burst. She knew he would never let another see him breakdown and for him to do so with her, she knew that he had accepted her in a much more intimate level than she had thought.

Words were not spoken. They weren't needed. They understood. It was enough.

After Sakura felt Itachi's emotion shift back to slightly normal, she whispered, "I love you, Itachi. And thank you for saving my life." She felt him tighten his hold before lifting his head to hold her gaze. She stopped him from speaking and offered him a breathtaking smile. She wiped the traces of tears that were left and held his gaze, "I love you."

Itachi then pulled her and captured her lips in a searing kiss, filled with much passion and love. I love you too. His message was loud and clear.

"Did they say when I could go home?"

"Tomorrow. I'm taking you home tomorrow."

Sakura smiled and leaned into him again. She closed her eyes and willed all the happiness to surround them. She felt the sting of her injury but she chose not to let it get to her.

"I was thinking if you'd consider moving in with me, while we look for a house of our own." Itachi felt Sakura stiffen for a moment. He simply tightened his embrace but still mindful of her injury.

"I'd love that, Itachi. Besides, I doubt it if I will ever feel safe in my apartment again. I'd rather move in with you permanently." She whispered back. She then felt him nod in response.

Silence enveloped them for awhile before Itachi broke it and said, "Father is handling the case. He is much displeased that this happened, especially having his house broken into. He is very much livid, I should say."

"It is understandable, love. I can understand the sentiment of having a complete stranger enter your home and do terrible things. But to tell you the truth, I'm relieved. I don't want to sound such a terrible person but-"

"Shh. You are not a terrible person. After what you went through, it is understandable."

Sakura leaned back a little to look at Itachi in the eyes. "How about you, my love? How are you feeling about all of this? I know that killing a person is never easy."

Itachi held her hands tight, not breaking eye contact. "His death will always be in my hands but I do not regret it. I would rather it be this way than live with the fact that I have failed to save you." Sakura gave his hands a squeeze. Her eyes showed her understanding.


Fugaku stood in front of his clan, about to start the family reunion. By his side were Itachi and Sasuke. Mikoto was with Sakura.

"Welcome. I postponed this reunion because I did not wish to have the celebration without the presence of a very special young lady." Murmurs started to erupt among the crowd. "Itachi, heir to the clan, has finally found his betrothed." Shock, gasps, and smiled spread through the people. As if on cue, Mikoto led Sakura out.

Mikoto was smiling and gently encouraging her soon-to-be daughter-in-law, to fight away her nerves. She knew that meeting the family was very daunting.

When Itachi saw Sakura, his breath was caught in his throat. She was wearing a pure white kimono with cherry blossom delicately printed on it. Her obi was blood red with a pure gold cord that tied it together. Her rosette colored hair was let down, straight and long, like a princess during the Heion period. She wore light make-up which accentuated her emerald eyes. Her natural glow made her look all the more beautiful. Itachi stepped forward and offered his hand. Sakura smiled and took his hand without hesitation. He kissed her hand before wrapping an arm around her waist and led her to where Fugaku stood.

Mikoto made her way towards her husband. The rest of the family took in Sakura's looks and nods were given.

"May I present to you, Haruno Sakura, my intended." Itachi said. Sakura bowed a bit and followed Itachi's introduction with 'a pleasure to meet all of you'.


That night, Sakura laid in their bed, waiting for Itachi. She was almost asleep when she felt the bed dip and Itachi's warmth surrounded her. She opened her eyes and smiled. Itachi gathered her in his arms and laid down. Sakura made herself more comfortable. Itachi started running his hand through Sakura's hair, while the other was wrapped around her waist.

"His name is Deidara. As you already know, he worked as a delivery man. He was an eccentric artist. He truly was a sick man. He stalked a lot of women, learning their schedules and such before making contact. His initial target was your roommate. It seemed that he did not expect her to have a roommate when he chose her. We will probably never know the real reason why he did not attack you that night together with Ayame-san but I believe it is safe to say that he enjoys the kill. He broke in through the basement. Father said that it was probably during the afternoon when Mother left to buy some groceries or when she was tending the garden. But it was definitely after we came and you have already settled in the room." Itachi explained.

Sakura gave a sigh. "Thank you for telling me. Perhaps now we can put it behind us."

Itachi didn't say anything as he just tightened his hold and continued stroking her hair.

"Tsunade-shishou said that I won't be able to operate with my injury so I'm stuck working the floor and the wards. This morning, before I left to meet your mother, she sort of extended that for a few months so I am going to finish my academics and exams earlier than scheduled and she said I'll just complete my duty hours after."

"Why? Did your injury worsen?" Itachi tilted her chin to be able to look into her eyes. Worry was written all over his eyes.

"No. It did not. But we did find something." Itachi didn't reply. She knew he was waiting for her to continue. "Itachi, how do you feel about getting married next month?"

"It is fine although you are avoiding the subject."

"On the contrary, koibito, I am not. I wish not to deliver this baby out of wedlock and I'm pretty much sure-" Itachi's lips met her own with a fierce, passionate kiss that left her breathless. "-you feel the same."

Itachi gave her a radiant smile that he rarely ever gave. It was one of pure happiness and contentment that it left her heart beating faster. She smiled back.

"Tsunade-shishou is sworn to secrecy. She's not going to say anything. So I figured we just get married next month and then keep this our little secret, even for awhile. I'll leave it to you when you feel we can tell the others but I'd rather after we are married."

Itachi shifted and trapped Sakura under him. As he hovered above her, he said, "I will honor your wishes." He then kissed her. "You will tell me when you are expected to have another examination. I wish to accompany you."

"Of course."

"How far along are you?"

"About 9 weeks. It seems that your mother's dream is about to come true, not to mention what we have talked about a week ago."

Itachi's eyes then gleamed with mischief. "When was this child conceived, Sakura?"

On cue, Sakura's cheeks reddened. She turned her gaze to the side and said, "I don't know."

Itachi kissed her lips and trailed to her neck. "It is not nice to lie, koi."

Sakura reddened as she fought back a moan as Itachi continued to lavish her wish kisses. "I-it was my birthday…that weekend where you took me to that beach house."

"Aa," Itachi replied as he hovered over her again and kissed her full on the lips. "It was a good time to conceive." He watched as she reddened some more beneath him. He then proceeded to love her throughout the night.


Ok, I know it's like fluffy and a little…well…anyway…I wanted it to turn out that way to kinda ease off the tension from the last chapter. I think I placed to much there so just to level off the elements, I made it like this. Hehe. Although I must say that I think this will be the last time I'm going to attempt a one-shot. Hehe. I think we would all appreciate it more if I reverted to my real writing style and draw out the entire story than sort of compact it in a small chapter. Hehe. Anyway, thanks for reading. I might just write in this anime and pairing again. What do you think?
