Idle Solicitude

When somewhat adopting a human hyper-active girl and a sad-excuse-for-a-demon live stress ball,

You find that your ears are always ringing from sounds that never existed before they came.

When meeting up with your stupid dim-witted half-brother who happened to be a bastard and cut your arm off,

Try not to slash the idiot's head off.

Even though that's what you were planning.

But still,

That stupid dim-witted half brother is still your half brother.

So maybe a huge slice to the front would suffice.

Or maybe a jab through the stomach?

But you already tried that and then his equally stupid wench interfered.

But you also couldn't help but admit slight respect for her.

Especially since she was quite powerful.

But she was stupid.

For who could not be stupid and end up falling in love with his equally stupid half brother.

Stupid miko.

And as to why you just thought all of this, well,

You have to think of something other than the pair of sinfully torturous hands running up your chest, wrapping weaves of cloth.

You duly noted that you are youkai and therefore, didn't need them.

She told you to shut up and let her do what she had to do.

Which just led to asking her why,

And she once more, told you to shut up.

And you did,

Because if you continued,

She would have moved her lips once more,

And your temptation would have grown.

But you shouldn't have a temptation.

She was a human.

A human miko.

A stupid human miko.

And that should have been enough to push him away.

But apparently it wasn't enough.

And that thoroughly sucked.

When she plays with Rin, secretly watch and observe at how she looks wonderful surrounded by flowers.

Gold would look irresistible on her.

You're sure of it.

And silver would be breathtaking entangled with her dark her.

And her rosy cheeks.

And her plump lips.

When she demands that she needs to wrap you in those unnecessary and comfortable bandages once more, try not to reach out and see if her skin really is as soft as it looks.

It's actually even softer.

And tastes better, too.

When she talks incessantly, try not to clamp your hand over her mouth to get her to shut up.

Although you secretly love when her voice becomes soft,

And you feel warm,

And you feel like sleeping.

But it's okay.

Sort of.

Because there's reason enough in her scent.

It's pleasant, and a motive enough to stay around her.

It makes you feel calm.

And happy.

And weird.

But that's okay, too.


When she comes back every time to help you, try not to act upon the desire to see if she tasted as wonderful as she smelled.

You held it in for a little while,

But it had to end eventually.

Everything did.

And the temptation just so happened to end when she lifted her hand,,

And her fingers were so delicate

And her skin was so soft,

And her touch was so gentle,

And she felt the markings upon your face – she lingered on the crescent moon…

And her eyes pooled into yours,


And so everything broke down the second you pulled her to you, your face falling on hers.

Her lips were as soft as petals.

And as addicting as her sweets.

Her face touched by the lightest of pink,

And so her fingers met your hair,

And you realized how much you loved the feel of it,

And wanted her to continue,

But that would have to wait a moment,

Because your little human charge just popped through the bushes,

And the miko's pink has darkened to a wonderful red.

After parting with words of girlish fantasies,

The miko's blush intensifies and she looks up you with an embarrassed smile,

You feel something warm pool in your chest.

And you know,

She is yours.

And you ended up repeating the actions you had started.

When the demon plunges his claws into her back,

Try to hold back the raging anger that pumped through you,

And try to hold back the agonizing worry that clung to you.

When you catch her before she falls,

Try to ignore the ache in your heart when she painfully smiles,

And after that,

Go destroy the demon that dared to cause her pain.

When she leaves,

Attempt to ignore the confusion as to why you feel so empty.

But you can't help but wonder why you feel this way.

But you already know why,

And can't seem to decide between on what to feel about it.

And try not to notice the warmth in your heart when she comes back with her smile.

When her demon son looks at you with respect,

Don't even bother to hide the pride you feel.

Because it seems you just can't hold back emotions from those who are close to you.

When you smell the poison,

Try to hold back the clawing worry and anguish as it clings to your throat.

And attempt to push the fear.

But you can't let her die.

You won't let her die.

And you already know why she can't.

Why she won't.

And so you save her,

And she gives you that smile that makes your heart leap.

And makes you pull her close.

And makes you ravish her all over again.

You can forget everything when she places soft kisses on your face,

Or touches the moon with the gentlest touch,

Or when she rubs her cheek onto your own,

Or caresses the parts that make you tingle,

You can forget everything,

They don't matter anymore.

When you leave for duties,

Try your hardest to let go.

And to ignore her pleading eyes.

And make that sad smile go away – she must be happy.

She is strong.

As you leave, hold back the smile as she runs up and gives you a warm hug.

And hold back that smile as she threatens you about coming back injured,

"You better be in one piece!"

And hold back that frown as you leave, and find yourself missing her.

She is yours.

Yours to love.

Yours to miss.


And you will prove that to the stupid hanyou who dared to take her from you.

Your heart leaps at the call of your name from her.

And at the sight of her beautiful smile.

So you made sure to beat the utter crap out of the hanyou.

You would have done more if she let you,

But there was no room to argue.

You forget everything when she kisses you, remember?

But not the fact that Inuyasha is watching,

So you can't help but smirk at the look on his face.

To hell with the sword, you got exactly what you wanted.

Smug and smirking,


So like… fin – cause I am soooo not making any more. Nuff practice.

~Paranoid Crack Abuser