Awwww yeeeeeaaaaahhhh update bitches! Yeah, I know, I know… It has been a while since I updated. Sole reason being: Holidays. Nuff said. Anyways…..Okay, I hafta say that I know it seems like the story is seemly revolving Rigby a bit, but that's because Mordecai won't get his stage light until…..later. Maybe next chapter I will focus more on Mordy, but right now it's another chapter basically for Rigby. Though a reminder, this is a story about Mordecai and Rigby, so whatever attention Rigby is getting, Mordecai will get later. Kay?

This chapter is kinda longer than my usual ones. Eh, I hope you guys don't mind. I'm trying to make this story reach to where I want it.

Enjoy! :

I don't own Regular Show.


"How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing?" – John Lennon


"Stinky armpits and a total frizzfag with an encompassed bitchy attitude" is how people could describe the easily tempered raccoon in High school. Little did people know that he could not care less what people thought of the raccoon kid. He had practically stopped caring when he saw his last report card marked with solid F's in an embarrassing streak during his last semester.

It was throughout that time that Rigby had made up his mind to drop out of High School, so he developed an unorthodox and quite hysterical plan for his high school talent show as a "leave with a bang" concept.

He didn't tell his best friend Mordecai at the time, because Mordecai had matured within that stretch in school, so of course there was a chance he would have hindered or prevented Rigby's plan to prosper (according to Rigby).

Rigby was next to performing, right after some girl with her violin. He can't say that she wasn't good, but he was far more interested into the lyrics that he had scribbled on a piece of notebook paper that he was now holding in his hands. He mouthed the first verse quietly to himself, making sure no other contestants can hear what was uttering from the little raccoon's mouth. And he blocked the views of any wandering eyes.

Rigby couldn't help but snicker a little bit.

'This is going to be awesome and hilarious!'

As he made his way to the stage, he suddenly got the unfortunate case of stage fright. His legs were shaking and he struggled to keep his hold on the paper in his tiny withering hands. He neared regretting the idea he planned on for almost two months. Rigby briefly wondered how musicians do this on a daily basis.

Rigby signals the person behind the curtains to play him the tune he wanted for this. Then a joyous, upbeat, melody syncs the entire stadium. Rigby can sense the amusement within the audience, especially with the funny expressions and giggles they have exchanged with one another. The principal, who was standing on the stairs that lead to the stage, narrowed his eyes at Rigby with a skeptical facial expression and had his arms crossed, but Rigby heeds no attention to the strict disciplinarian at all.

As soon as he gulped down the uneasiness, Rigby looks over his lyrical paper once more before he begins to sing.

" ~I only feel hatred and absolute loathing…for all of you stupid turds with your stupid, trendy clothing…..and your stupid hipster boasting…."

"Isn't it obvious that I hate all you…..every single onnnneeee of youuuu fooooolsssss- I can't understand why I even bother coming to schoooool…."

"What a time-waster it is being by all of you haters…"

"Now what did we learn today, class?"

The raccoon literally then turns his back towards the gawked audience and bends over at them.


The music then comes to a sudden halt. Rigby erects his position straight and looks over to his right. He sees the principal marching up to him with a scornful glare. Instantly, the principal snatches the microphone away from Rigby and puts it near his lip then announces,

"Congratulations, Mr. Rigby. You now have detention for an entire month."

Uproar of laughter was carried out of the building.


With a sigh, Mordecai reluctantly puts another full box into the backseat of the golf cart buggie outside.

Despite the screams and hollers emitting from within the household the blue jay couldn't understand a single word uttering from Benson's mouth from that distance, but one thing is for sure, whatever his boss was saying to Rigby… wasn't good.

Mordecai shakes his head in displeasure, and then forces himself to rotate back into the house of terror. When he gets there, automatically he is introduced to a pouting Rigby there on the couch, arms crossed, head down while Benson fiercely glares down at the raccoon with an unyielding grimace.

Mordecai tenses some due to the situation taking place. In a way, he feels kind of helpless because he knows once his boss gets into these fits it was nearly impossible to calm him down. But Mordecai is willing to give it a try anyways since he usually plays the role as a pacifist.

