Hey folks! This is the last chapter of the story, I hope you all enjoyed the ride. I certainly did. There will be a next episode, so those of it who are following, don't worry. I am however going travelling on Sunday, first to Amsterdam to visit family, (I will have internet access) and then to Morocco. So there'll be a short break, but you will get your stories.

Again, I don't own Rizzoli and Isles. I'm not writing for profit, though as it's technically therapy for me, I'm using that as profit.



The detective swore she heard her name and then gave the breast in her hand a quick clench. "Jane…"

Suddenly she felt herself thrown further into the bed as Maura disengaged.

"What?" Jane crawled up the mattress and found her pillow, this one made of cotton and not skin and flesh.

"We are late," Maura pulled out a pair of briefs and shrugged them up her legs, wincing a little in pain. She had never had sex so much in one night, and to say she was sensitive was an understatement. "We are so, so late."

"Late?" Jane sat up, smacking her lips as she cautiously opened her eyes. Peering blearily at the time she felt the panic rise in her chest. "Shit! Shit…shit shit shit." Hopping out of bed as fast as she could, the brunette pulled on a pair of boxers, then a clean pair of jeans. "Owww!"

"I know," Maura sighed and ran a brush through her hair. "I'm the same." She sighed at Jane's unruly hair. "Here…"

"No… no," Jane shook her head and threaded her fingers through the her locks. "This'll have to do. Brush just makes me look like Brian May."

Maura smiled and they quickly got their things together, brushing their teeth and making quick toilet stops before making their way to work. Jane opened the door to her car and Maura hopped in, holding in the moan of pain as she sat down too quick. Jane followed and both women had to take a breath as they got accustomed to their sore aching bodies.


"You said it," Jane sighed and shook her head. "Alright… let's face the music."

Half an hour later and both women casually walked into the building, Maura hastily disappearing so that nobody would make a comment about their unruly state of appearance at security. Jane slunk into the elevator joining her girlfriend and sighed. She leaned over and gave Maura a kiss before pulling away. "This is gonna be weird."

"I know," Maura said quietly. "We'll be okay though. It'll be okay."

"Goes without saying," Jane smiled and rubbed the palm in her hands with a thumb. "And despite the fact that I am so sore right now, and probably don't want sex for a long long while, last night was awesome."

Now Maura smiled brightly and leaned against her. "I agree."

"Good…" Jane kissed her again. "Just wanted you to know that. Because I'm gonna be whining all day." Maura grinned, then blinked when she saw that the elevator door had opened and Korsak and Frost were stood gawping.

"Gentlemen," she greeted them, walking away before she finally let the blush crawl up from her chest. Jane watched her leave and finally brought her eyes up to her colleagues.

"You are so so late," Frost warned. "Cavanaugh is snooping."

"Just what I need," Jane sighed and followed them to the bullpen. "We're an hour late."

"No, Jane… you, you're an hour and a half late." Korsak said. "Maura isn't, she's the chief M.E, she makes the rules. You on the other hand…"

"Alright, alright," she grumbled. "Maybe he'll let me off if I solve this thing," she sat down and started up her computer, tapping in her password before letting the Mac do the rest of the work for her.

"Good night last night, Rizzoli?" Korsak poked when things had settled down as he noticed her squirm in her chair.

"Shut up," she grumbled and rubbed her eyes. So she'd had three and a half hours sleep. She could deal with that. "Hey… hey, I've got something."

"What is it?" Frost swung his chair over towards Jane's desk.

"Beat you for once," she said smugly. "Emails… lots and lots of emails. BCU released them overnight." On the open window where dozens of emails to and from Femke Timmermans and Henry Luton. "Shit, look at this…" She pointed to one email to Luke Jacobs;

Luke, are we still on for tomorrow? Best, Femke. Jane clicked the next email hastily.

Meet me at Flat Black, 3pm. See you soon, Luke.

Frost sat back and blinked. "They were having an affair…"

Jane winced, not entirely sure. She could smell Maura before she heard or saw her. The doctor sat behind her, a gentle hand on her back. "We've found something…" She said distractedly and carried on looking at the computer. "Here look…" She dug out Henry's emails.

