A/N: Hello again everyone! I'm back with another IchiHime fic (who's surprised?)!

Now, I have just a couple of notes: 1) though I'm aware in a way that this might sound related/similar to 'After Life', I assure you, it is not in any way related to that story (except that I will steal a couple of names, 'cause I'm lazy like that lol); 2) I'm thinking/intending for this to be another semi-long chapter piece, though how long exactly even I have no idea… and 3) please pay attention to the summary – with a little luck, it'll answer a lot of your questions! Also, yes, there will be some OOCness, but hopefully not so much that they don't actually seem like themselves. I'm attempting to keep their core personalities, etc, but please remember their backgrounds will be different.

Oh! And I will not be including the Fullbring storyline…but Ichigo did lose his powers in the final battle with Aizen.

And now that that's over, all I have left to say is that, of course, I hope you really enjoy this story!

Summary: Shortly after Aizen's defeat, and Ichigo's loss of spiritual powers, life began returning to a semblance of normalcy for everyone. Ichigo and Orihime began dating during their senior year of high school, and moved to Tokyo together to attend college. But it was not be. On July 6th, the day before Orihime's favorite holiday, she and two co-workers were caught in the back room of the bakery as it burned to the ground.

It was many years before Ichigo allowed himself to love again. Despite this, he managed to live a full life as an ordinary human, and died peacefully in his sleep on July 7th – 64 years later.

But this was not the end of their story. One hundred years after Aizen, they have both been reborn in Soul Society; and both have found their way to the highest ranks of Soul Reapers. And as their friends, who still remember everything from their human lives, watch from the sidelines, they find themselves wondering – could this be the highly-deserved second chance for Ichigo and Orihime?

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. But I do own the few Original Characters who will sporadically appear in this story.

Second Chance

Chapter One: A New Era

Orihime Inoue moved with a natural grace down the familiar hallway, her long auburn hair pulled up into an intentionally-messy bun and her arms loose at her sides. Beside her, walking half-a-pace behind, was Hanatarou Yamada, with a well-used medical bag strapped across his shoulder. They were walking in comfortable silence, so near now to their destination that they could feel it.

Footsteps behind them on the well-worn walkway gave them a moment's notice before the Lieutenant of Squad Six was calling out to them politely. "Oh, pardon me, Captain! I didn't realize you were here."

She hesitated as Orihime and Hanatarou came to a stop, turning sideways to look over at her. Concern clouding her eyes, Rukia softly asked, "Is Captain Ukitake struggling again?"

Orihime smiled reassuringly, her voice soft as she replied, "He's feeling a bit under the weather today, it's true. But I'm sure what he really needs is rest; you know how he pushes himself sometimes."

Rukia nodded, unable to ignore the younger woman's point. "Of course. But would it be better if perhaps I put off my visit for a couple of days?"

"Don't be silly!" Orihime exclaimed, stepping forward and snatching Rukia's elbow before turning and resuming her earlier course – Rukia in tow. "Juushirou loves company, and we all know you have a special place in his heart! You'd be the perfect company for him right now!"

Rukia was silent for a long moment as Orihime practically dragged her down the hall, Hanatarou trailing behind with laughing eyes. "U-um, alright, if you say so!"

Orihime laughed lightly, flashing a smile back at the shorter woman, but said nothing as she continued to drag her down the hall.

Like always, Rukia couldn't help but return the smile, and she was grateful that the ache in her heart had finally lessened. Some days she could still remember when Soul Society had first heard of the healer's tragic death like it was yesterday. And sometimes it was both heartwarmingly-reassuring and heartbreakingly-depressing to interact with the woman before her now.

Yes, she was glad to know, first-hand, that her friend was happy in her afterlife – but it was also a constant reminder of how horribly her previous life had ended. At the end of the day, the woman before her – beautiful, successful, strong and gentle – was a different person. She did not have the memories of the Orihime Inoue who had warmed so many hearts a lifetime ago. She would never be able to reminisce with Rukia – or Rangiku, or anyone else – over the things they had experienced together.

But neither was she lost to those who loved her – at least, not entirely – and that was something Rukia would never take for granted. And despite the differences between the Orihime who had been, and the Orihime who now was, Rukia was still proud of her for all she had accomplished in the ninety-five years since the end of her previous life.

