A/N: Hello DP Fans! I'm back with another story! Yay! I hope you enjoy this one as much as you did with my first 2! Thanks again!

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Darkest Powers. All rights go to their rightful owners!

Everyone had settled in a small abandoned house, still hiding from the ED. The kids sat in the living room, playing a game of cards by candle light. Derek was in the lead, also the score keeper. Tori was accusing him of cheating when Kit came through the door.

"We're out of food. I'm going out to get some more." He said, but Lauren walked up to him with her arms crossed.

"Not until you fix that toilet." She demanded.

"I will. When I get back." Kit said.

"I won't be able to wait that long." She argued. Kit looked her up and down, and noticed her legs were crossed too. He nodded, and started to walk towards the bathroom.

"I'll go get the food, dad." Derek volunteered.

"Are you sure?" Kit questioned.

"Dad." Derek said annoyed.

"Okay. Here." Kit said, and handed Derek some cash. Derek stood up and grabbed his jacket, while Lauren and Kit went to the bathroom.

"I'll go with you." Chloe said getting up too.

"Are you seriously leaving me here with him?" Tori asked, jerking her thumb at Simon.

"Your no party either Miss Diva." Simon retorted.

"Bite me, Asian." She replied.

"Kiss my ass, princess." Simon argued.

"Guys." Chloe interrupted. "We won't be gone long. Besides, Kit and Aunt Lauren will just be down the hall. So don't try to kill each other." She said, grabbing her jacket that Derek was handing her.

"That's only possible if she shuts up the whole time you're gone." Simon said.

"Says the one who keeps bitching about how his life sucks." Tori replied.

"You kids play nice." Derek said, ushering Chloe out the door.

They bought their dinner from a nice café nearby, and where laughing about Simon and Tori on their way back.

"How much do you want to bet that we walk in on them chocking each other?" Derek asked. Chloe laughed and shook her head.

"I doubt those two will ever get along." She said. They both kept laughing.

"It's going to take a miracle for that to happen." Derek said. They laughed for a while until the wind picked up.

Derek stopped right in his tracks, making Chloe stop as well. She looked up at him curiously, but then saw his expression. Derek looked to his left, and started to sniff the air, his expression becoming worried. Chloe saw the tension in his body and started to get a bit scared.

"What is it?" she asked, looking around.

"We need to go." Derek said, and grabbed Chloe's hand, pulling her down the road.

"Derek, what's going on?" she asked.

"Not now." He answered, walking faster, causing Chloe to jog.

Suddenly, Derek stopped again. Chloe looked up to see what was wrong and instantly wished she hadn't. There was a man standing in front of them. His hood was up, hiding his face. The man started to walk towards them. Chloe looked up at Derek and saw worry and determination in his eyes. Derek pulled her down an alley, trying to get away.

"What's going on?" Chloe asked.

"He's following us." He said. Chloe looked behind them to see the man still following.

"Who is he?" she asked, knowing that he had to be someone for Derek to be so worried about him.

"He's a wolf." Derek said. Chloe kept her screaming inside, and followed Derek down the alley.

"What are we going to do?" she asked.

"Try to avoid him." He said, turning down another alley.

This time another man was in front of them, coming towards them also. Derek looked back at the first man then looked at the other man, both of their sides blocked by buildings. Chloe gripped onto Derek watching the two men cautiously. They came closer, and Derek wrapped his arms around Chloe to protect her.

The men were closing in, and Derek backed up into a wall to close off access to his back. Chloe started to shake, and it wasn't from the cold.

"You scared?" the first man asked. He smiled at her evilly. He was taller than Derek with curly black hair and dark skin. He had piercing black eyes that bored into her. His nose was pointy and his two front teeth were crooked.

"Look at her. I could practically hear her knees buckling." The second man said. He was as tall as the first man, but more built. He wore a black beanie over his bald white head. His eyes were the same black and his face was more round than the first. Derek pulled Chloe closer to him, which made the two wolves laugh.

"Don't worry, pup. We aint gonna kill you." The first man said.

"Well, not here." The second one put in.

"You don't scare me." Derek said, trying to be tough. "Let us through." He demanded.

"See, we can't let that happen." The second wolf said.

"We have orders, you see. So there's no way out of this for you, or your mate." The crooked tooth guy said. Chloe was suddenly confused. There's that word again, mate. She thought. Then she saw the cruel and evil in the wolves' faces.

"I-if you t-take us. P-people will come l-look-king for us-s." Chloe stuttered.

"Well that's their loss, now aint it." Baldy said.

"Now, let's get going." The first guy said, reaching for Chloe.

She let out a shriek, and Derek grabbed his wrist. The man threw Derek to the opposite wall, leaving the other to take care of Chloe. The impact of the hit made Derek dizzy, only Chloe's screams brought his focus back. He launched himself at the bald one who held Chloe, but he easily swatted Derek away. These wolves were strong. Stronger than any normal wolf, Derek knew that something was off.

Chloe screamed again as the first guy grabbed her around the waist. Derek got up and pushed him against a wall, causing him to let go of Chloe, and he growled at Derek. He pushed Derek off with ease. Derek ignored the pain in his shoulder, and stood up to fight.