Mordecai- Benson, I know you're pretty pissed…an-

Benson- [Turns to see Mordecai] Really? What the fuck ever gave you that notion, genius?

Rigby growled, revealing his teeth. He didn't like that Mordecai was getting sucked into Benson's bitch fit when the blue jay's only intention was to be civil here.

Rigby- Geeez, don't blow a bubblegum blood vessel or something, Benson.

Benson- Shut up, you useless junkie! I should just call the cops so they can haul your ass to jail!

Mordecai can see Benson turn a shade redder. Mordecai takes a breath and tries to do this again.

Mordecai- Benson, man…just calm down, please. You can't settle this problem if you're mad like this. Can we all just act civil right now?

Benson relaxes his face due to Mordecai's response. Benson finally managed to gather his shit and regained his coolness again. Rigby saw the gumball machine man's actions from the corners of his masked eyes, so he decided to take the opportunity to finally get his saying in.

Rigby- Really, Benson? I can't believe you're being serious about this.

Benson clicks his tongue.

Benson- There's some things I can forget and put aside, but this…..Rigby, I can't have you at the park doing drugs. This is a public park, you know…kids come here often, and if my boss found out that I have some junkie working for me here….I'll be fired alongside with you. Doesn't matter how long you were planning on keeping it a secret, you were bound to get caught….just be lucky it was me who actually found out, otherwise, you'll undoubtedly be heading to jail now.

Benson shakes his head.

Benson- Mr. Maellard does not take situations like this so kindly….you outta see what happened to the guys before you and Mordecai.

Skips hasn't talked throughout this entire time. Instead, he had seated himself on one of the kitchen chairs that he had pulled up from earlier in the living room and remained there.

Rigby sighs in defeat, knowing Benson is only doing this by his moral code under the circumstances. Although, Rigby still can't help but be compelled to do justice on his own account in all this, even though he damn well knows he is in the wrong here. However, Rigby has a problem with being wrong because he absolutely hates being wrong.

Rigby- You could just let me go off with just a warning! You didn't have to fire my ass!

Benson- Even though I am indeed firing you mainly because you smoked weed here, however, I also took notice of your lack of motivation in helping Mordecai work! You been slacking off!...[Narrows eyes] A lot!

Well, Rigby is now trapped in the corner with that one. Not to mention, being high wasn't doing any good regarding to Rigby's pathetic arguments. The only thing left to do is somehow play the sympathy card with high hopeless hopes that it will work on Benson. His lower lip does this wobble like motion, and his eyes are seemly bigger with huge black pupils.

Rigby- But where am I going to crash at? I don't have anywhere to go…

It had no effect on the gumball machine man whatsoever.

Benson- What about that coffee girl you always hang out with?

Rigby scoffs obnoxiously at his response.

Rigby- You mean, Eileen? No, hell no.

Benson- Well, I don't know what to tell you. Look for a studio apartment or something in the meantime, but you can't stay here and that's final.

Rigby growls under his breath. Before Benson can exit the living room, Rigby calls out to him.

Rigby- Can I at least use the phone?

Benson-….Sure, but don't stay too long.

Rigby- Trust me, I want to get out of here as soon as possible.

Benson was taken aback from this considering the fact that Rigby had thrown a bitch fit earlier. Again, before Benson can leave to do his basic duties, Rigby calls out to him once more.

Benson- [A little irritated] What is it now, Rigby?

Rigby can sense that Benson was just mere seconds going from "calm with total tolerance" boss to "raging maniac making Swiss-cheese-walls everywhere with his fists" boss if the raccoon kept pegging him on.

Rigby- I just wanted to know if you made your decision about Seth and the band yet?

This was surely unexpected, thus leaving Benson without words at the moment. Sure, the prospect had had crossed sometimes through the gumball machine's head, but he still has yet to make a final decision. In all honestly, Benson wants to go with this, but as usual, Benson always thought ahead, and well, if he were to leave this job for Seth's offer there is this huge possibility that he won't be able to get it back. This job is the only thing Benson can depend on right now.