Orihime's pace slowed as they approached the door that separated them from their destination, and the change pulled Rukia out of her reverie. A moment later Rukia's arm was released, and Orihime reflexively straightened her robes before lifting one slim hand and knocking lightly on the door.

Rukia automatically stepped backwards, standing beside Hanatarou, who offered her an understanding smile.

A gruff voice from the other side, punctuated by heavy footsteps, reminded Rukia that the woman standing before her was not the only notable change in Soul Society.

"Oi, he asked not to-!" the voice trailed off as the door slid open and the speaker realized who had disturbed them. Appropriately, he made a brief choking sound and his voice was much more peaceful when he spoke again. "Oh, sorry, Captain Inoue…I wasn't paying attention. Please, come in, he's awake."

Orihime smiled warmly and waved one hand lazily. "It's alright, Lieutenant Kurosaki, I understand." As she stepped inside, she added, "Thank you."

Rukia studied Ichigo's face as he watched Orihime pass him and once again her heart lurched just a little, as it always did when they interacted.

Though Orihime's attitude was always warm towards him, it was no warmer than her attitude towards everyone else. And though he was always respectful to her (once he realized who he was addressing), it was because he respected that she outranked him – not because he held a special place for her in his heart. The depth of emotion that had always been visible in their eyes when they interacted in their previous lives was no longer there, and it pained Rukia to remember the love that had been lost.

She had been witness to too many lost loves.

Ichigo turned his attention to the two Lieutenants who were still standing, staring, on the other side of the open doorway. Cocking an orange brow at them he planted his hands on his hips and snapped, "Are you two coming in or not?"

The familiar tone drew Rukia's focus and she allowed a smirk to curve her lips. "Don't take that attitude with me, Ichigo, I'll come in when I'm good and ready."

"Fine," Ichigo replied, stepping forward as Hanatarou scurried past and reaching for the door. "But don't get all snippy when I slam the door in your face." He threw her a matching smirk for good measure as he pulled the aforementioned door shut sharply.

Rukia sucked in a breath and curled her fists tightly. "Just who do you think you are, Ichigo Kurosaki? No one slams doors in my face!"

Ichigo's laughing voice echoed through the closed door from a short distance away, calling, "Looks like I just did!"

Juushirou smiled knowingly as Orihime prepared his treatment. Brown eyes well-aged with wisdom watched the open doorway to his chambers, listening to the echoing argument between his current and former Lieutenants. With a faint, weak chuckle he mumbled, "They're bickering again, I see."

"Do they bicker often?" Orihime asked curiously as she turned toward him. When Juushirou simply nodded she sighed and said, "I guess I hadn't noticed. Although, I don't often come here when they're both in the same room."

As Orihime moved to begin her work, Hanatarou leaned back, having finished setting up his things, and looked toward the senior Captain, asking, "Is there anything I could get for you, sir? Some tea, perhaps?"

Juushirou shifted his gaze to the other man and smiled again. "I could use some more tea, actually…if you don't mind."

"Oh, of course not!" Hanatarou exclaimed as he jumped to his feet.

As he headed to the exit, Orihime called, "Hanatarou, please put some extra honey in the tea, it'll help soothe him."

"Yes, Captain," Hanatarou replied with a small bow.

A few moments after he'd departed, Ichigo and Rukia made their way into the room, staying back to give Orihime space.

"Ah, Rukia," Juushirou said quietly, smiling at her. "It's so good to see you again."

Rukia returned his smile as she claimed one of the sitting cushions and replied, "You say that every time I visit, Captain Ukitake. I think it loses something when you say it multiple times a month."

Juushirou chuckled, breaking into a brief fit of coughing before he managed, "I suppose it does. I'll try to work on that."

After a moment of silence, as they watched Orihime work, Ichigo quietly asked, "Can we help at all?"

Orihime's voice was light and reassuring as she said, "You're already helping!"

"How?" Ichigo asked skeptically.

"Well, everyone loves good company when they're feeling under the weather," Orihime began easily. "Plus, I'm sure you've been taking measures to make sure that Captain Ukitake isn't disturbed unnecessarily, and since what he really needs is rest and proper nourishment, that is one of the best things you can be doing for him." She paused, leaning back and turning to smile at him as Hanatarou returned with the tea, and added, "See?"

Ichigo found himself unable to reply, as his tongue was suddenly quite awkwardly stuck in his throat, and so he merely nodded.

"Thank you, Hanatarou," Juushirou whispered as he accepted the tea.

