Disclaimer: I hold no ownership over Naruto and Infinite Stratos (IS). They belong to their respective creators and publishers.

A/N: Hello light! Lol, hey guys, hope you're having a good day so far. I just like to leave this right here for you all to enjoy as you wait for the other authors of this crossover category to update. I know I'm seriously late and I apologize for that so I hope you all will have fun reading this!

And yes, I'm a jerk for taking so long, but I can't hold a cup against the other authors for this crossover x3! They're too fast while I'm slow as a slug, taking my sweet ass time writing, OTL.

Oh well, just read on folks!

Naruto Infinite: Neo Dawn

Prologue: Show Time!

It was supposed to be your typical average morning for one Uzumaki Naruto. He'd wake up a little late as per usual, eat a hearty breakfast made for two, tidy his apartment a bit as he prepared for the day, and avoid any traps he may encounter on the way out. Toss in his routine greetings with a few friends and expect the day to go about with vigorous training, merry mischief, another round of training, a peaceful lunch—hopefully— and then some more training, hurray! Afterwards, exhausted and perhaps satisfied with the day's results, he'd return home and go about his evening ritual of dinner…homework… and games, before finally hitting the hay; rinse and repeat.

That was how today, like any other day, should've gone.

So how—you might ask— is today any different?

It's because today he awoke to a very unusual and startling sight.

"Hinata-chan? W-WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED?"

Finding a gorgeous girl cuddling up to him with nothing but a large long-sleeve dress shirt hiding her ample chest is considered 'unusual' and 'startling,' right? It should!

"Mmm… Naruto-kun?"

Vainly trying to resist drinking in the voluptuous female lying before him, the blonde frantically untangled himself from her grasp and hopped off the bed. Unfortunately, this had the undesired affect of shifting the blankets aside and treating him to a gracious amount of fan-service in the form of smooth milky legs and a racy pair of pure white panties hugging her shapely buns. The view was simply magnificent and looks sooooo good to…


Naruto hastily covered her with his blanket and immediately spun away to prevent further thoughts from venturing off into explicit territory. His little buddy did not need the extra stimulation right now. Nope, not one bit!

"Hina-chan, wake up!"

"Mm…" The dark haired beauty stretched in a manner similar to a cat before covering her mouth modestly to stifle a yawn. "Naru-kun… *yawn*… awake yet?"

"Yea, thanks to you! What were you thinking sleeping next to me?" The blonde asked anxiously with his back to her. "You nearly gave me a heart-attack!"

"Really?" Naruto could practically sense her head tilt to the side cutely as curious eyes remained half-lidded from sleep. "I just followed what Kiba-kun suggested earlier. He said this will get you up faster than I could say 'Ramen.' But I guess I fell asleep before I could go through with it."

Kiba, you damn mutt!

Cursing his fellow prankster for the stupid stunt, Naruto began feeling the ground for his cell phone, having seen it land nearby... "What's the big deal waking me up like that though? A bucket of cold water would've been fine. Hell, toss a practice kunai at my head and I'll be out of bed just the same."

There was a long pause as Hinata shuffled around the bed behind him.

"Naru-kun, you know how much I dislike those type of methods." She finally answered. "The others might find that effective but I prefer a more favorable approach in waking you. It just so happens that today is a special case and Kiba-kun's idea seemed fitting enough to try…"

"Obviously it's not a very good one, Hina-chan. A bad role-model and an even horrible person for asking advice—don't go to him anymore!"

The blue haired beauty giggled. "You two get along rather well despite that. And besides, he was at least right about your reaction, Naru-kun."

The blonde groaned and tried his best to cover his embarrassment. "Hina-chan…"

"Alright, alright. I'll stop. *giggles* Anyways, I'm clothed now so feel free to look."

The blonde cautiously glanced back and found—to his immense relief and dismay—that she was indeed dressed. She now wore a baggy light-blue jacket with grey sleeves in place of the white dress shirt from earlier. Her legs were covered by a pair of form fitting jeans whose navy blue color seem faded around the thighs. And finishing this casual image was a matching sky-blue scrunchie that she skillfully tied near the end of her long hair.

She gave him a wink and asked. "How do I look?"

Naruto grinned and held up a thumb in approval. "Lovely as always, Hina-chan."