Benson- I don't know [averts eyes]…...I'll let you know around this week, though. Skips will hand you your paycheck before you leave.

Rigby just stares as if he's looking through Benson.

Benson- [Assuredly] Take care of yourself, Rigby.

And with that, Benson left through the front doors, thus leaving everybody in the house in this awkward silence that followed after. Rigby narrows his eyes to the place where Benson had left and can't help but feel a little offended by his final comment, but he dismissed it quickly. In fact, he dismissed the whole angry bitching between him and Benson that had had happened earlier. Skips and Mordecai idly follow Rigby upstairs, which was heading towards the telephone.

Mordecai was the first to approach Rigby. The raccoon had made it obvious that he dialed Seth's number already as he waited patiently for him to pick up the other end.

Mordecai-….You're calling Seth, aren't you?

Rigby- Yup.

Mordecai cautiously walks up to the small mammal.

Mordecai- So, decided-

Rigby- Yup.

Mordecai jerks his head back with a grimace.

Mordecai- Did you even know what I was going to say?

Rigby- [Absently] Yeah. You were going to say if I'm taking Seth's offer up or something like that.

Mordecai- [Sarcastically] No, I was going to ask if you decided on whether you'll stop acting like an asshole or not.

Seth finally answered with a casual "hello", so Rigby ignored that insult.

Rigby- Hey, Seth. This is Rigby, brah.

Seth- Hey, Rigbaby. What's up, man?

Rigby cringed at little at that ridiculous nickname. He will have to inform him to not ever call him that ever again later on.

Rigby- I just wanted to let you that I'm willing to take you up on that offer.

Mordecai and Skips exchange incredulous looks to one another.

Seth- Good, good. I'm glad you guys finally managed to come to an agree-

Rigby- No, no, no, no. Just me, broski, not Benson...[twiddles finger]or Mordecai...yet…

Seth-Oh….I see…Ah, well...not yet, huh?

Rigby- They both have undecided answers.

Mordecai- [Scoffs] Gimmie the phone, dude! [Reaches for the phone]

Rigby slaps Mordecai's feathered hand away.

Rigby- [To Mordecai] Stop, dude!

Seth- [Unaware at the situation taking place at the other end] What's going on?

Rigby- No, nothing. Mordecai is just acting like a dick right now.

Mordecai- No, I'm not! Rigby, I really need to talk with Seth. I don't want you to talk to him for me.

Rigby- [To Mordecai] But what I said was true, wasn't it?

Mordecai pauses at this.

Rigby- [To Mordecai] Yeah...that's what I thought.

Seth- I get the feeling that this is the worst time to talk with I'm go-

Rigby- No, no, no, no.

Mordecai takes notices how repeatedly Rigby has talked for the last half hour. Must be the weed making him anxious.

Rigby- Can I ask a favor from you, Seth?

Skips overhears this close by. He can interpret with ease on what's going to happen next.

Seth- Anything, kid. What's on your mind?

Rigby- [Embarrassed] Weeeeeellll, [ A bit fast] I was wondering if I can crash at your place for a bit because my boss just fired me and I don't-

Seth- Say no more, kid. I'm willing to help you out...why do you think I wanted to promote your band big time? Just for money? Since you just told me you're willing to work for me, I'm your boss now, and besides we are a team. And I hoping in time we can become like a big family soon as long as you're willing to let me take you under my wing.

Rigby has no words.

Mordecai- Rigby...dude, are you serious right now?

Rigby- [Ignores Mordecai] T-thank you, Seth. I'll be there in a, um. I'm coming over there soon.

Seth- Whenever, Rigby. You're always welcomed here.

Mordecai- [Mouth agape] Wait, what?

Rigby hangs up the phone right after that. He avoids eye contact with Mordecai and passes by him, but when Skips finally approaches the raccoon, Rigby couldn't help but look up to the big yeti.

Skips- Are you only making rash decisions because Benson just fired ya?

Rigby- Not just that. I need to start life, you know?

Skips- I wasn't under the impression that you didn't already have one.