Hanatarou stepped back, then, and Orihime returned to her work while the others resigned themselves to watching.

Ichigo walked with them to the entrance of Squad Thirteen's barracks when they were done, and Juushirou had laid down for a nap. As they approached the staircase the group slowed and Ichigo lifted one hand to scratch at the back of his neck subconsciously. "Thanks again, Captain Inoue. We're all really grateful for your help."

Orihime turned to flash a brilliant smile at him and said, "You don't need to thank me, silly. I consider Juushirou a good friend; I'm more than happy to help when I can. And besides, you should really stop talking about the whole situation like he won't be around much longer – he's got plenty of time left."

"It's true," Hanatarou offered, "In fact, I myself have seen Captain Ukitake in much worse condition."

Ichigo scowled at the slightly shorter man and crossed his arms.

"Wh-what is it? What did I say?" Hanatarou asked, recognizing the look that had settled on Ichigo's face.

Rukia lifted one hand to cover her mouth, attempting (and failing) to muffle her laughter as she said, "That might not have been the most reassuring response, Lieutenant Yamada." She pulled in a breath, dropped her hand, and looked over to Ichigo as she added, "However, he's still right, Ichigo. Don't worry so much."

"Tch," Ichigo scoffed, looking away and letting his arms drop. "Don't talk like I'm freaking out or something, alright? It's natural to worry about someone who's sick."

"It most certainly is," Orihime assured him. Lifting one hand in a mock-lecturing gesture, she said, "But remember: too much worrying is bad for your health!" Her hand dropping to her side, she added calmly, "Now then, thank you for escorting us all this way, but Hanatarou and I must be taking our leave; we still have important things to do today. It was good seeing both of you!"

Hanatarou called his own farewell as he followed his Captain down the steps.

"You know what I don't get," Ichigo suddenly declared after he and Rukia had watched their descent for a long minute. Rukia looked up at him silently and he continued, eyes still trained on the commanding officers of Squad Four. "Hanatarou's significantly older than her, right? And he was a highly-ranked officer before she joined – at least that's what I've heard – so how is it she's his superior?"

Rukia lifted a curious brow at his question. Of course he'd ask me this instead of Renji or Ikkaku or someone, she reflected silently. At length she shrugged and replied, "Well, aside from the fact that Hanatarou still isn't anywhere near mastering bankai – and Captain Inoue has – I'd guess she just…has a natural talent for healing or something."

Ichigo turned his eyes away from the departing duo, casting a suspicious, half-hearted glare in her direction. "That was a pathetic answer, Rukia. Everyone knows her zanpakutou has healing abilities. And yeah, I get the bankai thing, but it just still seems strange to me I guess."

Rukia huffed, fisting her hands on her hips. "Well what kind of answer were you looking for, then? What, do you think it's some big conspiracy that no one's bothered to tell you about? So Ori – Captain Inoue – surpassed Hanatarou after Iemura retired, what's the big deal?"

For a long moment, neither spoke. Ichigo held her gaze defiantly, searching for something, and arguing with himself on what he should say. Finally, he released a breath and relaxed his muscles, saying, "Whatever, it doesn't really matter. I was just curious is all."

"You better watch that curiosity," Rukia teased, glad to change the subject, and doubly glad that he hadn't called her out about nearly using Orihime's given name. "Rumor has it it could get you into trouble."

Ichigo rolled his eyes as he turned to head back into the barracks. "Yeah, yeah, like I haven't heard that before. Don't you have someplace else to be?"

Rukia glared briefly at him before straightening up and crossing her arms. "As a matter of fact, I do. I only came to visit my friends – this was my squad for over a century, remember."

She could see his smirk as it curved his lips and he replied, "Yeah, I always forget how old you are, seeing as you're still such a midget."

Only the Hell Butterfly that fluttered in between them an instant later spared Ichigo's life.

After listening dutifully to the message, Rukia shrugged the magical creature away and said, "It seems your life has been spared for now, Kurosaki, but this is not over!"

As she sprinted down the staircase Ichigo called, "Yeah, that's right, keep running!" He chuckled at the haughty glare she threw over her shoulder, disturbingly amused by her inability to retaliate, and knowing all the while that she would probably make him regret his words soon enough – well, almost.

Orihime looked up from the papers before her when a soft knock sounded on her closed office door, and she smiled when she recognized the familiar spiritual pressure on the other side. "Come in, Isane!" she called lightly.