Henry, Femke and I have agreed, 3pm at Flat Black.. Hope to see you there, Luke.

"A threesome?" Frost's eyes squinted.

Maura laughed. "Sex on the brain, Barry?" He gulped and looked down. "Whatever it was, he's hiding something. Wonder what it is?"

Jane hummed, trying to figure things out. "Only one way to find out," she stood up hastily and grabbed her jacket. "Let's go Frost…" She turned and gave Maura a peck on the lips, pulling away less shakily this time. "See you in a bit." Maura nodded and sat back down in Jane's chair, looking over the emails.

Jane barged into Dr. Jacob's office with Frost behind her. "Afternoon, Lukey." She grinned and he sat up in his chair, putting down a student's paper.

"Afternoon, Detective Rizzoli…what can I do for you?" He asked, the same faux friendliness in his inflection, matching Jane's.

She plopped down into the chair in front of his desk and leaned forward, crossing her fingers under her chin. "What were you doing four days ago in Flat Black with Henry and Femke?"

"I went for a late lunch, we discussed some literature, some Poe, some Conan Doyle."

"Is that so?" Jane smirked. "And why those two? What made them so special?"

"They were my friends," the man said quietly. Jane saw sorrow in his eyes.

"Why. Them. Two?" She asked again and he looked up at them. "Were you sleeping with the both of them, Luke?"

"What? No!" He shook his head in slight disgust, "Listen, who do you think I am? Some freak who pounces on his best students then kills them? You've got the wrong man. I told you before, detective. I would not hurt them."

Still no leads. Jane sighed and her phone buzzed. We've got a warrant for Luke Jacobs' house. Jane showed Frost the text and tapped in a reply.

We'll be right there. No leads, no evidence, can't work this guy out.

She sighed and looked at him. "Even if you are innocent, you understand that withholding any evidence you know will put you through a lot more trouble than you could even imagine."

"Look, I've told you everything I know. I was friends with them yes, they were good kids, and they needed someone to talk to. They had hardly any friends, and I had a lot in common with them. Why don't you believe me?"

"Because you've got a guilty look on your face," Jane snarled. "And right now, despite the fact my gut's begging for breakfast, it's also screaming that something's not quite right with you. What about your wife?"

"What about her?" Luke frowned.

"How did she like it when you went for lunch with these two students. Was she pissed?"

"She didn't know…" He mumbled.

"So you were treating it like an affair." Jane asked as Frost typed a message to Korsak.

Do a background check on Donna Jacobs. She didn't know that her husband was seeing these two for friendly lunches. Could have found out?

On it. Korsak replied.

"It wasn't an affair." He insisted.

"Alright," for once she soothed him and stood. "That'll be all… for now."

He nodded, gulping slightly. They seemed to be going nowhere with this guy, he was too defensive. So it was time for the evidence.

At the bullpen half an hour later, Korsak greeted them with a worried stare. "Donna Jacobs… maiden name Heynes. Suffered three miscarriages in the passed five years. An attempted suicide in 2008. I think we got our perp."

"Shit," Jane growled. "So she's not well."

"Not at all…" Korsak sighed. "Here's the warrant."

Jane handed it to Frost and nodded. "We'll be careful," she answered the statement before Korsak even had a chance to speak and slapped his back. Soon they were away, travelling back to Newton.

Jane got out of the car and grabbed the holster of her gun, then slipped the weapon into her hand. Frost patted her gently and she turned, then put the gun back when she saw a car pull up in the drive way. Donna Jacobs' thin frame eased out of the car and looked at them with an enquiring stare. "Can I help you folks?"

Jane's eyes slitted. They still didn't have anything firm. "We have a search warrant, Mrs. Jacobs. We need access to the house.

"Of course… Apologies, I was just dropping some lunch off for my husband, come in." She said politely and Jane nodded.

"Get back up," Jane hissed to Frost who quickly turned and muttered down his phone. They entered the house, books everywhere. Literally… every single space on the shelves full of them. They questioned the woman a little more, trying to push any buttons that they could, but she wasn't budging. She acted completely normal. Keeping an eye on Donna, she searched in the kitchen, finding things clear before moving upstairs.

