For a Little While

Genre: Romance/Angst/Hurt/Comfort

Rating: T

Warning: Inappropriate situations and language and a bit of gender-bending.

Summary: Lars van Rijn does not like being tied down to women who constantly gripe and moan about their past ex's. Lily Zwingli can't stand the fact that she's 18 with a childish body and a dishonest, "awesome" German fiancé. If only things were a little easier…

Disclaimer: I will never own Axis Power Hetalia or the characters -.-.

A/N: I am currently suffering from a bad cold and I am surprised that I have enough energy to even be writing this up, but I figured that a good friend of mine whose name starts with a K and has the reddest hair I've ever seen would be happy to see this.

Chapter One: In this Life part I

Lars Van Rijn had a low tolerance level for women who constantly tripped on excess emotional baggage, and the one sitting across from him had bags packed so fucking heavily he wondered how her small frame managed to lug them around.

After listening to the Englishwoman get drunk off her rocker (who the hell drinks so much in the afternoon?), moan, weep and groan for the past hour, he'd just about had it.

There were only so many burdens a man such as himself could endure from a woman (Alice was it?) who refused to see the light of day because her French lover of the past two years had made one mistake too many and slept with one woman/man too many.

He took another puff from his cigarette and exhaled as he continued to listen to her whine, finding the stories that she spoke of her ex boyfriend's affairs to be pretty entertaining.

Since this was their first date, she was evidently clueless that this was not the way to go about establishing a new relationship with someone. When he'd picked her up for dinner, he'd been truly impressed since she definitely was a looker with blonde hair and green eyes and had everything in all the right places with a steady job to boot.

For once he thought his half-sister who'd harassed into going out on this blind date, had finally done something right. It didn't take long for him to change his mind and decided that instead, she'd definitely done something wrong.

En route to the restaurant when a certain romantic French song began playing on the car's radio, the female Brit had begun crying her eyes out over what she tearfully explained to him as "painful, bloody memories." Evidently the pain only got worse, because she'd been sobbing and drinking his booze ever since.

Several times he had offered to take her back home, but she's crankily refused, saying that at some point she had to woman up and get on her with her life. And each time he'd come close to telling her that she a piss-poor job of doing so.

He knew of very few men who needed or wanted the stress of getting involved with someone who couldn't regain control of her emotions and let go.

He'd found out the hard way three years ago that some women actually enjoyed bemoaning a lost cause. He had fallen for a woman like that. After they had dated exclusively for ten months, she broke things off between them the moment her ex-lover returned to town and decided he wanted her back.

The scars from that encounter had been slow to heal.

"I guess I'm not making a good impression tonight with it being our first date and all, but I can't help it," Alice sniffed, breaking into Lars's thoughts as she sniffed into the tissue he'd given to her earlier and taking a another swig from the beer can.

When he didn't say anything, she continued by saying, "I cannot believe I'm still bloody upset over the fact that the stupid frog left me. He was nothing but a stupid pervert anyway."

A few minutes late she added, "But still, after what we used to mean to each other, you'd think the wanker would have the decency to at last return my phone calls. I'm so humiliated…"

Lars lifted an eyebrow, wondering if she really thought a "wanker" would actually do something decent. Then, belatedly, what she said caught his attention. "You've tried calling him?" he asked, more in annoyance then interest.

Alice had spent the past hour telling him how she'd discovered the guy had taken her jewelry to pay his German friend's gambling debts, as well as the fact that he'd been having an illicit affair with this woman in the office where Alice worked at.

As far as Lars was concerned, the man had two strikes against him. Alice was definitely better off without him and had said so herself several times during their date. Yet in the same breath, she had just admitted to calling him.

Lars determined that she was a glutton for punishment and was taking this love for the Frenchmen to an all-new high….or in his opinion, a very disturbing low.

"Yes, I've been trying to reach him for the past two days, ever since I found out about my condition," she finally answered as fresh tears appeared in her eyes.

Lars inhaled sharply, almost coughing from the cigarette smoke he tried to exhale. He cleared his throat and shifted uneasily in his chair, then inquired as calmly as he could, "Your condition?"


"Alice you better answer me right now because if you're sick with some incurable disease I'm taking your ass to the nearest clinic with me so we can both get tested!" he hissed.

This was their first date! They didn't have sex but…she did give him a drunken kiss when he had offered to take her to his house to sober up.

Still…sexually transmitted diseases can still be transferred through saliva…

Red, swollen eyes, tear-soaked eyes met his gaze. She again put his tissue to use as she sadly replied, "I'm pregnant."


A/N: Meh not the best first chapter but until I get better don't expect the best...I've been planning on making this chapter longer but oh well. Anyway, this is dedicated to Helenae-Cat and this story is set in the AU and yes Belgium and Luxembourg will be the half-sibling of Lars I'll explain why their only his "half" siblings in the next chapter. Oh and if you don't like Lars's last name then boo hoo -.-. I just so happen to like it.

And I'm sorry for making female England into such a wuss but I figured since she drank a lot her true emotions would surface and don't worry the baby is France's.

And in case you didn't know this is a Netherlands/Lili story so yeah.