The door slid open and Isane Kotetsu, Lieutenant of Squad One and former Lieutenant of Squad Four, stepped easily into the room. She smiled at the younger Soul Reaper and inclined her head, "Good afternoon, Captain Inoue."

Orihime clucked her tongue as she moved around the desk. "How many times do I have to tell you not to be so formal? At least not when we're talking casually!"

Isane laughed faintly and allowed herself to be pulled into an embrace. As she stepped back, she said, "I'm sorry, it's just such a habit…it's good to see you, Orihime."

"You, too," Orihime said with a bright smile. "I hardly see you anymore, it's so sad! How are you?"

"We're both well," Isane replied easily.

"So what brings you by?" Orihime asked as she moved toward the kitchen.

Isane trailed after her, saying, "Captain Unohana wanted me to ask how your visit with Captain Ukitake was. She heard he hasn't been doing so well the last couple of days."

"Ah, of course," Orihime said as she pulled out two mugs and began filling them with steaming water. "I should have realized she'd hear about that, but it's nothing to worry about. He overexerted himself at the festival last weekend is all; he just needs to stay in bed for a couple of days, and not skip any meals, and he'll be good as new!"

"Oh, good," Isane breathed, silently accepting the still-steaming tea that was held out to her. "I'm sure she'll be pleased to hear that that's all it is. And how've you been lately?"

Orihime leaned her hip against the counter as she blew on her own tea. "I've been fine of course. There isn't really a lot going on, so most of our traffic is from Squad Eleven, with a little sprinkling of Stealth Force, and we've had a nice amount of personal time in between."

Isane smiled, easily remembering the scenario being described. It was peacetime, after all, so there simply wasn't a lot that required the Captain of Squad Four.

The two women talked for a short while, sipping their tea, until Isane forced herself to return to her duties. As she headed for the door she paused, remembering the other reason she'd come, and asked, "Oh, Orihime, would you mind telling Hanatarou that the Lieutenant's Meeting has been moved to Thursday? I went to his room to tell him, but he wasn't there."

"Sure," Orihime replied. "Is there a reason it's been moved?"

Isane gave a half-shrug and replied, "Well, we're expecting a report from the Stealth Force sometime tomorrow, and more than likely the information would require another meeting anyway, so Captain Unohana decided it'd just be easier to postpone it a couple of days."

Orihime nodded in understanding. "That does make sense…." Her voice trailed as a thought occurred to her and she asked almost hesitantly, "Is there something going on, Isane?"

"I don't really think so," Isane said thoughtfully. "We heard some vague rumors a couple of weeks ago, and Captain Unohana asked Captain Soi Fon to investigate them. The investigation team's due back tomorrow, that's all. Honestly, I'm not even sure what the rumors were about."

"I see," Orihime replied with another nod. Her smile returned then and she added, "Alright, well I'll be sure to let him know. Please tell Captain Unohana that I said hello, will you?"

"Absolutely!" Isane promised before slipping out of the office.

Orihime reclaimed her seat behind the desk, then, and as she attempted to return her focus to the papers she'd been going over, she couldn't help but pull her lip between her teeth. The strangest feeling of anxiety was beginning to build in her gut, and she could only hope that she was overreacting. There's probably nothing to worry about, she told herself. I can start to worry – just a little – if Captain Unohana calls for a Captain's Meeting on Thursday or Friday. But right now, there's no sense in worrying.

That thought firmly in mind, Orihime did her best to push aside her anxiety and focus on her paperwork. The Fourth Seat of Squad Eleven – who was still fairly new – had gotten himself incredibly beaten up that morning, and she had to get the proper billing ready to be sent out.

Ichigo couldn't quite contain the smirk as he approached the familiar dojo later that afternoon. Already he could hear the sounds of combat from within; over-eager battle-cries and the unmistakable sound of wooden swords clacking against each other. What does it say about me that every time I come here I feel like I've come home? he wondered silently as he reached for the sliding doors. Heh, probably I don't want the answer, he mused with a faint chuckle.

Appropriately, someone cried out in pain as he stepped through the door, and his attention was immediately drawn to the unfamiliar Soul Reaper in the center of the room who was currently rolling toward the far wall. His smirk broadened when he recognized the man standing victoriously across from him, one hand on his hip and wooden sword held at his side.

"Give up yet?" the man taunted as his opponent pushed to his knees.