Maura arrived at BCU in a matter of minutes after hearing there had been another homicide. Corridors were quickly bordered off and she entered the room where various forensic investigators crowded. Maura entered and saw the name on the door. Dr. Luke Jacobs. His body was slumped in his chair, his throat slit. A box sat in front of the desk. Jacobs' ears inside. Ears…a noose, and a missing thumb. "Fuck… fuck," her shaky hands got up Jane's number on speed dial. "Sweetie."

"Hey… can't talk right now, at Jacobs' house."

"Get out of the house," Maura's voice shook. "Just...get out of that house."

"Where are you?" Jane traced her fingers around several detective novels on one of the bookshelves in Luke's bedroom.

"I'm at BCU, she's killed Luke Jacobs, honey…get out of that damn house, now." Maura growled, her back turning from the scene. "This woman isn't of a sound mind. And she's seemingly obsessed with Sherlock Holmes cases."

Jane rolled her eyes, finally seeing the strangeness of the deaths. "Don't worry about me, I'll get her. See you later."

"Jan-" Maura was cut off by the dial tone and shook her head, trying not to scream knowing her girlfriend had hung up on her.

Jane took the gun out of her holster once more. She dashed down the stairs to see Donna rifling through her kitchen drawers. "Mrs. Jacobs," she aimed the gun with Frost closely at her heels. "put your hands above your head." Donna froze, a sad smile covering her face. "You weren't giving your husband lunch, were you? You killed him, and you killed Femke and Henry, didn't you?" She watched as the woman slowly began to put up her hands. She nodded at an excruciatingly slow speed.

"He…He lied to me," the woman sniffed. "I tried so hard… I wanted those babies so bad, and he went away and he lied to me. He wanted them more than me."

Jane sighed. "Put your hands on the counter, head down on the surface for me, Mrs. Jacobs. We'll get you help." Tears flooded the distressed woman's face and she did as was asked, her shoulders shaking.

Jane nodded to Frost and they approached.

Just as Jane reached her, about to hold her down, Donna pulled a gun from out of her pocket and shot herself squarely in the head. The counter was splattered with blood and the troubled woman's eyes glazed over. Just like that…bang. Gone. Jane stood in shock, unable to move. All memories of shooting herself in the gut to kill Bobby had come back to haunt her in a flash flood of sensation. The handcuffs dangled from her fingers until they clattered to the floor.

Jane's eyes blurred when she looked down to see her own v-neck tee and blazer covered in blood. Donna's blood. Dark, red, warm blood. She felt a shake to her arm.


The brunette blinked. "Jane…hey, it's okay." Frost pulled her away. "Jane…"

Jane's eyes finally turned to her friend's face and she looked at him fuzzily. The gunshot still echoed around her mind and her thoughts were noisy and muddled. "Shit…" She tore away from the man, wiping her eyes.

"It's over…" Frost promised.

Jane shook her head. "It'll never be over…" She looked at him angrily, "It'll never go away. We'll always have these poor people who are sick and I just… I wasn't quick enough."

"You were," he said sadly, the house now deathly quiet. "You were… she did as you said. She did everything you told her to do. She would have finished it as soon as she could have. Even if you did arrest her. If you were too quick, you might have killed her anyway." He rubbed her back.

"Shit…" Jane rubbed her palms and walked away from the scene as she called it into headquarters. When she hung up, she saw an incoming call and picked it up.


"She shot herself, Maur… Right in front of me. " The husky voice broke and Jane swiped her face with her forearm irritably as an ambulance whirled down the street.

"Oh honey…" Maura sighed, hearing the hurt in her girlfriend's voice. "They've just taken Jacobs to the morgue."

"He was innocent. I think my gut's broken, Maura." Jane sniffled with a laugh.

"It's not broken…" Maura sighed with a bittersweet smile. "It's just a little damaged. And gut instinct doesn't exist anyway. At Cambridge university they conducted a test; surprisingly those who went more strongly with their gut feelings and used intuitive decision making were just people who were interestingly more aware of their own heartbeat. It's all about physiology."