Rigby- Pfffft, the park and this city? Naah, man. I always wanted to start a real life. Not work as groundskeepers for eternity. Skips, you may be happy with what life you got now, but I'm not. I can play the guitar hella awesome...and this music producer thinks the same, know, [shrugs] I got a shot to live out my dream...ever since high school I dreamed about this...[nods] and this is what I want to do.

Rigby passes the two men in a casual yet impertinent manner, but they were used to this side of Rigby, especially by now. The trio irregulars made it in the living room. Before the scruffy raccoon makes a leave out of the front doors, Rigby gives Skips this shit eating grin and holds up his right hand as if the yeti owed him something. Skips breathed hard through his nostrils, and digs in his tight jean pockets for Rigby's paycheck. He then hands the check to Rigby.

Rigby- [Takes his paycheck] Thanks, Skips. Before I go though, I just have to say 'thank you' for helping me and Mordecai out of the most outrageous situations. I really do mean that, bro.

Skips- [Smiles] Yeah, it was no problem and it was great having you around. [Scratches head] Just-...well, take good care of yourself, Rigby.

Rigby wondered why everyone was under the notion that he needed to take good care of himself. It was more than enough sympathy he can handle, especially since he wasn't getting anything out of it.

Rigby- [Raucous breath] Yeah, you too, Skips.

Finally, Rigby leaves the place from where he received his first job, and then walks towards the golf cart that was parked out in front. Rigby stares at the small boxes of junk of his possession and the folded trampoline in the backseat with this strange calm, and uncaring expression. Mordecai must have had made Rigby's side of the room totally immaculate.

Mordecai- Was Seth really okay with all this?

Rigby rolled his eyes. Eventually, Mordecai was going to have his say with the junkie raccoon.

Mordecai- You don't even work for the guy yet, and he is willing to adopt you.

Rigby- Hahahaha, shut up.

Rigby pulls out cigarette from his jackets 'pockets.

Mordecai- [Shakes head] I don't know what the hell you were thinking when you decided it was a good idea to blaze in the bathroom…during work.

Rigby takes a long drag from his cigarette and then looks up at Mordecai with a sarcastic smile.

Rigby- [Shrugs] You got me cause I don't know either.

Mordecai- Seriously, dude? I thought we quit smoking weed back during my senior year.

Rigby- Well, I obviously wasn't devoted to quit. Besides, I had no reason to quit since I didn't have school to worry about. I don't even know why I bother listening to you sometimes.

Mordecai- [Crosses arms] Yeah, well not only did you quit school, you just got fired from the only job you ever received. Maybe ever will receive.

Rigby- [Narrows eyes] That's not true, Mordecai. [Smug] I'm getting a new job as soon as I get over to Seth's place.

Mordecai- Don't forget he wants the whole band, not just you alone.

Rigby- Hmmm Hmmmm, where else is he going to find someone who can do arpeggios and trills? [Smug] He needs a lead guitarist like me.

Mordecai walks towards the driver's seat as Rigby settled his ass on the passenger's seat. Mordecai can clearly see that Rigby's eyes were still red.

Mordecai- Rigby when are you going to grow up?

Mordecai makes some doughnuts before he decides to drive away from the house.

Rigby- I am "grown up". I'm an adult.

Mordecai- Yeah, but here's the thing, "responsibility" completely goes over your head. What you did back there-

Rigby- [Grins] Getting high?

Mordecai unknowingly pushes the pedal harder, thus speeding a bit more.

Mordecai- Yeah. Getting high…you think what you did was funny? [Clicks tongue] Out of all the things we have done to piss off Benson, you getting high…in the bathroom…during work has got to be the worst one.

Rigby- Should I feel proud? Pfffft. You're over exaggerating, bro. And who cares? [Flails arms] I got outta that hell hole finally.

Mordecai- [Groans] Fuck, you can be so stupid sometimes.

Rigby- I'm not stupid, I just do stupid things.


Rigby- Okay! Name one from when we were little. Not stuff I did during high school or middle.

Mordecai- When we were six, you called "911" on me because I said a cursed word.

Rigby- [Laughs] Oh yeah…that's when we both decided to say "H" instead of hell, and shit. [Nods] Good times.