The response was lost to Ichigo's ears as he turned his attention then, searching for the familiar faces he usually sought out when he visited. As he'd expected, they were standing off to the side, pretending to watch the combatants as they leaned against the wall.

Ichigo pushed his way easily through the small gathering of spectators (many of whom had obviously already taken their turn in the center), grunting passing hellos to the faces he recognized. It was amazing how much a squad could change in four short years.

When he was close enough, he called out, "Ikkaku, Yumichika."

The men in question lifted their heads, turning their attention toward him, and Ikkaku pushed to his feet as a grin curved his lips. "Well, look who's come back! Lookin' for a fight, Ichigo?"

"It crossed my mind," Ichigo replied as his smirk returned easily to his lips.

Ikkaku's grin broadened. "I should hope so; you do still remember the rules, don't you?"

"Ha," Ichigo retorted, "it hasn't been that long since I left."

"Speaking of," Yumichika interrupted casually, still leaning against the wall. He met Ichigo's eyes easily and asked, "Did you hear that the Lieutenant's Meeting was moved?"

"Yeah," Ichigo replied with a faint shrug. "You think there's something odd about that?"

"It's just unusual is all," Yumichika said. "You should know as well as I do that Soul Society likes to stick to its schedules."

Ichigo's natural frown returned to his face as he admitted, "That's true." He shifted his gaze to his former Captain, then, and asked, "Do you know anything about it?"

Ikkaku scoffed and crossed his arms. "Of course not. Whatever might be going on, they're playing it pretty close right now."

Ichigo found himself staring out the window, unseeing, before he finally sighed and said, "Well, whatever it is, I guess we'll find out on Thursday."

Yumichika inclined his head faintly, reaching up to remove an invisible strand of hair from the side of his face and tucking it behind his ear.

After a moment of silence, Ichigo moved forward and pulled Zangetsu from his back, resting the large zanpakutou against the wall before reaching out and extracting a wooden sword from the stand and saying, "Alright, Captain Madarame, let's see what you've got."

Ikkaku's eyes crinkled as his smirk returned and he pulled his own wooden sword free. "You're on, Lieutenant Kurosaki!"

As the two began moving, Yumichika lifted his voice to be heard above the other voices and called, "Clear the floor!"

Obediently the current combatants stood up properly and everyone moved aside as they realized who was preparing to fight.

Yumichika remained where he was as the fight began, wooden swords clacking together and trash talk flying within moments. How many years has it been now? he wondered idly as his gaze settled on the white haori, and stylized kanji, that his long-time friend was wearing. He knew that Ikkaku was most likely no more used to the haori than he himself was to the badge he wore during Lieutenant's Meetings.

It's frightening how much things have changed, he decided as he watched the fight with only mild interest. Ichigo and Ikkaku had been sparring ever since the day Ichigo had been recruited into Squad Eleven – nearly thirteen years prior. The day they had learned that Ichigo had accepted their offer (despite the fact that he technically hadn't finished his classes at the Academy yet) Ikkaku had been happier than Yumichika had seen him in a long time.

But, of course, he'd understood.

And neither of them had expected Ichigo to stay long, so it had come as no surprise when Ichigo had skyrocketed up to the rank of Fourth Seat in just four short years. Nor had it been surprising when, after Byakuya's latest Lieutenant died in combat and Rukia was transferred to Squad Six as a replacement, Ichigo was chosen to fill her newly-vacated seat – a mere five years later.

Still, despite the fact that he had spent only nine years as a member of Squad Eleven, Yumichika found he was grateful to Ichigo. It was true that many of his own friends – namely Ikkaku and Renji – had been saddened at Ichigo's death, despite not having actually spoken to him for many decades, but Ichigo's return had been good for Ikkaku.

Yumichika knew, though his friend would never admit it, that he had still been struggling with Kenpachi Zaraki's death. And he also knew that, in a strange way, Ichigo's arrival had been what he'd needed to truly begin putting it behind him. Perhaps it had reminded Ikkaku that Kenpachi was not as lost as it seemed, or maybe there was some other reason altogether, but whatever it was didn't matter. It had worked. And though Ikkaku was still occasionally grouchy about his 'new' title, Yumichika suspected it was less grief and more principle than it had been not too long ago.

The Lieutenant of Squad Eleven grinned as his friends went crashing into another sword-stand, scattering some of the gathered crowd in the process. If he was being honest, it wasn't hard for him to admit that he, too, had missed the orange-haired Soul Reaper.