"Why do I even miss you right now?" Jane sighed with a groan.

Maura chuckled, half winding her lover up. "I don't know whether to be insulted or not. I know you're sore, as am I, but would you appreciate a hug when I see you next?"

Jane closed her eyes. "I would love one."

"Okay," Maura smiled. "I'll see you in a little while."

Jane nodded hanging up, her hands and legs still shaking from the adrenaline rush. She watched as EMTs carried the body out of the house and saw Frost approach with a sympathetic look.

"You okay, Rizzoli?"

"Yeah," she snorted, holding her hands. "Shook me up."

"Was close," he nodded. "Hands hurting?"

"Tingling," the brunette replied. "Can you drive?"

"Sure," he nodded and they silently made their way back to Boston Police Department.

Jane feet worked automatically and she took the stairs down to the basement. Waving at Maura through the mirror of the crime lab, she gestured to the doctor's office and watched the blonde nod.

In ten minutes, Maura took a break and opened the door of her office to see the Jane curled up on the couch in the corner of the room. "Oh sweetie…"

Jane was silent and she let Maura lift her head, before the doctor slipped herself underneath. Jane buried herself in Maura's lap, letting the brunette wipe her wet face. "This world is so fucked up."

Maura nodded, her hands working constantly to clear the permanent stream of tears rolling down Jane's cheeks. She held the detective for a long while who let out small strangled sobs. It took an even longer time for the woman to stop crying.

"You sure you're okay? I umm… I've never seen you so upset from a case like this. Well… I have, but not one that wasn't personal."

Jane sniffed and looked up at the woman's face. "You've never seen it because I never let it out. Only when you're asleep." She saw Maura's lips thin. "What I don't understand is why Luke Jacobs would let his wife suffer like that. She was clinically depressed, and she hadn't been to her MD in 10 months. Maur…"

"I know, I know…" Maura rubbed her belly softly. "Hey…"

Jane looked up at her face, squinting slightly from the light on the ceiling. "Yeah…"

"Go get some snacks from the vending machine… I'm gonna finish up these autopsies and then we're going to the movies."

Jane's breath halted. "I uhh… I'm not sure I wanna have that much company," she said gently. "200 people… not so much fun."

"Then we'll bring the movies to us." Maura smiled, stroking through Jane's clammy hair.

"Can we get popcorn?"

Maura nodded, her lips spreading into a smile. "Whatever you want."

They broke away when a throat was cleared at Maura's office door. Korsak stood, leaning heavily against the frame. Jane spluttered and wiped her face, sitting up with an embarrassed blush rushing across her face. She was more embarrassed that it was obvious she'd been crying. "These are for you, Dr. Isles." He handed her the hard copies of the forensic photographs.

"I uhh… I better go," Jane sniffed and exited the room hastily.

"She okay?" Korsak frowned.

Maura sighed and gave a heavy shrug. "She's got a lot going on. Frost said the gun went off like two feet away from her. She's confused about us being out at work and she's shaken up that everybody knows now that Jane Rizzoli can open her heart."

Korsak sat down, frowning at the red, oval shaped seat. "This thing is uncomfortable."

Maura let out a smile. "Oh well. It's my chair, not yours…"

"You think she's changing? Or is she just… you know, just finding herself a little more?"

Again, Maura shrugged. "Whatever it is, she'll come out of that funk. I'm sure of it." She gave a confident smile and when Korsak finally eased himself out of the strange piece of furniture he put his hand on the doctor's shoulder.

"That she will," he nodded before leaving her to her own thoughts. "Still feel for Donna's family. They thought things were under control."

Maura sighed and nodded. "He kept her at home… she was left with her own papers and Arthur Conan Doyle books. Enough to drive anybody insane. The fact that her body physically couldn't house a fetus caused her to topple over. Endometriosis. Lots and lots of abrasions, scarring of the uterus."

He sighed, nodded and left, suddenly wanting to join Jane in her vending machine picnic.