She smiled warmly in return as her cheeks colored a healthy pink. "Thank you!"

Taking a moment to stretch, the blonde teen checked the time on his cell and frowned. "So what brings you here so early? Today's my day off from training and I got no missions lined up for another couple weeks. Does Baa-chan want to see me or something…? Maybe your Tou-san (Dad/father… I believe)?"

Hinata frowned at him confusedly before realization dawned on her. She blushed and bopped her head lightly. "I've forgotten how absentminded you can sometimes be, Naru-kun."


Ignoring his pout, Hinata made her way towards the open window and sat on the sill. "Today is the day you transfer to a certain famous Academy, isn't it?" Naruto blinked confusedly. "… Naru-kun, being clueless and unaware is a very dangerous thing in our line of work. Please don't tell me you've already forgotten what happened just a couple months ago."

"I don't follow, Hina-chan."

A pause.

"Does 'girl pilots' ring any bells?"

"Um, no…?"

She frowned and continued. "How about your childhood friend Rin?"

"What about her? Is it her birthday already?" Naruto glanced at his calendar before muttering. "… Doesn't look like it…"

"…" The busty teen fell silent.


"Oh Naru-kun… you're such a Baka (idiot/stupid in Japanese). I feel sorry for Rin-chan." Giggling once more, Hinata pointed to a poster of a familiar brunette wearing a purple suit of armor that hung on the wall above his desk. "Two words: 'Infinite Stratos.'"

At first the blonde didn't react. He stood contemplating her words as if finding it difficult to comprehend. But when he finally did get the message his eyes widened into saucers.

"W-what time…?"

"Around 10 a.m." Hinata answered after glancing at her cell phone. "Kakashi-sensei and the others will be waiting for you by the northern docks so I suggest you hurry."

Fumbling for his cell phone, the blonde double checked the time and nearly screamed in alarm.


Orimura Chifuyu, renowned IS pilot and champion of Mondos Grosso, sat silently on a bench beneath a tree. In front of her lay a vast blue ocean stretching up to the horizon as passing clouds floated aimlessly in the sky. Accompanying this scenery was the ever present music of nature that played harmoniously behind her. She could make out the chirping of birds in the distance, the rustling leaves of the surrounding forest, and the numerous sounds of the wild life traversing the cool winds. If she was to describe what she felt right now it would be "pleasantly content."

Today was turning out to be rather peaceful thus far. So it was to her great surprise when a brownish cat sprung out from the nearby brushes and proceeded to take shelter on her vacant lap.


Chifuyu glances down on her guest curiously before a ragtag group of kids, sporting black colored clothes, dropped down from above. They were huffing and gasping for breath as they angrily eyed the only cowering feline around.

"Found ye, ye stupid—Oh, sorry ma'am!"

The black haired woman frowned. "Is this your pet?"

"That little monster ain't ours, nee-chan." The shortest of the three kids answered, folding his arms over his chest and countering her frown with a grin. "She's been giving us hell for trying to catch her. Hehe, I can't wait to see her suffocate lat—UGH!"

A blow to the gut silenced him before he could finish. The perpetrator stood beside him, shaking her hand in distaste and watching as he crumpled to the ground nursing his stomach. Chifuyu watched with perked brows at the scene and grew slightly disturbed when the young girl turned to her.

"Please excuse my friend." She apologized with a bow. "We've been out here for awhile now and I'm afraid he's become delusional with harming cute little kittens."

"That ain't true!" The boy groaned out, only to be silenced by another punch.

The girl continued without further pause. "What he really meant to say is that we've been searching for that cat you have their. The owner had asked us to retrieve her earlier so we'd really, really appreciate it if you handed her over to us. "

The former IS champion glanced down on her current occupant then back up at the patient kids waiting for her. They certainly looked worse for wear if their dirtied faces and partially torn skirt or shorts was any indication of a rough chase around the forest behind her. She would've questioned them on what they were doing leaping off of trees so casually but silently reminded herself of where she was. A secluded Island filled with unusual inhabitants.

It took Chifuyu several moments to consider her options before finally surrendering the cat over. The poor feline was crying and frantically trying to return to her arms, thrashing wildly in a desperate bid to escape the tight hold of her eager captors. Chifuyu looked away to prevent from feeling guilty of whatever doom she may have unintentionally condemned the feline to. God knows what would happen to the poor animal…

The kids, minus the groaning boy on the ground, smiled maliciously at their target before bowing politely at the older woman.

