Author's note: Hey. So this is my first ever fanfic. Please take it easy on me. XD And thank you so much for taking your time to read it. Mwah!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gallagher Girls. Ally Carter does.

Chapter 1: The Break-Up

Cameron Ann Morgan hunched her shoulders and lowered her head as she walked the dark cobbled streets of Roseville. She was a total wreck. Her face was tear-streaked, and her eyes were red-rimmed.

Josh Abrams, her boyfriend for almost two years, broke up with her. Cammie never expected for that to happen. Ever. She thought he loved her. She thought she was the only one for him. She was wrong. Very wrong indeed.

Josh loves Deedee. His best friend since he was just in kindergarten. He just realized his love for her when he found out that she was dating Keith, a new student in Roseville High, where they were sophomores.

He did not tell Cammie the real reason why he broke up with her. He thought that it would hurt her too much. He just told her that he was not the one for her.

Their worlds were totally different. Josh came from a middle class family while Cammie came from a rich and sophisticated family. They just simply do not belong in each others worlds.

She tried to argue, but to no avail. He just kept shaking his head and saying, "You don't understand. We have to break-up. We don't belong with each other."

Cammie sniffled and bumped into someone tall, lean and muscular. She did not have to look up to know who it was. His smell was enough for her to recognize him.

It was Zachary Goode. He seems to have a knack of showing himself at times when Cammie is in distress.

Zach hugged hugged her tightly. She hugged him back. She did not realize that she was cold until she felt Zach's warmth.

He was not behaving normally. He was usually cocky, sarcastic, witty and arrogant. Now, he was being sweet and sensitive.

Zach might not know what happened to her, but one look at her and he knew that something was wrong.

He pushed her towards him more. Zach rested his head on Cammie's head. Her hair smelled like strawberries and vanilla.

Whoever made her like this is going to pay, Zach thought grimly.

He did not know why he was so protective of her. Did he like her? He does not know, but there sure is something about Cammie that Zach simply cannot resist.

Zach sighed. "Gallagher Girl, what's wrong?" he asked. His voice was slightly muffled by Cammie's hair, but she could still hear him. She was a spy-in-training afterall.

She looked up at him. Her eyes were full of sorrow. "I don't wanna talk about it," she answered, her voice almost breaking.

Zach nodded. He was going to find out about it sooner or later.

They broke apart. He put his arms around her shoulders. Cammie was shivering, so Zach removed his black leather jacket and placed it around her. She gave him a sad smile.

They walked back to Gallagher Academy slowly, and in silence.

They reached Cammie's room. Cammie and Zach looked at each other.

Zach wondered what happened to her that made her such a mess. He smiled at her. His first ever genuine smile. Not his usuall cocky smirk.

Cammie gave him a small smile. Zach's heart soared at the sight of her smile. He thought she was never going to smile in her condition.

"Thanks for bringing me back here."

Zach nodded. As quickly and quietly as they met each other tonight, he disappeared in the darkend hallway.

Cammie's eyebrows furrowed. He was sweet and caring at one point, and now, he was back to being his mysterious old self.

She opened the door to her room slowly, trying to prepare herself for her three best friend's interrogation about what happened between her and Josh tonight.

Cammie was sure that what she was going to tell them, will shock them.

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