Rukia headed straight home after Byakuya dismissed her for the day, and she was glad to see that she wasn't the first one there when she slipped through the door.

"If you're not my wife, I'm going to have to kill you!" Renji's teasing voice called from the kitchen.

Rukia rolled her eyes as she moved towards him. "Don't be an idiot," she teased back.

He turned to face her when she appeared, grinning broadly and setting down the spoon he'd been stirring with. "Welcome home," he said, ignoring her comment as he stepped toward her.

She let him pull her into a brief kiss before casting a wary glance at the counter and asking, "What, exactly, do you think you're doing?"

Renji cocked a tattooed eyebrow at her, reflexively following her gaze. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Cooking," Rukia replied easily.

"Yeah, well, 'first one home makes dinner,' remember?" Renji returned, dropping a large hand on her head and ruffling her hair before moving back to his masterpiece.

Rukia sighed and, reaching up to fix her hair, asked, "Which of us came up with that ridiculous rule again?"

"I believe it was you, sweetheart," Renji said calmly, not quite succeeding in keeping his lips from twitching with amusement.

Scrunching her nose in distaste, Rukia replied, "And why is it that that is one of the few ideas I came up with that you've actually managed to remember?"

"Because you freak out whenever I'm in the kitchen," Renji replied without missing a beat.

"I do not freak out!" Rukia retorted immediately, stomping up to her taller husband and squaring her shoulders.

Renji turned a curious smirk in her direction and asked, "Then what do you call it?"

Rukia was silent for a long minute, before her eyes shifted to examine what it was he was preparing, and finally her shoulders slumped. After another minute she asked softly, "Do you remember when you said it would get easier?"

It was Renji's turn to be silent as he stared at her, doing his best to figure out which subject she had just jumped to. After a moment of studying her face, however, he realized what she meant, and a familiar frown darkened his expression. "I said 'eventually'," he reminded gently.

"I know," Rukia replied, looking back up at him again. "But when I went to visit Ukitake today I ran into her, and she was there for the entire time I was. And the worst part was, after she left, Ichigo asked me why she made Captain before Hanatarou."

Confusion overpowered the frown and Renji returned his attention to the dinner as he asked, "How's that a big deal?"

It was Rukia's turn to scowl, more in memory than at her husband's comment, and she said, "I might've gotten a little wrapped up in what I was saying, and I might've almost called her 'Orihime'."

"Did he catch it?" Renji asked seriously.

"If he did, he didn't call me out on it," Rukia said at length.

Renji set down the spoon he'd been stirring with and turned to her, letting one hand land on her shoulder. "Then don't dwell on it," he said. "It's not the kind of thing Ichigo'll bring up later – at least, not as long as you don't do it again."

Rukia sighed, lifting one hand to cover his and saying, "I know, I know, it's just…sometimes, I hate it. I'm glad to know they're both okay but I hate that they don't remember!"

Renji pulled her against him, letting her rest her head on his chest, and as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders he said, "We knew something like this would happen someday, Rukia. It's a big part of the reason we're not supposed to interact with humans the way we did."

"I know," Rukia mumbled into his shihakushou. She said nothing further, because she knew Renji was right – she knew she needed to let it go – and Renji followed her lead, holding her tightly for a long minute. At length, Rukia pulled back and smacked him lightly on the chest. "Get back to making dinner already, I'm hungry!"

Renji laughed, waving her away as he said, "Yeah, yeah, alright."

Rukia grinned before disappearing into the main sitting room, heading for the bathroom so that she could clean up before dinner. Whatever will happen will happen, she told herself as she walked. As long as they're happy, I have no right to be anything less either.

Although, if she were being entirely honest, she wasn't sure that they really were as happy as they presented themselves to be.

To Be Continued…

A/N: Okay, first, let me say I tried to answer a lot of questions in this first chapter (between the summary and the actual chapter, I mean). But there are some things that I deliberately didn't answer, so I ask you to please be patient! Many more details will unfold throughout the story, I promise! Of course, you're free to ask me a question or two in a review (*hint hint*) and if the answer isn't something that will spoil any upcoming piece of the story, I will answer it to the best of my ability. If it is, then I will ask you to wait a little more LOL Anyway, that all said, I do hope you enjoyed this opening chapter! Please review, and then go read the next one!