That night, after Jane had finally settled down and filled in countless reports, Maura brought them both home. Jane snuggled up to Joe Friday, hastily changing into her sweatpants and grabbing a blanket to cover her body. "Donna was wearing a green jacket," she murmured coldly.

Maura sighed and sat down, having picked a few DVDs from her extensive collection. She gathered the quiet detective into her arms. "We did it, Jane…we figured it out."

"Not quick enough," Jane shook her head. "Doesn't help that you distract me so bad."

The blonde's eyes widened. "You're blaming me for Luke Jacobs' death?" Maura sat up, a warning tone to her voice.

"No, no!" Jane shook her head. "I…I didn't mean to say that, I just meant… I meant that I'm trying to get settled in a relationship, and at the same time people are dying out there, nearly me, and I can't work it out faster because you're so damn gorgeous, my head's turned to mush."

"Physically impossible," Maura said. Jane snorted. "Come here…" She lay down and watched as Jane settled her head against her breast. "Lie on the other one," she chuckled, wincing.

"Sorry," Jane smirked remembering the several love-bites she'd put there last night and re-nestled herself against Maura's chest. She counted on her fingers, "The Engineer's Thumb, The Adventure of the Resident Patient… and, uhh…"

Maura sighed, wishing the detective wouldn't torture herself like this. "The Adventure of the Cardboard Box. Those ears were pretty much torn off." She continued to trail hands through Jane's long locks. "Malloy said the guys found dozens and dozens of papers Donna had written. Some dating from her freshman year, some from one to two years ago."


"I know," Maura said gently, still tracing her fingers around Jane's face. She felt the brunette looked up and gave her a soft kiss. "We'll be okay…"

Jane grumbled and settled back down. "I'm hungry."

"Really? That doesn't surprise me," Maura smiled, massaging her girlfriend's scalp. "I think we still have some pasta left over from last night, I don't know whether that will sate your hunger though. And I suppose you don't want take out."

Jane suddenly sat up with scared eyes and shook her head. "No… No, no take out."

"Hey," Maura soothed her quickly. "No take-out. Promise." She said and lifted the phone from the coffee table, trying hard not to roll them both onto the floor. "Angela?"

"Is everything okay?" the woman asked.

"We're fine…" Maura watched Jane roll her eyes. "We need a favor actually."

"Sure, sure…"

"Make us a pizza?" Jane grabbed the phone and giggled down the receiver.

"Jane…" Angela sighed and there was a long pause. "Anchovies, with or without?"

"Without," Jane chuckled. "You sure you don't mind?"

"Sweetheart, I'm bored stiff." The woman whined.

"Well come over here then, we're having movie night." Jane said casually and Maura's hands stalled from stroking her girlfriend's hair. Maybe the woman was changing.

"Right… I'll be an hour… with your pizza," she laughed. "Extra cheese?"

"On one side," Jane squirmed to get comfy as Maura's knee poked into her backside. "And olives."

"Alright," Angela smiled and wrote down the 'order'. "See you soon."


"And Jane? You sure you don't mind? I don't want to impose… if you know what I mean," she said slowly.

Jane rolled her eyes. "No imposing. Just want pizza."

She hung up and handed the phone back to Maura shaking her head. "She really is lonely huh?"

Maura smiled and smelled the woman's hair. "Yes, but also… she's your mother. And you mean the world to her, even if she shows that by nagging and making sure you're okay every waking minute of the day."

Jane huffed and snuggled closer. "Hmm… but I get pizza. Yay," she mumbled and closed her eyes. After the poisoning, she thought she'd never feel safe in her own house again, but here she was, lying on Maura's chest, arms tightened around her waist, hearing her heartbeat and feeling rather secure.


Two days later and Frost, Korsak, Frankie and the new couple found themselves enjoying rounds of beer, wine for Maura, at the Dirty Robber. Jane's arm was casually wrapped around the woman's shoulder and she took a sip from her bottle of Corona.

"I still don't understand," Maura frowned. "How do you have proof women talk that much more than men?"

"Sweetie… it's a joke." Jane said gently.