"Thanks a lot onee-chan! We would have been stuck chasing her from dawn till dusk if it weren't for you." The girl then gestured to her other male companion towards their groaning comrade. "We hope you enjoy your day. Take care!"

Chifuyu watched with veiled interest as they secured the cat and prepared to leave. It was not everyday she'd get a chance to observe one of the world's mythical legends at wor—

"Fine day… neh, Chifuyu-sama?"

The sudden question startled Chifuyu and immediately whipped her attention to the side. She found a masked man casually sitting on the other end of the bench and hefting what looked like one of Shinonono Tabane's favorite pocket books. Those particular orange ones she's glimpsed in just about every bookstore in Japan. At first she looked on in confusion before recognition flash through her eyes. With that in mind she eagerly returned to watching the kids…


… Who were nowhere in sight.

Chifuyu blinked owlishly.

They were gone; simply vanished without a single trace. All that was left was a dozen or so leaves scattered to the winds and a heavy feeling of disappointment weighing her shoulders.

"Sorry for the delay." The man continued, oblivious to her mood. "Stuff happened this morning. I got called to the office by my boss and then winded up humoring a persistent friend of mines on the way here. I never got a chance to catch a break afterwards. Problems seemed to sprout left and right."

Chifuyu would've believed half of his excuses if it weren't for the way he leisurely flipped a page of his orange book while giggling perversely. No ounce of honesty came from that. Additionally, his black suit didn't give her the impression of a professional man doing his job. In fact, the black mask and slanted bandana he wore seemed out of place in this modern era. Granted, its evidence of his true occupation, however, it only served to make him look odd and suspicious…

"I suppose you'd like to postpone our meeting for later and take a moment to relax?" She inquired flatly.

"A nice thought that I wouldn't mind one bit. However, duty comes first." Snapping his book shut, the man stood to his full height. "Let's head over to your plane, shall we? We'll talk on the way there."

"Very well."

Joining his side they proceeded to the docks sedately, taking care to keep a professional distance from each other as they walked.

"First off, I hope your stay here was pleasant." The silver haired man began. "Tsunade-sama, once more, expresses her gratitude for your continued cooperation, and deeply apologizes for not seeing you off in person. There was an urgent matter that required her immediate attention this morning and so left the island by boat about half an hour ago."

Chifuyu waved the news off understandingly. "Work is work. I'd be disappointed if she didn't do her job properly."

"Right then… where should I start?" Kakashi asked thoughtfully. "About several weeks ago we notified you about a certain incident regarding an I-S training simulation. Do you happen to remember the reports we've sent you?"

"From the old fashion pigeon post to the formal e-mail sent a few days after? Yes, I do. From what I can recall, Tsunade-san requested admittance for another pilot to the I-S Academy. She specifically asked for my assistance and thus brought me here to discuss things in detail." She paused for breath and studied her companion for a moment. "You're new boss was quite the interesting woman, Kakashi. Drinking sake during work and then playing hooky every few hours… we hardly had time to focus on the main point of my visit."

The man just shrugged in response. "Happens to the rest of us. We learned its best to deal with her secretary whenever she's available, saves us a lot of trouble…."

"True enough." Chifuyu agreed, having met the kind brunette on her first day here. Shizune was far more reliable and efficient than her boss… I wonder if their Organization will be alright…

"You've at least been informed of the situation, correct?" Kakashi asked, uncertain.

She nodded. "We dealt with that at the first meeting, thankfully enough. The rest is simple: I'm to verify this girl's qualifications and asses the I-S she piloted. If things go accordingly we can head for the Academy as early as today." When Kakashi remained silent she frowned and asked. "Something wrong?"

The man nodded very slowly as if reluctant to answer. "I'm afraid that Tsunade-sama deliberately excluded—or I should say, 'Altered'—certain details regarding our I-S pilot. And it seems she left me to handle this problem… hah…" He mumbled at the end.

Chifuyu sighed in annoyance. "… Why am I not surprised?"