Mordecai couldn't help but smile about that. Even though he was grounded from what was Rigby's fault on that day, he wouldn't have changed that event ever. That memory was what basically got Mordecai and Rigby to start saying the corny things like "what the H?" or "How the H are we gonna fix this S?", and the best part was that their parents allowed it.

Mordecai parks the cart below the park's arch entrance, suddenly blocking the way in. He turns to look at his best friend with a serious gaze. Mordecai almost gets the urge to persuade Rigby to ask Eileen if he can stay with her for a bit, but then Mordecai thought that would only generate more problems. Especially for Eileen since he was aware that was not fair. There was that one thing that was still bothering Mordecai.

Mordecai- Don't sign any contracts just yet.

Rigby- I don't need you to tell me what to do.

Mordecai- Rigby! [Sighs] Just wait a little while…wait for me, alright? I need to sort some stuff with Benson first before I talk with Seth.

Rigby- [Grins slowly] Are you saying what I think you're saying?

Mordecai- [Ignore his remark] [Grips the wheel] Alright, let's go.

Mordecai drives out of the park and into the city.

Rigby- Hey, before I forget, can you make sure to feed Shark Bait and take care of him?

Mordecai- Of course.


Mordecai- [Reluctantly] All right, we're here…

Rigby struggles to get his trampoline from the backseat due to his feebleness, and it is sort of crammed in there.

Rigby- [Peeved] A little help maybe?

Mordecai walks to Rigby. He helps Rigby pull the trampoline out, but unfortunately, it bounced with an unexpected force and hit Rigby right in the face. Then it landed above him with its legs apart. Mordecai shakes his head.

Mordecai- Why can't you just sleep on a regular bed like what normal people do?

Even though the trampoline was going to be a bitch to carry up to Seth's apartment, Rigby had very few things packed. As they reached his apartment, Seth welcomed the duo rock stars with open arms and a goofy smile. Mordecai senses that Rigby wasn't the only who took some happy grass today.

Seth introduces a spare room to them where they can put Rigby's junk in. Obviously this would be the room Rigby would stay in for a bit. The reek of cigarettes was inescapable.

The last box was finally settled in Rigby's room.

Mordecai, Seth, and Rigby went to the living room, prompt their asses on his sofas, and talked some. Mordecai tells them that he can't stay too long because he had to get back to work. Rigby laughs at this. Everything is just about funny to that raccoon today, and it was irritating the blue jay a little bit, but he didn't say anything. Anything Mordecai had said to him seems like it just went in one ear and out the other one.

Mordecai gets up from the couch, and Rigby can already tell that he was ready to leave. Rigby was a little uncomfortable having his best bro apart like this even if it was just temporarily. Rigby is going to miss Mordecai's lack of company throughout this week…unless Mordecai changes his mind and joins alongside with the band's direction. The band isn't really broken up, but none of the members seemed to really think about how the band as a whole would end up. If Mordecai and Rigby go their separate ways, then for sure, the band "Mordecai and the Rigbys" would be put to the graveyard.

Mordecai stops the cart on a red light. A boring expression plastered on his face. He was not looking forward to working without Rigby today. Muscle Man and High 5 were undoubtedly going to talk all day about what happen to Rigby, since the two weren't there since Benson ordered them to get doughnuts. Mordecai looks to his right and sees the coffee shop. Margaret and Eileen has got to working right now.

Mordecai was craving for some coffee…and maybe a fresh glazed doughnut…and maybe some Margaret.

He drives over there and parks his cart lazily. He can see though the window Margaret taking orders from frequent customers. The bells ding as Mordecai enters the shop.

He takes a seat. He's greeted by Eileen first.

Mordecai- What's Margaret doing?

Eileen- She's busy making some kid a strawberry milkshake in the back.

Mordecai- Ice cream this early? [Chuckles] Dang. Ahh…hey Eileen, I have news to tell you.

Eileen- Oh, really? What is it?

Mordecai- It's about Rigby.

Eileen- Oh…

Eileen takes a seat next to him. Clearly it wasn't good news.

