Sorry it's been so long, between coach watt trying to kill me with homework and other various projects I've had little inspiration or will to write. I had to go back and read my stories to remember what was going on in each one. So here's the next chapter, love it? Hate it? Review it!

Magnus sat on his bed starring out the window watching the snowflakes fall. He hadn't spoken to Alec since their big fight and he felt like crap. Something else was going on as well. The entire Winter court seemed to be on edge, waiting for something. Plus, Bailon would be seen pacing the halls and whenever he spotted Magnus he would just stare. It gave him the creeps. It was like everyone knew something he didn't which just made him miss Alec more. If they were still together, he could tell him what was going on.

A knock at the door startled him and he practically jumped off of the bed. Magnus sauntered to the door praying to every god there ever was that it was Alec. He opened the door and his heart plummeted, then rose again threatening to make him sick. It was Grimmel.

"Hello, gorgeous. Miss me?" The redhead smiled and pushed into the room, slamming and locking the door behind him.

Magnus gulped and tried to scream, but Grimmel placed his hand over his mouth and steered the warlock toward the bed.

"I've been waiting for you to realize that that royal whelp is useless in bed. Its time you see what a real man can do." Grimmel whispered evilly in Magnus' ear and the warlock shuddered. Grimmel tied Magnus securely to the bed and stood back to admire his work. "So pretty, I can't wait to see that pretty little body impaled on my dick."

Magnus squirmed and pulled hard at his bindings, but they didn't budge. Grimmel laughed wickedly and walked over to grab a lit candle from the dresser. Walking back to stand over Magnus' quivering body Grimmel smiled cruelly before tipping the candle, letting the fiery wax fall.

Magnus screamed in pain as the burning liquid dripped onto his nipples and made a path down his stomach. His chest was on fire. Grimmel leaned down and placed his lips on Magnus'. The warlock jerked his head and bit down hard on the faery's lip. Grimmel growled and moved the candle until it was positioned over Magnus' cock.

"You little bitch!" The evil faery screamed before tipping the candle. Liquid fire dribbled onto the sensitive skin and he screamed loudly before blacking out from the pain.

When he woke his body was covered in dried wax and a naked Grimmel was kneeling between his spread legs, playing with Magnus' cock. He groaned when he realized that his body was responding. His cock was hard and enjoying Grimmel's licking and stroking.

Grimmel leaned over Magnus and ran his hands up his sides. "If you would be a little nicer, this wouldn't be so painful. Magnus spat in his face.

"You will never be half of the man Alec is." Grimmel's face grew dark and Magnus felt afraid.

"Very well, I was going to prep you but I think I'll show you how much of a man I can be." Grimmel lined his cock up with Magnus' hole before slamming in. Manus cried out in agony as tears streamed down his face and Grimmel shoved in further.

"Alec! Alec, help me please!" Grimmel began thrusting harder raking his razor sharp nails down Magnus' thighs leaving deep gouges. Magnus felt liquid drip down his legs and onto the bed and realized it must be blood. The pain in his insides was excruciating and he continued screaming for Alec.

Finally, after what seemed like years, Grimmel lost his rhythm and Magnus knew he had to be close. The red head grasped his cock and started pumping. Tears streamed down Magnus' face as he realized his body was enjoying the harsh jerks and thrusts. He felt broken and knew he could never face Alec now, not when he'd responded like this.

Grimmel came shooting his seed deep into Magnus' aching insides and Magnus soon followed; shooting come onto Grimmel's heaving stomach. The warlock grimaced at what he'd done. Grimmel patted him on the head and left without a word.

Magnus curled into a ball and cried for hours, wishing his blue-eyed faery was there to comfort him.

Alec left his room and decided to visit Magnus, he had to make things right. He turned a corner and came face to face with Grimmel who was buttoning his shirt back up.

"He was great, your warlock. I see why you like him so much." The red headed bitch winked before walking off down the opposite hallway. Alec's heart plummeted and he raced to Magnus' door.

The door was ajar and Alec gulped as he pushed it open. Magnus was not in the room, but a shower could be heard running in the attached bathroom. Alec surveyed the room and took note of the blood, semen and candle wax that soiled the bed sheets. Alec cursed and walked into the bathroom.

Magnus was curled up into the smallest ball he could possibly make in the corner of the stone shower. Alec got closer and saw that the water was so hot was turning his beloved warlock's skin red. Alec opened the shower door and sat wrapping his arms around Magnus' shuddering frame.

"Oh, baby. I'm so sorry. I can't believe I wasn't here to protect you." Alec buried his face in Magnus' wet hair and sobbed. Both boys cried until their eyes ached and their throats were sore. Alec pulled Magnus out of the shower and carefully dried them both off. He then wrapped Magnus in a clean sheet and carried him to his own bed where they both drifted off to sleep, holding each other like they were all they had left.