"Don't know… getting accustomed to our ways, perhaps?" Kakashi quipped jokingly. "That humor aside, I apologize in behalf of Tsunade-sama. We never intended to deceive you, Chifuyu-sama, it's just that circumstances forced us to do so." He paused to consider what to say next. "I guess I'll correct that mistake now and be up front with you. The pilot we're sending to the I-S academy is no female."

Now that caught Chifuyu's attention almost instantly. "You don't mean…?"

The tall man rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "What you're thinking is correct. The pilot is indeed a male, and just happens to be a whacky student of mine."

"… That's… that's quite surprising, actually. I considered possibilities of a second male pilot before, but this is …"

"I know. Believe me when I say I was beyond shocked when I found out about it months ago." Kakashi agreed. "I literally had my jaw hanging from behind my mask at that time. It was a first for me to see an actual male able to pilot those I-S, and since this is my student were talking about here—a total newbie—his first flight was a disaster for all of us. He nearly threw the village into chaos."

"Wait a minute." Chifuyu cut in. "What do you mean 'months ago'? I thought this happened several weeks earlier?"

"That's one of the altered details I mentioned..."

The former I-S champion frowned sharply at him. "You should have deferred him to us the moment he activated the I-S, and immediately send him to the Academy! Just what type of activities has your organization been doing with him, Kakashi?"

By now her stern gaze had morphed into a deep scowl, clearly distasteful at the revelation.

"Easy there, Chifuyu-sama, nothing happened. You know we have reasons for delaying his enrollment." He gestured to their surroundings. The natural forest to the side mingled with the industrial sidewalks lit with holo-signs as passing people travelled through the wide path. Chifuyu noticed a few of the adults wore exact replicas of Kakashi's outfit and were silently tailing them from a fair distance away. Another pair of black suits walked further ahead of them with not a single glance drawn their way. They were all strangely ignored as if they were a common occurrence. "Please remember where we are and what we do. Our organization is not the type to enjoy basking in limelight like some Idol Companies out there. We prefer roaming in the shadows where it's peaceful and secluded."

Keeping a careful eye on the extra company she acquired, Chifuyu spoke softly in a leveled voice. "Regardless, Kakashi, you should have contacted me sooner. Now what do you suppose will happen once I break this news to my superiors? The media and government will come down hard on your student—and by proxy you and your organization will get involved."

"This is precisely the reason why we withheld telling you the truth until now." Kakashi stated. "We needed some time and a trustworthy person to work with us."

They turned down a narrow path and onto a winding stairs before reaching the wooden planks of an old trail. The ocean still remained near and in clear view, but with boats of various types cruising about. The path at this point was familiar to Chifuyu after having passed through the very same route numerous times earlier. Another few minutes and they would reach the docks.

"Truthfully, your brother Ichika was the primary reason why we chose to remain silent about this." He confessed. "Having seen the level of attention he's garnered in such a short time we figured some preparations were necessary before we did anything else."

Chifuyu glanced skeptically at him. "I doubt those would be enough to prevent the inevitable. Our governments are too stubborn and persistent for that."

"Well, I'm not too concerned about it. The two months gave us plenty of time to develop countermeasures." He gave a modest shrug and added. "If those fail we can always make do and adapt. My organization is quite capable, after all."

"… Let's hope you're plans will hold then. The world will be watching your student with keen eyes, just as they're doing now with my brother. You can expect reporters and journalists alike to follow after, storming this island without prior warning or restraint."

"We'll keep that in mind." Kakashi assured her. "The only problem we have now lies with my student, unfortunately. He's as likely to welcome them with open arms as opposed to keeping a tight lip."

His amused chuckle was infectious as Chifuyu felt her lips twitch upwards ever so slightly. More and more she was becoming curious of this upcoming pilot. And it was in that instant that she discovered something glaringly crucial.

"I really should've called this out from the start, but who exactly is this student of yours? You keep referring to 'him' or 'he' and yet I still don't know 'his' name…"

Kakashi snickered. "Hehe, I was wondering when you'd catch that." Taking a few steps forward he stopped and looked back at her. "The male pilot—my student… I believe you're already well acquainted with him. He's built quite the reputation as the most unpredictable boy you'll ever meet. I wouldn't be surprised if you picked up his moniker back there."