Mordecai- [Deep sigh] He was fired today.

Eileen- What? Why?

Mordecai- He was caught smoking weed in the bathroom.

Eileen- W-what?

Mordecai- Yeeaaah…turns out Rigby is still doing weed. Even though we promised to stop since high school, so we can get serious with our life, and get a job…especially when we get a job, but he wasn't ready to quit, I guess.

Glancing across the counter, Margaret can see the two converse with one another. She was so curious to know what the two's relationship was considering the fact that they were talking to each other more than usual.

Eileen- Wow…

Mordecai- Yeah, and well, he is crashing at one of our friend's apartment. No one from the park, but someone who lives in the city.

Eileen- Do you know for how long?

Mordecai- Errrrrr…somewhat. It's really complicated to explain. Maybe I'll have him call you and he can explain it all to you later.

Eileen- Alright, if you say so, Mordecai. [Smiles] I trust you.

Margaret- Hey, what's going on?

The two didn't expect Margaret's sudden presence. They looked up quickly. Already Mordecai was getting nervous. He hates how he can be so chill with other girls except Margaret at times.

Mordecai- Hey, Margaret. Umm…we were just talking.

Margaret puts the coffee pot down on the table.

Margaret- Really? About what?

Eileen could tell that Margaret was pressuring them. From the tone of her slightly stern voice, with that fake smile, her hands on her hips, and those determined eyes, she can tell something was bothering the red robin.

Eileen- It's about Rigby. He just got fired today.

Margaret's attitude unexpectedly switched into a worried one. She composes herself better.

Margaret- Oh my gosh, what happened?

Mordecai- Uhh, he was caught smoking pot in the bathroom this morning.

Margaret- What? That's a stupid thing to do.

Mordecai- [Chuckles] Yeah, and that's what I told him and he doesn't give a shit. At first, he was a little upset about losing his job, but now he's acting like it is some kind of blessing in disguise or something.

Margaret- Wow, I cannot believe he would do something like that. I mean, I know Rigby can be a little immature sometimes-

Mordecai- A little?

Margaret- [Sighs] Okay, okay. He is very immature, but still, I can't believe he actually did something like that.

Mordecai- Pffft, Rigby's been changing his attitude for worse ever since we started our band.

Eileen- [Mumbles] I think Rigby is just going through a phase…he just needs time to collect himself again.

A random customer calls one the waitresses over to take her order. Margaret was about to go to the customer, but Eileen grabbed her arm to stop her.

Eileen- I'll get this one. Don't sweat it.

Margaret- Oh, thank you, Eileen.

Eileen noticed this entire time Mordecai was fixated on Margaret when she arrived. She thought it was time for her to help him on his love interest. She winks over to Mordecai, which unfortunately, Margaret saw that, and in that instant she mistook the gesture's real meaning. She looks over to Mordecai to see him smile at her.

Margaret- You and Eileen seem to get along very well.

Mordecai tilts his head, confused about her comment.

Mordecai- Ummm…yeah, of course.

Margaret- Hmmmm…

She walks around the table to get closer to him.

Margaret- I mean, it's like you guys are starting to get really close or something.

She takes a seat next him.

Mordecai- I'm…not sure what you're saying, Margaret.

Margaret folded her hands in front her still wanting to have this conversation with him.

Margaret- Well, I mean you guys are…talking a lot. Seems like you two are sharing more of a…closer bond or something.

Even though Margaret was being careful with what words she chose to say, Mordecai can already see what she was implying. Disbelief was displayed all over his face.

Mordecai- [Amused] Wait, are you saying that Eileen and I are, like, "together" or something?

Margaret averts her eyes. She can hear the truth from his underlying tone of his voice and she knows this was about to get awkward for her.

Margaret- Um, no?

Mordecai gives her this smirk.

Margaret- No? Ah, I don't know. I mean, I catch you guys talking a lot. Then you go and ask for her number, and I know she's a nice girl and you're a nice guy. So, I guess it would make sense in some way that you guys can possibly-

Mordecai- No.

Margaret blinks at him.

Margaret- What?