"Then it's not a very good joke." The woman crossed her arms.

The detective laughed. "Do statistics matter? It's saying that men don't have as good a memory as women."

Maura shrugged and huddled closer to Jane, not liking that everybody was laughing at her lack of humor on the matter. "Here…drink up." Jane passed the woman her wine glass before her girlfriend could argue anymore and Maura rolled her eyes but did as she was asked.

The more drunk the doctor got, the more she understood the jokes and began to laugh with her friends. Suddenly Korsak slammed his hand down on the table and fumbled with his tie. "Uh-oh… here he goes…"

"You've done this before I take it," Maura slurred slightly as she leant on Jane and watched the older man suddenly tie the garment to his head. "Jane…What is he…"

"Does it every time," Jane sat back with a gleeful grin.

Vince stumbled a little, then swigged down the last of his beer before making his way to the "stage," which to Maura, just looked like an oversized step.

"Korsak's a great fan of the Boss." Jane smirked and watched her own boss grab the microphone from Liam, a young but experienced compere.

"Cavanaugh?" Maura frowned, completely confused. This was her first karaoke night, and in all honesty it felt like she'd landed on an alien planet and was forced into some strange form of intergalactic entertainment.

Jane tutted. "Springsteen," she snorted slightly and looked at her girlfriend. "Really?" Maura shrugged but allowed a smile, her head settling back in its happy place. "Don't get too comfy, you do realize we're going up there in a bit."

"What? No… I thought we were just getting…entertained," Maura tried to reason with her but Jane shook her head.

"Nope, nope, nope. We're singing. And I'm picking," she flicked through the booklet of songs as the music started and Korsak sang, or rather, bellowed the first verse.

"Boooorn down in a dead man's tooown,

The first kick I took hmmhmmhit the grounnnd,

You end up like a dog that'sbeentoobeentoobeat too muchhh." The man was so passionate about his singing, Maura had to hold her mouth shut. She knew she could laugh quite loudly at times, and though this was humorous beyond words, she didn't want Vince to stop.
"Boooooooorn in the USAAAA I was boooorn in the USA," he suddenly began to air guitar and Maura slunk further down into Jane's arms, hiding the intense giggling fit.

Jane smiled and wrapped her arms around her tightly, nuzzling her hair as the backing music rang throughout the pub.
"He's actually not so bad… if he didn't slur the words," Maura commented, her attempts at stopping the shivering thanks to Jane's kisses against her neck failing miserably.

"See that's where you're wrong," Jane husked. "He can only sing when he's drunk."

"At least he can hold a tune," Maura laughed, lifting her neck for more kisses. They watched Korsak darting around the stage as he received the attention from his 'fans'.

"Bet you didn't think you'd see this, huh?"

"Never in a million years," Maura looked back and accepted the kiss that was being offered, slowly exploring Jane's lips. Jane's eyes slitted open and she was pleased to notice Frost and Frankie bickering over their choices of songs, ignoring them completely. She felt Maura's urgent tongue demand entrance and closed her eyes once more, relaxing into the embrace. She broke away before it got too heated. "You know what you wanna sing?"

"I don't want to sing," Maura's eyes fluttered open and she whined. She looked forward, keeping her eyes on Korsak as Jane's fingers drew little patterns on her arms, causing goose pimples to prick her skin.
Jane sighed. "Alright…"

"I didn't say I wouldn't." The doctor gave a tipsy grin. "But I need another drink. A shot of some sort…"

Jane chortled with a disbelieving shake of the head and bent down to kiss her again. Korsak finished with roars of drunken applause from the punters who knew him rather well and the brunette disengaged to give her ex-partner a congratulatory slap on the back. He did a tumbling bow, then stood up and plopped back down in his seat looking completely worn out with his tie drooping over his eyes.

"Bar. Anybody want anything?" Jane asked, tapping Maura to get her standing. Korsak and Frost shook their heads but Frankie pointed for another beer.

Jane held Maura's hand as they walked towards the bar. The medical examiner watched with fascination as Frankie suddenly hopped up and grabbed the microphone. An introduction sounded out and Jane rolled her eyes as her little brother began to sing.

