Final Chapter! :(

Kim gripped Jack's hand tightly as she made her way to her locker. It was Friday: her first day back at school. After hours at home the night before hugging and crying, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford explained to the principal that she wasn't really dead but had been kidnapped.

Which was kinda true.

"Don't worry," Jack told her comfortingly as she did her combination. It had been her old locker, so Kim knew the number by heart. She had all her old classes, her boyfriend being in only two of them. English and Art. Jack had told her that two of his friends Milton and Jerry were in her History class. And that they were harmless. Other than that, she was alone in her other classes.

Just as Kim was pulling out her Math books for first period, there was a loud high pitched squeal before she was nearly knocked to the ground. The blond threw her arms out and stabled herself by grasping onto the handel of her locker. "Oh my god," a voice exclaimed loudly.


Kim mentally breathed in a sigh of relief. "Hey," she said as they hugged properly. "It's great to see you." Grace let go and squealed. "Amy will be so glad your back. We all thought that..." Grace trailed off, not finishing her sentence. But everybody knew what she meant. Kim just gave her a sad smile and adjusted the books in her hand.

"So I see you got yourself a boyfriend," Grace said, looking for something to change the subject. Jack smiled and wrapped his arm around Kim's waist. "Yes she does," he said before kissing her sweetly. "Awww," Grace said happily when they pulled apart. "You guys are so cute together!" This caused them both to blush slightly.

Then the brunette stepped up to Jack. "But just remember this," she said threateningly. "If you even think about hurting Kim, I will do more than that to you." Jack nodded his head quickly to her. She smiled at them and gave Kim another hug before walking off. Kim let out a laugh. "She sure showed you," she said as the bell rang. "See you at lunch," Jack said before kissing her cheek and walking off.

The day had gone pretty well so far. Kim learned in her third period (History) that Jerry usually got detention and that Milton was kind of a nerd, but that he had a girlfriend named Julie. The blond thought she had a Julie in her second period class (P.E.).

It was now lunch and the room had a positive buzz running through it. Kim smiled at her old friends as she passed them and made her way toward the lunch table where Jack was sitting.

"Hey," she said as she sat down next to him and kissed her quickly. "Woah," said someone to her right. "There's a girl sitting here." Turning, Kim saw that it was a African-American boy with braces. "Hi," she greeted with a smile. "I'm Kim." They shook hands. "The name's Eddie."

"So Kim's gonna be joining our dojo soon," Jack annouced as he picked at his food. "Swag," Jerry said as he fixed his beanie. "We finally get a girl to join." "And I was a black belt in my other dojo," Kim said with a proud smirk before sipping her strawberry milk. "We are yellow belts," Milton exclaimed as he gestured between Jerry, Eddie, and himself. "Jack is a black belt, too." Kim nodded, even though she knew that from her little trip to the dojo with the brunette before.

As the lunch bell rang, the group seperated. When Jack and Kim made their way toward English, the blond stepped dead in her tracks. "What's wrong?" her boyfriend asked worriedly. She pointed a shaky finger toward a classroom entrance. Standing there was a slight transparent girl with wild red hair and a ragged black dress. Jack groaned.

"Not again."

So this chapter is a little bit funnier than my other ones. And now this story comes to an end. :.(

But don't worry a sequel with happen. Just not until I finish some other stories first.