"?" Chifuyu tilted her head to the side inquisitively and tried to recall any young boys she might know in the past. The way that Kakashi mentioned him narrowed it down to two possibilities: One was a red headed friend of her brothers and the other was a blonde idio—

Her eyes widened slightly as a groan escaped her lips. "Oh no, not him—It can't be him."

Kakashi's onyx eye sparkled with amusement as he looked on quietly.

"There's only one hyperactive knuckleheaded brat that I'm familiar with." Chifuyu turned to gaze out onto the ocean in silent resignation. "Uzumaki Naruto… Kami have mercy on me."

"Have mercy on me!"

Those were the pitiful words of one Uzumaki Naruto as he fled from the horrendous horde of black suited masked-men hounding him. They bounded from tree to tree just as he had been doing, but wielding pitchforks and torches similar to those angry mobs that hunted the hideous monstrosity known as Frankenstein of some old western movie. At the very least they weren't shouting for his death like some villagers he knew…

Still, the blonde could not fathom exactly why they were emulating such a thing in the first place, and even stranger as to the reason they're chasing him. They should be using the standard weapons that he knew they held within their person instead of those farm tools. Not that he'd like them to use those. It's a blessing enough that they haven't chucked flames and wicked knives at him so far.

"Run faster they're gaining on us!"

Of course, let's not forget the overtly ecstatic woman tagging along, riding his back all too cheerfully and giving no concern to this stressing issue!

"Don't start it you crazy Usagi (bunny)! This is your fault to begin with!"

Ducking beneath a branch low enough to accommodate his unwanted passenger's height, Naruto fleeted towards a cluster of wild brushes in hopes of losing their pursuers in the thick wooden canopy that lay beyond it.

"Mou, but I wanted to visit you." His 'passenger' huffed, metallic bunny ears fidgeting in the air. "Don't be so mean, Na-kun~!"

"Those guys appearing to chase me for no apparent reason, and then you dropping out of the sky to ride my back like I'm some kind of kiddy ride— of course I'll be mean! Just what the hell, Usagi! I think they got even worst when you showed up…"

The woman stuck her tongue out cutely as she rubbed the back of her head in the most sheepish manner she could muster in her position. "I may have stirred their little hive not too long ago, hehe."

If his hands weren't preoccupied at the moment he'd palm his face. "You know, ever since I met you, you've been nothing but trouble. Can you not give me anymore today?"

Shinonono Tabane simply giggled in reply just as a barrage of gleaming knives zipped by, lodging themselves on the tree trunks with audible 'thunks.' She took notice and felt Naruto spin around to engage the nearest pursuer in a small bout of combat. He did the kicking while his enemy, a rather burly masked man, met his attack with gloved fists. They traded blows as they weaved in and out of brushes—an action that Tabane found positively exhilarating if not rightly entertaining.

"You're quite skilled, Na-kun." She commented as he leaned back to avoid the knife aimed at his throat. "Ever thought of working for me?"

"Not after the first couple trial missions you gave me!" He answered in between maneuvers. "All I got for my troubles was a measly 2,000 yen! That's nothing compared to what other clients paid up front…"

When a lucky kick sent his opponent careening towards the others, he leaped further back and disappeared into the mass of leaves above them. Taking the chance to catch his breath, he adjusted Tabane more securely onto his back and reached for his pockets. He dropped several smoke bombs to cover their escape and fled to the dense plethora of tall grass below them.

"You should reconsider." Tabane continued as if the past actions didn't register. "I'll pay you hourly this time and provide some actual benefits."

The blonde sighed. "How about we talk about this later? We're still being chased if you hadn't noticed."

Tabane glanced behind her and frowned. "I don't see them though…"

Not a second too soon did a giant explosion ripped through the trees from either side of them. Numerous shadows flew from the dark plumes of smoke, quickly surrounding them in a crude circle. Naruto had to leap back to avoid being skewered by the enemy in front of him. Those giant pitchforks were too damn pointy, and sharp if they managed to trim the grass so cleanly.

"Do you see them now?" He asked sarcastically once things settled into a tense standoff.

"Ah, yes I do. But I'm curious as to how they created those explosions…" Tabane mused as their pursuers shifted around their spot, no doubt preparing for an attack. "I don't see any sort of RPGs or grenades on them—maybe their using miniature missile launchers?"