"Elvis?" Maura smirked.

"Everytime…" Jane laughed. "He used to do nights here…"

"Singing?" The smaller woman's mouth was wide-open.

"Sure," Jane smiled, rubbing her back. Maura's lips closed and she shook her head.

"Can you sing? Apart from in the car."

"That was me singing," Jane huffed.

"Good, neither can I" Maura laughed and bent closer, pecking her on her cheek with a condescending pat to the other.

Jane grumbled, and gestured to get Murray's attention. "What'll it be, girls?"

Jane put her hand on the bar. "Two slippery nipples, two more beers, and…"

Maura bit her lip and looked around the bar. "A beer," she said proudly, not really caring what she drank. If she was going to sing, she'd need to wet her whistle. Jane's eyebrows raised but she nodded and Murray tottered off to get the order. Maura leant against her heavily. "What's a slippery nipple?"

Jane's mouth widened. "You don't know?"

"Should I?"

"Sweetie, you can name every cocktail from A to Z."

"Is it a cocktail?" Maura's eyes were heavy but she still had that manic grin on her face.

"A shooter. Oh man you're gonna kill me in the morning."

"Now why would I do a thing like that?" Maura turned in her arms and lay her head on Jane's shoulder.

"God ,your brother has a nice voice."

"Don't get any ideas," Jane joked and felt them both start to sway to the music. Take my hand. Take my whole life, too. For I can't help falling in love with you. "Hey… you okay?"

Maura looked up sniffling. "I just… I had no idea it would be this easy."

"What would?" Jane frowned.

"Just… being here, with you… like this." They danced slowly, Maura's arms wrapped tightly around Jane's neck, completely unaware of anybody in the bar. Jane knew that if she had drunk one beer less she wouldn't be able to be this open, but she knew what Maura meant. Like a river flows, surely to the sea. Darling so it goes, some things are meant to be

Jane giggled suddenly. "This is Pop's fault you know…"

"What is?" Maura asked.

"Elvis… He used to play tapes in the car… And in the end he started to hate him 'cause Frankie became obsessed."

"I wish I'd seen you when you were little…and Frankie. And Tommy even."

"Tommy just broke his bones all the time." Jane snorted as the song and their dance began to end.

"Ouch." Maura murmured. Jane nodded. She looked up to see the drink orders already on the bar.

"Here…" Jane stepped out of the embrace and handed the shot glass to Maura.

"Oh that's very pretty," the doctor giggled and held the strange concoction.

"Ready?" Jane smiled and Maura nodded excitedly. "One, two, three." They threw them back and Maura frowned, smacking the lips.

"Well that's just tasty."

"Right?" Jane laughed and leaned forward to kiss the excess of liquid off Maura's upper lip. "And it gets you drunk." Maura chuckled when they broke away for the second time and took a sip of her beer. "Come on… Frankie's gonna be whining that his throat's getting sore."

"Actually… I need to go to the bathroom. Back in a moment," Maura patted her side and watched her leave. She took a shaky breath and shot back her beer, taking three long swigs before it was gone.

"You don't want me to come with you?" Jane wagged her eyebrows.

Maura scoffed and shook her head, pushing herself passed. "Back in a moment," she repeated and disappeared off to the toilet.

Jane huffed and sat back down with the party. "You gonna sing, Frost?" She grinned and handed the beer to her brother. "You seemed kinda eager earlier."

"You want me to puke in your hair?" He counted, sighing and holding his head up off the table.

"No thanks," she scrunched up her face and looked at Frankie who was staring at her with disbelieving eyes.

"You're really happy, huh?" He looked at her dreamy face.

"Yeah, Frankie. I am." She nodded and dared herself to look into her little brother's eyes. He was smiling at her.

"Finally…" Frankie chuckled, causing the rest of the boys to laugh too. Ten minutes had gone and Jane began to panic a little.

Take a chance, take a chance, take a chance take a take a chance chance.

The music started up and she looked around frantically until she noticed Maura, her blouse tucked up into her cleavage, a microphone in hand.

