A/N:I had this random idea, and a deep desire for some Ouran romance Pleas enjoy

Chapter 1:Sleep Beauty

Haruhi was curled against the plush cushions of one of the many couches in the host room after a long day of duties. She's laid down for a moments rest and fallen asleep peacefully for nearly an hour now. She was having a lovely dream that the entire host club was waiting on her hand and foot. It was quiet enjoyable. She was oblivious to everything around even the slight thickening of the air didn't disturb her in her pleasant dreams. It swelled with moisture that slowly began to rain down on the windows. Not even the man who, upon noticing the sleeping beauty, had approached. She was deep into her dreams.

The stranger hovered over her, seemingly hugging the shadows around his tall, slim frame. She's so beautiful, me mused watching her little hands twitch ever so slightly in her dreams. A smirk of sorts formed on his face as he folded his arms over his strong chest. He wondered why he hadn't noticed this sleeping girl before, too much work, he finally concluded. He vaguely realized what he was doing as he kneeled down in front of her, as if drawn in by each breath she took.

He should go, he knew that, but the blissful moment of unawareness on her part was too good to pass up. Quietly he lifted his hand from resting on his knee and gently laid it across the cheek of the beautiful, sleeping girl. Her skin was as soft and smooth as he had imagined it to be. He couldn't help but the small grin crossing his face as he felt her breath. Then suddenly her eyes fluttered and he withdrew his hand with a sharp intake of breath. She didn't stir.

CRASH! That did however startle the girl awake and she tumbled from the couch straight into the lap of her admirer.


A/N: Please review :) The more reviews I get the quicker i'm encouraged to write faster!