"One more minute dude! I just need one more minute!"

"Rob, I don't wanna rush you, but you really need you to hurry it up a little-"

"One more minute? You've been saying 'one more minute' for the past twenty freaking minutes! What the hell have you been doing over there, updating your Facebook status?"

"Who was even talking to you Artemis? Because I didn't hear Rob say anything about needing an expert in being negative! When the mission calls for someone to complain and point out the obvious, we'll be sure-"

"Status update: In battle. Playing with wrist comm. while other team members get asses kicked. Maybe get pizza later when everyone else is dead-"

"Were you talking to her Rob, because I'm pretty sure you said 'dude.'"Kid Flash paused, a foot on some thug's chest. "Unless you have something to tell us Arty." He shoved the man beneath him into the hard oak desk for emphasis.

The archer cartwheeled and hit another thug in the jaw with her bow, sending him flying back into the office's dark wood paneling. He hit with a satisfying thud. "Oh, I'll tell you something alright-"

"Guys! Could you both stop arguing for like, five minutes? This system is giving me the runaround-"

"Okay Robin, just give me one more minute!" Artemis snarled, whipping an arrow out of her quiver and aiming for particularly brutish man's knee. She fired and watched with glee as he collapsed in on himself and fell to the floor. Well, at least something is going right tonight.

"Guys, I'm serious! Every time I try to hack the mainframe I keep being rerouted into different portals." Robin's head nodded down at his wrist before coming back up to the computer screen. "None of the usual codes are working!"

"You're making it sound like this guy's personal computer is holding the secret of life or something." Kid Flash ducked as a henchman pulled a thick plank from the wall and swung it him. Faster than the man could blink, Kid wretched the makeshift weapon from his hands and turned it against him, smacking him across the face. The thug sunk to the floor.

" 'Cause it could man! The Bat didn't say what kind of files were on here, only that this business tycoon dude might be pulling some kind of shady deal with the Shadows. This could be the kind of break we need!" Robin groaned. "If I could only now break this security lock!"

Giving the last conscious guard in the room a good roundhouse kick to the stomach, Artemis vaulted to the oak desk and peered over Robin's shoulder. Thousands of lines of fluorescent green zeros and ones flashed back, leaving her head spinning and spots in her eyes.

"See, not so easy, is it?" She blinked. Robin was looking up at her, trademark insane grin already pulling at his lips.

Fighting the urge to punch his pearly white teeth out, Artemis sighed. "Can you just get back to figuring this out so we can all go home? I'd like to get some sleep tonight."

The Boy Wonder actually laughed, turning to face the screens once more. "People still do that?"

"What, sleep?" Artemis hissed. She had ran out of patience around the time some idiot had dragged her about the office by her ponytail, and really wasn't in the mood for Robin's frequently pointless mind games.

"What else would we be talking about?"

Artemis stared at the boy in disbelief. "Why that's the stupidest thing I've ever-"

"Nah, it's totally true." Kid Flash was suddenly beside them, and the archer flinched for a quick second before balling her hands into fists and locking her stance.

She hated how he could sneak up on her like that.

She also hated how Robin didn't even react to someone just randomly appearing next to him out of thin air.

"Rob doesn't sleep. Like ever. I think he might be some kind of vampire." Kid continued, whispering conspiracy.

"Bleh! I vant to suck your blood!" Robin chuckled and pulled his cape over to cover his face. "Bleh!"

" How do I always get stuck with you two?" Artemis moaned as Kid Flash snickered and pretended to have fangs.

At this moment, Aqualad ran in from the hall, followed in hot pursuit by Miss Martian and Superboy. Breathlessly he said, "Have the incriminating documents been obtained?"

"I just need one more minute."

"Of course you do." The archer slumped against the bookcase to her right.

"No, for real this time." Robin's fingers were flying, moving in one big blur. The five other teenagers crowded around him, all leaning in and craning their necks over each other in an attempt to see better.

"Hello Megan, you can fly!" M'gann hit her head, floating above Aqualad.

Artemis wished she would stop saying that catchphrase from that blasted TV show. It grated on her nerves on a good day.

This was not a good day.

"Annnnnnnd… done." Robin said, ending with a flourish of his hand.

The Young Justice team watched in wonder as a simple message appeared on the computer screen.

Then came the horror.

Aqualad started to read the note out loud. "If you are reading this, you have completed this test mission. Report tomorrow for real mission. Batman."

"This was a test?" Kid Flash was quiet, but growing louder. "I missed my precious sleep time for a test!"

Aqualad closed his eyes.

"I guess he wanted to see if we were ready for the … real … mission?" Miss Martian squeaked unhelpfully.

"Well, obviously we weren't ready if it took Boy Genius over here two hours to hack a damn calculator." Artemis regarded them all coldly. It was times like these when she couldn't tell the difference between her new team training and still being under her father's demanding thumb.

"I think that was because this is Wayne Tech." Looking under the desk, Robin poked at the wires. "You think this is Wayne Tech? Now that software is real hard to hack-"

"Why are you so happy right now, dude?" Kid Flash nearly shouted, pacing the room at faster and faster revolutions. "Your mentor just completely trolled us!"

"Because he does stuff like this all the time." Robin remarked nonchalantly, as though he was describing the weather. "You know," His voiced dropped into a gravelly monotone. "'Prepare for anything' and 'Always have fifteen backup plans.'" He glanced at the murderous expressions surrounding him . "No one else does this kind of training?"

"No." They all spoke in unison.

To that, Robin could only shrug. "Do you think he put up cameras to watch us?" Darting around the room, he prodded at floor lamps and pulled out books from the shelves. "I bet he put up cameras."

No one dared to say a word as Robin practically pranced across the room, all opting instead to think about how Batman was probably all up in the Batcave or Batjet or Batwhatever Batlaughing his Batass off.

"I feel … whelmed." Superboy finally muttered gravely.

"So do I big guy," Artemis murmured. "So do I."

A/N: Ah, the fresh smell of new story. Don't know how long this one is going to be, only that it's going to have have the Team dealing with school in between missions, Batman trolling, Artemis angst, haircuts, death defying, Red Arrow PMSing, Cheshire, WallArt, SuperMartian, and maybe even a little Robin/Toaster.

Yeah, I don't know where I'm going with this either. Should be fun though.