Maura looked directly at her, shakily singing down the mic as nerves overwhelmed her. "If you change your mind, I'm the first in line, honey I'm still freetake a chance on me."
Jane's eyes widened comically, trying not to stare at her girlfriend's bare belly. She began to grin when Maura's confidence grew. She also cursed the day she ever introduced Maura to Mamma Mia.

It was the night Ian left, and the women had held each other all night. Jane had brought a selection of feel-good movies and Angela had practically thrust the film into her hands when she asked her mother which ones would be effective. Did she regret it? She wasn't sure… it was cute to have a "movie" together. One that they'd look back on and admit their feelings were so obvious for so long.

Maura was weak that night, her heart aching. But now… She saw Maura's outstretched hand and whined, shaking her head frantically. So she had been bluffing. She really didn't want to get onto the stage. Though she was drunk, she also knew she'd embarrass herself.

"If you're all alone, when the pretty birds have flown, honey I'm still free take a chance on me," Maura grabbed her hand and pulled the sulking, highly embarrassed woman up. She swaggered to the stage, hand in hand with the detective, a grin plastered on her face. She sang a little longer until she pressed the microphone up to Jane's face.

Jane focused on the words in front of her and tried to fog out the crowd. Maura was having fun, and Jane was going to let her. "Wewe can go dancing," Jane stumbled a little but felt a gentle squeeze to her ass and held in a bark of laughter.

Maura pulled the mic away, and Liam quickly handed one to Jane. "We can go walking as long as we're together…"She pulled on Jane's hand and they faced each other. Jane's slippery nipple suddenly caught up with her and she let out a goofy grin as they carried on with the song.

"Cause you you know I've got, so much that I wanna do, when I dream I'm alone with you it's magic."

Jane's line brought wolf whistles from the BPD table and she turned a deep scarlet. "You're dead meat," she mouthed to Maura who winked back, as she sang her own line.

They were out of tune, but for the moment, the rest of the Dirty Robber didn't seem to care. Their chemistry was off the charts and the regulars found themselves pulling at their collars awkwardly. J

ane reached out casually and flipped the woman's blouse back down, causing a squawk of outrage from Maura. She laughed though and pulled Jane close and they blearily looked at the lyrics.

Take a chance, take a chance, take a take a chance chance

Jane frowned. The lyrics were eating at her as the song came to an end, and she knew it was just because she was drunk. Why would she let some ABBA song get to her otherwise? Whatever the reason was, she had no need to worry, as Maura all but jumped into her arms.

She smiled into the kiss that was suddenly happening and wrapped her arms around the medical examiner. The wolf whistles exploded into hoots, applause and general praise. Both women were trying not to laugh and they finally broke away as the backing music died on them. The clapping continued and Jane took a drunken bow, gesturing to Maura who curtsied with a small wobble.

They began to get embarrassed and hopped off the stage, making their way back to their booth. Korsak was still babbling mindlessly about having seen Maura's abs and Frost looked even more queasy, having done a tequila slammer to try and see if what they'd just done was all a dream. Frankie just gave them a gentle grin and a wink. Jane smiled back, wrapping her arms around the amber haired woman who was now snuggling close to try and fend off any embarrassment she felt.

"Jane…" Jane felt the whisper against her ear roughly half an hour after they had performed.


"Take me home," Maura grinned, swiping her tongue over Jane's neck. The detective didn't have to be told twice and pushed Maura up, throwing her coat into her arms.

"Bye fellas." She grinned and shrugged her own jacket over her shoulders as she tried to leave.

"Wh… you're going?" Korsak squawked. "But.. But you haven't seen us do the great finale! We're gonna make Frost sing!"

"I'm gonna have my own finale at home," she leered and was gone in a flash, Maura in hand.

Luckily for both women, Wednesday in Boston was quiet. People went to work, did their errands, brought their kids home from school. Nobody was killed. And thankfully, this meant that the two women with excruciating hangovers were left to their own devices. They snuggled, and kissed and finally found the cure to their pain; water, Advil, and sleeping in each others' arms as the rest of the world turned.