This new fic is based on the current storyline of Bianca being attacked at the B&S ball. With an obvious emotional attachment to the situation, Charlie takes it on board to help her. And this inevitably leads to a reunion with her long lost love. And just as an aside, Home and Away is on a break here in the UK so I've not seen very much of the storyline at all. It's based on the idea but I haven't seen far enough to be guided by it. Anyway, I hope you like it. Feedback is always appreciated! Love, IJKS


Chapter One

"Charlie, I really don't think this is a good idea," Bianca Scott said anxiously.

She glanced unhappily at her friend, sitting in the driver's seat of her little, blue car. Shifting a little, her heart beat too loudly. It felt like it was thundering in her ears. Anxiously, she ran her hands through her blonde hair, feeling decidedly uncomfortable.

"We can go back if you want," Sergeant Charlie Buckton said evenly. "But I really think this will be good for you."

She turned and smiled encouragement at the pretty blonde in the seat beside her.

"Did you do something like this after...?" Bianca wondered.

Charlie sighed. Settled in their parking space outside a small community centre several miles out of town, she killed the engine and looked Bianca directly in the eye.

"No," she said. "And I wish I had because who knows how much quicker I might have recovered from what happened to me? My parents were amazing at the time but they weren't big on talking. The first time we really discussed what happened was when the truth about Ruby came out a couple of years ago. I think I would have benefitted from having somewhere to turn."

Bianca continued to look unhappy and uncertain.

"I just don't know if I can talk about it," she admitted.

Charlie reached into her bag on the backseat, for the small flyer she had picked up at work. Liam had then presented her with the same flyer, with both of them having the same idea about helping Bianca process her attack.

"It says you don't have to share anything you don't want to," she said, pointing at a line of text that said just that. "But it might help to at least be around people who've been through the same thing."

Bianca smiled.

"That's why I have you!" she said.

Charlie chuckled.

"I'm happy to support you every step of the way, Bianca," she promised. "And part of that is encouraging you to get any help you can. Let's just give this a go once and then if you hate it, you don't have to come again."

Bianca chewed her lip reluctantly.

"Okay, deal," she agreed.

"Good answer," Charlie said.

Taking a deep breath, both women climbed out of the car.

Entering the building, Charlie located a sign that read 'Survivors' with an arrow. It was hand written and not very professional but at least it gave them a direction. She led the way down the narrow corridor until she located the right room. Outside, she turned to Bianca.

"You ready?" she asked.

"As I'll ever be."

Nodding, Charlie pushed the door open. There were six people milling around the room – five women and one man, some sitting down and some making tea and coffee. One had her back to the group, organising some papers on a small table. Charlie narrowed her eyes. There was something familiar about her but it was a familiarity that she couldn't place. She had dark hair to her shoulders and a slim physique beneath black jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Bianca kept close to Charlie's side as they ventured further into the room. One woman turned around from where she had been making a cup of tea and smiled.

"Are you new?" she asked.

Bianca didn't speak. Charlie spoke up for her instead.

"Yes," she said. "This is Bianca. My name's Charlie."

Suddenly, the woman with her back to the group turned around, looking somewhat alarmed. She met Charlie's gaze immediately. It was Joey Collins.

Next time... Joey is stunned to hear some of Charlie's story as she and Bianca meet the rest of the group...