"Hey!" someone shouted. "There's no hunting on my streets." They all turned around to find a young woman. She stood there with a hand on her hip in a tight leather jacket and black jeans. She wore black converse, and her long black hair was tied up in a ponytail. She was tall, and her eyes were narrowed, but you could still see the chocolaty color in them.

"Didn't you get the memo?" she asked. The two wolves snorted and stood up to face her.

"Well look what we have here." The first man said, smirking that crooked toothed smile.

"If it isn't our old friend. How have you been Chaser?" the bald one asked. She looked over the two men and her eyes widened. She had an "oh shit" expression across her face.

"What are you guys doing here?" she asked.

"What does it look like?" the bald one laughed.

"You aint gonna stop us, now are ya?" the other one asked. The girl looked at Chloe and Derek, and confusion replaced her shock.

"But on your own kind?" she asked. They shrugged.

"More fun that way. Besides we're here for the girl." The first guy said.

"Don't even think about it." Derek threatened.

"And who's gonna stop us, pup?" the bald one challenged. Derek growled at him, but he just laughed. "Try to protect your mate all you want, but we're gonna get her." He said.

"You guys are on it. Aren't you." The girl said.

"Let me guess. You aint." The crooked tooth one said. She just looked at him, and he chuckled. "I always knew you were too weak and stupid to be one of us." He said, and turned back to Chloe. She gulped and clung to Derek.

"I aint stupid." The girl said.

Suddenly she tackles the first one, clinging onto his back. She started to tear at him as he tried to fight her off. Derek took this moment to tackle the bald guy.

Chloe stood there watching them fight. Derek was thrown against the wall with great force, making Chloe wince. She heard the girl scream and Chloe looked over to see the girl flying towards her. Chloe quickly ducked and the girl rolled on the ground. She groaned, but stood back up. She growled at the man and charged for him.

Then Derek's grunt caught Chloe's attention. Derek and the other guy were rolling around trying to get their hands on each other's necks. Chloe felt helpless, and wanted to help. She looked around herself and found a piece of plywood. Chloe smiled at her luck and picked it up. She ran over to a bald guy and walked him in the head.

The wood snapped, but the bald guy wasn't hurt by it. He threw Derek down the alley, turning towards Chloe. She gulped and dropped the wood and slowly backed up. Then with a load shout, the other guy slammed into the bald guy. They both hit their heads on the wall, and then collapsed groaning.

"C'mon!" the girl shouted, grabbing Chloe. Not knowing what else to do, she ran with the girl towards Derek. "We need to get out of here. I mean now!" she ordered, and helped Derek up.

All three of them ran down the alley as fast as they could with Chloe leading the way. They came to a stop in a park by a swing set. They were all breathing heavily, Chloe felt like she might pass out, and sat down on one of the swings.

"Who the hell are you?" Derek asked the girl harshly. She took a deep breath before answering.

"I'm sorry." She said. "I'm so sorry." She said, taking deeper breaths. Derek was irritated. Why was she apologizing? "My name is Chaser, but I'd rather go by Casey." She said.

"And you're a werewolf?" Derek asked. She simply nodded.

"Wait, there are girl wolves too?" Chloe asked.

"Yes, but they're rare to come by." Derek explained. Casey wiped her face, and Chloe and Derek had barely noticed she has started to cry.

"Sorry." Casey sniffed. "I just still can't believe what those guys have become." She said. Derek and Chloe looked at each other, both confused.

"Which is what?" Derek asked. Casey wiped away more tears.

"Monsters." She said. She shook her head and looked up at Derek. "It's all that damn V they take. That's what got them so messed up." She explained.

"Wait, what's V?" Chloe asked. Derek shrugged. Casey shook her head.

"Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. V is a drug, only known to us supernatural creatures." She explained. They still looked at her confused. "Um, V is Vampire blood." She said bluntly. They looked at her shocked.

"You expect me to believe that vampire's exist?" Chloe asked, disbelieving.

"We're real, aint we?" Casey pointed out.

"Where do you get it?" Derek asked. Casey shook her head, not going to say. "Do they know a vampire?" he asked. Casey stood up.

"Don't go lookin' for one. They're only trouble." She said, and started to walk away. Derek looked at Chloe, who shrugged.

Then they heard a load thump. They looked back at Casey, to find her on the floor, not moving. They looked at her for a few seconds, wondering what she was doing. Then Derek realized something was wrong with her. He got up and walked over to her.

She lied unconscious on the dirt floor. Her leg was bleeding heavily. Derek carefully turned her over to find a big gash wound on her thigh. How did he not notice it before?

"Oh my god!" Chloe gasped. "We need to get her help." She said.

"We don't know if we can trust her." Derek said.

"So what? Are we just going to let her bleed to death here?" Chloe argued. Derek looked at her, and saw that she was really worried about this girl. He sighed, and picked her up.

"Let's get your aunt to look at her." He said. She nodded and they walked back towards the house. "The things you get me into." He muttered under his breath.

I really hope you guys like it! I have a lot in mind for this story. So please review and leave me your thoughts, even if they're random. Thanks so much you guys!