"Douglas, I don't think you'll want to go in there right now." Said Arthur.

"And why ever would I not want to go into the flight deck Arthur?"

"Well uh," he looked down at his feet, "Skip is in there."

"And what about sir is so appalling that I wouldn't want to be in his company? Doing my job?"

"Well. The sticky notes."

"Yes? What about the sticky notes?"

"He put them in there too."

For the past few weeks Martin had covered Gerti in sticky notes. Each had some rule or regulation for pilots scribbled on it. Arthur had told their passengers that MJN was doing it in order to provide their customers with an educational experience. He had heard that on an advertisement on telly. It sounded smart.

"And? Arthur, you're making less sense than usual today."

"There are a lot of them and Skip looks…busy."

"Arthur, I don't care if he's busy. We need to get this plane in the air or Carolyn will have our heads. Whatever Martin is up to in there shall have to wait." Said Douglas as he opened the door to the flight deck.

Douglas looked around the flight deck in awe. Well, by "in awe…" Douglas, who is never "in awe", was experiencing a sensation similar to what mere mortals call "awe" because of the plethora of colourful sticky notes covering nearly every surface. In the middle of the colourful mess was Martin. He kept looking down into his lap, closing his eyes, and opening them again.
"Martin! What on earth are all these for?"

"Douglas! I was-you're not supposed to be in here. I told Arthur to keep you out."

"Yes. You may have done that, but sir seems to have forgotten we have a passenger to go pick up in Seoul."

"Douglas. I'm busy go away. I have to study."

"Study? What for?"

"Don't tell me you honestly forgot."

"I didn't honestly forget?"

"Oh for god's sake! Our licenses. We have to renew our pilot's licenses!"

"You're studying for that? Martin why on-"

"YES I am studying for it. Not everyone is a sky god like Douglas Richardson okay? Some of us need to study."

"Martin, you've covered Gerti in sticky notes. It's been like this for a week. Don't worry. You'll do fine. Let's go, pick up our passenger and-"

"But I need to-"

"Martin, quit fooling around," Douglass said sternly, " If we don't take off right now Mr. Sun will not be happy. We will be late, and he will tell Carolyn who will sack us both. On the bright side, we won't have to re qualify to fly because we'll be unemployed."

Martin groaned.
"Fine." He grumbled as he stood up.