"Read the situation you clueless bunny!" The poor blonde pleaded vainly. He was very close to losing it with her. "Why is it that I feel so smart when I'm with you and dumb when I'm not? It's driving me nuts!"

Tabane merely cocked her head to the side in thought before rubbing her cheeks affectionately on his. "It's because Na-kun is awesome like that."

He slumped in defeat as he shook his head depressingly. There was no reasoning with this woman. "I give up, I give up!"

Their pursuers descended upon them…


…And promptly got blown back several dozen yards away.

Naruto stared.

The remaining others stared.

And Tabane whistled a happy tune while shouldering a large purple bazooka with one hand, evidently admiring her work in an almost childish fascination.

"Wow, they went pretty far…"

Too stunned to reply, Naruto could only nod in agreement. Those guys flew like birds…

But seriously, where the hell did this crazy Bunny get that weapon?

"They're late."


Kakashi pause from his reading to peer at Chifuyu who sat opposite of him and languidly stirring her tea. They were relaxing at a local tea house near the docks and were waiting for their blonde charge to arrive. Needless to say, he had shown up in the past thirty or so minutes since they've settled down and had eaten lunch. The agents accompanying them also seemed to be getting impatient as well. The way they shifted around their respective post gave away they're restlessness.

"Are you sure you didn't give him the wrong time?" The woman asked.

He idly flipped a page as he spoke. "He'll be here. I've already sent some reassurance in case he doesn't."

His conversation didn't get anywhere else as one of his agents approached him from a table nearby. She strode with a purpose and stopped close enough to speak to him in a low voice.

"We've located Uzumaki-dono but he appears to have gotten into a bit of a mess…"


His subordinate nodded grimly. "What's your orders?"

Kakashi mentally sighed, but didn't break from his reading. He had expected this to happen sometime ago ever since Naruto was bumped up from low rank operative to VIP status.

"Proceed accordingly." He ordered softly as Chifuyu stared at them curiously. "I'll see Chifuyu-sama off now while there's still time. How much do we have till they get here?"

"I estimate about five-minutes, give or take three."

The masked man hummed. "Go then."

With a nod the woman vanished in a puff of smoke as others nearby began leaving in a similar fashion, startling Chifuyu in the process. She glanced around bewilderingly and alert as Kakashi stood up and motioned for the remaining operatives forward. This time they wore varying porcelain masks concealing their identity, and were armed with sheathed Katanas and what looked like firearms holstered at their hips. Curiously, they all sported a white armband with a symbol she couldn't describe and the kanji for 'fire' etched on them.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Nothing that you need to worry too much about." Kakashi replied cheerfully. "Plans changed a bit so we're just having you leave a little earlier than expected. Now if you'll follow us this way."

"But what about Uzumaki and the I-S?"

"He'll be here in a few minutes, I'm sure. Right now I need to get you ready to go."

Frowning, she allowed herself to be ushered to her plane that waited for them at the far end of the docks. Something fishy was going on but she had no idea what it was. Her 'escorts' seemed tense and a little more alert then she had seen so far. The way they kept glancing around at the sea and at the forest led her to suspect trouble heading their way. Kakashi on the other hand…

"Himeko-chan!" He perversely giggled as he buried his face deep in his book. "You're so cute."

…has remained the same.

"Kakashi…" Chifuyu spoke, eyes twitching irately at his behavior. "Seriously, you…"


The warning came just in time as their wooden path was suddenly blown away by an explosion.

"What in the…?"

"Defensive formation!" Kakashi barked out.

The dozen or so men and women following them immediately shot into action just as numerous cloaked figures emerged from the forest and ocean.

Chifuyu barely registered his movements as he scooped her into his arms bridal style and vaulted over the gaping wreckage obstructing them. He landed lightly on the other side and swiftly whipped out a hand to snatch several gleaming shards from the air. They looked like polished throwing knives of some sort. She chanced a glance towards the tea house out of pure curiosity and found a near unbelievable sight awaiting her.

The sound of gun fire and clashing of metal filled the once tranquil atmosphere of the docks. Fires of sentient nature washed across the ocean surface as several figures were engaged in heated combat. They darted about in unnatural quickness as pillars of stone erupted from the ground in an attempt to hamper them. Others were fighting atop the tea house with guns blazing and katanas locking in sparks. There were even large trees sprouting from the ground in a ridiculous rate, forming and shaping the battlefield into another section of the island's greenery.

