I am going to post more chapters later but for now I am just trying to figure out where this story is going exactly. BTW: Alec is a winter faery prince but Magnus is still a warlock. All other TMI characters don't exist.

Cassandra Clare owns the characters not I.*sniff, sniff* :'(

Also Julie Kagawa owns the Nevernever.

Alec stared off into the night sky boredom creeping slowly into him. A night like this was perfect for hunting but he wasn't in the mood. Turning towards the door he decided to wander the castle and find something to entertain him. Not long into his walk an exhausted little creature with green skin and rather large ears came running up to him.

"Your Majesty," the small creature huffed, "The King has demanded an audience, sir."

"Thank you, Lester." Alec replied and instantly perked up. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad after all.

Alec practically skipped to his father's office and had to compose himself before knocking and then entering the study. The room was rather big with a huge oak desk dominating the far wall. Bookshelves lined the wall to his left while the wall to his right was home to a map that took up the entire wall.

"Son!" The king's voice rang out in greeting. Alec's father, Bailon, was a tall, graceful man that shared the same fine elf-like features as his son. But while Alec was shy and kept to himself, his father oozed confidence.

"Father," Alec replied, "you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I have something I need taken care of. There is a warlock in the mortal realm that has been causing some trouble lately. Yesterday he almost revealed a group of fey to a human." Bailon sounded quite frustrated and Alec wondered why this one warlock was such a big deal.

"So, I'm supposed to threaten the guy, maybe cut of a few fingers, to stop him from messing around?" Alec questioned, frowning, this wasn't exactly his idea of fun.

"No," His father replied, "I want you to capture him and bring him here."

Alec's eyebrows shot up and he gasped. Kidnapping a warlock? And bring him into the Nevernever? That was against the law and not to mention hard as hell. Weighing his options he came to a decision. After all it wasn't as if he hadn't broken the law before.

"Ok," Alec replied, "I will bring the warlock."