Mordecai- Eileen and I are just friends. Sure, we have been talking a lot and it is mostly because [blushes]….um, because it's about Rigby. She is so worried about him and stuff. But, no. Eileen and I are not "together".

Margaret drew in a deep breath. She was relieved about the clarification. Of course, she was also embarrassed about her behavior.

Mordecai prevents himself from chuckling. This wasn't the first time Margaret was jealous about another girl.

Mordecai- But there is this one girl I really like though.

Margaret gives him a look.

Margaret- [Fuming] Who is this girl?

Mordecai- [Sighs lovingly] Oh, she is a really great girl. She has a wonderful smile. We're friends and all, but I know in some way, we click.

Mordecai can see that his teasing was only making her more frustrated. He liked this.

Mordecai- [Blushes] But still I get butterflies in my stomach because I really, really like her. She is this down to earth kind of girl, and she'll pretty much help anyone out the best she can. [Chuckles] I can't even explain it. Like, she practically lives a modest life but she can be outgoing, too. She loves to travel a lot and she appreciates the simplest of things. And I know all she wants is to be free from her lifestyle, and be happy like that. [Peeved a bit] Sadly though, most of her ex-boyfriends obviously couldn't see that beautiful side of her and that's their fault! Those assholes don't deserve someone so wonderful like her.

Mordecai pauses a bit and stares directly into Margaret's eyes. He was obviously flushing this entire time as he was talking, but he doesn't care. Even if this is the closet this confession can get, he is determined to finish what he has to say.

Mordecai- Right now, she is in college and she studies really hard. Even though I try to grab her attention, I don't think she notices cause she's so caught up with work, or either something that is stressing her out. I can see how working in the Coffee Shop with customers screaming at you to take their orders, family, stupid ex-boyfriends, and school can really wan someone down.

Margaret could not suppress the surprised look on her face. Her white cheeks 'feathers hued redder, nearly matching her natural red-feathered head. Her mouth slightly agape, trying to utter some words out, although nothing but absurd rambling spewed out of her beak. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Mordecai was describing the girl sitting right next to him.

Margaret- Oh…um, wow…[combs her feather-head with her fingers] I, um….

Mordecai- You know, I wonder why this girl always gets so jealous when I'm around other girls…[Grins] [points at her accusingly] Hey, you don't think she likes me, like, in a boyfriend type of way, right?

Margaret giggles and looks away bashfully.

Margaret- Well, why wouldn't she? You're such a great guy, you know?

Mordecai laughs, feeling so elated about what the two bird's relationship was turning into.

Mordecai- [Flirtatiously] Well, that's great because I been trying to ask her out and-

Another customer calls over for a waitress. Eileen was too occupied with other customers, she couldn't handle that one.

Eileen- Margaret! Can you please get that one for me? I'm kinda busy here.

Margaret- Okay! I'll be right there!

Before Margaret left she turns to Mordecai, a bit flustered because they were interrupted in such an improper way.

Margaret- I'm…sorry. I have to get back to work.

Mordecai- Yeah, sure. Hahaha, actually I have to get back to work, too…so…

Margaret- Yeah…

Mordecai- M-maybe we can go hang out sometime at my house? Yeah?

Margaret- [Ecstatic] Yes! I would love to! [Embarrassed] [Calms down some] Errr, I mean I would like to. After 8:00?

Mordecai- Sure! See you then.

Margaret watches Mordecai exit the Coffee Shop. She reaches over to grab the coffee pot again. As soon as he left, she breaths out finally and her chest feels tight. She smiles involuntarily.

Random customer- Hey Miss? Can I order my food now, please?

Margaret- Yes! I'm sorry. I'm going over there right now, sir.


Guys, you can thank that last episode because it made me update this chapter. I have been working on this, but "TGI Tuesday" helped me finish this last bit.

Anyways, about Thomas, I'm going to introduce him soon. Don't worry, kay? But seriously, this is the last time I'm asking this. Who do you think should play bass? Someone suggested Thomas…that sounds like a good idea…What do you guys think? :)

If you see any mistakes in here, please tell me.