She saw Kakashi's forces took to the risen trees and once more collided with the intruders in a fearless clash. Multiple explosions and balls of fire erupted in all sides, lighting their new environment like a Christmas tree as flashes of white and yellow flickered everywhere. If Chifuyu wasn't still up close it'd really look like a big Christmas tree from a distance.

It was such a surreal sight that had Chifuyu staring strangely enthralled. She had never witnessed such a battle before. It was like something straight out of those fantasy games that her brother played often; the one where supernatural powers were the norm and battles always involved swords, magic, and villains bent on world destruction.

"We're not going to be able to get things done, are we….?" She finally concluded.

"I'm afraid so." Kakashi smiled apologetically from behind his mask. He then placed her down on her feet and withdrew a silver handgun from within his suit. "Please hurry to your plane and prepare to leave." He instructed while his eyes were transfixed on the raging battle before them. "If Naruto doesn't get here within the next minute or so then we'll just have to reschedule things some other time. It's already become too dangerous for you to remain here for any longer."

He was right as a torrent of flames shot out towards them like a raging serpent readying to devour its prey. He reacted quickly by tossing his weapon into the air and clapping his hands together in a familiar gesture. His fingers then blurred into motion as he went through a long sequence of hand signs foreign to Chifuyu's knowledge.

A moment later, giant pillars of water erupted from the sea to intercept the offending flames. The opposing elements clashed like angered gods, colliding with such a force that it shook the floor beneath them. Chifuyu hadn't bother to move from her spot—too awed at the scene happening before her—until the massive heat of the steam wash over them, obscuring her vision for the moment and forcing her to take some involuntary step back.

This is truly unbelievable…. She thought.

"Chifuyu-sama, I suggest you hurry." Kakashi called out amidst the clearing steam.

"It'll take a few minutes to start things up so buy me a bit of time." Chifuyu replied as she hurried to the plane.

Her original pilot was currently engaging they're enemies so that left her to navigate the controls. There were so many buttons and switches inside the cockpit that anyone without much experience would've panic upon first sight. She was thankful for the fact that she wasn't one of those people, fortunately enough.

The engine soon roared to life just as she buckled down and assumed her pilot's role.

"Alright, I'm ready over here. Has Naruto shown up yet?" She yelled out the window.

Kakashi landed beside it with a noticeable smile behind his mask. "He's already here."

A flash of gold and purple flew inside, crashing onto the back seats of the plane, followed by the audible groans of pain and… delight?

"Na-kun, you're so forward!" Chirped an all too familiar voice.

Chifuyu glanced back at her passengers and blinked. "…Tabane?"

There, sitting atop a young blonde teen, was the ever bubbly Tabane Shinonono. And the moment she was spotted did Tabane brightened in appearance as she made move to glomp her from behind her seat. All the while crying out "Chi-chan!" endlessly.

"Tabane, you—stop! Now is not the time!"

"But Chi-chan it's so good to see you!"

While the two got reacquainted with each other, the blonde teen sat up in relief. He was sore all over from running and appeared to be more than a little peeved at a certain someone. Kakashi had to hold back a chuckle once he entered to assist him, checking to see for any injuries while keeping track of the happenings outside.

"You had it rough this morning, huh Naruto?"

"Yea, real rough…" The boy grumbled as he nursed his head. "You should have warned me about those guys coming after me! I nearly got sacked!"

This time Kakashi couldn't help but chuckle humouredly. "Ma ma, don't be like that. Think of it as training and go along with it. Besides, you got away in one piece so be proud."

The blonde took a swing at him and missed. "I'll show you some training…" He fumed afterwards.

Kakashi gave him a patented eye-smile as he patted his head. "Same old Naruto." He turned to the struggling women at the front and cleared his throat. "It'd be a good idea to leave now that everyone is present, Chifuyu-sama."

"Working on it—Tabane let me go! I've got to pilot this thing." Chifuyu growled as she shoved Tabane's face away from her own. "Go bother Uzumaki!"

The purple haired woman pouted before directing her attention to the nervous looking teen at the back. Kakashi watched with amusement as Tabane maneuvered over to occupy the seat next to the blonde and proceeded to latch onto him like an over affectionate child was to her father. The blonde facepalmed at his predicament and groaned loudly.

