AN: Sorry it's short, next chapter will be longer, I promise, an I should have that up by tomorrow (well, later today I guess, since it's past midnight here) but I'm going on holiday for week then so I'll continue writing there and update when I get back.

Disclaimer: Glee's not mine, I'm going to cry now, but it means you can't sue me, so, yeah.

Chapter 1

"What's wrong?" asked a young boy, leaning over the fence to see the sobbing figure. It was a boy who looked around the same age as him, sitting on the ground, head down, legs crossed.

"My mommy's s-sick," the boy whimpered, "she fell down for no reason today and they took her away to a h- hos- hospippal."

"Hospital?" the other boy offered, and the sobbing boy nodded.

"Yeah, and daddy said she was r-really sick and won't be home for a few days." by now, the boy's loud sobs had died down but his shoulders were still shaking violently. Seeing how upset he was, the other boy jumped over the fence and put an arm around him.

"It'll be ok, don't worry. My name's Blaine." he said, offering his hand to shake.

"Kurt." the crying boy took his hand and shook it politely, he was taught b be very well mannered at a young age, after all.

"I like that name, Kurt." Blaine exclaimed happily, trying out the name to see how it sounded on his lips.

Kurt giggled quietly, "I like the name Blaine, too." he smiled weakly.

"Do you want to play in my garden next door?" asked Blaine.

Kurt nodded, "let me just ask my daddy." He ran inside the house behind him, and Blaine used his time to think about this boy, Kurt. He had soft-looking chestnut hair, as opposed to Blaine's unruly, dark brown curls, and he didn't really know what color Kurt's eyes were, while he was sure his were greenish-brown, hazel, his mommy said. They didn't even dress the same, Blaine thought Kurt dressed very prettily, and he was just a little bit scruffy.

Blaine frowned. From what he'd seen so far, it really didn't seem like he had enough in common with him for Kurt to want to be his friend. But maybe he was six too, like Blaine was.

As he thought about this, Kurt wandered out of his house's front door with a big (yet, granted, still slightly watery) grin on his face. The curly-haired boy snapped out of his train of deep thought, and saw that the sad boy was back, but wasn't looking so sad anymore.

"My daddy says I can come over, as long as I'm back by lunchtime." Kurt told him, rocking back and forth excitedly on the balls of his feet. Blaine's face split into an overjoyed smile.

"Come on then" he encouraged and hopped back over the fence. The young boy turned around again to see Kurt still standing on the other, worrying his lip between his teeth. Blaine tilted his head to the side, confused. 'Maybe he doesn't want to come over' Blaine thought, and then panicked, but his fears subsided as Kurt opened his front gate and walked around the fence to Blaine's garden on the other side.

"I didn't want to get my clothes dirty." he explained sheepishly. Blaine simply grinned and led him towards where a scattering of toys lay on the ground.

In this world, when two people meet, a connection is instantly formed, whether it's good or bad depends on what one person makes of the other, and whether they meet again and whether the connection lasts, well that's simply up to fate. But what if it's written that these people are destined to remain together, whether as friends or more than that, for the rest of their lives? When this happens, this is when a bond is formed that cannot be broken by hell or high waters, this is when one person becomes incomplete without the other, as if they are two parts of a jigsaw puzzle. This is the point where true friendship and true love are formed.