"Not again…"

Smiling, Kakashi pulled out a small orange scroll and held out it towards him. "Here, take this with you Naruto. I won't be seeing you for awhile so make sure you do your homework and study that carefully."

The teen accepted it gratefully and secured it in his pocket. But before he can say anything else, an explosion interrupted them. Kakashi glanced outside to see that quite a few of his subordinates had taken up defensive positions near them and were in the process of fending off a wave of enemies. He had little time now and so jumped off the plane and closed the door behind him.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto cried out.

He smiled and gave him a wink. "I know this is abrupt and you haven't said your goodbyes, but there's no time for that now."

"It's not that, sensei." The blonde said anxiously. "You sat on one of my explosive tags!"

Now that caused the silver haired man to stagger comically to the side, before righting himself and shouting back indignantly. "Say what!"

Patting his pants frantically for the tag, he found it stuck on one of his back pockets, causing him to let out a groan of frustration. This was not a good way to say goodbye to someone, and he voiced this out to the young blonde. Naruto merely grinned apologetically in return as he scratched his cheeks.

"I was going to use that earlier, but forgot all about it when Anko-nee and the others found us." He confessed. "You can peel it off and use it if you want. The code is Tora."

Kakashi sighed. "Next time Naruto? Don't leave your stuff out. It'll be quite hazardous to others if you do."

"You got it sensei!"

"Buckle up Uzumaki, I'm getting us out of here." Chifuyu called out.

"Roger!" Giving one last farewell to his sensei, Naruto disappeared from the window.

True to her words, the plane accelerated within moments, reaching the top speed in an unnatural quickness before eventually lifting up from the coursing waves after several long meters. Kakashi watched them take off into the sky for a moment before turning to face the intensifying battle behind him. There were still enemies left, but he was proud to see that most of his subordinates remained alive and well. Proudly, he walked forwards and lifted a hand to his black bandana, casually pulling it up to reveal his scarred skin and crimson eye to the world.

In a casual show of style he struck a pose beside his present team and uttered one of the most cliché lines ever known in the history of man.

"Ladies and gentlemen… It's show time."

Prologue end

What do you guys think? Was it an enjoyable read? Let me know via review! I'll be working on my other fics and art in the meantime, and perhaps post up another non-crossover story like my Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka? (an awesome show btw! Go watch it, it's hilarious! You'll fall over laughing your butt off too! I know I did.) I'd probably hit the Hidan no Aria section if so.

Now perhaps I should tell you some of the other fics I'm thinking of making.

Katekyo Hitman Reborn x Zero no Tsukaima (Familiar Zero)

~ Pairings might be Harem, but I'm leaning towards Tsuna x Henrietta or Tsuna x Tiffania. I'm hoping to make Tsuna older and more mature in this one.

Katekyo Hitman Reborn x Negima

~ For those who visit my DA account, I'm pretty sure you've already come across the one-page comic I drew for this type of crossover. It's still in the making and the pairings aren't decided just yet. The story will have a female-Negi and two male Protagonists (Tsuna and Enma… maybe Basil too, who knows.)

Hidan no Aria

~ I'm actually in love with that series. I like Kinji, he's an awesome dude lol and he goes well with the girls. So I'm thinking of just making this one a non-crossover fic with major Kinji awesomeness. That place could use some more fics too…

Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka x Overlord (the videogame)

~ I cannot stop cracking up on the ideas I have in mind for this one. Ayumu the Overlord is going to be badass and funny! Hopefully… Pairings for this one will definitely go for harem—the true harem route! And perhaps other categories will be mixed in.

Full Metal Panic x Highschool of the Dead

~Alright, I'm a fan of FMP and Sousuke Sagara, so I'm definitely gonna try this when I can. I'm hoping to incorporate FMP's humor/seriousness balance into the fic since this is all about zombies while toning down on the AS scenarios. I know FMP won't be complete without AS action, but quite frankly, if Sagara piloted Arbalist around then I'm sure he'll kill most of the zombie by either shooting them down or outright stomping them flat on the floor. Pairing wise… Idk, Sagara hasn't had a harem fic before ( I think)…

Too much stories you say? They're just ideas. I may or may not try 'em out.

Laters for now.